THE BULLETIN BOARD Published by the BNL Personnel Office JULY 2, 1965 There will be no BULLETINBOARD published next week. CLASSIFHED ADS SUPPLEMENT FOR SALE 1961 OLDSMOBILE F-85 - 4-door sedan, auto. OUTBOARD MOTOR - Seagull 40 plus wtth long shaft. $85. E. Raka, Ext. 310. 1961 SAAB White, with Saxomat clutch. trans., r/h, excel. cond., low mileage, $995. HR 2-1208. AT 6-9260. 14’ SKIFF - Plywood, good fisherman’s boat, excel. cond. incl. anchor, self barler, lights, 1959 FIAT SPYDER Roadster model TV 1200, 1953 BUCKET OF BOLTS - Ortg. mfg. by Ford. Still runs. No reasonable offer refused, un- compass, floor gratings. $150. Wes, Ext. 322 red, new top, engine recently overhauled, or HR 2-T 289. paced for quick sale, Ext. 2840. reasonable offers subject to consideratron. P. Lieberman, Ext. 7732. 21’ FLYING FINN Very cheap. Ext. 423 or 1959 CHEVROLET - Station wagon, 6 pass., 1930 MODEL “A” FORD PICKUP Running AT 6-0626. ww’s, excel. cond., $800. Also go-kart en- - gines, matched pair of West Bend 580’s, fully cond. GR 5-5894 after 6. 15’ LAP-DORY Needs some work. Make modified at 8 hp ea., AAA mufflers, many ex- 1961 CHEVROLET - Impala, factory air cond., offer. AT 6-0257. tra parts, $80. K. Asselta, Ext. 7668 or AT l- full power, seat belts, radio, excel. cond. 18’ CABIN BOAT - Inboard, fine family boat, 6070 after 6. $995. Ext. 301-l 4 or AT 6-1227. must sell. Sacrifice, $400. GR 5-l 181. 1965 VOLKSWAGEN - Sedan, new cond., 1958 JAGUAR - Model XK150, gray, std. 22’ BOAT - 1957 Raveau, sleeps 3, full-sized very low mileage, some extras, $1,480. Avoil- trans., 44,000 miles, good cond., $1,050. A. head, inboard motor, completely overhauled able Sept. 15. P. Gutlich, Ext. 625. Laurrne, Ext. 448. and pornted. In water. AT 6-9457 after 6. 1958 FORD - Station wagon, Country Sedan, 1960 RAMBLER - Sedan, std. trans., good HOUSE - 7-room ranch in Terryville, 3 bed- V8, auto. trans., r/h, trailer hitch and light cond., must sell. HR 3-5847 evenings. rooms, livrng room, dining room, eat-In cable, roof rack. $200. A. Friedman, Ext. 1963 RAMBLER - Classrc, 4-door sedon, std. kitchen, family room & full basement, over- 7179. trans., overdrive, r/h, individual reclining sized garage, storms & screens, landscaped, 1963 CORVETTE - Sting Ray coupe, 300 hp seats. Leaving country Aug. 1, H. Weiner, Ext. 75x100 plot, fenced yard. W. Powell, Ext. 580 auto. trans., positraction, ps, AM-FM radio, 386 or AT 6-2275 evenings. or HR 3-9036 after 5. ww’s. Daytona blue with saddle tan interiors, 1959 FORD - Country Squire, 9-passenger sta- SUMMER BUNGALOW - 3 rooms, ideal loca- 23,000 mi. $2,995. Jim, Ext. 651 or HR 3-8359 tion wagon. Origrnal owner, well maintained tion % block from Montauk Hwy. Asking after 5:30. & ready for your summer trap. $650 firm. Ext. $3,600. Russo, SE 2-3338. 1949 MGTC One owner since 1950. Best 7628 or AT 6-9747. HOUSE - In Pt. Jefferson Station. Immaculate offer over $1100. Robertson, Ext. 2992 or 941- 1960 CORVAIR - Deluxe 700, outo. trans., r/h, 2-year-old split with 4 bedrooms, 1% baths, 3811. defroster, ww’s, windshield washers, 24,000 playroom, laundry room, garage, completely 1961 CHEVROLET - Impala, 4 door hard top, miles, excellent cond. Ext. 339 or 878-0510 landscaped with patio, w/w carpeting, storms auto. trans., ps, r/h, new tires, new brakes, after 6. 