SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH A ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN DANBURY EIGHT ROBINSON AVENUE DANBURY, CONNECTICUT 06810-5517 Rectory Telephone: (203)748-8177 Web Page: www.stjosephchurchdanbury.org REVEREND SAMUEL V. SCOTT, M.DIV., M.A., PASTOR REVEREND DAVID W. FRANKLIN, M.DIV., PAROCHIAL VICAR REVEREND RAYMOND M. SCHERBA, M.DIV., IN RESIDENCE REVEREND AUGUSTINE NGUYEN, M.DIV., IN RESIDENCE DEACON DONALD J. NAIMAN On behalf of the St. Joseph Task Force to 5 PM Masses. Please call the Office at 203-748- Re-Open and our entire staff, we are delighted to 8177 to register each week in order to attend Mass. inform you that we are open for Sunday Masses We are practicing social distancing and all must and the Saturday Vigil. We have taken every con- wear a mask. Weekday public Masses will resume ceivable measure to ensure that St. Joseph in a later re-opening phase. Please do not attend if Church is the safest place not only in Danbury but you are feeling ill or in any at-risk group. in the United States for you, your families, our staff, and the entire Parish community. To show The Rectory Office will be closed for walk-in you how we are transcending COVID-19, please service during this time, but you may call 203-748- see the homepage of our Parish website at 8177, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 www.stjosephchurchdanbury.org for more infor- PM, for pastoral emergencies, Parish business, or mation and regular updates. We cannot wait to for any other inquiries. welcome you to your spiritual home. We are currently live streaming these We are offering Mass at the Saturday Vigil Masses: 12:05 PM daily Masses, 4:00 PM Vigil at 4:00 PM and the Sunday 7:30 AM, 12 Noon, and Mass on Saturday, and 12:00 PM Sunday Mass so you may watch online. Saint Joseph Church is wheelchair accessible. Parking for the physically challenged is located at the side of church. We thank you for turning off all personal electronic devices before entering the church. ST. JOSEPH’S DANBURY Dear parishioners and friends of St. Joseph Parish, On Sunday, September 20th, Father Scott commissioned and blessed our Religious Education catechists at the 5:00 PM Mass. The theme for Cate- Saturday, September 26 chetical Sunday this year is ”I received from the 8:00 AM In Memory of the Unborn Child Lord what I also handed on to you.” 4:00 PM Picchione & Iannello Families—M/M Crowell Sunday, September 27 We are grateful to have such a devoted team 7:30 AM Intentions of Parishioners of volunteers who are willing to impart their knowl- 9:00 AM Craig Silverman—Doyle Family edge and love of the Catholic Faith to the children of 10:30 AM Gordon & Julie Lynch—M/M Ray Bento our Parish family. We are grateful to Mrs. Claire 12:00 PM David Castruccio—Wife & Daughters Anderson, our Religious Education secretary, for the 5:00 PM Viola & Pius Cesca—Family dedication and talent that she brings to our program. Monday, September 28 Please pray throughout the year for all of those called 7:00 AM Deceased of the Richard Leinert Family to serve in this important Parish ministry. 12:05 PM Francis P. Sullivan—M/M F. Sullivan Tuesday, September 29 Religious Education Catechists for 2020-2021: 7:00 AM Alice Frischmann—M/M Aquilia 12:05 PM Guiseppe Ferraro—Wife Tuesday Catechists Wednesday, September 30 7:00 AM Rosaria Aquilia—M/M Aquilia First Grade – Miss Alexandra and Miss Gabriella Cos 12:05 PM Richard Borrelli—Family Second Grade – Deacon Don and Mrs. Stephania Thursday, October 1 Naiman 7:00 AM Emil Sulentic—Allen Inankur Third Grade – Mr. Art Regan and Mrs. Jessica Regan 12:05 PM Dorothy Noack—Family Fourth Grade – Mrs. Maria Merino-Schweitzer Friday, October 2 Fifth Grade – Mrs. Joyce Pasquarella 7:00 AM Maria C. Scalzo—Family Sixth Grade – TBD 12:05 PM Elizabeth Duncan—Paul Duncan Saturday, October 3 Wednesday Catechists 8:00 AM Int. of Richard “Dick” Bavetta—Family 4:00 PM Theodore Setaro, Jr.—Mother First Grade – Miss Rebecca and Miss Samantha Sunday, October 4 Andersen 7:30 AM Vincent Keilty—Family Second Grade – Mrs. Ania Szurawski and Mrs. Jessy 9:00 AM Joseph & Joe Valente—C. Valente Jos 10:30 AM Arthur Radun—Wife, Irene Third Grade – Mrs. Colleen Slaiby 12:00 PM Rev. Frank Martin Hull, SSJ-Badinelli Family Fourth Grade – TBD 5:00 PM Intentions of Parishioners Fifth Grade – Mrs. Christine Fournier Sixth Grade – Mrs. Becky Wallin and Mrs. Anne Marie Iozzo Procedure for Public Mass Level I Catechists We kindly ask that you register every week for Sunday – Mrs. Maria Merino-Schweitzer the Mass you would like to attend. Wednesday – Mr. Ric DiPierro, Mr. Jake Jacobson St. Joseph Church is offering Public Masses with and Mrs. Jeanette Jakobson a congregation. Please see the Parish’s website, www.stjosephchurchdanbury.org for more in- Level