Go 9ic9.2 H3525h 1195126 >" (iENEALOGY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 03109 1520 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center http://www.archive.org/details/completememoirofOOhain ^^?^.y .c-r?^ ; A COMPLETE MEMOIR OF RICHARD HAINES (1633- 1 685), A FORGOTTEN SUSSEX WORTHY WITH A FULL ACCOUNT OF HIS ANCESTRY AND POSTERITY ^CONTAINING ALSO CHAPTERS ON THE ORIGIN OF THE NAMES HAVNE AND HAYNKS, AND THE VARIOUS COATS OF ARMS ASSOCIATED WITH THEM]; BY HIS SEVENTH MALE DESCENDANT. CHARLES REGINALD HAINES, M.A. Camr. AUTHOK OF "versions IN VERSE," " INDIA AND THE OPIUM TKADK," "education and missions," " chkistianitv and islam in spain," " mohammedanism as a missionary religion," and of a school edition of 'i he "' prometheus' of .bschylus." ]l 'ITH ILL US TRA TIONS. " Dos est nia^^na parcnliuin 1 'iiiiis." — Hor. I ^fJ^ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. '433^shcL. LONDON : PRINTED BY HARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANK, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. 1195126 TO THE MEMORY OF MY ANCESTORS, ESPECIALLY OF MY FATHER AND MOTHER, TO WHOM I OWE, WITH LIFE, ALL THAT HAS MADE LIFE WORTH THE LIVINO I DEDICATE THIS LABOUR OF LOVE. NAMES OF SITBSCRIP>ERS. *W. Barnes, Eri([., Camniuu Side West, Miteliain, .Surrey. A. Ridley Bax, Esq., F.S.A., Ivy Bank, Hampstead. J. P. Bickersteth, Esq., Grove Mill House, Watford, Herts. *Mi's. Bradstock, Bank House, Walthani Cross, Herts. W. Luni.sJen Byers, Esq., 29, Thornhill Terrace, Sunderland. E. Godwin Clayton, Esq., 10, Old Palace Lane, Richmond, Surrey. *Miss Clayton, 62, Elizabeth Stree^, Eaton Square, London, S.W. F. A. Crisp, Esq., F.S.A., Grove Park, Denmark Hill. E. H. W. Dunkin, Esq., Rosewyn, 70, Heme Hill, S.E. *Mrs. Fanny Grave, 26, Oakley Flats, Oakley Street, Chelsea, S.W. Everard Green, Esq., Rouge Dragon, College of Arms, London. *Major R. L. Haines, R. A , 2, Pentillie Avenue, Plymouth. *H. A. Haines, Esq., The India Office, London. *Captain Gregory S. Haines, Governor's House, Military Prison, Dulilin *The Rev. F. W. Haines, Bromley Common, Kent. "^Christopher Haines, Esq., Bacon's Farm, Bramfield, Heits. *Edwfin Haines, Esq., Brookers, Paddock Wood, Kent. W. Haines, Esq., 2, Marine Parade, Worthing, Sussex. W. T. Sanden Haines, Esq., Lavant, Chichester. The Rev. Francis A. Haines, Bosliam, Sussex. Charles Singleton Haines, Esq., Rock House, LTlverston. A. Montague Haines, Esq., Wellesley Lodge, Sutton, Surrey. The Rev. Willoughby Chaiies Haiires, Chaplain to the Forces. Hubert B. Haines, Esq., Victoiia, British Columl)ia. Miss Evelyn Haines, 110, Belgrave Road, S.W. Basil J. Haines, Esq., Manoi' House, Queen Charlton, near Bristol. Robert T. Haines, Esq., Hawthorne, Bickley, Kent. John Haines, Esq., 24, Hampton Place, Brighton. *Miss Mary J. Haines, Manor House, Clifton ville, Margate. *Mi's. Hare, St. Boniface, 32, Westwood Road, Southamj^ton. *Mrs. Ireland, Cowfold, Sussex. J. Leopard, Esq., Wycombe House, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. J. Lister, Esq., Basil Grange, West Derby, Liverpool. *Mrs. Richard Moline, 13, Burlington Street, Bath. Mrs. Peachey, Seacroft, Sandown, Isle of Wight. * Descendants of Richard