Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 Olympics: Ledecky wins gold, men rout Iran in hoops /B1 THURSDAY TODAY C I T R U S C O U N T Y & next morning HIGH 87 M ostly cloudy; LOW thunderstorm s l i k e l y . 74 PAGE A4 w w w.chronicleonline.com JULY 29, 2021 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community $1 VOL. 126 ISSUE 295 NEWS BRIEFS Inverness in line for housing Chronicle seeks people who joined Firm known for affordable projects eyes city for yet another development military after 9/11 FRED HIERS developers from Green City Manager Eric Wil- Inverness again for an- 106-unit apartment cam- The 20h anniversary of Staff writer Mills Group begin to hash liams confirmed for the other development, less pus offering affordable t h e S e p t . 11 2 001 t e r r o r i s t out plans for a second Chronicle that the south than a year after com- housing on Colonade attacks is approaching. The More affordable hous- apartment complex proj- Florida company, known pleting Colonnade Park. Street. It was completed Cronicle is seeking those ing is slated for Inverness ect from the Fort Lauder- for its affordable housing That development fin- individuals w ho w ere spurred as city officials and dale-based company. projects, is eyeing ished last year and is a See HOUSING/Page A2 to join the U .S . arm ed forces in the w ake of the attacks. To share your story, em ail Jeff B ryan at jeff.bryan@ chronicleonline.com or B rian LaP eter at blapeter@ chronicleonline.com . Springs to close for renovations Where were you when it Current timeline happened? W here w ere you on the would restrict m o r n i n g o f S e p t . 11 2 001 w hen terrorist attacks in N ew Y o r k C t y , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C , access in summer and elsew here brought our nation to a standstill? The of 2023 Cronicle is asking readers to share your stories, in BUSTER THOMPSON 2 00 w o r d s o r l e s s , a b o u t Staff writer w here you w ere that fateful An eroding entranceway to Septem ber m orning. E ail Three Sisters Springs needs your thoughts to com m unity some help, but a solution to fix @ chronicleonline.com . its crumbling shores would close Commissioner the popular refuge in Crystal River for a summer. Schlabach to host Officials with the Southwest town hall meeting Florida Water Management Dis- trict (SWFWMD) hope to begin C t r u s C u n t y B o a r d o f their Three Sisters Springs C u n t y C m m i s s i o n e r s e c o n d canal stabilization project in vice chair, R uthie D avis S chla- April 2023. bach, w ill be holding a public Work would close public ac- tow n hall m eeting from 6 to cess into the 57-acre springs 7:30 p.m . A ug. 4 at the Cntral property by water and by land R i d g e C m m u n i t y C n t e r , until it has to finish by Novem- 77 Cvic Crcle in B everly H ills. ber 2023, when manatees mi- S chlabach w ill ask attend- grate inshore to escape colder ees to present their opinions waters in the Gulf of Mexico. SWFWMD hosted a virtual on four options for redevel- meeting the evening of Monday, opm ent of the B everly H ills July 26, to present the methods P ool property: and timetables of its shoreline I A ddition of a fountain. restoration strategy. I A ddition of a gazebo. Crystal River and SWFWMD I A ddition of pickle ball co-own Three Sisters Springs, c o u r t s . which is managed by the U.S. I R estoration of the pool Fish & Wildlife Service w ith the condition that the civic (USFWS) as part of its Crystal association take ow nership of River National Wildlife Refuge. the property after the updates “Our partners have considered have been com pleted. this, and have not taken this For m ore inform ation, call decision lightly,” Lizanne Garcia, public inform ation officer See SPRINGS/Page A5 Veronica K am pschroer at 3 5 2 - 2 7 - 4 8 4 . A tour boat is anchored near Idiot’s Delight at the entrance of Register Three Sisters Springs Tuesday, to vote July 27. A shoreline-improvement project is in the works for the in Lecanto area at the popular swimming, The S upervisor of Eec- snorkeling and paddling spot on tions O ffice invites the public the Crystal River. to an outreach event from MATTHEW BECK/ C r o n i c l e 9 to 11 a.m . July 29 at the