S A l-U B D A T , O C T O B E R 8» I M f nui Wskthir iOatuIffBter lEttrathg lifrraUii Avwags Daily Hit < PetMaal e« S. E. WaaMmr 1 tWtteMMOM ^ ISIS Fair and eeaUnwed warm tUa Cloeka have Inspired all sorts tS poetry and many a tock has been Takes Leading Role HoUister PTA afteraeoat fair tonight; eooi$r »ntTown ticked o ff about them. 9,676 than laat jdght; Tnmday M r. Heard Along Main Street Winding the parlor clock used to VERNON SERVICENTER eeeler aleag neaat. ________; »N tlii» •< th* *p- be something of a regular - rittuU. lists Program There were two keys, one for the F orm erly **JaekU** M an ekesterr^^U y o f Village Charm Otroto win u And on Somo of Maneho$tor^$ Side StriM$, Too [ at T:48 at tha Boufh Maffa* time and one for the bell. It wasn’t ROUTE 83; VERNON _____ with Mlaa Martanna a hard job but a compelling one. Original Operetta to Be (SIX'TEEN PAGES) PRICE POUB CFNT3 ,:^iWktaga aid Mlpa Kartan Jeaae- If you didn’t wind, you didn’t dine ^ GAS OIL ACCESSORIES If severe bumps on the head In-foThe Her^d. Thwefota it was on time. VOL. LXDU NO. i - man aaTwatiwaa early childhood can result in a^ no vahie to lu .. Wa wondered that ^Presented oli Next tha “Postage Due" charge was so Probably-the biggest clock wind­ GENERAL REPAIRS race of mantaUy deficient adults, ing job ever to rear up la Man' Tuesday Evening ' th a B aitfw d County RapubUcaa Manchester can look forward to high seven cents being far more DOUBLE S & H GREEN STAMPS weewn'a Aaaoelation will combine than usual1 unless It { heav Chester is the one that has been ■—i.ii.iVi w H d n j o r>r Cotton' Pickers the bright prospects of harboring taken over by Policeman Winfield New with tha Mbnehaatar Rapublloan a bunch of Idiots in tha near future. package. This was a jdaln envel HoUister parents and teachers DICK KLEIN JIM SLOAN Woman'a Chilfc at a maaUn» ^ ope containing but one Sheet of pa­ Martin. His work puts the rest Never a day passes but som'i deep In'-the shade. win chat over deeMrt Tuesday 40 Priests tea at tha Manchester Country per. PROPRIETORS outwardly "m odel mother” places How would you like to wind all evening in the Holiiator .auditor­ Chib, Wadnaaday. O cto^r M. *n>ls her “bundle from heaven"- in a Our curiosity be(nf thus aroused if ngular monUily meetlnir we decided to examine the postage of the parking meters on' and ium at eight o’clock. The hospital­ cart, designed for groceries only. affixed to the envelope, w e no- around Main street every week? day at tha local club and the preal> In one of our lo<ml self-service ity co-chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. Har­ S ! * , x n . John pickles, urges Uced the inlUals “N . a .” marked Even though. It la some satisfac­ In Czemoslovakia food stores. Perhaps it's the high atx>ve one of the stamps. Further tion to be toe mainspring of all vey T. King and Mr. and Mrs. Defense Could Stop an mambars to reserve the data. coat of current living that makes examination dhKioaed the stamp to the time that these meters repre^ Richard T. Baseler, will have a Spaakam and pr^fram will be an- her mind wander, but whatever large committee aaeieting them in Don't Pass This Up! nouuMd later. be of the 10 .cent variety—BUT it sent, well bet Policeman Martin the reason, somewhere along the wasn’t a postage stamp. It was often gets so si.ck of toe time on Mrved pie a la mode (friendly aisles she leaves the cart to In- No Money Down— As Little As $5 Per Month As Foes of Curbs a World War I '‘War Savings hla hands that be would like to see style) to toe various groups as Tha official board and quarterly si>ect some tempting Item and it ccBfbranca'of the North Methodist Stamp”—one of those purchased tob return of toe sundial and the parents visit with to# teaehsrs of is at that . moment that baby their children snd bujld “ Founda­ B-36 Aerial Attack at tha post office and saved to­ hourglass. church win take place Monday squirms and topples out on hU AMESITE DRIVES evening at the church. w a rd either a one dollar or ten tions for Frisndship.” DeUmUons During M or^D ispU tC S head. If a score card were kept dollar stamp purchase. These The program will, bqgin at nine of the number of bad faHs these The Blasell street squirrel— WORK GUARANTEED—FREE ESTIMATES Few Days Bring to| Chndren of Mary Sodality will could then be mounted Into a suffi' o’clock and interested friends not youngsters take the total would