, .. 1, 1943 =-- Ration Calendar l'1I0CESSED 1'000 .tamps R. Sand ,. oxplre Sop!. Showers ived ~O; FUEL OlL coupons D expire Sept. 30; MEAT .... mp. X . Y and Z and A meat nampa In book 3 expire Oct. 2; PROCESSED FOODS stamps V. V and W .)1- IOWA: LlI'bt __en.. WumeJ'. plre Oct. 20; SUGAR otamp 14 and home eannlnlf THE 'DAILY IOWAN Ifice .tampa 16. 16 expire Oct. 31; FUEL OIL per, I coupon •• '43 ... '44. expire Jan. 3, '44. 10wa City's Morning Newspaper lust flVE CENTS THB A880CIATIlD PIUl88 IOWA CITY. IOWA SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. 1943 rB8 A8IOOlAftD PUll VOLUME XLllJ NUMBER 293 was re_ a Office CITIZENS OF LIBERATED KHARKOV READ THE NEWS , it 'Was LUn"lir IJsbu~8e. h total Allies Disclose Peace Terms report ~as re. current 100 qver l"e~ for 1 special in mis­ With Italy, Ga'i,n at "Naples lS, and f Uhds, WANTED--BY HITLER'S HIRELINGSI fn ce of As Allies Receive- niscclla_ Italian-Forces . Silerno Falls; i J1~ JIPO'!P\ , ,57, and a.,. - . 02 1.40. districts Ita/ian $3,864.03 Will Be Used Italians Fight ,tenance 135,04. ' nance Fleet ut and Against Nazis Nazis i·nN 'orth r school By *CLARK * * LEE D1strlbllted by The AiIOClated EAGERLY SOANNING Russian newspa.pers displayed on the walls 01 a bllllding are these war news­ Press United Nations Take & _ .~ German CounteraHack bllDfry citizens of Kharkov, who now keep posted on the rout of the German forces who once held their ABOARD THE BRITISH DE· Corsica, Air, Naval Repelled at Naplel rreat Ukr~lnlal\ city. STROYER HAMBLETON IN THE ---, ..,,-..,- ~ Units for Own U.. ,. ,.,...,. By Navy, Airforee MEDITERRANEAN (AP) - The ------ .. .... ---..-.............. .. - main force of Italy's modern, pow. ......-- .... ~-, .-_ ..... .... .. --. ................ ... By EDWARD KENNEDY erful battle fleet is in allied hands, ALLIEP HEADQUARTERS IN ................- III.,.,..., .... .. ~.It ___ ... Onrushing Red Army Captures, 200' Villages, intact and l'eady to be turned NORTH AFRICA (AP)-Italy has ............ - ....... .. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN against our enemies. agreed to surrender immediately =~~c::-:-.-:................. .,-... ..... NORTH ' AFRICA (AP)-Ameri­ Escaping from Halian ports de- French Corsica, transfer its naval .......................... CIIn Filth army forces, hurling back spite German vigilance and-with _.-.. ........... ..-..­ the exception of one capital ship and air units to allied territory, ...................... German armored units to expand Slays 4,000 Nazis as E.oemy Forces Relreal - their holdings around Naples in which was sunk - eluding angty h.ap~ over all ' united nations' attacks by Nazi planes, the Italian prisoners, and allow its merchBnt- .......... , __ , the heightening battle of Italy, _ .... ,.... ," --.- have captured the port of Salerno, Germans Announce vessels surrendered to British men to be used in the war ogainst I , -----from I Germany under the terms of the THISE TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS. taken directly the Novo Vreme. allied headquartel'S announced Red Sea-Borne Blow Issue of July 21, the o!l\elal Nul new.paper in Be1rrade. offer 100,000 yesterday as chaos &ripped the Siorni Assumes Responsibility for Letter . ~e"J:~e~~!~e~~ t~~dhi!~r~eae~~dr~~ armistIce, disclosed her e last On Novorossisk Base today into Malta and other ports. g.'ld markll IUO.OOO I tor the capture, dead or aUve. ot Gen . Oruha peninsula and Italian troops were night-. Mlhallovlc. pictured lett. leader 01 the Y~ro-lav Chetnllu. and TllO. reported fighting the Nazis in the I To Secretary of Stale Asking Lend-Lease an~b~:~~~c~~!~~e~t ~~~j~;a:ti~ The armistice, signed by repre­ pictured right. leader of the Yugoalav P&I't1IIana. The noticH are north. By JAMES M. LONG - four-year fight for control of the sentatives 'of Gen. D wig h t D. prOOf or the Axil Impot~ce tn trying to put down naUn rellll'tence. Lieut. Gen. Mark W. Clark's LONDON, Sunday (AP) - The Mediterranean Came yesterday ThlJ I. an O!l\ce of War information Photo,, ·" (lnttrnll/on,l) American and British assault !led army pursuing German troops BUENOS AIRES , (AP)-For. for lease-lend. Storni said his let- afternoon aboard this ship when Eisenhower and Marshal Pie\,ro Bad.PiJlo bn Sept. 3 and·announced ... .... ... .. .. .. troops drove steadily inland to "retreating in disorder" in south. mer Foreign Minister Se~undo R. ter to Hull had been "confiden- Admiral Sir Andrew Browne Sept. 8, provides: widen the Naples wedge, and ern Russia overran nearly 200 Storni announced last night that tial" and that he did not expect it Cunningham, who commanded the , 1. Immediate cessation of all headquart rs declared that the villages yesterday and cut down he assumed full reSponsibility for would be given publicity. British lieet throughout the strug- hostile activity by Italian armed · A dd Sf" reng th bridgehead was firmly establl hed, 4,000 of the enemy in smashing a letter to Secretary of State Hull, Wrote "in Good Faitb" gle, watched as a strong battle unit forces. Naz IS with "steady progr " having cains that threatened to .trap asking lend-lease aid from the of the Italian navy steamed hy in , been made ever since the sta!'t of hundreds of thousa nds afaxis United States, which drew from wrote my letter (to Hull) in review formation. 