DOCUMENT RESUME ED 337 600 CE 059 113 TITLE Hearings on Proposed Amendments to the Job Training Partnership Act. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Employment Opportunities of the Committee on Education and Labor. House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, First Session (Washington, DC, May 9 and 21, 1991; Bellmawr, NJ, June 17, 1991). INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor. REPORT NO ISBN-0-16-035435-8 PUB DATE 91 NOTE 442p.; Serial No. 102-24. AVAILABLE FROMU.S. Government Printing Otfice. Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/LegislativeRegulatnry Materials (0'70)-- Viewpoints (Opinion/Positivn Papers, Essays, etc.) (120) EARS PRICE MF01/PC18 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Adult Basic Education; Disadvantaged; *Employment Programs; *Federal Legislation; *Federal Programs; Federal Regulation; Hearings; *Job Training; Policy Formation; PostsfIcondary Education; *Program Improvement; Public PolLy IDENTIFIERS Congress 102nd; *Job Training Partnership Act 1982; Proposed Legislation ABSTRACT This documert records the oral and written testimony of persons testifying at Congressional hearingsabout prorosed amendments to change and improve the Job Training PartnershipAct (JTPA) of 1982. Witnesses '..estifying and/orpresenting written testimony at the hearings included several Representatives,the Secretary of Labor (Lyni, martin), and representativesof local JTPA programs, Private Industry Cotocils, literacyprograms, unions, and public agencies in the New Jersey and Pennsylvaniaareas. Witnesses said that there is concern about lack of oversightand fraud in the program, but that audits have found the actual incidenceof fraud to be very small. Witnesses also stressed that theprogram has been successful and that mote complicated governmentregulations could do more harm than good. Changes were suggested to allowthe program to serve more than the "cream,' of the eligible population,and additional funding was proposed to expand JTPAservices to more than the 5 percent that are presently being served. Morestringent and specific performance standards were also advocated. (KC) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the bestthat can be made from the original document. ************************************************r(********************** HEARINGS ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT P 415 C? tC.) Ise HEARINGS citZ BEFORE THE 1=1 SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SECOND CONGRESS FIPST SESSION HEARINGS HELD IN WASH1NGTC N, DC, MAY 9 AND 21, AND BELLMAWR, NJ, JUNE 17, 1991 Serial No. 102-24 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education Lu.d Labor U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educatfonal Research awlImproylmenl EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) /This document has benreproduced as reiyed from the person ororganization originating it improve 0 Minor s hays bean made lo -!..;..oduction ovality stated in Ihis docu- Points of view or opinions mem do not necessarilyrepresent official OERI position or pony U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 44 -241 . WASHINGTON 1991 I'm- hy the t ( ;merrimen) Printing Office Superintendent ol Documents, Congressional Sale% Office, Washington, DC 20-402 ISBN 0-16-035435-8 2BEST COPY AVAILABLE 44-241 0 91 1 COMMITME ON EDUCATION AND LABOR WILLI/VI D. FORD, Igan, Chairman JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsylvani, WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY, Missouri E. THOMAS COLEMAN, Missouri GEORGE MILLER, California THOMAS E. PETRI, Wisconsin AUSTIN J. MURPHY, Pennsylvania MARGE ROUKEMA, New Jersey DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan STEVE GUNDERSON, Wisconsin PAT WILLIAMS, Montana RICHARD K. ARMEY, Texas MATTHEW G. MARTINEZ, California HARRIS W. FAWELL, Illinois MAJOR R. OWENS, New York PAUL B. HENRY, Michigan CHAFLES A. HAYES, Illinois CASS BALLENGER, North CaNlina CARY C. PERKINS, Keatucicy SUSAN MOLINARI, New York TWAAS C. SAWYER, Ohio BILL BARRETT, Nebraska :;ONALD M. PAYNE, New Jersey JOHN A. BOFIZER, Ohio NITA M. LOWEY, New York SCOTT L. KLUG, Wiscoosin JOLENE UNSOELD, Washington MICKEY EDWARDS, Oklahoma CRAIG A. WASHINGTON, Texas JOSE E. SERRANO, New York PATSY T. MINK, Hawaii ROBERT E. ANDREWS, New Jersey WILLIAM J. JEFFERSON,,Louisiana JOHN F. REED, Rhode Island TIM ROEMER, 'ndiana PETER J. VISCLOSKY, Indiana RON DE LUGO, Virgin Islands JAIME B. FUSTER, Puerto Rico SUBCONMIME ON EMPIDYMENT OPPORTUNITIE:. CARL C. