Outdoor spaces show indoor style HOMfTOWf1IlIf£, Cl ~m'~mWtwwwt'%~q!f4HI§M*MMW%';@i\tiiif%ili!ItM.IUtim@~;@Wi~Wwti@_8~ CANTON THURSDAY June 28, 2007 75 cents WINNERS OF STATE AND NATIONAL AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE www hometownhfe com Canton's second Wal-Mart to 'upgrade' Michigan Avenue BYTIFFANYL PARKS Canton TownshIp latlOn by bUIldmg a second STAff WRITER SupervIsor Tom Yack saId 10catlOn, whICh wIll mclude a there has been a lot of coop- full-servICe grocery store The townshIp has gIven eratIOn In movmg through The store IS slated to have an Wal Mart a green hght the process commg from Wal- upgraded verSlOn of one of Its to buIld a Supercenter on Mart best archItectural treatments MIchIgan Avenue The Arkansas-based com- 'It's an upgrade from the On Thesday, the TownshIp pany has a store on Ford Road Grand Blanc store,' Yack Board approved amendmg a m Canton but ImmedIately saId, addmg that the Genesee planned dlstnct development expressed an mterest III the County 10catlOn was already agreement for the 19-acre sIte, MIchIgan Avenue parcel after handsome to begm WIth ThiSISan artist's rendenng 01what the newWal-Martwilllooklike at MichiganAvenueand BelleVilleRoad whIch was once slated for a Costco abruptly dropped ItS The store WIll feature a CosteD Warehouse plans m February boulevard-style entrance, Yack applauded the retllli when a Wal Mart next summer II The 176,000-square-foot Wal-Mart representatIves landscaped parkmg lots and gIant for steppmg m to revll1llp spokeswoman sllld the old "Darn, he chuckled I store wIll SIt on MIchIgan at have saId they want to tap mto a computer klOSk promotmg the eyesore parcel and cement plant on the SIte BellevIlle Road the townshIp s growmg popu Canton actlvities expressed dlsappOlntment won t be demohshed untll tlparks®hometownllfe com I (7341459 27DO Canton man District puts kids , named Soldier back on bus BY TONY BRUSCATO of the Year STAff WRITER Plymouth-Canton Schools BY KURT KUBAN Supt JIm Ryan saId the num- STAFF WR TER ber of students who wIll be affected by the mcrease w US Army Nc Jarrod BaIley a 2004 gradu elementary walkmg dIstance ate of Salem HIgh, dId hIS hometown of Canton from a mIle to 11/2 mIles has proud by earmng InstallatlOn Management been reduced sIgmficantl)t Command (INCOM)-Europe SoldIer of the Year Ryan saId of the 2,400 The chaplaIn s aSSIstant, who IS statIOned at dents who Were lnrtlaj1r :';SAG Hohe fd~1 1 GellTId-u), COl1~dt:d at;al I:' ed by the Lhalrg~ al'pro'\le 10 other soldIers and offIcers m a three-day com the Board of EducatlOn, the petltlOn held m late May m Stuttgart, Germany final number WIll be (i41!J,tu- The competltlOn mcluded a comprehensIve evalu dents who prevIOllsly .:oae It atlOn of skIlls rangmg from phYSiCal fItness to bus who WIll now be reqU1l'ed mlhtary knowledge They "ere tested m land to walk to school " naVIgatIOn exerCIses, weapons quahflLatlOll, and We hterally looked at <:yery WrItten exams There was also a surprIse road smgle home and apphed the march dlstnct's safety standar<!:li'" BaIley, who was nom mated to partIcIpate m the Ryan saId "We don'tlkldS competltlOn by Sgt 1st Class RIchard Fabergast to cross any waJor ro , nd IS the son of RIchard and Conme BaIley of everybodyltas to ha~ Canton walkwaYs"though ~t:ao"sn t 'My WIfe and I are extremely proud of the necessarUy.",ean a')sI\1{\\lalk dedICatIOn and hard work that Jarrod has demon U S ArmyPIc Jarrod Batley a 2004 graduate 01Salem High was recently named the Soldier01the Year01InstallatIOn "Wfl vMY,$oQn~iltY~e P3ff- ~trated to achIeve thIS hIgh honor, saId RIchard ManagementCommand-EuropeThechaplain s assistant whoISstationed In Germany ISshownhere duringthe compelitlon ents ot:W..~t>'li1~s, ltn~ BaIley, last month WIll p:tej?,lIX-e 91lr pr ' , After hIgh school, BaIley attended Schoolcraft becau~e+kllOwthere ean ~a , College for a year before decldmg to Jom the As a chaplam aSSIstant, BaIley helps run dIf- My whole Idea IS to be the best you can be mcreasll'llf'patent tra H e Army He left for bootcamp on July 5, 2005 ferent events, such as plannIng and executIng and It seemed thIS opportumty would take me added i;; r? Accordmg to h,s father, BaIley Jomed the Army funeral serVIces HIS other dutIes Include actIng towards th<1t The whole thmg went from an expe- Ken J'l~lihe.assiStant because he wanted to be a part of somethmg as bodyguard for the chaplams escortmg duty, nence to a competltlon, BaIley told the Bavanan superm~e~;ftlt admmls- bIgger than hImself by helpmg fIght the war on Vlslt<1tlOnof wounded and provldmg secunty News 'I really dId It to make a good ImpreSSIOn tratlve serVIces, saId whIle l.t terronsm Although he volunteered to go to Iraq, when chaplams are travelmg on my leaders may appear the d,stnct back- the Army sent BaIley to Germany for two