bindex.qxd 4/14/04 12:46 PM Page 201 Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. acceptance, practicing, 61–62 experiencing field of pure, 53 Advaita, 14 mantra, 92 ahankara, 18–19 pure, 93–94 Ajna (intuition chakra), 88–89, 152 Ayurveda, 127 color of, 89 mantra to awaken, 89 Balasana (child’s pose), 171, 171–172, Anahata (heart chakra), 86–87 191 color of, 87 bandhas, 113–117 mantra for, 87 for everyday yoga practice, 189 annamaya kosha, 16 Jalandhara bandha (chin lock), Asana, 39–40 113–114 asanas Moola bandha (root lock), 116 benefits of performing, 39–40 Uddiyana bandha (stomach lift), chosen in Seven Spiritual Laws of 114–116 Yoga program, 40 Betty Ford Clinic, 21 defined, 122 Bhagavad Gita, 39–40 Ashwa-sanchalanasana (equestrian story of life depicted in, 196–197 pose), 152–153, 153, 186, 188 Bhakti yoga, xi Asthanga Namaskar (eight limbs Bhastrika (bellows breath), 104–107, pose), 154, 154, 187 105, 106 attachment Bhujangasana (cobra pose), 129–130, basis of, 66–67 130, 154–155, 155, 180, 187 attention, 45–46, 64, 68 body/mind, 113 and intention meditation, 95–96 benefits of yoga postures to, 40 Aum, 81, 90 discharging toxicity inhibiting flow autonomic nervous system, 100–101 or energy in, 116 awareness importance of prana to, 41 ability to consciously experience integration, effect of food on, nonlocal and local, 94 16–17 being settled in pure, unbounded, keeping life force flowing freely 47–48 through, 55 centered, xii, 12, 113 rebalancing, 93 changing posture and, 121 system, blockages, 83 complaints of thought, 92–93 breathing, 41–42 constricted, 35, 42 being conscious of, 112–113 taking mind to expanded, benefits of regulating, 100 from, 78–80 connection of prana to, 99–100 in defenselessness, establishing, as focus of attention in meditation, 62–63 79 development of witnessing, 46–47 influence on mind of, 42 expanded, 35 buddhimaya kosha, 18 achieving, 78–80 gaining, through meditation, 45 causal body, 19–22 use of pranayama to gain, 42 collective domain, 20–21 201 bindex.qxd 4/14/04 12:46 PM Page 202 202 Index inner dialogue of, questions and, Diana (goddess of nature), 21 28–29 Dirgha (complete breath), 107–108 needs of, 27 discipline or austerity (tapas), 37 personal domain of spirit, 19–20 domain of spirit, 19–22, 31 universal domain of spirit, 21–22 collective, 20–21 cause and effect. See karma personal, 19–20 chakras, 82–83. See also specific universal, 21–22 chakras under meditation dynamic exchange, 54 consciousness (Sahaswara), 89–90 creativity (Svadhisthana), 84–85 ego, 18–19, 51–52 energetic pathways connecting, 165 inflation of, by arrogance, x energy (Manipura), 85–86 problems associated with identify- expression (Vishuddha), 87–88 ing solely with, 24 heart (Anahata), 86–87 shifting internal reference point intuition (Ajna), 88–89 from, to spirit, 25–29 root (Muladhara), 83–84 and spirit, union of, 10 Chakrasana (kneeling wheel), in state of object-referral, 51 167–168, 168, 191 Ekpadasana (one foot posture), chi, 41 139–141, 140, 183 Chopra Center, 3–4, 81–82 enlightenment, paths to, 34 Clinton, Hillary, 21 environment conflict, release of, 68 as extended body, 14–16, 64 consciousness, 42–43, 64 extracting necessary nourishment reality and, 18 from, 116 constriction, negative effects of, 132 contentment (santosha), 36–37 flexibility, 40 creativity chakra (Svakhisthana), postures for everyday yoga 84–85 practice, 178–181 foods, sattvic, 16 Dandayamana Dhanurasana (standing bow pose), 144–146, 145, 184 Gandhi, Mahatma, 31, 33 Dandayamana Konasana (standing Garudasana (eagle pose), 147, angle pose), 143, 143–144, 144, 147–148, 184 183 generosity (aparigraha), 35 Descartes, René, 17 going into the gap, 93–94 desires Goodall, Jane, 21 becoming less personal, 29 gratitude, cultivating sense of, 56 fulfilling or transforming, 28 Gyan yoga, x–xi impressions giving rise to, 78 types of, 27 Halasana (plow pose), 128–129, 129, detachment, practicing, 68 179 Dhanurasana (bow pose), 131, 131, Hasta Uttanasana (sky reaching pose), 180 151, 151, 157, 157, 185, 188 Dharana, 45–46, 78 healing dharma and transformation, enlivening, to be in, 69 95–96 connecting with your, 70 Hillel, Rabbi, 29 of the mind, during meditation, Hill, Julia “Butterfly,” 21 94–95 honesty (asteya), 34–35 performance of activity that supports, 197 Ida, 165 Dhyana, 46–47, 78 integrity, 35 bindex.qxd 4/14/04 12:46 PM Page 203 Index 203 intellect, 18 Dirgha, as simple expression of, intentions, 46, 68 107–108 behind giving and receiving, 54–55 essence of, 116 learning to harness power of, 116 harnessing power of, in yoga prac- organizing power of, 64 tice, 65–66 Ishwara-Pranidhana (surrendering to mantra, 66 the divine), 38–39 Law of Karma, 57–60, 173, 197 essence of, 123 Jalandhara bandha (chin lock), governing of first energy center by, 113–114, 114 83–84 Janu Sirsasana (bent knee forward mantra, 60 bend), 132–134, 133, 181 Law of Least Effort, 60–63, 152, 154, Jung, Carl, 172 171–172, 173, 197 Queen Juno, 21 conscious breathwork and, 104 enlivening, in yoga practice, 61–62 Kabalistic tradition, 41 essence of, 116 Kapalabhati (shining breath), 107 mantra, 63 karma, 33, 57–60, 78 in second chakra, liveliness of, Karma yoga, xi–xii 84–85 knowledge, yoga of, xi Law of Pure Potentiality, 51–54, 197 koshas governing consciousness chakra causal body, 19–22 (Sahswara), 89–90 physical body, 14–17 mantra, 54 primary divisions of, 14–22 So Hum meditation for alignment subtle body, 17–19 with, 91–92 Krishna, Lord, 196–197 three things to enliven, 52–53 kriya, 33 ultimate expression of, 79–80 Kriya Shakti, 33 life force, 41–42. See also prana Kundalini, 165 chakras, as vortices of, 82 flowing freely through body/mind, Law of Detachment, 66–69, 151, 153, 55 172, 174, 197 keeping circulation of, 54 governing expression chakra life, layers of, 12–13, 15 (Vishuddha), 88 understanding reality by consciously mantra, 69 experiencing different, 195–196 Law of Dharma, 69–72, 152, 174, 197 love conscious breathwork and, 104 and devotion, yoga of, xi direct demonstration of, through expanded expression of bandhas, 113 (brahmacharya), 34 governing intuition chakra (Ajna), 89 Manipura (energy chakra), 85–86, highest expression of, 172–173 154 mantra, 72 color for, 86 three major components of, 69–70 mantra for, 86 Law of Giving and Receiving, 54–57, manomaya kosha, 18 173, 197 mantra(s), 50 connection of breathing to, 103 for Ashwa-sanchalanasana (eques- governing heart chakra (Anahata), trian pose), 152, 156 86–87 for Asthanga Namaskar (eight limbs mantra, 57 pose), 154 Law of Intention and Desire, 63–66, to awaken intuition chakra (Ajna), 154, 169, 173–174, 197 89 bindex.qxd 4/14/04 12:46 PM Page 204 204 Index mantra(s) (continued) reviewing intentions before, 46 awareness, 92 Seven Spiritual Laws of Success in best-known, 81 play during, 94–95 for Bhujangasana (cobra pose), 155 So Hum, 90–92 to clear and enliven energy chakra for everyday yoga practice, 177 (Manipura), 86 use of mantras in, 80–81 for creativity chakra using breath as focus of attention (Svadhisthana), 85 in, 79 for expression chakra yoga of, 97 (Vishuddha), 88 Meir, Golda, 21 for Hasta Uttanasana (sky reaching memories, 78 pose), 151, 157 mind, 17–18 for heart chakra (Anahata), 87 -body integration Law of Detachment, 69 relationship of food to, 16–17 Law of Dharma, 72 yoga poses that enhance, 123 Law of Giving and Receiving, 57 expanded state of, 79–80 Law of Intention and Desire, 66 influence on, of conscious regula- Law of Karma, 60 tion of breathing, 42 Law of Least Effort, 63 need to calm turbulence of, 77–78 Law of Pure Potentiality, 54 nonconditioned, 79 for Pada Hastasana (hand to feet Monroe, Marilyn, 21 pose), 152, 156 Moola bandha (root lock), 116 for Parvatasana (mountain pose), Muladhara (root chakra), 83–84 153, 155 color of, 84 for Pranamasana (salutation pose), mantra for, 84 150, 157 for root chakra (Muladhara), 84 nadis, 113 So Hum, 92 Nadi Shodhana (channel clearing use of, in meditation, 80–81 breath), 110–112, 111, 112 Matsyasana (fish pose), 170, 170–171 Niyama, 35–39 Matsyendrasana (spinal twist) (Lord contentment (santosha), 36–37 of the Fish pose), 165–167, 166, discipline or austerity (tapas), 37 190 purity (shoucha), 36 meditation, 77–97 self-study (svadhyana), 37–38 achieving expanded states of aware- surrendering to the divine ness through, 45 (Ishwara-Pranidhana), 38–39 attention and intention, 95–96 nonjudgment, practicing, 53 chakra, 82–90 nonviolence (ahimsa), 33 Ajna (intuition chakra), 88–89 Anahata (heart chakra), 86–87 object-referral, 51 Manipura (energy chakra), Om, 81 85–86 Muladhara (root chakra), 83–84 Pada Hastasana (hand to feet pose), Sahaswara (consciousness 151–152, 152, 156, 156, 186, 188 chakra), 89–90 Padmasana (lotus mudra), 134, Svadhisthana (creativity chakra), 134–135, 135, 181 84–85 Parvatasana (mountain pose), 153, Vishuddha (expression chakra), 153, 155, 155, 186, 187 87–88 Maharishi Patanjali, 23–24 experiences, 92–95 description of truth by, 33–34 as most direct path to awakening eight branches of yoga elaborated Law of Pure Potentiality, 78–80 by, 31–48 bindex.qxd 4/14/04 12:46 PM Page 205 Index 205 importance of pranayama to, 41 sun salutations, 148–158. See also yamas, described by, 32 sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) Pavanamuktasana (wind relieving for specific poses pose), 124, 124–127, 125, 126, in a chair, 158–164 127, 178 postures. See also poses physical body, 14–17 balancing, for everyday yoga prac- as extension of environment, 14–16 tice, 182–184 metamorphosis of, 16 changing, as result of bringing Pingala, 165 awareness into body, 121 poses.
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