ABSTRACTS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA DECEMBER MEETING AT BOSTON STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE FINLAY MOUNTAINS, TEXAS BY CLAUDE C. ALBRITTON, JR., AND WILLIAM 0. HAM * The Finlay Mountains of southern Hudspeth County, Texas, lie approximately on the boundary between the Sierra Madre and the Basin-and-Range structural provinces. The mountains are of Permian and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks cut by dikes and parted by sills and laccoliths of late Cretaceous or Tertiary age. Valleys and small intramontane basins contain Cenozoic alluvial deposits similar to those in the Hueco Basin to the south. Permian rocks aggregating approximately 1700 feet in thickness consist of flaggy siltstone, shale, cherty limestone, and conglomerate. Marine fossils, including some typical Leonard species, are found at many horizons from the bottom to the top of the section. Resting with angular unconformity on the Permian is the oldest Cretaceous forma­ tion, the Campagrande, 630 feet thick at the type locality, and consisting mostly of siltstone and impure limestone. Conformably above the Campagrande is the Cox formation, 660 feet thick near the western end of the mountains, where it is mostly sandstone, quartzite, and siltstone. Succeeding the Cox conformably is the Finlay formation—200 feet or less of limestone and marl. Structurally the mountains are dominated by two domes with their centers aligned northwest. Centrifugal dips around the domes generally do not exceed 20° and are steeper on the south than on the north. Lifting of the sedimentary roof above the smaller southeastern dome was partly accomplished by vertical movements along arcuate faults. The domes probably overlie laccoliths, like those of Sierra Blanca peaks 5 miles to the southeast. STRUCTURES IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN ALBERTA BY J. A. ALLAN A section across the Rocky Mountains in Alberta from the Continental Divide at Howse Pass to the major overthrust at the eastern face of the mountains has been studied. This 50-mile section was examined along the valley of the North Sas­ katchewan River which cuts obliquely across the structure. Only a small part of this section has been previously examined. The rocks range in age from lower Cambrian to Mesozoic and occur in three distinct structural units separated by major structural breaks. Faulting largely of thrust type with low and high angles appears to have extended over a long period. Earlier fault planes have been disturbed by later movements. Faults are more numerous and more important than folds formed in an early stage of compression. Low-angle overthrusting is later than high-angle thrusting. Normal faults indicating tension are younger than thrust faults. The stratigraphic column involves about 3 miles of strata. Evidence has been obtained on thicker series than previously recognized, and at least one new formation has been observed. * Introduced by Ellis W. Shuler. (1887) Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/52/12_2/1887/3430978/BUL52_12B-1887.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 1888 ABSTRACTS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA GEOLOGY OF THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA BY CHARLES A. ANDERSON Observations made on the recent E. W. S cripps cruise to the Gulf of California add information concerning the later geologic history of the gulf and of Lower California. The islands along the western margin of the gulf consist of tilted volcanic rocks of middle Tertiary age overlain unconformably by the Pliocene sediments. The volcanic rocks are similar to the Comondu formation of Lower California that dips moderately to the west. On the islands, the structure of the steeply dipping volcanics suggests that they were separated from the peninsula by faulting. The Pliocene sedi­ ments—gravels, sands, and limestones—were deposited in small embayments with the older rocks rising topographically above, identical to the environment of recent sedi­ ments of similar lithology. This suggests that the Gulf of California and the peninsula of Lower California were blocked out essentially in their present form by early Pliocene. If the Imperial formation (upper Miocene) in southeastern California with its Caribbean affinities was deposited in the seaway that initiated the present gulf, considerable faulting has modified that seaway producing the modem gulf. The lower and middle Pliocene rocks have been folded and faulted, while the upper Pliocene sediments have only been upwarped or faulted. Numerous Pleistocene terraces occur on most of the islands, and some of these have been faulted. The extension of Mesozoic granite from Lower California through some of the islands to Sonora indicates that the islands are blocks that did not subside during gulf formation. Only two islands