HATCHERY AND GENETIC MANAGEMENT PLAN (HGMP) Hatchery Program: Coos River Winter Steelhead Program Species or Winter Steelhead (Stock 37) Hatchery Stock: Agency/Operator: Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Watershed and Region: Coos River Watershed-West Region Date Submitted: October 19, 2005 First Update Submitted: June 6, 2016 Second Update Submitted: October 5, 2017 Date Last Updated: October 4, 2017 SECTION 1. GENERAL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 1.1) Name of hatchery or program. Coos River Winter Steelhead Program 1.2) Species and population (or stock) under propagation, and ESA status. Coos River (stock 37) winter steelhead are propagated under this program. The broodstock includes Oregon Coast Steelhead ESU Oncorhynchus mykiss, which are not ESA-listed population although registered by the NMFS as Candidate species (Federal Register Notice March 1998). These fish are also a sensitive species under Oregon’s Sensitive Species Rule (OAR 635-100-0040). 1.3) Responsible organization and individuals. Lead Contact: Scott Patterson, Fish Propagation Program Manager Agency: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Address: 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive, Salem, OR 97302 Telephone: (503) 947-6218 Fax: (503) 947-6202 Email: [email protected] On-site Lead Contact: Lead Contact Mike Gray, District Fish Biologist Agency or Tribe: Oregon Dept Fish & Wildlife Address: 63538 Boat Basin Drive, Charleston, OR 97420 Telephone: (541) 888-5515 Fax: (541) 888-6860 Email: [email protected] Hatchery Contact: David Welch, Bandon Hatchery Manager Agency or Tribe: Oregon Dept Fish & Wildlife Address: Rt. 2 Box 418, Bandon, OR 97411 Telephone: (541) 347-4278 Fax: (541) 347-3079 Email: [email protected] Other agencies, Tribes, co-operators, or organizations involved, including contractors, and extent of involvement in the program: The South Coast Anglers STEP Association volunteers, as well as numerous unassociated students, anglers, and volunteers, assist with broodstock collection, rearing, and spawning. Volunteers also assist in other aspects of the operation of the STEP facilities. Volunteer efforts are under the supervision of an ODFW STEP biologist or other ODFW fish district and hatchery personnel. Coos River Steelhead HGMP 2017 2 1.4) Funding source, staffing level, and annual hatchery program operational costs. Funding source-State dollars from the sale of fishing licenses and tags, and 50% from state general fund (tax dollars). Bandon Hatchery Staffing level: One hatchery manager-2, one hatchery technician-, and one hatchery technician-1. Bandon Hatchery operating costs: $387,352 per biennium. Total facility annual operating costs for four years included in a hatchery audit are: 1996-$162,725; 1997-$177,120; 1998- $178,860; 1999-$193,674 Cole Rivers Hatchery Staffing level: One hatchery manager, nine Tech-1, one Tech-2, one Tech-3, two Trades Maintenance, and one Office Coordinator. Coos Steelhead Program operational costs: Bandon Hatchery: 1996-$814; 1997-$886; 1998-$894 Alsea Hatchery: 1996-$37,771; 1997-$47,638; 1998-$39,045 (Note: rearing moved from Alsea H. to Cole Rivers Hatchery in 2000. Figures for operational costs at Cole Rivers H. are not yet available.) In addition to these ODFW facility costs, there has been a substantial value to the volunteer labor, materials, and other aspects of the operation of Millicoma Interpretive Center and other acclimation facilities that contribute to the production of Coos River hatchery steelhead. 1.5) Location(s) of hatchery and associated facilities. (See Appendix C for map of the sites) Bandon Hatchery is located in the Coquille watershed, one mile east of the city of Bandon, legal description latitude 43o 06’ 58”N and longitude 124o 23’ 57” W. The hatchery is situated at the confluence of Ferry Creek and its tributary, Geiger Creek. Ferry Creek enters the Coquille estuary at RM 1.5. Watershed code is 1700301000. The regional mark processing code for Bandon Hatchery is 5F22237 H37 21. Cole M. Rivers Hatchery is located in the Rogue watershed approximately 30 miles NE of Medford at this location: Latitude 42o 41' 18" N and Longitude 122o 37' 45" W. This hatchery is located at the base of Lost Creek Dam at river mile 157. The regional mark processing code for Cole M. Rivers Hatchery is 5F22208 H8 21. Spawning and egg incubation facilities Spawning occurs at Millicoma Interpretive Center on the West Fork Millicoma River. Incubation of green eggs takes place at Bandon Hatchery. A small number of eyed eggs are distributed to elementary schools for educational display in classroom incubators. Egg incubation and rearing facilities Eyed eggs from Bandon hatchery are transported to Cole Rivers Hatchery for rearing to Coos River Steelhead HGMP 2017 3 acclimation-ready smolts. Multiple classroom incubators in local elementary schools each incubate up to a few hundred eggs to hatching and “button-up”. The school children then take a “field trip” to a nearby stream and release these buttoned-up fry. Release sites A total of 125,000 smolts are released from acclimation sites at Big Creek, Hodges, and West Fork Millicoma sites. Smolts are released from acclimation sites after three weeks of acclimation. Small numbers of unfed fry are released into streams near elementary schools, from classroom incubators. 