Not the Only Good One, but None one of the Better. ~'\!l<l~ - -n"" n Best. ~ ENDORSED BY HER EXCELLENCY THE COUNTESS OF ABERDEEN And used with pleasure and satisfac- " tion in thousands of Canadian homes of culture and refinement. The " .Morris " is good enough for Vice­ Royalty, and surely good ~nough for you. Investigate. Morris, Feild, Roger Oo, F. C. GARDINER, MA~IJF.U: 1'1J RER!ol, LJ~u ·nm ~•• OeALER IN Al.L KfND~ Ol• Listowel, Ont.t Musical Goods, Canada. BERLIN, ONT. Life Assurance Sun Company of Canada. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Protect yo urself and family in the SUN LIFE ASSURANCE Co. OF CANADA. Premiums ranging from $1.90 per year up on all ages between 1 and 70. ]NO. H. WILDFONG, Ass't Supt. for County of Waterloo Thrift Department, Office: KING ST. WEST, BERLIN. EVERYTHING NEWEST, LATEST, BEST IN MANDOLINS, o GUITARS. o BANJOS. o VIOLINS AND ALL OTHER KINDI' OF ~ll'SIL\L INSTRUMENTS. ~ PIANOS ~ ORGANS --=--===' WHC~~~~~~:::~~ :: SEWING MACHINES G. A. WANLESSf 7° KI~~.N~~NT~EST, -,: '-"--'""""' v<./L,..... I /.t<_/~~~ ~PAUL PEQUEGNAT< -FOR- GREAT BARGAINS YOU W ILL FINO T H E LA RGEST ASSORTMENT OF GOLD~~u SILVER WATCHES I N THE COUNTRY ALSO RINGS, PINS, PRECIOUS S T O~ES, REMARKABL Y CHEAP. Clocks, Silverware, Etc. IN ENDL ESS VARIETY. FIRST QUALITY. LOWEST PRICES. / ~ Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. b=- SPECTACLES AND EYECLASSES TO F IT ANY SIGHT. 9" 25 per cenl. discount on Ear-rings, Brooches, Nec kla c~s • nd I.ocke ls . C' all on · me when you want to have g ood value for your mon~y '. Remember I have heeri in business twenty years. PAUL PEQUEGNAT, / 48 KING STREET £A8T, NEXT DOOR6~1". OF COMMERCE, BERLIN. / ~GENERAL INDEX. -A ~·~ Advertisers' Index, opp. last page J County Officials.. .. I r I Berlin Alphabetical Directory 51 Dominion Gov'r'ment Offices 109 Berlin Street Directory.. 9 I Educati(Jnal .. .. 109 Berlin and Waterloo Classi- Fraternal and Bene\"'lent fied Directories ... end of book Societie10 . I I 1 Berlin Miscellaneous Direc- Waterloo Alphab~ti ca l Dir't'y 129 tory . ..... .. ......... .. Io9 Waterloo Street Directory .. ''3 Berlin Town Officials. 109 Waterloo Miscellaneous Dir. I 28 Churches.. I ro Waterloo Town Officials .... 128 WOLLARD & CO., LEADERS IN LOW Bats, CaDs, Gents' Furnisnings PRICES. WALPER BLOCK. B:J[JE.LIN, ONTARIO. F. C. BRANDT, DI!ALI!Il IN "\tA:oi t'P'ACTUJt.E:k OP' CELEBRATED EXPORT Fine Old English SALVADOR BEER. GINGER BEER. FOUNDRY ST. NORTH, next Merchants Bank, BERLIN, ONT. WE DYE TO LIVE. r .....- ......... GENlNlELL'S STEAM DYE AND CLEANING WORKS 29 King Street East, South Side, Berlin. Equipped with the very best machinery procurable for Cleaning, Dyeing, Scouring a nd Finishing. The finest fabric can be colored without the slightest injury. FRRNCH AND DRY CLEANING - Made-up Dresses, Cloaks and Jackets, Gentlemen's Suits and Fancy Article~ can be beautifully cleaned by this process, if not too much soiled. Gents' Suits and Overcoats Cleaned, Dyed ,md Pressed ; Repaired if required. Ladies' Dresses beautifully cleaned and Dyed in all