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman ROBERT E. ANDREWS, New Jersey STEVE GUNDERSON, Wisconsin PETER J. VISCLOSKY, Indiana SUSAN MOLINARI, New York WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan PAUL B. HENRY, Michigan (Ex Officio) 3 CONTENTS Page Hearings held in: Washington, DC, May 9, 1991 1 Washington, DC, May 21, 1991 87 Bellmawr, NJ, June 17, 1991 249 Staten 'nt of: Bailey, Shafter, Executive Director, Kentucky Council on Vocational Edu- cation, Frankfort, KY 292 Barclay, Terry, Chair-Elect, National Older Worker Employment Son,- ices, [N.o. WES], President, Operr..tion Able for the National Counci: on Aging, Detroit, MI 282 Cintron, Ella M., Director, Camden County JTPA Office, Camden, NJ 270 De La Rosa, Hon. Julian, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Labor; accompanied by Gerald Peterson, Assistant Inspector General, Office of Audit; Franklin Frazier, Director of Education and Employment, Human Resources Division, General Accounting Office, and Sigurd Nilsen, Assistant Director for Labor Issues 24 Harris, Alan S., President, Harris School of Business, Cherry Hill, NJ 344 Kane, Elma, President, Kane Business Institute, Cherry Hill, NJ 368 Keller, Jody, Chair, York County Pennsylvania Private Industry Council; and Calvin Johnson, Legislative Representative, Department of Legisla- tion, AFL-CIO 211 Mackin-Wagner, Caryl, Executive Director, Focus on Literacy, Inc , Laurel Springs, NJ 402 Maguire, William, Director, Camden County Reach Program, Camden, NJ 314 Martin, Hon. Lynn, Secretary of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor, Wash- ington, DC, accompanied by Roberts T. Jones, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and 'Training 6 McCormick, Jack, President, Camden County Board of Realtors, Strat- ford, NJ 261 Norcioss, George E., Jr., President, AFL-CIO Central Labor Union of Camden/Gloucester Counties, Camden, NJ 254 Osborne, Virgil, Executive Director, Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Em- ployment Program; William A. Tracy, Executive Director, New Jersey Employment and Training Commission, for the National Governors' Association; and Hon. John Gartland, Chairman, National Commission for Employment Policy 165 Power, Philip H., Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce; Hon. Kay Beard, Vice Chair, National Association of Counties' Employ- ment Committee, Commissioner, Wayne County, MI; and William H Kolberg, President, National Alliance of Business 95 Reese, Deborah, CEO, The Work Group, Member, Camden County Pri- vate Industry Council, Pennsauken, NJ 358 Prepared statements, letters, supplemental materials, et cetera: Bailey, Shafter, Executive Director, Kentucky Council on Vocational Edu- cation, I rankfo:t, KY, prepared statement of 296 Barclay, Terry, Chaii-Elect, National Older Worker Employment Serv- ices, [NAOWES], President, Operation AHe for the National Council on Aging, Detroit, MI, prepared statement o:' 285 Beard, Hon. 'flay, Vice Chair, National Associat'on of Counties' Employ- ment Committee, Commissioner, Wayne Comity, MI, prepared state- ment of 111 Cintron, Ella M., Directrr, Camden County JTPA Office, Camden, NJ, prepared statement of 273 4 IV Page Prepared statements, letters, supplemental materials, et ceteraContinued Dean, James R., Chair, Spokane Area Private Industry Council, prepared statement of 237 De I a Rosa, Hon. Julian, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Labor: Letter dated May 31, 1991, to Hon. Carl C. Perkins, enclosing adii- tional material for the record 75 Prepared statement of 30 Frazier, Franklin, Director of Education and Employment, Human Re- sources Division, General Accounting Office: Letter dated August 13, 1991, enclosing responses for the record 434 Prepared statement of 40 Gartland, Hon. John, Chairman, National Commission for Employment Policy, prepared statement of. 190 Gunderson, Hon. Steve, a Representative in Congress from the State of Wisconsin: Prepared statement of May 9, 1991 4 Prepared statement of May 21, 1991 90 Grover, flerbert 4., Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of Wiscon- sin, prepared statement of 92 Harris, Alan S., President, Harris School of Business, Cherry Hill, NJ, prepared statement of 349 Helmke, Hon. Paul, Mayor, Fort Wayne, IN, prepared statement of 227 Johnson, Calvin, Legislative Represeitatire, Department of Legislation, AFL-CIO, prepared statement of 219 Johnson, Carole M., Chancellcr, Minnesota Technical College System, prepared statement of 236 Kane, Elma, President, Kane Business Institute, Cherry Hill, NJ, pre- pared statement of 371 Keiler, Jody, Chair, York County Pennsylvania Private Industry Council, prvared statement of 214 Kolberg, Wi"iam H., President, National Alliance of Business, prepared statement of 146 Mackin-Wagner, Coryl, Executive Director, Focus on Literacy, Inc, Laurel Springs, NJ, prepared statement of 405 Maguire, William, Director, Camden County Reach Progiam, Camden, NJ, prepared statement of 317 Martin, Hon. Lynn. Secretary of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor, Wash- ington, DC, prepare statement of
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