II Catechists formation. We are offering the Saturday, 4:00 PM Vigil Mass and the Sunday, 7:30 AM, 12:00 Sunday – Mrs. Cheryl Fusco Noon, and 5:00 PM Masses. Wednesday – Ms. Ann McCarthy and Mrs. Maura Gibson Please call the Rectory, 203-748-8177, Monday through Friday between 9 AM and 4 PM, in order to register each week to attend one of these Mrs. Lynn Smierciak Masses. Director of Religious Education Thank you. SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 Order of Mass for the Lord’s Day Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle A ENTRANCE St. Michael Hymnal # 438 - “At the Name of Jesus” KYRIE “Lord Have Mercy” - Heritage Mass (Alstott) 12 PM Mass: Missa de Angelis, #105 and following for the Latin Mass parts GLORIA #192 - “Gloria,” Heritage Mass (Alstott) FIRST READING Missal p. 56 – Ezekiel 18: 25-28 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Missal p. 56: “Remember your mercies, O Lord.” SECOND READING Missal p. 57 - Philippians 2: 1-11 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Missal p. 57 GOSPEL Missal p.57 - Matthew 21: 28-32 HOMILY OFFERTORY St. Michael Hymnal # 793 - “This Is Our Accepted Time” SANCTUS “Holy”- Heritage Mass (Alstott) MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION “Save Us Savior of the World”- Heritage Mass (Alstott) AGNUS DEI Live Streaming Mass Schedule “Lamb of God”- Heritage Mass (Alstott) Monday-Friday: Daily Mass COMMUNION ANTIPHON 12:05 PM " Be mindful of your word to your servant, O Lord, in Saturday: Vigil Mass which you caused me to hope; this has been my 4:00 PM comfort in my affliction. " Sunday: Mass COMMUNION 12:00 Noon St. Michael Hymnal # 647 - “O Christ, Our Hope” Please go to our website: www.stjosephchurchdanbury.org and click on StreamSpot live streaming. Click on the icon in the bottom right hand corner to see the St. Joseph School News Mass full screen. To keep up with the latest School news, like us on If you miss the live stream of the Mass you may Facebook. still go to the website, click on the StreamSpot Visit our website www.sjsdanbury.org for information logo, then click on “previous broadcasts” to find on upcoming events. the Mass you would like to view. Please Pray For The Repose Of The Soul Of: Now available on smartphones and tablets! Rosa Turning TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Carmen Buck Religious Education Building 203-778-1920 Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure The Religious Education Office is open for Worship Offerings phone calls only. If you need to register your children September 19—September 20, 2020 $6,029.50 for Religious Education classes for the 2020-2021 During this time of uncertainty due to the coronavirus, academic year for Grades 1-8, please download the please mail your regular offertory envelopes to St. Registration Form and Emergency Contact Form on our Parish website, www.stjosephchurchdanbury.org. Joseph Rectory or give Online. We truly depend on your help and assistance for Please use the tab for Parish Life and drop down to click on Religious Education. A copy of the Baptis- paying our staff, the upkeep of our church operations, mal Certificate should accompany registrations for and to advance the mission of the Church in Danbury. children who are new to our program or for those chil- dren not baptized at St. Joseph Church. Please mail Many thanks for your generous stewardship! May all paperwork to: Religious Education Office, St. Jo- God reward your generosity! seph Church, 8 Robinson Ave., Danbury, CT 06810. To sign-up for online giving, go to You are also welcome to drop off the com- www.stjosephchurchdanbury.org pleted registration forms in the mailbox outside the and click on the Online Giving Religious Education door of the Carmen Buck Reli- logo and create an account. gious Education Building. If you have any questions, please call our office at 203-778-1920, or email Mrs. Saint Joseph Music Notes Lynn Smierciak, Director of Religious Education, at [email protected]. Today's Offertory antiphon comes from Psalm 136, from the sorrows of the Babylonian captivity: "upon the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and we wept, as we remembered you, O Zion." This text is reflected in the Offertory hymn's words "prayer and Congratulations to the St. Joseph School chil- fasting are our hope, penance, our vocation...Lord, dren who received the Sacraments of First look down upon your sons, look upon their Reconciliation and First Holy Communion on yearning...flesh has gained him sadness." Like the September 18th and 19th! Israelites of old, held captive in a foreign land, we too Isaac Bethray remain in this vale of tears, with the pains and trials Christian Burgos of our fleshly embodiment on earth.
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