m Entered at the Post Office at Chicago, 111., for transmission through the viails at second-class rates. A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ELEVATOR AND GRAIN INTERESTS. ONE DOLLAE PER ANNUM, MITCHELL Bros: COMPANY i VoL. XXI. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 15, 1903. No. 8. ] s.Na,,K copt. ten ck.ts. If you are looking for a higK grade, built upon honor, durable and economical gasoline engine, then buy a BACKVS GASOLINE ENGINE Can furnish yon with a second-hand 6 H.-P. Fairbanks; a 15 H.-P. Otto; 20 and 60 H.-P. New Era; 32 and 65 H.-P. Foos. If yovi want the best, buy a new Backvis Gasolirve Engine St III. CHICAGO WATER MOTOR <a FAN CO., 216 Lake , Chicago, WESTERN AGENTS BACKUS ENGINES SALEM BUCKETS SKILLIN & RICHARDS MFG. CO., Used Than Any Other 127-147 FULTON STREET, CHICAQO. MANUFACTURERS AND FURNISHERS OF ALL KINDS OF ELEVATOR MACHINERY, Write for Catalog and Prices. POWER TRANSMISSION, ETC. COriPLETE OUTFITS. L. R. FYFE L. H. MANSON Stock Orders The POST or JOURNAL, Executed on containing our Daily New York IVIarlfet Letter, in which appears Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Over continuous quotations Private Wires from the opening to the close of business ^^^^^^ will be sent MEMBERS- WGPA/NePROV/S/ONS.^ free upon application Chlcago Board of STOCKS BONDS COFFEE Trade COTTON 54-S6 Board of Trade BIdg., Chicago Milwaukeo Chamber TEL. HARRISON ot Commeree MINNEAPOLIS ST. LOUIS MILWAUKEE 192S—21B9 H. M. Paynter, In Charge of Cash Grain Department . U.S. Denial AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. Corn SKellers? Do We Make 'Em? Wei/, just ask us foi^ a copy of our Catalogtie No. 35 TT tells all about the best and most complete line of NEW PROCESS CYLINDER CORN SHELLER. 1 Corn Shellins; Machinery manufactured. We make Shellers and Cleaners as separate machines, Also a WITHOUT complete line of CLEANER.. Combined SKellers and Cleaners Si. JA^C/7i iV Onvi. C CO. NEW PROCESS CORN SHELLER ONLY. for shelling both husked and unhusked corn. The New Process Combined Shuck Sheller and Cleaner is the only machine that can be fitted for either husked corn of Northern states or the unhusked corn of SouthcFn states. FEED HOPPER If yotcre going to buy a Corn Sheller or Corn Cleaner, get a New Process. We are also manufacturers of Power Transmission Appliances and Grain Elevating and Conveying Machiner}'. We solicit specifi- cations and the privilege of quoting on any requirements in this line. MARSEILLES, ^ € NEW PROCESS -CORN CIEANEB » .»P'^^pseiUt5M«; „^„sEl.i-'-',\i5 Marseilles Mfg. Co. ILLINOIS. BRANCHES NEW PROCESS CORN CLEANER, WITH SHUCK SEPARATING FAN. Peoria, III., Courvcll Bluffs and Cedar Rapids, la.. Kansas City, Mo. PATENT STRETCHED ELEVATOR BELTING. S/V\ITM'S AUIOMATK WAREtlOySf AND ElEVATOR Will Write /WACMIINERY Give You For Prompt The Ohio Sheller Prices. Attention. THIS THE GUTTA PERCHA AND RUBBER HPG. CO., SHELLER 96 AND 98 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. ^ Is guaranteed to equal any THE LINK-BELT MACHINERY CO., Sheller on the market. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, • - CHICAGO, U. S. A. All the shelling surfaces are of chilled iron, giving the greatest possible durability. PHILIP SMITH INCLUDING BELT TRIPPERS, POWER SHOVELS, SIDNEY, SPOUTS, BUCKETS, BOOTS, MACHINE MOLDED KOPE SHEAVES, OHIO, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, SHAFT BEARINGS, GEARING, U. S. A. FRICTION CLUTCHES, ETC. YORK. LINK-BELT EN&lNEEItlNG CO.. I'll I I.A DELPUIA AKD NEW AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. 381 OUR VALENTINE! Lovers who peak, and maids who pine, Look to Cupid for their valentine, As shippers, when they've grain to sell. Look to us, would they do well. J. Rosenbaum Grain Co. 382 AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. Riter=Conley Mfg. Co., Dodge Manufacturing Co. MANUFACTURERS, ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, of Steel, Grain Elevators rJVo'S Mishawaka, Ind., U. S. A. ALSO Branches: CHICAGO. BOSTON, New York. Cincinnati, Atlanta, Ga.. London. Eng. Gas Holders with Steel Tanks* manufacture a complete line of Water and Oil Tanks, GRAIN j^I^^yAI^OR Steel Buildings, Steel stacks and MACHINERY Steel Construction of Every Description, Embracing latest types of Grain Trirpefs, Power Shovels. Car Pullers. Belt Conveyors, Marine Legs, Spouting, Etc.; Self o.iing and Dustproof Bearings, also Dodge American Sy5:*eir, Manila Rope Transmission. Designed, The following Grain Fievators, -jBder construction or in operation, are among those recently equipped: Famished and Illinois Central R. R., New Orleans, La., capacity, 1,200,000 bu. " Erected in Northern Grain Co,, Manitowoc, Wis., 1,200,000 " Northern Grain Co., Council Bluffs, la., 750,000 All Parts of the "World. " Cross section of Great Northern Elevator furnished by Botsford & Jenks, Meaford, Ont., 1,000,000 " us at Buffalo, N. Y. Three million bushels' capacity. Chicago Dock Co., Chicago, III., - 1,000,000 Steel throughout. " D. H. Stuhr Grain Co., Hammond, Ind., 600,000 Electric Steel Elevator, Buffalo, - 1,200,000 " " McReynolds & Co., Hammond, Ind., - " 2,000,000 " Calumet Elevator Co., South Chicago, 111., 1,200,000 General Office, Water Street, Pittsburg. " Rosenbaum Bros., South Chicago, 111., 1,000,000 " Plate, Tank and Boiler Works, First, Second and Third Aves. Peavey Grain Co., South Chicago, 111., 1,600.000 Chicago-O'Neil Grain Co., South Chicago, 111. 