11388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 9 May 4, 2009 SENATE—Monday, May 4, 2009 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was SCHEDULE No American will penalize the ad- called to order by the Honorable MARK Mr. REID. Mr. President, following ministration for putting safety over R. WARNER, a Senator from the Com- leader remarks, if any, there will be a symbolism. Europe should not either, monwealth of Virginia. period of morning business for up to 1 since it has been far more critical than hour with Senators permitted to speak helpful. It is increasingly clear that PRAYER therein for up to 10 minutes each. working through the problems related The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Following morning business, the Sen- to Guantanamo will require time and fered the following prayer: ate will resume consideration of the close consultation with Congress. The Let us pray. mortgage fraud legislation. At 5 p.m. Senate voted 94 to 3 against sending de- O, holy God, who has taught us to there will be up to 30 minutes of debate tainees to American soil even if only to place our confidence in You, give the equally divided and controlled between prisons. Let me say that again. The Members of this body the power of Senators DODD and VITTER or their des- Senate voted 94 to 3 against sending de- Your wisdom. In all their duties, em- ignees. At 5:30, the Senate will vote on tainees to U.S. prisons, not to mention power them to be loyal to You and obe- Vitter amendment No. 1016 and, fol- the possibility that they would simply dient to Your precepts. Infuse them lowing that vote, 1017. The second vote be released into neighborhoods. Sec- with faith to believe that You are will- will be 10 minutes in duration. retary Gates has conceded that no one ing to help them solve the problems Last week the managers of the bill wants these detainees in their commu- they face when they place their trust were able to reach an agreement to nities. in You. Lord, be their abiding reality limit the number of amendments to the The legal authority for releasing and lead them into the paths of loving bill. It is my understanding that all trained terrorists is in question, a con- cern the administration hasn’t publicly service, as they strive to honor You. amendments will not be debated and addressed at all. The administration Open their eyes to the many things voted on here. But we will wait and hasn’t decided if it will use the mili- they can do to accomplish Your will. see. We hope to consider the remaining tary commissions process that Con- Today, Lord, we thank You for the amendments on the list today and to- gress passed on a bipartisan basis at life and legacy of former Congressman morrow so we are able to finish passage the suggestion of the Supreme Court. Jack Kemp. Comfort all who mourn his of this bill tomorrow. We will work as late as necessary to- Finally, the administration hasn’t death and give them Your peace. said how it plans to deal with the prob- We pray in Your great Name. Amen. morrow to do our best to complete the legislation. lem of terrorists we release returning f Mr. President, I suggest the absence to the battlefield even, even as DOD of a quorum. has confirmed that 18 of the prisoners PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- we released have returned to terrorism The Honorable MARK R. WARNER led pore. The clerk will call the roll. and that at least 44 are suspected as the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: The legislative clerk proceeded to having done so. call the roll. The American people want to keep I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous the terrorists at Guantanamo, out of lic for which it stands, one nation under God, consent that the order for the quorum their neighborhoods and off the battle- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. call be rescinded. field. At this point, the only way we The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- can assure them that neither one of f pore. Without objection, it is so or- these things will occur is for the ad- dered. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING ministration to keep this secure facil- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE f ity open until it develops a sensible GITMO plan for the Congress to evaluate. We The PRESIDING OFFICER. The remain a nation at war with ground clerk will please read a communication Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite to the Senate from the President pro with the administration still unsure of disagreements over the best way to tempore (Mr. BYRD). what to do with the detainees at Guan- combat international terrorism, the The legislative clerk read the fol- tanamo, Attorney General Holder has truth remains that we haven’t been at- lowing letter: described its arbitrary closing date as tacked at home since 9/11. That is a U.S. SENATE, one of his most daunting challenges. record we wish to continue. Maintain- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Secretary Gates said some would be re- ing a safe and secure way to detain ter- Washington, DC, May 4, 2009. leased or transferred overseas, some rorists is a critical part of protecting To the Senate: tried in American courts, and the ad- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, the American people. ministration doesn’t know what to do I yield the floor. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby with 50 to 100 who can’t be released or appoint the Honorable MARK R. WARNER, a tried. Clearly, the administration lacks f Senator from the Commonwealth of Vir- a plan and a safe alternative for closing RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME ginia, to perform the duties of the Chair. ROBERT C. BYRD, Guantanamo. Let me make a sugges- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- President pro tempore. tion. The administration should recon- pore. Under the previous order, the sider its arbitrary deadline on Guanta- Mr. WARNER thereupon assumed the leadership time is reserved. namo, as it has reconsidered its com- chair as Acting President pro tempore. f mitment to arbitrary withdrawal dead- f lines in Iraq. Once the administration MORNING BUSINESS has a plan to safely detain, prosecute The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY or transfer these detainees, Congress pore. Under the previous order, the LEADER should be consulted and briefed to Senate will proceed to a period of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- evaluate the proposal. With no safe al- morning business for 1 hour, with Sen- pore. The majority leader is recog- ternative, this is the only sensible ap- ators permitted to speak for up to 10 nized. proach. minutes each. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:25 Aug 24, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S04MY9.000 S04MY9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 9 11389 The Senator from Missouri. Opportunity, [Kemp] argued, is the most naturally long. It is difficult to imagine his important measure of economic justice; cap- bounding arrivals, his shaken-gravel voice, f italism is perfected by the broadest possible his juice and joy, all stilled and ended. But IN MEMORY OF JACK KEMP distribution of capital; and economic free- there it is. Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I come to dom and political freedom are inseparable. Generations of young conservatives—most the floor to celebrate the life of a great Jack was well known for saying: of us no longer young—were drawn into Jack’s orbit (I worked for him briefly in the The best way to oppose a bad idea is to re- American, Jack Kemp. 1990s as a speech-writer). We were attracted, place it with a good one. Jack Kemp was many things to many in one way or another, to Jack’s ‘‘bleeding- different people. Probably everyone You see, Jack was more about solu- heart conservatism,’’ with its mix of eco- knows the basics about Jack. He was a tions than party labels. It is that prag- nomic opportunity, social inclusion and football player, a Member of Congress, matism and willingness to work across ebullience. We came to love Jack’s gracious a Cabinet Secretary, and a Vice Presi- the aisle to solve problems that all of wife, Joanne, and his accomplished children. dential nominee. Perhaps he was best us would be well advised to embrace We hoped and expected that Jack would be- known as the coauthor of the Kemp- today. As a self-described bleeding come president of the United States. In the Roth tax cuts that were the basis of end, he lacked the consuming focus that heart conservative, there are so many quest requires. But in his passion for ideas— the Reagan economic plan that examples of Jack Kemp doing that. brought progress out of prosperity and and in the affection he inspired—Jack was Jack worked across the aisle on some the most influential modern Republican who stagflation. of the most important issues of our never became president. Today’s Wall Street Journal said time, from civil rights to safe housing Jack believed that ideas—not interests or about Kemp: for all families.
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