S14-1037.8.9/EIAR-DRe/R:5 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING LABORATORY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT DECOMMISSIONING PROJECT FOR IGNALINA NPP UNIT 2 FINAL SHUT DOWN AND DEFUELLING PHASE Revision 5 Organizer of the Proposed Economic State Enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Activity: Plant Developer of the EIA Report: Lithuanian Energy Institute, Nuclear Engineering Laboratory July, 2010 This Project is funded by the Ignalina Programme of the EUROPEAN UNION The Ignalina Programme is a financial instrument to support the decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant and consequential measures in the energy sector for Lithuania S14-1037.8.9/EIAR-DRe/R:5 BRANDUOLINĖS INŽINERIJOS PROBLEMŲ LABORATORIJA POVEIKIO APLINKAI VERTINIMO ATASKAITA IAE 2-OJO BLOKO EKSPLOATAVIMO NUTRAUKIMO PROJEKTAS GALUTINIO SUSTABDYMO IR KURO IŠKROVIMO FAZEI 5 versija Planuojamos ūkinės veiklos Valstybės įmonė Ignalinos atominė elektrinė organizatorius: PAV ataskaitos rengėjas: Lietuvos energetikos institutas, Branduolinės inžinerijos problemų laboratorija 2010 m. liepos mėn. Šį projektą remia EUROPOS SĄJUNGA pagal Ignalinos programą Ignalinos programa yra finansinis instrumentas, skirtas Ignalinos atominės elektrinės eksploatavimo nutraukimui bei susijusioms priemonėms Lietuvos energetikos sektoriuje remti LEI S/14-1037.8.9/EIAR-DRe/R:5 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 July 7, 2010 Decommissioning Project for Ignalina NPP Unit 2 Final Shut Down and Defuelling Phase. EIA Report. Page 2 of 209 LIST OF AUTHORS TABLE OF REVISIONS Revision /Issue Issue date Description 0/0 April 6, 2009 Issued for EIA Developer’s internal review 1/1 April 17, 2009 Submitted to Ignalina NPP for review 2/1 June 12, 2009 Updated according to INPP comments; presented to public 3/1 July 16, 2009 Updated after the public presentation 3/2 December 7, 2009 Updated according to comments of EIA Relevant parties; resubmitted to EIA Relevant parties 4/1 March 17, 2010 Updated according to comments of Competent Authority 5 July 7, 2010 Updated after the meeting organized by Competent Authority on clarification of conclusions of EIA Relevant parties LEI S/14-1037.8.9/EIAR-DRe/R:5 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 July 7, 2010 Decommissioning Project for Ignalina NPP Unit 2 Final Shut Down and Defuelling Phase. EIA Report. Page 3 of 209 LIST OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS 6 INTRODUCTION 8 SUMMARY 10 1 GENERAL INFORMATION 13 1.1 ORGANIZER OF THE PROPOSED ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 13 1.2 DEVELOPER OF THE EIA REPORT 13 1.3 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 13 1.4 STAGES OF ACTIVITY 14 1.5 EIA CONNECTION WITH PLANNING AND DESIGNING STAGES 14 1.6 DEMAND FOR RESOURCES AND MATERIALS 19 1.7 SITE STATUS AND AREA PLANNING DOCUMENTATION 21 REFERENCES 25 2 TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES 26 2.1 INPP DESCRIPTION 26 2.2 CONTAMINATION WITH RADIONUCLIDES CAUSED BY THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES 29 2.3 TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS DESCRIPTION 30 2.3.1 Defuelling Stage 1 30 2.3.2 Defuelling Stage 2 31 2.4 PROJECTS RELATED TO INPP DECOMMISSIONING 33 REFERENCES 36 3 WASTE 37 3.1 NON-RADIOACTIVE WASTE 37 3.1.1 Requirements of the Legal Acts of the Republic of Lithuania 37 3.1.2 Management of Non-radioactive Waste in the INPP 37 3.1.3 Unit 2 Decommissioning Waste 40 3.2 RADIOACTIVE WASTE 40 3.2.1 Classification of Radioactive Waste 40 3.2.2 Radioactive Waste Management 42 3.2.3 Radioactive Waste Generated During the Defuelling Stage Because of Unit 2 Decommissioning Activities and Management of this Waste 43 3.2.4 Radioactive Waste Generated due to All Activities, Performed During the Defuelling Phase of Unit 2 Decommissioning and Management of this Waste 50 REFERENCES 58 4 POSSIBLE IMPACT ON VARIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS DUE TO THE PROPOSED ECONOMIC ACTIVITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES 60 4.1 WATER 60 4.1.1 Information about the Site 60 4.1.2 Planned Water Demand 64 4.1.3 Management of Discharges 64 4.1.4 Non-radiological Impact 65 4.1.5 Radiological Impact 66 REFERENCES 75 4.2 ENVIRONMENT AIR 77 4.2.1 Information about the Site 77 4.2.2 Non-radiological Impact 78 4.2.3 Radiological Impact 80 REFERENCES 88 4.3 SOIL 90 4.3.1 Information about the Site 90 LEI S/14-1037.8.9/EIAR-DRe/R:5 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 July 7, 2010 Decommissioning Project for Ignalina NPP Unit 2 Final Shut Down and Defuelling Phase. EIA Report. Page 4 of 209 4.3.2 Potential Impact 90 4.3.3 Impact Mitigation Measures 90 REFERENCES 91 4.4 UNDERGROUND (GEOLOGY) 92 4.4.1 Information about the Site 92 4.4.2 Potential Impact 99 4.4.3 Impact Mitigation Measures 99 REFERENCES 100 4.5 BIODIVERSITY 101 4.5.1 Information about the Site 101 4.5.2 NATURA 2000 Network and other Protected Areas 101 4.5.3 Potential Impact 106 4.5.4 Impact Mitigation Measures 106 REFERENCES 107 4.6 LANDSCAPE 108 4.6.1 Information about the Site 108 4.6.2 Potential Impact 108 4.6.3 Impact Mitigation Measures 108 REFERENCES 109 4.7 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 110 4.7.1 Information about the Site 110 4.7.2 Potential Impact 116 4.7.3 Impact Mitigation Measures 117 REFERENCES 118 4.8 CULTURAL HERITAGE 119 4.8.1 Information about the Site 119 4.8.2 Potential Impact 119 4.8.3 Impact Mitigation Measures 119 4.9 PUBLIC HEALTH 120 4.9.1 General Information 120 4.9.2 Non-radiological Impact 122 4.9.3 Radiological Impact 122 4.9.4 Summary of Impact on Public Health 139 REFERENCES 151 5 TRANSBOUNDARY IMPACT 153 5.