8, screens. Walk to shopping, school, L.I.R.R. $16,900. Jim, Ext. 7163 or HR 3-4668. excel. mech. cond. A cream puff. Asking 1963 CADILLAC - Coupe de Ville, fully pow- $1,050. Ext. 7732 or 2786 evenings. ered, like new. C. Greco, Ext. 2852 or GR 5- ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA JR. - Brand new 1958 PLYMOUTH - 4-door sedan, V8, auto. 1100. with bookrack, $75. Also combination car bed and/or playpen for full-sized autos. $5. AT 6- trans., ps, r/h, excel. engrne, on site. .Any 1963 BUICK SPECIAL - Convertible, standard 0414. reasonable offer. S. Pravda, Ext. 2543. shift; r&h, ww, in excellent condition. $1750. 1961 CORVAIR - Monza, white, r/h, 4-speed Call Tony, Ext. 2374. TWIN LENS REFLEX CAMERA - Good cond., $17. Flash attachment, $3. Exposure meter, stick shift, bucket seats, green interior. In 1963 CHEVROLET - Impala, 4-door sedan, $6. John, Ext. 2218. police lot. Hank, Ext. 411 or SH 4-2004. r/h, white with red interior, ps, 283 V8 engine, 1965 TRIUMPH TR-4A - Red with black top 8 auto. trans., show room cond. $1800. B. Fox, MISCELLANEOUS -Axle trailer hitch, osking interior, independent rear suspension, ww’s, Ext. 2528. $35. Mrcromat filter #2, $14. 5-gal. tank sprayer with extension arms, $7. Boy’s Co- wire wheels, window washer, heoter, tonnleau MGTD - 34,000 miles, garaged, never raced, lumbia bike, $15. Reilly, Ext. 2381-2. cover, 3000 miles. $2,750. WA l-0756 or WE mint cond. 878-0953 after 5:30. 8-0265. BABY CARRIAGE - Bilt-Rrte, new, converts to SLOOP Duet class, sleeps 4, fully equrpped, car bed 8 stroller. Chrome under carriage & 1961 RAMBLER -4.door Classic, white, $400. 25 hp inboard auxiltary, 8 sails. A real wheel fenders & handle bar, rest stainless Also 1960 Opel, gray, $200. Quarltere, Ext. beauty. AT 9-0886. 639 or GR 5-3107 after 5:30. steel. Vinyl leatherette (gold) padded inside. 16’ SLOOP - Complete with new dacron sails. $60 orig. Sell for $35 with mattress, wind 1963 STUDEBAKER HAWK - 289 V8, I-speed $500. C. Raseman, Ext. 348 or 941-4078 cover, & carry-all bag. R. Nretto, Ext. 2304 trans., twin traction, good cond. throughout. after 6. or LT 9-7327 after 6. Ext. 2234 or 929-4472 between 5:30 8 7 p.m. 13’3” BOAT - 1964 Boston Whaler, 28 hp REFRIGERATOR - 13 cu. ft. frost free deluxe 1962 VOLKSWAGEN - Sedan, 43,000 miles, Evinrude (7% hrs.), 6-gal. gas can, side roils, Hotpoint with 0” freezer at top. Many extra $900. R. Lingg, Ext. 481 or 751-1253. steering wheel, remote controls, running convenient features. Excel. cond., 10 years 1962 CORVAIR “95” - % ton pickup truck, r/h, lights, boat cushions, fire extinguisher, pad- old. $50. Ext. 543. dle, Danforth anchor, season dock space if new tires, 29,000 orig. mi., rampside optens HI-FI - Heath WA-P2 preamp/20 W amplifier, you wish. Sacrifice $950. Ext’ 2532. for loading heavy items conveniently, excel. Garrard turntable, Electra Voice