Youth Conference The Weather Issue! tDfye JEcl|0 Almost there. VOLUME LXXX, ISSUE NO. 21 FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1979 UPLAND, INDIANA What's News— Bleacher Construction Campus Worldwide Not On Current Agenda If you attended the Taylor- Olivet football game last fall, Today marks the beginning of MARCH 26 you may recall the featured Youth Conference, that high­ Begin and Sadat finally event--the collapse of the bleach­ lighted weekend during which signed a Carter administration- ers. Many people are wondering some thousand odd highschool- pushed Mideast agreement. The if T.U. may look forward to the ers visit campus. Karen Reming­ treaty is opposed by the other construction of new bleachers ton '79 and Dave Miles '79 are co- Arab nations, including Saudi soon, and the answer is, "proba­ chairing this year's conference Arabia. bly not". which will feature Rev. Jay Differences over the Sinai oil After last fall's collapse, the Kesler as the speaker. Kesler, field still exist. Carter and Egypt bleachers were torn apart and a resident of Chicago, is the want Israel to evacuate the field examined for weaknesses, and president of Youth for Christ In­ within four to six months after then rebuilt. The bleachers that ternational. the signing, but Begin says that remained standing were also (See article on page 1.) while some troops will be pulled carefully gone over and re- out, Israel will keep the field for checked. The cost of material nine months. Both sides and the and labor for that project equal­ Taylathon is scheduled for U.S. have tried to play down the led approximately $4000. The i^l/4 is-, . • • f - April 28. This annual event is issue. plans for next year include new ^ . IS — sponsored by Inter-Class Coun­ Two bomb blasts shattered maintenance techniques such as Taylor bleachers will not be reconstructed. cil, the organization of all the the windows at the American some dismantling and rebuild­ Photo by DOUK Taylor class officers, and features the embassy in Damascus, but there ing. Mr. Charles Newman feels bike race, canoe race, and cou­ were no reports of injuries^At- that the bleachers are; at pre­ ples softball. The weekend tacks are expected to increase as sent, in better condition than Penney Exec to Speak serves as the finale for the class the new treaty pulls the U.S. fur­ they have been for the last eight Donald V. Seibert, Chief Ex­ tion, which ranks as one of the competition that has taken place ther away from Arab nations. or ten years, and he says that no ecutive Officer at J.C. Penney, world's largest retail chains. throughout the year. Thus far, collapse will enliven any game will be speaking in chapel this As Chairman of the Business the freshman lead with 600, sen­ next year. The ideal, of course, Monday. He is sponsored by Ste­ Roundtable Task Force on Infla­ iors are second with 575, sopho­ would be the construction of new ven '76 and Karen '76 Anderson, tion, he is a spokesman for the mores third with 450, and juniors facilities. representing the Taylor Univer­ national business leaders in their Uganda has ordered a general last with 375. There are no plans for new sity Club of Washington D.C. dealings with the federal govern­ mobilization to combat Tanzani- bleachers in the near future as Seibert joined J.C. Penney 32 ment. an invaders who are reportedly yet, however. The task of a com­ years ago as a shoe salesman at An evangelical Christian. Sei­ closing in on the capital of Kam­ When the stadium bleachers mittee chaired by Dr. Gregg a small store in Bradford, PA. bert is active in te Sunday School pala. President Idi Amin's posi­ collapsed last fall.administration Lehman is to examine several of From that introduction to the and Music Programs of the tion is seriously threatened by Taylor's special needs, one of world of retailing, he has be­ Christian and Missionary Alli­ became concerned about how to the invasion force that includes which is athletic facilities. Since come the head of the corpora­ ance Church. ensure continuing safety. They anti-Amin rebels, despite a Lib­ temporarily repaired the fallen construction of bleachers would yan airlift of arms and troops. mean an expenditure of around stands and rechecked the Idi's days are numbered. bleachers on the other side of the $200,000. other needs have high­ Welcome Conferees! er priority at present. field. The Administrative Coun­ The weekend for which we God. All the activities, from the At this point, it looks like the cil has now decided not to re­ have been preparing since last