www.newhampshirelakesandmountains.com SERVING THE NORTH COUNTRY SINCE 1889 [email protected] 124TH YEAR, 10TH ISSUE LITTLETON, N.H., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013 75¢ (USPS 315-760) DARIN WIPPERMAN/THE LITTLETON COURIER The fate of Dells Dam will not be decided this month, but the town hopes for an affirmative vote on a warrant article. Littleton continues to work with state regulators to ensure the high hazard structure complies with New Hampshire rules. Town Manager Fred Moody said that the warrant article is designed DARIN WIPPERMAN/THE LITTLETON COURIER Both District 1 State Senator Jeff Woodburn and Grafton-15 Representative Linda Lauer listened intently to to develop options that would be put before voters in 2014. input from the business community on Friday morning. The Opera House event was designed to discuss the economic development fund that would be established in the Senate’s gaming bill. Dells Dam warrant article Woodburn, Lauer hear to develop town options views on proposed By DARIN WIPPERMAN according to inspector Moody said the $30,000 [email protected] Brian Desfosses. warrant article is a contin- State concerns are that uation of work voters economic development fund LITTLETON — Town the dam may not with- authorized last year. A and state officials continue stand a severe storm event. new study will fund “more By DARIN WIPPERMAN development fund, with ten more than one casino. The cur- Desfosses said the town modeling of the river and [email protected] to work on oversight of the percent of gambling’s tax rev- rent House bill, HB665, permits Dells Dam. The structure, has committed to working water shed,” Moody said. enue earmarked for the North two. One of those casinos originally constructed in with regulators to ensure This should point to LITTLETON — Two mem- Country. would be located in the White 1936, impounds the 3.6 “that we make the struc- options on how to resolve bers of the legislature listened SB152 would put one casino Mountains. Lincoln acre Dells Pond, just east of ture as safe as we can.” concerns about the dam. to input from several business in New Hampshire at a loca- Republican Edmond Gionet is Dells Road. Last year the town Moody added that it is people on Friday morning. At tion determined by a competi- a leading proponent of HB665. The New Hampshire approved funding to study possible the dam could be an Opera House meeting, tive bid. Woodburn said the Woodburn said that com- Dam Bureau sent the town ways to resolve concerns left as is, if the additional Senator Jeff Woodburn and votes exist in the Senate to pass promise is required to pass a a letter of deficiency two in the letter of deficiency. studies provide the means Representative Linda Lauer, the bill now. Nonetheless, he final bill in both chambers and years ago. State regulators A similar article is on the to comply with state con- both Democrats, heard a vari- suggested that additional work receive Hassan’s support. are concerned about the ballot next week. ety of views. was needed on the Senate bill’s Woodburn added that SB152 dam’s discharge capacity, Town Manager Fred DELLS DAM, PAGE A18 The forum was prompted language. “There’s a lot of “will dramatically change in by language in the Senate’s meat that needs to be put on the House to get the votes” gaming bill, SB152, which the bones,” he said. needed for passage. Woodburn has co-sponsored. Lauer said that Governor The economic development Board thanks departing If it becomes law, the measure Maggie Hassan likely would DEVELOPMENT, PAGE A17 would create an economic not support a bill that allows members, defends union contract By DARIN WIPPERMAN himself as a bulldog for the accepted. [email protected] taxpayer, opposes the con- Improvements in teacher PSNH stresses route change tract because he considers the accountability are another LITTLETON — The deal a bad one for the town. good part of the deal, Bolt school board presented Earlier this year, the town’s suggested. not linked to Northern Pass plaques of appreciation to budget committee narrowly Because of their demand- By DARIN WIPPERMAN two departing members at voted against recommending ing job, Bolt defended the [email protected] Monday’s meeting. Both the contract to voters. size of the teachers’ pay Vice Chairman Rodney Moore has spoken out increase. She noted that LITTLETON — The town Edwards and member John against the deal at previous teachers did not receive a has seen a good deal of dis- Simon appreciated the meetings of the school board raise in the previous two cussion about the PSNH award. and the board of selectmen. years. “They are responsible request to move an electrical Ann Wiggett, Chairperson He was not at Monday’s for your children,” Bolt said right