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ON NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES 153 5.1.1 Daugavpils Region 153 5.1.2 Braslav Region 154 5.2 POTENTIAL NON-RADIOLOGICAL IMPACT AND IMPACT MITIGATION MEASURES 156 5.2.1 Water 156 5.2.2 Air 157 5.2.3 Soil 158 5.2.4 Geology 158 5.2.5 Biodiversity 158 5.2.6 Landscape 159 5.2.7 Socio-economic environment 159 5.2.8 Ethnic-cultural environment, cultural heritage 159 5.2.9 Public health 159 REFERENCES 161 6 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 162 6.1 LOCATION ALTERNATIVES 162 6.2 TIME (DISMANTLING) ALTERNATIVES 162 6.3 ALTERNATIVES OF TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS 163 LEI S/14-1037.8.9/EIAR-DRe/R:5 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 July 7, 2010 Decommissioning Project for Ignalina NPP Unit 2 Final Shut Down and Defuelling Phase. EIA Report. Page 5 of 209 REFERENCES 165 7 MONITORING 166 7.1 MONITORING OF RADIOACTIVE WATER DISCHARGES 166 7.2 MONITORING OF RADIOACTIVE AIRBORNE DISCHARGES 169 7.3 MONITORING OF EXTERNAL RADIATION (EXTERNAL DOSE RATE) 172 7.4 MONITORING OF RADIOACTIVITY IN AIR, WATER, SOIL AND THE FOOD CHAINS 177 REFERENCES 184 8 RISK ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT 185 8.1 IDENTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 185 8.2 ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 193 8.2.1 Reactor related accidents (first group of accidents) 193 8.2.2 Accidents related to the decommissioning activities (second group of accidents) 194 8.3 ASSESSMENT OF CONSEQUENCES TO POPULATION DUE TO THE POTENTIAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 198 8.3.1 Methodology for Assessment of Public Exposure Determined by Airborne Radioactive Materials 198 8.3.2 Assessment of Radiological Consequences 200 8.4 PROTECTIVE ACTIONS OF THE PUBLIC IN CASE OF A RADIOLOGICAL OR NUCLEAR ACCIDENT 202 REFERENCES 208 9 DESCRIPTION OF DIFFICULTIES 209 Appendixes are attached separately and to Lithuanian version only. APPENDIX 1. Higher education or/and qualification justifying documents of the EIA authors APPENDIX 2. Documents on public informing and public participation in the EIA process APPENDIX 3. Comments, conclusions of EIA relevant parties and other documents APPENDIX 4. Responses to comments of EIA relevant parties APPENDIX 5. Comments of Competent Authority and responses to the comments LEI S/14-1037.8.9/EIAR-DRe/R:5 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 July 7, 2010 Decommissioning Project for Ignalina NPP Unit 2 Final Shut Down and Defuelling Phase. EIA Report. Page 6 of 209 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS ALARA Аn acronym for radiation protection principle As Low As Reasonably Achievable (the radiation dose should be minimized to the greatest possible extent, except where the additional cost or impracticality of further dose-reduction measures would be unreasonable) BWR Boiling Water Reactor D&D Decontamination and Dismantling DP Decommissioning Project EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Commission EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIAR Environmental Impact Assessment Report EW Exempt waste FDP Final Decommissioning Plan FP Fission Products IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency ILW-LL Long-Lived Intermediate Level Waste ILW-SL Short-Lived Intermediate Level Waste INPP, Ignalina NPP Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant ISFSF Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility LEI Lithuanian Energy Institute LL Long-lived (waste) LLW-LL Long-Lived Low Level Waste LLW-SL Short-Lived Low Level Waste LR Republic of Lithuania LRW Liquid Radioactive Waste LWTF Liquid radioactive Waste Treatment Facility MCC Main Circulation Circuit NF Nuclear Facility NPP Nuclear Power Plant PCS Purification and Cooling System of the MCC PDP Preliminary Decommissioning Plan RAW Radioactive Waste RBMK Water-cooled, graphite-moderated, pressure-tube-type boiling-water power reactor (Russian abbreviation of “Reactor Bolshoy Moshchnosty Kanalny”) RFS Reactor Final Shutdown RM Refuelling Machine SAC Special Areas for Conservation SAR Safety Analysis Report SCI Sites of Community Importance SE State Enterprise SL Short-lived (waste) SNF Spent Nuclear Fuel SNFA Spent Nuclear Fuel Assembly SNFS Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage LEI S/14-1037.8.9/EIAR-DRe/R:5 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Revision 5 July 7, 2010 Decommissioning Project for Ignalina NPP Unit 2 Final Shut Down and Defuelling Phase.
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