2. Italy will use its best endea­ "I vors to deny to the Germans fa­ the campalen· troops, including those in the Cau- Hull a rebuke and precipitated an good faith and according to my Eisenhower a.t Side cilities that might be used against casua and Crimea, a Moscow dis- Argentine cabinet crisis. modest knowledge and under- At his side on the destroyer's the united nations. /n SOU th ern Eu r 0 p e ~::::edGe:e~lar::~:, t~:!~ cOllnteTaUad!:, araln t General closed early today. Storni said he had accepted re- standing," said Storni.. "1: had bridge were Gen, Dwight D. Eisen- 3. All prisoners or internees of The bulletin announced a 7 1-2 sponsibility in a letter addressed hower, and the admiral's chief ot hoped for a better reception." staff C mmodor R M D' k the united nations to immediately LONDON (AP) - The Germans In official and special communi. Clark', troop It alerno, but 1J1i1eplunge toward Pavlogra~ to Gen. Pedro Ramirez, chief of ,0 e . IC . be turned over to the allied com­ claimed yesterday to have consoli· Ques datelined from Hitler's head- these were belten badr by tbe llllportant junction on the Khar- the government. The "repercussions" to which Both Admiral Cunningham and quarters and subsequent broad- ames, who Plllbed fnlaltd here \IOv-Crimea railway, in the race He said that the "wide reper- Storni referred were a cabinet General Eisenhower were elated mander-in-chief and none Of dated their pOSition in upper Italy, wltb tbe asaIstance of ._bln&' for 'the Dnieper river, and sai~ cussions" of his lAtter to 11ul1 had huff) f d b at this tremendous addition to the these may now or at any time be the Balkans and southern Frence, cast,s from the Berlin radio, the aeri.1 'leetl and 01 bg. aunt 01 " res e orce y renewed at- allied fleet, which altered the evacuated to Germany. Germans admitted that they en· Jlavar vessel, )YinI offshore. ~v1et torces attacking on a 600- motivated his resignation ellrly ta k b llied e1 t and they asserted that more 'hah Countered resistance at some (A BerUn broadca t recorded in 'fr.ont were inflicting "de- last week, w)l.jeh _fdlloWeO clOl!ely C s , r pro-a , eme~ s on whole course ot tlle global ballmce i · Immedilite 't11!IJl er of the 200,000 men of the ltallan army ~ve plows' on the enemy. upon publication QCHull's 'snarp- ~e , Ramirez g(Jt'ernmentrs neu- of eeapower by fre~ng British a ,ltWiaD iJeet ahd ltall.n all'Craft points trom their erstwhile Jt~llan London said American troops had "The Hitlerites are retreating in. ly-worded rejection of t~e request trality poli~y . American ships to fight Japan. to such points ,all may be deslg· already had surrendered their allies but de(!lared that Nazi made a new landing on the Sor­ lliaorder," the bulletin said of the (Unconfirmed r ad i 0 reports Their mighty guns silenced by nated by the allied commander- arms to Nazi troops. troops are proCeeding "in an en· rento peninsula, south of Naples, German flight out of the Donets ftom Chlle said the cabinet crisis orders of their commanders and. In-chief, with details of disarm~ (The British radio recorded by ergeUc manner' 'to put down this which separates Salerno bay trom opposition where it sun .Is being the Bay ot Naples. ~~!lI1t, • • ( I ,. fL 1)ad exploded: in~o an intern!!l r:e- flying hfromb their highest masts a am.ent to be prescribed by him. CBS said that Yugoslav patriots ' New advances also were ap ·ure.o . ae volt, with 'Ramirez ousted by a midnlg t- lack triangular lIen- 5. Italian - merchant shipping had joined Italian troops in "bit­ offered. The German Transocean (Another German bra dCB t ad- wle4 aroJUld Br,....,k on the military junta.) nant which was the agreed sign of may be requisitioned by 'the allled ter fighting" against German news agency claimed "the major mUted the capture of Salerno by ' IIGlth alld south. and a six-mile • , . .. RainJrez Issues Statement surrender, two Italian battleshIps, commandet:-in~chief to meet the troops In the viclty of Kotor. The part. of the ltaUan peninsula" was the Americans and aid their land­ raiD carried the Russians to General Ramirez issued a proc- five cruisers and four destroyers need of a ,mllltary-naval program.
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