of way from the river to of the school board, handed meeting. His letter appears of teachers. The job “is not the industrial park. the plaques to Edwards and in this issue of the Courier. just sitting at a desk with an Developments last week put Simon. Both opted against One item that has raised apple on it,” she concluded. more options on the table, running for another three- Moore’s concern was the Teacher Mark Fiorentino with the town perplexed by year term. Barbara Astone joint board-union decision to spoke after the board’s PSNH’s original idea. and Tyler Drummond were run a full page Courier ad defense of the agreement. At a meeting with a the only candidates to file for promoting the contract. He thanked the board for PSNH agent on Wednesday, the two vacant seats. Moore blasted this move as a negotiating the deal. On Marghie Seymour, chairper- Edwards, who joined the waste of tax dollars that behalf of his fellow teachers, son of the Board of board in 2008, said his service spread “propaganda” about Fiorentino recognized that Selectmen, was not con- “has been my privilege . It the contract. board members “have been vinced the company’s pro- has been great working with Bolt disagreed with taking a lot of heat for us.” posal was the best option. everybody.” He especially Moore’s view that the con- Both sides of the contract She was puzzled as to why wished to thank staff of the tract is extravagant for teach- debate have had much to say. the company wanted new school district for their hard ers and bad for taxpayers. Later this month, the voters lines so far from the river. work. The negotiation, which Bolt will make their determina- COURTESY PHOTO tion about whether the nego- Seymour, Town Manager On Friday PSNH reiterated that the request to move a right of way cur- Simon echoed the vice said took three years, offers Fred Moody, and three mem- chairman’s thanks. “I thor- taxpayers several advan- tiation is in the best interests rently along the Ammonoosuc did not relate to Northern Pass. This pho- of the town. bers of the Littleton tograph was taken shortly after Tropical Storm Irene. Some power poles oughly enjoyed my experi- tages. This includes savings Industrial Development along the river remain in a position where equipment is being damaged, ence,” Simon said. “It is in health costs and course Corporation attended the PSNH spokesman Martin Murray said. good to be involved with credit reimbursement. meeting. Right of way agent your community,” he con- Bolt suggested that in Patty Quinn represented versial power project not ed that the company’s inter- cluded. exchange for an average pay PSNH. liked by many in the North est is relocation of lines that Later in the meeting, the increase of more than three The first round of debate Country. Tropical Storm Irene affect- board, with member Alison percent a year, the contract on the proposed right of way The company suggested ed. Company spokesman Bolt doing most of the speak- provides administrators with change occurred at the that a 12-acre plot that bor- Martin Murray stressed that ing, defended the proposed important prerogatives. A February 25 meeting of the ders the industrial park the proposal made to pur- teacher contract. Bolt wanted key right includes the ability selectmen. Several residents made sense as a way to chase the industrial park to reply to a letter from Eddy to reassign teachers for the expressed concern that move the river route. The parcel had no relation to Moore that was mentioned good of students and the dis- PSNH may be attempting to town has owned the parcel Northern Pass. on WLTN radio earlier in the trict. This was something find a new route for day. administrators suggested to of interest since 1995. PSNH, PAGE A18 Northern Pass, the contro- Last week PSNH reiterat- Moore, who describes the board and the teachers Littleton, N.H., xx pages INSIDE 33 Main Street LOCAL INSIDE LOCAL NEWS . .A2 CLASSIFIEDS . .B7-13 Woodlands Gambling bill SPORTS . B1-B5 FROM THE FRONT . .A17,18 EDITORIAL . .A4 Stewards SPOTLIGHTS . .C1 discussed A8 CARTOON . .A4 make dona- OBITUARIES . .A16-18 REAL ESTATE . .B7 LETTERS . .A4 AREA NEWS . .A8 tion as they POLICE . .A6 CALENDAR . .C6 dissolve A8 A2 THE LITTLETON COURIER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013 Local News Lally continues to work Senate gambling bill hard after Project Walk By DARIN WIPPERMAN discussed at Littleton’s [email protected] LISBON — Community House Determination defines Bridget Lally. The young By DARIN WIPPERMAN lady, barely out of her teens, [email protected] has worked very hard since the tragic December 2011 LITTLETON — Saturday car accident that placed her at the Community House, in a wheelchair.
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