Chapter 34 The SECRETS Software e understand that despite the countless hours your cheerful authors Whave spent researching and writing this book, you may well consider the software supplied with this book to be the main course. Before we begin, please note: the SECRETS software comes on a CD. If you don’t have a CD-ROM drive, send in the coupon at the back of this book. The publisher will send you high-density floppy disks at no charge. The floppy disks don’t contain everything on the CD-ROM, but the three-disk set includes over 9MB of the best stuff. The floppy-based collection includes all the commercial software plus most of the shareware that’s specifically men- tioned in the discussions in this book. WHAT YOU’VE GOT HERE There are three categories of software on these disks: commercial software, shareware, and freeware. I Commercial Software: These are full-fledged, non-demo versions of commercial programs. You may get the actual, current software package (such as DiskFit Direct) or the previous shipping version of something (such as Claris Emailer 1.1). In exchange, the software companies hope you’ll want to upgrade to newer versions as they appear. (You’ll find demo versions of several Adobe and Claris programs here, too.) They’ve made doing so attractive, too, by including coupons with special offers at the back of this book. I Shareware: Shareware lets you try out the programs without paying a dime up front. Then, if you like the software and want to continue to use 1079 1080 Part V: The SECRETS Software Vault EVERYTHING’S DIFFERENT, it, the honor system dictates that you pay them the NOTHING’S CHANGED small fees their authors request (usually between $10 and $20). If you’ve owned previous In exchange for paying the fee, some authors give editions of this book,don’t be fooled — although some titles you a password to unlock additional features or elim- of the programs we’re including inate persistent reminders to pay up. Often you’ll get here look familiar,almost all of a manual or a disk back by mail, containing the them are included here in newer newest version of the software, along with a selection versions.And they’re not of other products in the author’s line. finished,either — no software I ever is — so we plan to post Freeware: Some of the programs on our disks are updates for the shareware and designated as freeware; no payment is requested. The freeware programs on the Web author retains the copyright. site during the year.The address, of course,is http://www.idgbooks .com/idgbooksonline/macsecrets. DISCLAIMER You’ll notice one other change in the CD-ROM,too — we’ve done We’ve tested every program here on Power Macs, away with those cute custom PowerBooks, and standard desktop Macs. Still, here’s folders ... the ones with the about the only guarantee we can make: this stuff works miniature icon inside each on our machines. We can’t promise that it all works folder.We discovered that when smoothly with whatever junk you’ve already got in your you open a window containing a System Folder. Strange as it may sound, we also can’t hundred of these things,a CD is painfully slow.So our software promise that it all works together without a little experi- comes packed this time in plain, mentation — you’ve got to be pretty bold to throw 90 boring,ordinary folders — and control panels into your System Folder at once. the windows open a lot faster. Some of the potential problems are common sense: Finally,as long as we’re don’t install a screen saver if you already have After discussing things that change Dark. Take out Adobe Type Reunion if you want to over time:our apologies if some install WYSIWYG Menus. And so on. of the e-mail or Web addresses If you have trouble, here are four ways out. First, con- provided in this chapter don’t sult our own troubleshooting chapter (Chapter 33), work by the time you read this where you’ll find out how to do basic conflict-hunting (because people move on).Hey — it’s the Internet.What did (holding down the Shift key works wonders; doing a you expect? clean re-install works miracles). Second, contact the company or shareware author who created the program. We’ve included phone num- bers, e-mail addresses, and Web page addresses in this chapter. Third, ask at your user group or in a Mac forum of an online service. Chapter 34: The SECRETS Software 1081 Finally, if you have no luck, contact IDG Books at 800-762-2974. While we don’t know each program as intimately as the people who wrote it, we’ll see what we can do to help. HOW THE CD-ROM IS ORGANIZED These folders are on the CD-ROM: I Mac Secrets ELECTRONIC EDITION — The electronic version of this book, provided in Adobe