Hainef. NAMES OF SUlSSGlilBElt.S. liugh i'fufuld, E^(i., J. P., Kustiiigt.m, Worthing. The Eev. H. Palmer, Sulliiigtoii Rectory, Sussex. W. M. Rliodes, E.?q., Hill House, St. Leoiiard's-on-Sea. R. Garraway Rice, Esq., F.S.A., Carpenters Hill, Pulboro', Sussex. ""'Mis. Rippon, Broadway, Hanwell. .Inlin Sinnnouds, Esq., Church House, Godahning, Surrey. Miss Sinnnonds, Chuich House, Godalming, Surrey. Sir Harry Stapley, Bart., Holyport, Bray on Thames, Berk The Rev. W. Tringham, Longcross, Chertsey. *Mrs. West, Clysraa, Granville Road, Scarboi'o'. Percy Woods, Esq., 50, Widmore Road, Bromley, Kent. * Descendants of Richard Haines ILLUSTKATIONS. Cdlduiecl c-oat of arms .... .... To face Titk" page Speed's map of West Sussex (1670) .... To face Introduction, p. ix West Waiitley House (exterior) To face p. 1 Seal of Martin Heyne.... /nsei to Cliaptei' II, p. 4 Clayton^ Fai'ui [ To face p. S Sladeland (back view) J Facsimiles of signatures n P- i: West Wantley House (fixmt door and inscription) -'-' , V- Sullington Chui'ch (exteriorjior; -, p. 48 „ „ (interior)iui)/ West Wantley (interior) p- Kiidford Church and graves .... Jolin Haines's Bible (inside uppei' cover) Bramber Church John Haines's Bible (inside lower cover) Sir Frederick Haines .... Robert Haines, M.B Tlie arms from seals ^ Sii Fiederick Haines's ai'ms / Relic —— CONTENTS. Chapter T. —Name Haynes, Haines, Heine, etc. — derived from Aiiinlpli ? Hainault ? —origin of form Haynes—Hayne—as a place name— as a common nonn—atte liayne—Hen—Heane—different spellings " '•• pp. 1-3 Chapter II. —Earliest occurrence of Hayne in Sus.sex— seal of Martin Heyne—Christian name Reginald—subsidies and charters—M.P.'s of the name—Hayne al's Cocks—descendants of —Haynr'8 in fiu.".s3.K pp. 4-7 Chapter III. —Earliest ancestor of Richard— his will—the Wase family early settlements of the Hayne clan—migration of some to Bioad water —the younger branch at Storiington—our buccaneer ancestor—migra- tion to Binsted—origin of name Gregory—the Broadwater Haineses purchase of Sladeland—inventory of goods of Richard (the second) of Binsted —will —will of wife—the first Gregory—purchases West Wantley —inventory of goods— will of widow Elizabeth .... .... pp. 8-20 ('iiAPTER IV. — State of England in 1633—marriage of Richard—builds West Wantley house—his children —brother Gregory's will—Gregory's widow—Richard's visit to the Netherlands—his private life — ^^'^i^i^-i*^'^ among the Baptists—influential friends—interview with Prince Rupert and the King—Caffyn—Richard's chaiactei'—humility—charity accusation against—a peacemaker—a "dreamer"—his dreams—quarters in Londou—his b(^oks- remarks on prisons—the social evil—temper- ance—a religious man—was he a Cromwellian ? — knowledge of the Bible—power of speaking—attitude towaicls Romanism ]jp. 21 -3!) Chaptrr y. — First patent—opposition of Caffyn—quarterly meeting Richaid excommunicated—grant of patent opposed—apologia of Richard —]iatent gi'anted—attempts at settlement of quari'el—appeal to Geneial Assembly— Assend)ly meets—case adjourned—subsequent meetings reversal of excommunication— statement by Richard—causes of his triumph—remains a Baj)tist—appendix on Caftyn —his errors pp. 40-50 Chapter VI. —Richard apologises for