Lecanto G overnm ent Build- i n g , 3 6 00 W . S o v e r e i g n P a t h in Lecanto. This is a convenient w ay to register to vote, m ake Businesses: Finish Freshmen members changes to a voter record or request a vote-y- ail ballot. Inform ation to apply for elec- tion w orker positions w ill also US 19 road work be available. balk at budget plans MICHAEL D. BATES I Which projects D.A.B. To host the elections office Staff writer left unfinished./ MIKE WRIGHT Commissioners set the tentative staff at an organization or Staff writer tax rate at 7.7623 mills, a drop from Page A11 business, contact supervisor, Art’s Diner sits right off the current rate in large part by re- M aureen ‘M o’ Baird. U.S. 19 surrounded by or- Citrus County commissioners gave moving a special stormwater tax that To learn m ore, visit vote ange and white highway “This is terrible,” owner tentative approval Wednesday to a will be recovered with a flat fee citrus.gov, em ail vote@ barrels and road construc- Linda Green said Wednes- $358 million budget that lowers the based on a building’s size. The aver- day morning, two days votecitrus.gov or call tion equipment, which tax rate, over the objections of two age homeowner’s rate will be $58.84 after D.A.B. Constructors 3 5 2 - 6 4 - 1 0 makes it difficult for peo- new commissioners who say they — From staff reports ple to access. See WORK/Page A11 were ignored in the process. See BUDGET/Page A8 Classifieds . .B6 Crossword . .B12 INDEX Lottery Numbers . .B3 Obituaries . A6 Comics . .B5 Editorial. A13 Lottery Payouts . .B3 TV Listings. .B4 Horoscope . A4 Entertainment . A4 Movies . .B5 BEST OF THE BEST SPOTLIGHT 2021 Pete’s Pier Marina BOAT or YACHT WELCOME SCALLOPERS! STORAGE (Up to 80 ft.) Come check out our newly remodeled BAIT SHOP ! Feed The Tarpon Daily From 2 pm to 4 pm MARINA CC-0010EVE 1 Southwest 1st Place | Crystal River, FL 34429 352-795-3302 A2 THURSDAY, JULY 29, 2021 LOCAL CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE the current low density to medium den- sity. Those meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. HOUSING The city also scheduled a planning and Continued from Page A1 zoning commission meeting on the pro- SPECIALTY TRAINED posed change for 5 p.m. Wednesday, in late 2020 and filled with new tenants Aug. 11. All the meetings will be at city within about a month. It boasts a pool, hall, 212 W. Main St., Inverness. THERAPISTS! exercise area and community center. To help Green Mills get state help in the “This is all part of a bigger outlook on form of tax credits and other incentives, housing,” Williams told the Chronicle. Williams said he will ask his city council He cited the city’s progress in getting bosses to approve a $340,000 loan to the de- PELVIC FLOOR Wyld Palms back on track to develop- veloper for the project. The terms of repay- A comprehensive customized ment near Lake Hender- ment are still being worked out, Williams son. That’s an upscale said, but the developer would get the loan approach that’s discreet development. The city is after completion of the project. and compassionate also working to get state Williams said the developer is more l help for underdevel- likely to get state financial help if there is Bladder and oped Inverness Villages local government buy-in. That buy-in can Bowel Incontinence VERTIGO, DIZZINESS OR POOR BALANCE? and Inverness Acres to take the form of cash, waiving impact l Sexual Dysfunction convert dirt roads to fees and building permits, or a loan. We can help lower your fall risk- paved ones to spur The loan would be the best option for l Pelvic Pain single-home construc- Eric the city, Williams said. That’s because if l Balance Technics l Vertigo Exercises tion in those two Williams Inverness handed over cash, the city And more! subdivisions. Inverness city would be out the money. If the city waived Williams said he is manager. impact fees and the cost of building per- Physical & Occupational Therapy working with Green Mills to make the mits for the developer, the city would still new, proposed development affordable, need to pay those to the city’s appropri- low income housing, but also modest in- ate departments, he said.
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