Shades. Ladies· Jackets, Ulsters, Shawls, Silks, Satins and Velvets; Damask, Repp and Lace Curtains, Table and Piano Covers; Blankets, Ca•·pets, Sheep­ skins and Mats Cleaned and Dyed. Ostrich Plumes beautifully Cleaned, Dyed and Curled. Feather Beds and Pillows Renovated. All work finished on t he s hortest notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. HEAD OFFICE : GUELPH, ONT. \VILLIAM FLEISCH F:R, j R. jACOB C. HEYD, }R. PEARL STEAM LAUNDRY 52 KING STREET WEST, TE L EPHONE 1 H~ . If you give u& y our Parcel on :\londay we will return it to you again Wednesday Morning . Tuesday " Thursday Morning. \Vednesday " " Friday Morning. Thursday Saturday Morning. F riday Saturday Evening. CALL UP 'PHONE 11 6, and we w ill s end fo r your Parcel. FLEISCHER HEYD, 52 King Street West, Berlin, Ont. VERNON'S BERLIN ?-~u WATERLOO STREET, ALPHABETICAL, BUSINESS AND MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY FOR THE YEARS 189~ to 1899 f, Corrected to Sept. Jst, J897. I PRICE, $2.00. FIRST EDITION. HENRY VERNON, Publisher, Head Office, Hamilton, Ont. ORJFFJl'l & l{IDNER, PRINTERs, sB KING W lLLJ.-\)1 sr., ll,HII~r(ll'l, PREFACE. ~~ ~HE PUBLISHER, in presenting his first edition of the BERLIN \J.; AND WATERLOO DIRECTORY, thanks the people for the liberal support he has received, and hopes that the Directory will prove a useful and convenient guide. Of course,' in a book of this kind (the first ever published of Berlin and Waterloo), it is utterly impossible to avoid errors, and although local men were employed to gather the information, the absence of house numbers and street names, together with the different languages used by the citizens, made the work extremely difficult. The work will be published by me every two years, and I hope that the business men who want the very best in this line will reserve their orders till they see me. Wishing them and the two towns every prosperity, I remain, HENRY VERNON, Head Office, Hamilton, DIRECTORY PUBLISHER. Sept. 1st, 1897. ~THE~ Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company ESTABLISHED IN J863. Insures non-hazardous .Mercantile and .Manufacturing Properties. Has paid in losses alone in the past ten years,. __ending 3lst December, 1896, over $900,000.00. Assets, over $330,000.00. ', WATERLOO, 'ONTARIO.\ L .. cJ . All forms of leg itimate DOMINION LIFE Life Assurance OF WATERLOO, ONT. on equitable rerms. BERLll'< DIRECTORY. 9 TOWN OF BERLIN STREET DIRECTOR Y . ,. ,s:,~!S:.§~<Z< ,..,~~'<:S·~"" HENRY VERNON, Publish er. Ahrens st east, north T A Gale Ahrens st we ~ •t, south side, from Queen to Rev W C Henderson I side Frederick IJ S Smith j Geo Philip 6 0 S Clarke A Kuehner Geo Potter u 8 Mrs M Boultbee 1 Barber Mrs A Bowman S J Wi lliams ,. Emil Hell er 17 H Rittinger Mrs C Master Yonge st intersects James Potter •0 ~ 0• Isaac Master ;\lrs Annie Stephan Mrs ~ I etcalf Maynard st intersects John Dessler George Giller Chas Miller ~1rs R Simonds P Ilymmen Victoria sf intersects S Groff L A Mehlenbacher Geo Scharlach Jacob Affholder Ahrens st e, s'th side G T R T rack Frank Heiman \ Vm :'\leinke J H Boinonh e Yonge st intnsecls C T Hoffman Breithaupt st intersects 13 F Stump! C E Randall D l> elweiler John Stecho David Gros~ Wellington and Styx College, Wata and Ahrens st west, north sts intersect Victoria sts int~rsecl side, from Queen n John Schall horn G T R track Vacant J(aiser Wm st intersects Geo Ziegler Breithaupt st inlrrsects Geo H arrison I Chas Reuel MUnger A. WESELOH, we do Repairing THE SHOE MAN, ____ STORE NEAR THE P. 0 . ~ Neatly. 2 0 pER~h~~t., :~~~ ~~,v ~h eS c~ tt~ s h . C ~ m.pa ~ie~, CALEDONIAN INSURANCE CO. A~~ets, $18,000,000. \\'HY? Because 9f its loss·pa)"ing power and record tor fa ir and ho norable ct deali ng. CARL KRANfZ. 38 K:lr1K St. Ea.st. 0 u IO VERNON's DIRECTORY UJ Welling-ton and Styx sts Alex Dushinski Thos Westram intersect Mrs J Hechler H A Brubacher ~ G T R track AS Heller II John Nebb Frank Klugman N B Detv..· eiler __________ Albert st south, west E Heller en C Miehm Albert st north, east side side, from King to Aug Totzke Andrew st,from King ~ Weber 16 H Schutz to Braun UJ Elg-in st intersects 22 John Albert Adam Treusch Mrs M Pommer Henry Wolfhard Geo Allendorf Andrew Plantz z G C J Klie N Boehmer Wm Schleier Mrs E Janke Alvin Wittig Benton st, east side, Ernst Stecho from King to Mill Vacant Albert st north, west 1 C Adeloff Grand Central Hotel side W Gottfried I 1 Mrs Maria Weber A \Veckelman Adam Herres 13 L Steubing Fred Krus~ 15 Vacant 19 Geo Oakley Courtland ave intersects Albert st south, east 23 Mrs E Weaver side, from King to Jacob W eiest 2- E P Clement Mill :J Christian Hopp Church st intersects 9 Adam Sippel Carl Schaefer 31 Chas Dunke Allen st east, north 35 C Bitzer Jacob Seibert side, from Queen to M Lindner 15 Carl Warnecl~ Frederick 17 Chas Johns Mary st intersects August Becking M Scherer H Aletter Jacob Steppler S Fischer Hallman 29 Conrad Weber W Utley 0 Ludwig Luning 49 Mrs Rebecca Kolb Mansion st intersects Isaiah Hallman Jacob Gottsleben 51 Michael Adeloff G Harlock 53 J Appel Wm Kenapin F Vetter 55 Mrs Mary Oswald G Smolinski Wm Becking Arthur Paul G Lienang Mrs M Erb Courtland ave intersects John Riedl 65 John Bionofski 61 ME Eby 67 Fred Treger Peter Saugel 69 N Kadel Martin st intersects Allen st, south side Courtland ave intersects · L Schwoob 71 J B Oberholtzer 73 John Peter 73 Adam Heddrich H Dotzenrod I 75 J Wiegand HOLLAND A. WHITE, Cb~ Sun [if~ di~~ t~eo~~~ ~:~ae- Mangr. Hamilton District an absolutely unconditional policy. HAMILTON, ONT. I The first Cot11pany in Canada to introduce OMINION LIFE the Extension System, by which after three , Premiums are paid the Policy holds good ta Df Waterloo, Ont. till the Reserve iil' exhausted. tM - ------------------ ·- . --- , ~~ OF THE TOWN OF BERLIN. II ~t-4 1------~------------ [i~ N Dettweiler THINK OF IT. h.~ Benj Dettweiler I" C4 8 John Schaefer Out of the many hundreds of Gtatluates Q 7 placed in good posztions we have not had ___ one complaint of inability to perform ,. 0 what was expected of them. Circulars q ~ I 1 Benton st, west side will be mailed free.
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