E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1997 No. 26 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was way and rail projects without affecting safe highway connection to our Federal called to order by the Speaker pro tem- California's Federal highway assist- Interstate System. pore [Mr. EWING]. ance. Our legislation would establish a The San Diego & Arizona Eastern f $500 million border infrastructure fund Railroad would establish a direct and to pay for construction and improve- important transcontinental commer- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ments to border area infrastructure TEMPORE cial rail link between San Diego and and would fund Federal loan guaran- the rest of the United States. This link The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- tees to rehabilitate shortline freight is critical for the economic develop- fore the House the following commu- railroads. ment of our port and for creation of nication from the Speaker: Historically, U.S. investment in its thousands of jobs. Both priorities are transportation infrastructure has re- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, high on the list for the city and county Washington, DC, March 4, 1997. sulted in a system of roads, highways, of San Diego, the San Diego Associa- I hereby designate the Honorable THOMAS bridges, railroads, airports, and sea- tion of Governments, our chamber of W. EWING to act as Speaker pro tempore on ports that is unmatched around the commerce, our port and business and this day. world. This transportation system has NEWT GINGRICH, political leaders all through our coun- been crucial in keeping America's ty. Speaker of the House of Representatives. economy strong. f Similarly, we know that border infra- With this infrastructure in place, San Diego would achieve its rightful status MORNING HOUR DEBATES structure is absolutely essential for the continued economic development of my as a world class, 21st-century city with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- city and county of San Diego, and we an open door to the great future of the ant to the order of the House of Janu- cannot afford to see America reverse Pacific rim trade. Without it, Ameri- ary 21, 1997, the Chair will now recog- this infrastructure investment policy ca's sixth largest city is relegated to a nize Members from lists submitted by now. Yet that is precisely what is hap- ``bedroom community'' status with no the majority and minority leaders for pening because of Federal inaction on door to the vast world just outside its morning hour debates. The Chair will border infrastructure issues. Further doorstep. alternate recognition between the par- inaction will place our national trans- The lesson is simple. The Federal ties, with each party limited to not to portation infrastructure and our eco- Government must take responsibility exceed 30 minutes, and each Member nomic well-being in great jeopardy. for its trade policies and accept the except the majority and minority lead- Federal mandates regarding trade consequences of its action. We must er limited to not to exceed 5 minutes. and immigration have placed a tremen- stop passing the infrastructure buck. The Chair recognizes the gentleman dous strain on roads, bridges, high- from California [Mr. FILNER] for 5 min- ways, and rail lines that simply cannot I am glad to say there is a glimmer of utes. accommodate the increased traffic that hope, however. The Clinton administra- tion has heard our pleas and will soon f results from these decisions. State Route 905 in San Diego and the reestab- announce its proposals to fund border THE BORDER INFRASTRUCTURE lishment of the San Diego & Arizona construction and trade corridor im- SAFETY AND CONGESTION RE- Eastern Railroad are just two such un- provements in the Infrastructure Safe- LIEF ACT funded mandates in the city of San ty and Congestion Relief Act. We wel- Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I was hon- Diego. come the administration's response ored yesterday to join Senator BAR- By order of the Federal Government, and we look forward to their rec- BARA BOXER in San Diego, CA, in my all commercial traffic traveling be- ommendations. district as we announced historic legis- tween San Diego and Tijuana, the two Mr. Speaker, Senator BOXER and I lation to improve our Nation's border largest cities on the United States- are taking the necessary steps to ac- transportation infrastructure. Today, Mexico border, uses a city street called cept our own Federal responsibility Senator BOXER and I will introduce Otay Mesa Road. Though it is cur- and will be working together with all this legislation that we have called the rently only a four-lane street, this road interested parties to begin addressing Border Infrastructure Safety and Con- carries hundreds of thousands of trucks this Federal obligation. We strongly gestion Relief Act. every week. It is time that the Federal welcome and encourage Congress and Mr. Speaker, it is critical that Fed- Government devoted its resources to the Clinton administration to join with eral funding be found for border high- establishing an effective, efficient, and us. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H711 H712 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 4, 1997 SUPPORT DISPLAY OF TEN tury that would cut America off from who were killed or who had dis- COMMANDMENTS IN COURTROOMS its past heritage. appeared. We heard reports of police The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under It is dangerous. It is dangerous be- breaking into homes in the middle of the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- cause it creates a valueless void that the night and arresting young people. uary 21, 1997, the gentleman from Flor- allows the words of Madonna, the ac- We met one young man whose ear had been slashed by the Indonesian secu- ida [Mr. SCARBOROUGH] is recognized tions of Dennis Rodman, and the life of during morning hour debates for 5 min- Larry Flynt to replace the very ideas rity forces. People were afraid to talk to us, ever conscious of the pervasive utes. in our civilization and in our society Mr. SCARBOROUGH. Mr. Speaker, I that Washington, Jefferson, Madison, military and security presence on the island. I felt like I was back in Roma- come before this Chamber today to and Lincoln built the bedrock of this nia in 1985 under the tyranny of give my strongest commendations to great Republic upon. If Americans scratch their head and Nicolae Ceausescu. the Congressman from Alabama [Mr. Last week I met with Jose Ramos- ADERHOLT], who is coming forward wonder why we are having ethical problems in Washington and in State Horta, who shared the 1996 Nobel Peace with a resolution today supporting the Prize with Bishop Belo. He came to placement of the Ten Commandments capitals across the country and in uni- versities, why there are cheating scan- Washington to raise awareness of the in a courtroom in his home State of conflict and told stories of torture and Alabama. dals, why violence is breaking out in the inner cities at an unprecedented repression on the island. A lot of people might ask, why do The United States, and the adminis- rate, they do not have to look any fur- you need to actually pass a resolution tration in particular, has an obligation ther than the fact of what Abraham supporting the placement of the Ten to illustrate to the world that cam- Lincoln said over 100 years ago. Commandments in a courtroom in paign donations have nothing to do We have got to stop denying the ex- America, because after all, there are with their policy in this region. We istence of a faith that our Founding two copies of the Ten Commandments have an obligation to speak out and Fathers built this Republic upon and at the Supreme Court of the United use our influence with the Indonesian States. Right in this Chamber, as you were not ashamed to state that. Government. walk out, the same door that the Presi- Forget about religion. We do not We should encourage Jakarta to ne- dent walks in, above that is a bust of want to establish a national religion. gotiate a peaceful settlement and in Moses who brought the Ten Command- But we also do not want to hide our the meantime reduce the repressive ments down from Mount Sinai. eyes from an American heritage that and heavy-handed police presence on I mean let us face it. Even though made us what we have been in the past the island. We should urge them to the radicals of the past 30 years do not and what we as Americans can be once allow human rights monitors. We like to admit it, that is a great part, again. should appoint a prominent American the Ten Commandments are a great f to work on this issue full time. This part of our American heritage. In fact, EAST TIMOR SHOULD BE HIGHER person would enhance the good work the very radicals who claim to try to PRIORITY FOR U.S. FOREIGN already being done by the United Na- tear God out of our public life, out of POLICY tions and U.S. Ambassador Stapleton our courtrooms, out of our schools, any Roy. A more aggressive diplomatic ef- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under mentioning of it at all, who want to fort by the U.S.
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