want of education—his coadjutor how far indebted to him—style of writing—homely—metaiDliorical technical and colloquial words—obsolete terms—phrases of luodern cast—grammar—noticealjle words and expressions- -proverbs— fable —spelling—knowledge of history ami literature .... ])p. .jl-5G —— Chapter Vil. — Kiehaid as pinjeutor— upijositiou—the poor queatioii niDtives for taking it up—trade — political econouiy—imports and t'xptirts — inDuev — uioiiopolies — coinage—economic fallacies —working Aliiis-liouses- -as in Holland—John Evelyn— success of the Houses of ill Netherlands—trade competition—objects of scheme—employment the poor—linen cloth—engine for sj^inning—patent—engine for beating hemp- -cost of Houses—English flax—Mr. Firmin—advantages of scheme —further explanation of it—government of Houses—woollen cloth fresh tracts on the subject—attempt to get the scheme passed into law reception by Parliament and the public—Thomas Firmin and other well-wishers—scheme nearly becomes law pp. 57-71 Chapter VIII. —Current att'airs—the convict system —vagrancy laws almso'iviijg —state of England—the navy —appendix on woollen trade burial in woollen .... .... .... .... .... .... pp. 72-74 ( 'iiAPTKR IX.— -Richard as farmer—outlay on patents—rotation of ci'ops forests —oak tiuiljer—ii'on- works—cider—cost of wines— of cider—book on cider-making—wine-growing in England— j^^tent for new cidei' advertisement in Gazette—method of making—oi'chards—fiuitgrowing (jualities of cidei-—goosebeiry wine—best apples for cider—spirits l)<)ttling —common cider—sugai'—storage—stale cider—orchards— stocks — nurseries— layering gooseberries and currants—proof spirit —the new cider pp. 75-84 Chapter X. —Death of Kichai'd—administration oi goods—burial —amount of estate—complaint of Charles Weston—answer of Giegoiy Haines in^•elltory of goods— ajspenclix on Wautley ])roperty .... p]). 85-92 Chapter XI.—EicharcVs son Gregory—residence—purchase and sale of lands—his son Gi-egory—letter from S. Carolina—among the Indians mariies an American—childien—death—son John .... pp. 93-98 Chapter XII. —Eichard's brother Gregory—will—widow remarries—son Gregory—buys land—rebuilds Sladeland—will of sister, Mary Green- field—becjueaths much property—legatees in her will .... ])p. 99-103 L'hapter XIII. — JoLn, son of Gregory of S. Carolina— serves in the Eoyal Navy- -lost his right arm—log of the Gloucester— 14 October, 1747 despatch of Admiral Hawke—John as A.B. —discharged sick—familv Bible—entries—John appointed giiiniei- to Montague—Berwick— Jasoic— Preston— Kipling on wairant officers-- John pensioned retirement from ser\ ice —as landowner—will— children— daughter Han- nah's will — son John's will —daughter Jane's will—end of Kirdford connection pp. 104-114 < HArTER XI v.— Sir b'rcderick Haines—father Gregory Haines, C.B.— birth of Sir Frederick— .school — military service—Jiientioned in Kingiake's Crimea pjj. 115-117 —— CONTENTS. XI Chapter XV.—Tlioina.s sou of Jului—surgeon— inuctire—ix'sid :.;-•-.• - M\\i>v of (jodaliuiiig-—iiiiiiiatiire of liiui—uiariiage—second marriage—death diildren—wills of Robert and John, his sons—son Samuel pp. 118-123 l>Liys practice ( 'iiAi'TER
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