1.6) Type of program. Isolated Harvest Program (smolt program) 1.7) Purpose (Goal) of program. This program is being used for harvest augmentation. The goal of the smolt program is to provide fish for harvest that are genetically and ecologically similar to wild populations, to minimize any potential impacts to wild populations. Eyed eggs are placed in classroom incubators for educational purposes. 1.8) Justification for the program. This program provides fish for harvest in the West and East Forks of the Millicoma and the South Fork Coos River. 1.9) List of program “Performance Standards” and 1.10) Performance Indicators, addressing benefits (1.10.1) and addressing risks (1.10.2) BENEFITS BENEFITS BENEFITS Performance Performance Indicators Monitoring & Evaluation Standards Provide an opportunity Program fish contribute All releases are properly for anglers to harvest to the ocean and documented. hatchery steelhead in- freshwater harvest. Analyze returned basin. Anglers pursue program harvest tags to fish. determine harvest level Program fish are of hatchery steelhead. externally marked to Periodically conduct help evaluate survival, creel or other surveys to distribution, straying, estimate angler effort and contribution to the and harvest rates of fishery. program fish. Carcasses or other Specified monitoring Distribution of nutrient products will streams are designated carcasses and other Coos River Steelhead HGMP 2017 4 be placed in wild for target nutrient products for nutrient steelhead spawning loading, while other enrichment is in streams for nutrient streams are not loaded compliance with DEQ enrichment. This is and act as experimental guidelines. identified as an Oregon controls. Plan salmon restoration measure. Healthy winter Release groups will meet Conduct appropriate steelhead are released. ODFW fish health health checks standards. throughout incubation, rearing, and prior to release. Document size and age of program fish prior to release. Verify compliance with approved fish health standards and criteria. (See Appendix A.) The steelhead program A Conservation Plan will be Procedures for assessing will meet the criteria developed for the stock status and risks will provided by the Native appropriate Species be developed in Fish Conservation Management Unit (SMU). conjunction with the Policy. Based on the Conservation Conservation and Hatchery Plan and the Fish Hatchery Management Plan. Management Policy, a Public input will be sought Hatchery Management Plan during the development of will be developed. the plans. RISKS RISKS RISKS Performance Performance Indicators Monitoring & Evaluation Standards All hatchery steelhead Confirm that hatchery Appropriate monitoring smolt release lots will smolts are marked with techniques will be used to be 100% adipose fin- appropriate fin marks prior evaluate finmark efficiency. marked. This will to release. Conduct quality Hatchery steelhead will be identify hatchery- control measures during and identified/quantified in produced steelhead in after fin marking, prior to angler creel and spawning fisheries and on the release. surveys. spawning grounds. Capture steelhead Steelhead broodstock Record wild broodstock adults for broodstock collection activities will collected and incidental Coos River Steelhead HGMP 2017 5 in a manner that does avoid the take of wild catch of wild coho in not threaten the coho to the extent the basin. persistence/rebuilding possible. Avoid the take of listed of wild coho and Steelhead broodstock coho and wild steelhead steelhead in the basin. collection activities that in excess of fish become susceptible to collected for the take of wild coho will hatchery programs be modified to reduce under HGMP. take, even within approved take limits. Hatchery operations Hatchery operations Fish health is regularly comply with the Fish conform to applicable fish monitored to avoid the Hatchery Management health, sanitation, and introduction of new Policy and other state operational guidelines. pathogens or significant and federal guidelines Hatchery operations levels of existing and permits. conform to STEP poundage pathogens. and/or DEQ/NPDES Fish health is certified prior guidelines
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