years, When BaIley was fust told he was bemg nomI- BaIley wIll now represent INCOM-Europe at tracked on the busmg ISSne, It where he has been supportmg the Chaplam's nated to partlcipate In the event, he was a bIt the INCOM worldWIde competItIOn for SolIder of Just took tlme to look at each Mmlstry at the Hohenfels Garnson - a large reluctant, but he agreed because he thought It was the Year, whIch IS scheduled sometlme m July at student's SItuation before mak.. Army trammg faclhty Just south of Nuremburg a great opportumty Fort A P HIll, m Vlrgmla mg a final declslOn We already prOVIde buslllg to kIds who hve wlthm a mile If there are no SIdewalks, preda- tors, all those kmds of thmgs;' Jacobs sald The school board Heritage Park concert series to feature all new lineup told us they wanted to mam- taln SImIlar parameters» As a result of the change, BY TIFFANY L PARKS All shows are free newcomers mterested In a m the Day on July 5, JIll Jack atlOn and parks month Ryan saId the projected cost STAff WRITER and begm at 7 30 P m partlcular act or fans of the on July 12, the GratItude Steel At the July 26 show, eon- savmgs WIll most hkely drop Concertgoers may brmg blan performmg band Band on July 19, the Sun certgoers can donate a from $206,000 to about The townshIp s Thursday kets or foldmg chaIrs Im not sure how we came Messengers on July 26 new or gently used pIece of $40,000 NIght Summer Concert Senes The annual serIes has an up WIth Thursdays, but It and Sunset Boulevard on clothmg and get a free small • The Board of EducatIOn wIll kIck off WIth a blast all-new Ime up thIS year seems to work, she saId It s Aug 2 popcorn Thesday mght passed the - and a hIgh note or two I feel lIke the Paula Abdul a good way to kIck off the At the July 5 show, attend For more mformatIOn on 2007-08 budget As expected, Crowds averagmg 400 of Canton, Joked Jenmfer weekend ees can donate a canned good the senes, VISItwwwcanton- trustees approved a $151 6 mIl- strong have made theIr way to Eubanks, serIes orgamzer ConceSSlOllS :tre on sale and receIve a free can of pop ffil org and access the LeIsure hon operatlOn that mcluded Hentage Park AmphItheater My offIce ISfull of CDs It s durmg the famIly fnendly or bottled water SerVIces lInk on the home $4 2 mllhon m reductlOns and to lIsten to the sounds of area been great" shows, WhICh are weather DonatIOns wIll benefit a page. used $3 6 mIllIon m fund eqUI- talent Tomght s concert wIll Eubanks saId the concert dependant local chanty The July 19 per- ty to balance the budget feature the pop/rock sounds alldlenCe ISa mIX ofloyal folks UpcomIng performances formance wIll be luau-themed tlparks@hometownlJfecom of FIfty Amp Fuse that venture to every show, WIll mclude Larry Lee & Back to celebrate national recre- (734) 459 2700 tbruscato@hometownllfecom © The Observer & Eccentnc ~) INDEX Coming Sunday Newspapers .......... APARTMENTS '\ B8 For Home ' ,) AUTOMOTIVE C2 in Health DelIvery call -.) Volume 32 ..... CLASSIFIED 87 C4 ~ (866) 887-2737 Number 104 CROSSWORDPUZZLEB7 6~ V .~kgQfft;ot"J~c,nt~t1V[5it OW HOMETOWN LIFE 01 ~ bnm~f/rW.fitewW_ih~IJ,=m JOBS B10 MOVIE GUlDE El4 ~,..~\ , OBITUARIES Al4 -- 1~~~1'lMJ I' OPINION AIO '''.Jj ~MI~t~ PINK 04 ~~ ~i"'tiR;,d$<i~ REAlESTATE B7 RedCross holdsholidayblood eIIIe3174 10007 8 ~9t~ G»Nm SPORTS Bl driveSeeSunday~HealthSection AZ (C) Observer & EccentriC I Thursday June 28 2007 I LOCAL NEWS I www hometownllfe com ~--~-=---------,-------------=---------=._-~=~----- AROUND CANTON --~~--~ 'Carousel' auditions mcludes a lunch, and .s held For more mformatlOn, log Jnly 11has been moved to at a d.fferent locatIOn around onto the Chamber s Web s.te at Wednesday, July 18 The CCE SpotlIght Players .s hold- Canton, where the group w.ll wwwcantonchambercom WIll meet at 6 30 P m m the mg aud.tIOns for Carousel, tour the fac.IIty and have a Corvettes at Summit lower level of the Township Monday, July 16 and Thesday guest speaker that .s an expert AdmlmstratIon Bmldmg, July 17, at The V.llage Theater, m the field Part.c.pants wlll The th.rd annual "Corvettes located at 1150 Canton Center 50400 Cherry Hlll Road m learn a wIde range of spec.fic at the SummIt ISsched Road Canton Reg.stratIOn begms top.cs a.med at educatmg the uled for Saturday, July 14 Grub crawl at 6 30 P m Please use the partICIpants m .mportant top- at Canton s Hentage Park back stage door entrance For lCSessential to the communIty's Presented by Corvette Legends Canton Chamber of all and.t.ons please bnng a well bemg The class meets Club and Canton LeIsure Commerce, Canton non returnable photo and a once every month at vanous ServIces WIth sponsorsh.p by Townsh.p and the Downtown resume For more mformatIOn, locations around the commu- Lou LaR.che Chevrolet, the Development Authonty VISItwww
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