dent amount to buy a |100 Lib that creature who promenades Assert Radar • Fighter meat In St. James's lower church down toe utiUty pole cables every Barbara Bolubaoh In tos PTA are welcome to attend More Than 300 Num­ be overwhelming. It cannot be erty bond. this part o f the meeting, announced: Likely to Hike Sunday morning at 8:45 to receive blamed on the stmres ba they post once In a while to dine on Main Johnson Denies Navy Setup Could Halt Air eainntunlon. AU members are urged Now, ’ as we stated before. It Mrs. Robert MeIntoeH who is ar­ ber of Qergy and large signs warning mothers not isn’t unusual for us to pay “Poet street—Is a wise animal. Ho— The leading feminine role la toe THOMAS D. COULA to aitand. The meeUng of the So­ to place their charges In the carts. suppose It Is a he, for a her would Community Player production, ranging ths entertainment with PHONE 2-9219'^ Raids in Numbers, and ago Due” for material that li’ o f Mies Sylvia CSaflln. Miss CIsflIn Nuns Held Since Be­ IdleinNatio dality will follow at 2:30 in the not be nearly as self reliant, and “Jenny Kissed Me,” will be taken Occasslonally, when an older no use. But- this particular en has written an operetta, “What Any Getting Through aehool halL All young glrtt of tha velope bearing an old 10 cent war besides hers are cagey while he U by Barbara Rohrbaeb. The play, ginning of Dispute To Get Second Plape pariah, of high school age oKover youngster topples out, the mother Price Gloria," which wiU be pre- probably in a rage because her savings stamp Instead of a legiti­ free—he also has toe neighbor­ sponsored by Gibbons Assembly, Would Waste Lot of who wish to join the sodality hiay mate postage stamp had been hood cats about crazy. Catholic Ladles of Columbus, will eented by members of the Parent- May M ount to do ao by attending this meetiitrr laxity Is made public, grabs the Prague, Cxeehodlovakia, t mailed to us by a religious group. Tha Bissell street squirrel Is be presented Oct. 14, 15 and 16 at Teachers association. Secretary of Defense Re­ A-Bombs by Missing Plans for a Hallowe’en party wiu hurt child and administers a hard Members of toe cast Include 0 0 0 This No spanking to ease the pain of the It’s bad enough to be trimmed.by wise. He picks his cables, and 'Whlton .M «»orial ball. Oct. 1 0 .—<«*)— More than 40 Truman Faces Targets; Tatom State­ be dlaeussed. someone who probably hasn’t a as far as we know, be has never Robert Wright, Mrs. Ikitoer Buah- Roman Catholic priests have Sign o f fence in peats There Is N o hufta she was responsible for In Mra Rohrbach takes toe part of neU, Miss Martha White, Mra. the'sfltst place. postage weight SCale or isn’t tried to hotfoot his way over live Jenny, charming 18-year-old who been jailed in the past few Plan Afoot to Cut ment Causes Surprise dlw orth - Cornell - Quey Post, good Judge of maU weight, but wires. He prefers Insulated stuff Marlon McLagsn, WiUism Grsif, RAYMOND T. SCHALLER Steel Goal Rows Senate Rebuff American tieglon, will meet in Le­ goes to live in toe household of \ --------- ■ when a n ^ o ry Sunday church-goer or toe telephone company's prop­ Mrs. Natalie McIntosh, Phil Tan- days for opposition to the gion Hall Monday, October 10. Re­ It's hpthing new for this news­ an elderly priest. Father Moyni- Defense Importance tries to put a bogus ten cent stamp erty. gerone, Lswts Gels,, Mrs. Alice Communist government’s bill Ptttabfhgh, Oct. 10—<ff)—Mow The new eenS-mechanlcnl eotton plckeir, betpf .Seaoeeetrated at West Memphis, Ark., can gather tn 2 ^ Washington, Oct. 10.—(/F) freshments will be served. An ex­ paper to" get mall marked “Post­ over on us we really do get peeved. haii. Jeni^s aunt, Mra Deasy, McKay, Mrs. Irens Harrison, Mrs. This tightwire perforiner has Builder . to contnd the church, reli- ____J- ^ eotton a day, WlmtoB aid m eight eempreeeed air suction t a l ^ the operators draw the lejectipn of Reappoint­ —Navy men told Congress ecutive committee meeting will age Due"'.only to find that the is toe housekeeper for toe priest Doris Stoltenbeng, Alan 'Taylor, valkouta may booat tha na- St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 10.— precede the regular session at 7 :30 contents ar^ ..nothing at . all valua­ drawn toe attention of many pe- Ule sources reported today, I’a atrike Idle to 2,000,000 toie from the boU.
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