speaker, cond. $850. R. Kerzner, Ext. 2852 or MO 5- 14’ BOAT - With windshield, steering wheel 8 model 15 TRXB. Speaker cabinet corner or 8137. cables, throttle 8. shift control & cables, run- wall model. Turntable 8 power supply in 1957 CHEVROLET - Blue & white, 4 doors, 8 ning lights. $70. Hank, Ext. 686. chair-side table, light walnut finish. Eico FM cyl. auto. trans. r/h, power equipped, new 14’ BOAT - Bottom fiberglassed last winter, tuner. All in excel. cond. Ext. 7732 or 2786 tires, good cond. Engine needs work. If you’re painted, ready for water. 1960 Mercury 22 hp evenings. handy, moke an offer. Ext. 7629. with new controls 8 steering. Also anchor, SHOT GUN - 12 ga. Ithaca featherlight, 1962 MERCURY METEOR - 4-door sedan, std. paddle, & life preservers. $225. 281-8612 excel. cond. with cleaning kit. Also Singer trans., excel. cond., low mileage, $995. AT 6- after 6. sewing machine. Don, Ext. 2410 or MO 6- 9260. 14’ OUTBOARD - Best offer. AT 6.0372. 4491. THE BULLETIN BOARD JULY 2,1965 PROPELLERS - 1 feathering type propeller for SINK Youngstown double drolnboard sink & APARTMENT FurnIshed in E. Patchogue. 2 sail boat, right hand 12x10 for 1” shaft, orig. cabinet containing vegetable bin, under sink family house, ideal for 2 people. AvaIlable cost $225, asklng $50. Also 1 3-blade right cabinet, 5 drawers 8. pull-ssut cutting board. July 22. AT 6-9524 after 6. hand type E 12x14 and 1 12x7, new pro- White, cabinet needs palntlng. $45. Faucet APARTMENT - Unfurnished, In Bellport. 4 pellers for 1” shaft, asking $12 each. D. incl. Ext. 2254 or SH 4-3630. rooms, utilities, garage, neor village, private Stephani, Ext. 7227 or MO 9-9202 after 6. MISCELLANEOUS - Rifle, Enfield 30.06 ial. entrance. $115 per month. AT 6-8850. TV SET Portable In good cond, $50. Also 15” sporterlzed, new checkered stock, sling, Red- CARPOOCI woofer plus dual cone tweeters from A.R. field sights, excel. cond., $65. Aires Ill 35 mm speaker system, $20. P. Lieberman, Ext. 7732. camera, F 1.2 lens, with case, $35. Heathkit DRIVERS Two wanted to complete existing LAWN MOWER - Lawn Scout power driven 5” osctlloscope test equipment, model O-12, carpool from Babylon, N. Babylon, W. Bob- mower, 1 yr. old, $70 new, now $25. ,Also excel. cond., $45. Two foldjng roll-away beds ylon area. W. Seibold. Ext. 653. queen size Martha Washington bedspread with inner spring mattress, $30 pair. P. Buhl, DRIVER - Wishes to ioin or form corpool from and cotton quilted (white) with gold design Ext. 354. Plainview, HickswIle, Syosset area. P. Herling, queen size bedspread. First $15, second $10. TV SET - Emerson AC-DC, 8”xll” picture, 6 Ext. 2881. P. Alonzo, JU 8-0432. new tubes, good performance, $20. Wooden RIDER - Summer student from Stony Brook. M. AMMETER GAUGE - -60 to +60, new. $2. TV table with castors, $5. Baby buggy, $5. Shea, Ext. 2245 or 751-0914. Crib, $5. J. Olson, AT 9-1463. R. Groeser, Ext. 606 or 643. DRIVER - Interested in loining corpool or find- LAWN MOWER 21” self propelled reel, 2 ALUMINUM STORM DOOR - 2 glass pc’nels bng a rider.
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