508 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 14 National Service Emergency Regulations 1940.-Amendment to 33A, folio 192, Block XVI, Waitemata Survey District, North Declaration of Essential Undertakings (No. 19). Auckland Land District. As the same is more particl!l,,,rly delineated on a plan marked Army P.J:'. 50, 205/3/1, deposited at Army Headquarters at Wellington, and thereoµ edged red and hatched black. TN. purauance' of the powers conferred upon, him, by· Regula­ ..1. .· tion 9 af the National Service Emergency Regulations ARAPUNI HYDRO·ELEOTRW WORKS AREA . 1:940,. the Minister of J'fatibnal Service doth, hereby· amend All. that. area of land in the Auckland Land District, being the Declaration of Essential Undertakings (No,. 19) by portions of Crown land and part of the land· taken for Ara puni including therein the undertakings set furtli hereunder :----, Water-power Development Scheme by Proclamation No. Acme Engineering, Ltd;, at Petone. 6030 (S.0. 28396), Block XII, Maungatautari Survey Distx:ict. Staples and Hardy, Ltd.,.at Auckland. As the same is more particularly delineated on. a. plan mai,ked Mudgway Bros., Ltd., at Auckland. Army P.P. 51, 205/3/1, deposited ,it Army; Headqµarters. at T,.J, Davenpor.t and.Sons, Ltd., at Wellington. Wellington, and thereon edg.ed red.·. · Electric Products, Ltd., at Auckland. New Zealand Electric Lamp Manufacturers, Ltd., at MoTUROA ISLAND, BAY. OF ISLANDS. Miramar,. Wellington. All that area of land cont,.,lning by admeasnrement· 363 Ma'Cliine- Tools (New Zealand) Manufacturihg Co., at acres O roods 36 perches, situ.ated in Bloc]i: XIU,, Kerikeri Wellington. Survey District, Bay oflslauds Coµnty, i.nd k1)0wn as :l,fot.uroa MacEwans Machinery Cb., Ltd;, at A'.uckland. Island, and contained in C.T. 37/224, Auckland Land Register. ·. M'ullitn and Noy, at Hamilton. All in the North Auckland Land District. As the same is The Cambrian Engineering _Co., Ltd;, at New Plymouth. more particularly delineated on the plan marked Army Smart Bros., Ltd,,.at New Plymouth. P.P, 52, 205/3/1, deposited at Army Headquarters, and National Dairy Association of New Zealand, Ltd., at thereon bordered red. Hawera,. Dated at Wellington, this 3rd day of February, 1942. Crowther and Croucher, at. Hawera•. G. Dyer and Co.,. at Dunedin. F. JONES,. Minister of Def!)Il.Qe,, Wilkins Ltd., at Invercargill. South Island Dairy Association of New Zealahcl', Ltd., at Invercargi!L . Order declaring a Prohibited J>lace and appointing Authorized J,, .. Mercer and: Sorn,, Ltd.., at Chvistehurch. Officers under the Defence Emerge":~Y Regul.ations 1911, Turnbull and Jones, Ltd., at Petone. Hume Pipe Co. (Australia), Ltd., at Lower Hutt. FREDERICK JONES,_Minister of Defence, inpµrsuap.~c ''iiume Steel, Ltd.,,at Lower-Hutt. I ,, of the Defen.ce Emergenpy RegµJati.ons 1941, )i.erel,;y­ Tlie Anchor Foundry of the Anchor Shipping and Foundry declare the pl;,,Qe descdl;,ed i.n. th/J. First Sc4.ednll" hi,reto ~o J;,e Co., Ltd., at Port Nelson. a prohibited place, and do hereby, appoipt the officers. o;( His A, ahd T. Burt, Ltd., at Auckland•. Majesty's Air Forces named in the Second Schedule hereto to .. D1>ted this 6th day of February, 1942. be authorized officers for the purposes of the said regulations, D, WILSON, l'or the Minister of N ationab Service, FIRST SCHEDULE. R.N.Z.A.F. STATION, TAURANGA. A.LT, tlla~ land known as llin,d used for the purpose qfthe l;ioyal · Cdiisenting to the Sale by the Ot"4J_o, Electric-power Boarr! of · New Zealand Air Force St,ation. aud Aerodrowe, Tauranga, ·on certain Land in' accordance with the Ekctric-p.GWer Boards the eastern 'side of Tauranga Harbour opposite the town of Act, 1925. Ta.uranga, and being parts .of Subdivisions 2F, 2o No. 1, 2o No. 2, 2n, 2E No. 6A, 2E No. 6n, and 2E Xo. 7, Whareroa N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities . Block, situ,ate<l in :Bleck XI, Tauranga -Survey Distrlqt, I conferred upon me by section 9'2 of the Electric-power Au.oklaNd L;tN;d District, as shown coloured red .on plaµ Boards Act, 1925, and of every other power in ·anywise numhered lfl/2/28/N, depoeited in the ofl)ce of the·· Af.r enabling me iri this behalf, I, Hubert Thomas Armstrong, Secret,u,y, W e}lington.. Minister of Public Works, do he~eby consent to the sale by the Otago Electric-power B'oard of the land described SECOND SCHE])lJLJt in the Schedule· hereto, such land being no longer required AUTHORIZED 0FFIOE'RS. for the i,lectric works for which it was aequired. Gim1p Captain George Stacey Hodson,. A.F.C., R.,A,l!', Group Captain Maurice William Buckley, :M:.B.E:. Wing Commander Keith Logan Caldwell, M.C .. , D.F._C. SCHEDULE. Wing Commander Sir Robert Hamilton Clark-H;,,ll, K.B.E., APPROXIMATE area of. the piece of land authorized to be C.M.G., D.S.O. ~ sold : 1 rood 20 perches. Wing Comµ>ander Rou.a!d James Sinclair. Being Section 9 and part Section 19. Wing Commander Joh.11 Seab.rnok;, A.F.C., A.D.C. Situated in Block II, T_own of Blueskin. Wing Commander Malcolm Frederick Calder, A.D.C. Wing Commander Barry Stratford Nicholl. · As witness m:y' hand at W ellingj;on, this 6th day of ; Wing Commander Gerald Lomax Stedman. , February,· 1942. Squadron Leader Ronald Joseph Cohen, A.F.C. Squadron Leader Arthur Colwell Upham, D.F.C. IL T. ARMSTRONG, Minister of Public Works. Squadron Leader Ronald Aflleck Kirkup. (P.W. 26/554.) Flight Lieutenant Ian Gordon Morrison. Dated at Wellington, this 6th day of February, 1942. F. JONES, Min.ister of Defenc~. Deelaring Places to be ProM6ited Places under the Defence Emergency Regulations 1941. Portion of Northern W aiapu Consolidation Boheme co.n:firmed. URSUANT to the Defence Emergency Regulations 1941, · ·'P . · the Minister of Defence doth hereby declare the plafes In the matter of section 161 of the Native Land Aet, 1931, 'specified in the Schedule hereto to be prohibited places for and in the mat,ter of an application for the consoljqation 'tlie purpose of the Defence Emergency Regulations 1941. of interests in Omaewa IA 1 and other blocks.' OTICE is hereby given that.a scheme of consolidation N in part dated the 7th day of November, 1941, dealing SCHEDULE. with Angaanga No. lA and other blocks in the Tairawhiti 0IL-TAN:S:S A!tEASj FREEMAN'S BAY, AVOI.LANn, Native Land Court District, being the sixth inst&)ment· of the, Northern Waiapu Consolid&tion Scb,eme, havin~. been (a) All that area; of land containing by admeasurement prepared· by the Native Land Court in accordance with the approximi.tely 19 acres, being land reclaimed froin the sea, above,mentioned Act, and submitted under the seal of the comprised ih Deeds Register, Auckland, V 61. 33A, folio 192,. said Court to the Native Minister for approval, I, Henry and shown as a subdivision on L. 'I\ Plan No. 27338 ( City of Greathead Rex M11Son, acting for the Native Wniste,, being Auckland), Block XVI, Waitemata Survey District, North satisfied that the scheme so submitted is ju.st and equitaJ.,).e Auckland Land District. As the same is more particularly and is in the public interest, do hereby confirm the l)Ottion delineated on a plan marked Army P.P. 50, 205/3/1, deposited: of the said scheme of consolidation which was so submitted at Army Headquarters at Wellington, and thereoh edged red· on the 7th day of November, 1941. and hatched yellow. (b) All that area of laud in the City of A'!-~kland, being, Dated.this:9th day of February, 1942, portion of land reclaimed from the.sea and bemg part of the, . H •. G.. 'R. MASO¥, land shown on Plan No.· 226 (black), Deeds Register Office,'. For the Native Minister, 4uGklan_d;; a~d. ~~mp~ised in De~ds Register, Auckland, Vol.: . (~.P, 29/5(:J.) .
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