750,000 " etc., etc. Structural Works, Preble Avenue, Allegheny City, Pa. New York Office, 39 and 41 Cortlandt Street. Have the Largest Factory in the World Exclusively Devoted to the Manufacture of Power Transmitllni; Machinery. CATALOQUE UPON APPLICATION. LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. Feed and Meal "Hp HE Willford Light Running Three ^ Roller Mill is just the machine you need for custom work. It will grind the most feed with the least power. It is easy to operate; is strong, durable and reliable, and will give the best of satis- faction for orrmdino^ feed and meal. We also make two and three-pair-high Feed Mills, Cob Crushers, Corn Shellers and Cleaners, Separators, Scourers and Oat Clippers, and furnish all kinds of mill and elevator supplies. Barnard & Leas Mfg. Co. BUILDERS OF ELEVATORS and ELEVATOR MACHINERY MOLINE, ILL. AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. THE C O M IJSf ET> Belt Conveyor Machinery MO JSfATiC H CO'RJSf and GO'S OVTFIT Is easy to install and rasN' t(i operate. It is making' money for otlu-rs: why not tor you? The machines are built on scientific principles and so de- signed that the greatest amount of work can be done with the least amount of power. Mav be used sejjarately if desired. TowsERS. N. Y. (^i-titl,-ittrn : 1 am well pleased witli the lo-inch Combined Mill pur- chased of you October 1'), It tloes the work satisfactorily and have been to no expense whatever for repairs. Do all kinds of grinti- ins; at the rate of tjOO to 8W pounds ^^UR Patent Self-Oiling Carriers are in use by many per hour with HI horse water power. in this .-\m so well pleased with it that if 1 of the best modern plants countr}-. We were to set another mill it would be the same kind. manufacture a complete line of the inos/ improved appli- Yours verv trulv. ALONZo p.\lmi;r. a?ices for belt conveyors. Our Carriers, Trippers and Take-ups have features that are most distinct improve- Ol'R Feed Mill Cataloaue and others on the market. Pamphlet. " U'HA TOUF: CUS- ments over any TOMERS SAV." will tell you more Estimates furnished on application. about this outfit. They are yours for the askins. Stephens=Adanison Mfg. Co. Sprout, Waldron& Co. Office an 1 Works : Chicago Representatives: AURORA, ILLINOIS MONARCH MILL <S. SUPPLY CO. Box 0., MVNCY, PA. 68 arvd 70 South Canal St. CUSTOM WORK! UTILIZE YOUR POWER BY OPERATING A GOOD MILL FOR GRINDING ...FEED AND MEAL... IT PAYS •WE MANUFACTURE THREE-ROLL, TWO-BREAK MILLS, 2 Sizes. THREE-PAIR HIGH, SEX-ROLLER MILLS, 4 Sizes. TWO-PAIR HIGH, FOUR-ROLLER MILLS, 5 Sizes, •••And*** VERTICAL UNDER RUNNERS, PORTABLE FRENCH BUHR MILLS, UPPER RUNNERS, 85 Sizes and Styles. PULLEY AND GEAR DRIVES. 3-PAIR-HIGH, SIX-ROLLER MILL. SEND FOR BOOK ON MILLS. ELEVATOR SUPPLIES and POWER CONNECTIONS. ROPE DRIVES. GEARING, CORN SHELLERS and CLEANERS, GRAIN CLEANERS. Automatic). DUST COLLECTORS ~ , T ^* manufacture Elevator Cups for all purposes, and make a greater number of sizes than found in any standard I ist. have greater I pC Our Cups capacity than others of same rated sizei for instance, our 3^x3 inch, list price 9c., has as much capacity as others 3ix3i inch, list price JOc. Our prices are fight. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. NORDYKE & MARMON CO., INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, U. S. A. FLOURING MILL ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. ESTABLISHED 1 85 J. 384 AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. YOV WILL Certainly make some arrange- ments for the grinding of meal and feed to meet the ever increasing demand for these products, and when you do you will most surely want a first-class machine. We wish to interest you enough to write us for prices on our THREE.PAIR.HIGH SIX.ROLLER MILL, as we are satisfied we can make you a customer. No machine can so well cover your require- ments as the one we offer. For a CORN AND COB CRUSHER, you will surely want a CYCLONE, once you have read description and know the price. We carry a full line of mill and elevator supplies and shall be pleased to have speci- fications for any of your wants. CASE MFG. CO. COLUMBUS. OHIO AMERICAN ELEVATOR AND GRAIN TRADE. 385 We Own and Control the Only GRAIN PURIFIER Thai is Protected by United States Letters Patent course vou need a Grain Purifier that will remove all traces of smut, must and mold odors, water stains, etc., and gix'e you the highest prices for your grain, l)ut at the same time you want protection from damage suits for usino- infrmoino- devices.
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