represent volcanic cones. (Geological Society project.) PHYSIOGRAPHIC EVOLUTION OF THE NORTHERN DIVISION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS BY WALLACE W . ATWOOD AND WALLACE W . ATWOOD, JR. In carrying northward studies in the Rocky Mountain province, first reported in the B u l l e t in in 1938, the writers continue to find extensive areas of the sub­ summit erosion surface which they have called the Rocky Mountain peneplain. Abundant evidence is present of mid-Tertiary filling which occupied a very consider­ able area in the Rocky Mountain region in Pliocene times, when an extensive “cycle- end surface” characterized most if not all of this physiographic province. Evidence of marked orographic movements in late Tertiary time, subsequent to the develop­ ment of the Rocky Mountain peneplain, is present in the area. Vast quantities of the mid-Tertiary basin filling have been removed, uncovering some mountains and making others conspicuous topographic features. In Montana and Idaho Cordilleran ice has modified the late Tertiary erosion surface of the mountain area and produced many of the topographic details in the valley bottoms. In northern Montana and in the Canadian Rockies, as far north as Jasper, uplift of the mountains has been on a gigantic scale. Vigorous stream and ice erosion is still in progress; the topography is in a stage of extreme youth. The Canadian portion of the Rocky Mountain front range appears to be a land without a Tertiary peneplain. LATE PLEISTOCENE COAST RANGE OROGENESIS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BY THOMAS L. BAILEY The thickest known columnar section of Pleistocene in the world, about 5400 feet of strata, is well exposed near Ventura in southern California. Even here Pleistocene Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/52/12_2/1887/3430978/BUL52_12B-1887.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 ABSTRACTS 1889 sedimentation is far from complete because this sedimentary succession is separated into two parts by a profound angular unconformity which must have been accom­ panied by extensive uplift and erosion. The two divisions of the Pleistocene column are (1) an underlying 5100 feet of Lower Pleistocene terrigenous shales, mudstones, sandstones, and conglomerates, mainly of marine origin, which dip 35° to 75° south, and (2) an overlying 300 feet or less of Upper Pleistocene fluviatile gravels and silty sands which dip only 8° to 15° south. Land vertebrates, including Equus cf. occi- dentalis in both divisions and a large marine invertebrate fauna in the lower steeply dipping group, demonstrate that both these groups of strata are of Pleistocene age. Paleontologic, stratigraphic, and structural evidence point clearly to the conclusion that one of the principal intervals of orogenesis in the transverse (east-west) Coast Ranges of southern California occurred during the Pleistocene, not at the beginning as has been common belief in the past. This evidence suggests that two of our widely held geological concepts need to be modified as follows: (1) Extensive uplift and erosion may take place in a geologically short time in tectonically active areas such as California. (2) The Pleistocene may involve a longer and even more varied lapse of time than is generally supposed. AFRICAN RIFT VALLEYS AND AMERICAN TRIASSIC TROUGHS BY GEORGE W. BAIN Topography of Africa’s western rift conforms to structure. Its borders display all features recognized along Triassic basins of the Appalachians. Rift geology clarifies many features of eastern Triassic troughs. The western wall fault zone is more continuous than the eastern one. The Ituri lowland and Semliki valley merge opposite towering Ruwenzori; where Ruwenzori shrinks southward, the Kabasha escarpment rises opposite and divides them. Every­ where an unusually high fault scarp on one side is matched by an opposing gap. Echelon breaks, striking more southwesterly than the main zone, define the rift border. Ruindi escarpment slickensides pitch 10° northward where exposed 700 feet east of the main fault at Hot Springs. The brecciated scarp has receded uni­ formly here and at Kabasha where road cuts expose brecciated schist, gneiss, and minor shear zones for 2 miles into the mountain. The boundary fault follows the lowland side of the brecciated zone. Scarp recession and alluviation at major streams buried the fault in detritus from its own mountain. The lowland’s boundary is the receded fault scarp, not a more westerly boundary fault. Faults shift from the east to west side for different Triassic basins. Talus and landslide deposits along the eastern margin from Amherst northward are explained satisfactorily only by making the receded scarp they mantle the Triassic boundary structure. Southwesterly trending boundaries of Triassic troughs at Amherst,
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