Acrobat format, so that you can search the entire text for specific topics instantly. I Complete Software List — All the Mac SECRETS software, in alphabetical order (exactly as it appears in this chapter); each program is in a folder with its own on-disk manual and other information. I Listed by Chapter — Aliases of the same software folders, grouped in folders corresponding to this book’s chapters. This way, if you’ve just read about something in the book you can find it instantly on the CD- ROM. I Listed by Category — Aliases of the same software, this time in folders organized by the kind of software inside: Games, Utilities, Fun Stuff, and so on. I Listed by Author — This folder contains the same collection of software (again, mainly aliases to the main folder), grouped in folders according to the programmers or software companies who created it. I Commercial Software — Actual, fully functional software provided by commercial software companies — Claris Emailer, CanOpener, Now Utilities, and so on. I Icon, Sound, Graphics Samplers — From Nova, Zedcor, Component Software, Olduvai, and others: sampler sets of commercial graphics, sound, and icon collections. I Shareware and Freeware — Aliases to all the non-commercial software. I Apple Advanced Technologies — Direct from Apple Computer: cutting-edge software like speech, movies, Cyberdog, OpenDoc, videoconferencing, virtual-reality movies, and other cool programs. In the following discussions, we’re assuming you have a Mac SE or later running System 7 or later; we’ll list additional requirements if necessary. 1082 Part V: The SECRETS Software Vault THE SECRETS SOFTWARE DESCRIBED Aaron WHAT IT IS Aaron transforms your Mac environment into what we used to know as the Copland (Mac OS 8) look, as pictured in Chapter 6, before Apple put Copland on indefinite hold. It replaces the windows, floating windoids, scroll bars, push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, and pop-up menus with ones based on the Mac OS 8 Default Theme; gives windows a thick border you can use to drag the window from any side; substitutes Espi Sans Bold 10 for Chicago 12 as the system font; adds a gray background to the menu bar and menus; gives Finder windows gray headers with subtle 3D tinges and dividers; installs Mac OS 8 folder icons; changes the progress bars in the Finder to give them a cool 3D look; adds spinning zoom rectangles to win- dows opening in the Finder; and much more! INSTALLATION SUMMARY Open the Complete Software List folder on the CD- ROM. Open the Aaron folder; drag the extension onto your System folder and click OK. THE MANUAL The user guide is a SimpleText document in the Aaron folder. NOTES AND CREDITS Shareware: $10 Author: Gregory D. Landweber E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://greg.math.harvard.edu/ Chapter 34: The SECRETS Software 1083 Add/Strip WHAT IT IS One of the most annoying aspects of the Internet (and IBM com- patibles) is getting text files and e-mails filled with strange line breaks and annoying garbage characters. Add/Strip is your revenge. It neatly turns such hard-to-read text files into easy-to-read regular text. INSTALLATION SUMMARY Open the Complete Software List folder on the CD- ROM. Open the Add/Strip folder; if you like, drag the Add/Strip folder to your hard drive. THE MANUAL The user guide is a SimpleText document in the Add/Strip folder. NOTES AND CREDITS Shareware: $25 Author: Jon Wind Jon Wind, 2374 Hillwood Drive, Maplewood, MN 55119 CompuServe: 70167,3444 Anagrams WHAT IT IS An anagram is a phrase created by scrambling the letters of another phrase. For example, an anagram of information superhighway is “New utopia? Horrifying sham!” You just type in a word — your name, for instance — and this program automatically spews out thousands of English phrases, or pseudo-phrases, composed of those rearranged letters. Anagrams (the program) offers several clever methods of weeding out the junky nonsense phrases, making it much easier for you to locate the meaningful ones. INSTALLATION SUMMARY Open the Complete Software List folder on the CD- ROM. Open the Anagrams folder; if you like, drag the Anagrams folder to your hard drive. THE MANUAL Anagrams’s user guide is built into the program. Just choose About Anagrams from the Ú menu and then use the pop-up menu to select a topic. NOTES AND CREDITS Shareware: $15 Authors: Andrew Trevorrow and Nick Spencer E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.kagi.com/authors/akt/ 1084 Part V: The SECRETS Software Vault Apeiron WHAT IT IS Apeiron is a wild, high-speed, arcade-style variant on the old Centipede game.
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