messages of Jay Kessler to Sat­ present bleachers must suffice construct either stand. fall has finally arrived. All of us urday's film "The Prize" to the The rebelling province of Kur­ for awhile longer unless an angel (See article on page 1.) at Taylor hope that the prepara­ meetings of the discussion distan in western Iran was (or.donor) drops a good deal of tion has not been in vain, that groups, have been planned with granted linguistic, economic, money in Taylor's lap, ear­ This year's Contemporary when you leave you will be able that single purpose in mind; to and administrative autonomy by marked for this particular need. Christian Series, held this Tues­ to say that Youth Conference '79 help you become more obedient day and Wednesday, will feature Iran's new revolutionary govern­ ment. The agreement will hope­ was a special time when your to the Lord's will. Mr. Malcomb Muggeridge, a life was changed by the power of noted British journalist and au­ fully end the fighting between Kurdish rebels and Iran's army. thor. Moscow correspondent in te early thirties and a member of Youth Conference Schedule British Intelligence during Friday World War II, Muggeridge's di­ China has been accused by 12-7p.m. Registration Student Union verse background promises to be Vietnam of shelling a Vietnam­ 7 Singalong C/A the foundation of an interesting ese porcelain plant and occupy­ 7:45 Jay Kesler C/A talk in this Wednesday's Chapel. ing new positions "well inside 9 Pete Carlson C/A Vietnam". 11 Dorm Activities Saturday Act One Company will make a 7-8a.m. stop at Taylor Monday evening Breakfast Dining Commons 8:30 at 8:15 p.m. on their U.S. tour. Jay Kesler C/A 9:45 The group performs music and Discussion Groups 11 comedy with a Christian mes­ French Socialists, Commu­ Talent Show Auditions 11-lp.m. sage. nists, and other leftist parties Lunch Dining Commons 1 Sponsor Workshops PETE'S DRAGON will be polled about 53% of the vote in 2 Group Activities shown next Friday night at 8:15. the final round of local elections. 4:30-6 Dinner The movie, a Walt Disney come­ Dining Commons 7 Talent Show dy, features Helen Reddy in a C/A 9 Special Events leading role. Other coming events include 10:45 Suds and Salt Dining Commons Sunday Larry Norman in concert the The FTCls requiring that ad­ 7:30-8:30a.m. Breakfast Wednesday aftgr Easter Break. vertisements of "high-fiber" Dining Commons 8:45-9:45 Devotions/Discussions Norman is a well-known Chris­ Fresh Horizons bread include 10 Jay Kesler tian rock artist. that the bread contains wood or C,A lla.m.-l: 15p.m. Lunch (See article on page 6.) tree pulp. Dining Commons page two THE ECHO March 30, 1979 Will Florida Recover? by Jan Shuler quite well with each of us taking den population explosion of Any trip was a welcome re­ a four-hour shift, until Sharon's freckles. Our bodies looked lief, but to have the opportunity turn arrived. Having pulled into something like a huge dot to dot to spend time in Florida was a gas station, Karen began giv­ game. Our only consolation was more than heaven. For weeks ing Sharon instructions about that perhaps by morning the before our actual adventure I clutch and gas, first to second, freckles would merge and create had visions of a svelte body lying etc. The worst part was that an overall tanned look. lackadaisically in the sun gath­ even though it was midnight the Each morning was equally as ering the warm rays of gold. I station was full of high school beautiful and although some of could picture myself becoming kids who took great delight in us were unable to lie on our so brown that my teeth would viewing the hopping Pinto jerki­ stomachs and others had to have shine live ivory against my skin. ly manuever to the road. How, a towel over their faces we lazed Ah, yes, that was my dream. So since we ALL remember our in the sand every day. With a si­ why is it that vacations never first attempts at stick driving, lent prayer of thanks to the man quite turn out the way you ex­ we can sympathize with our edit­ who invented Solarcaine we de­ pect? or's embarrassment at stalling voured the 88 degrees with relish That glorious Friday after­ the car every inch of the road not caring about the conse­ noon finally arrived and at pre­ and lurching from first to fourth quences. cisely three o'clock we started gear. Once on the highway, how­ Those successive days includ­ the trek to orange juice, Anita ever, we all relaxed and were ed many adventures. Karen Bryant, Jackie Gleason country.
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