Yeovil Without Parish Council 13 Marsh Road, Seaton, Devon. EX12 2LQ. Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected] Notice of the Next Council Meeting MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC AND THE PRESS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND ALL COUNCIL MEETINGS (Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960) To all members of the Council, You are hereby summoned to attend the following online Full Council meeting of Yeovil Without Parish Council via Zoom on Wednesday 20th January 2021 commencing at 7.00 pm. The details to join the meeting are show below: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/7655637928 Meeting ID: 765 563 7928 Councillors will be discussing all the items listed overleaf on the Agenda. Yours Sincerely, Clerk to the Council - 13th January 2020 7pm - Prior to the meeting commencing: Co Option Interviews Interviews for the two vacant Councillor positions will be conducted. These will hopefully be finished by 7.40pm Welcome by Chair The Chair of the Council will welcome all those present Public Open Session This provides an opportunity for members of the public to participate by asking questions, raising concerns or making comments on matters affecting Yeovil Without. Questions/comments must be emailed to the Parish Clerk ([email protected]), at least 24 hours before the meeting and these will be read by the Parish Clerk at the Meeting with a reply. Questions from the public may be asked on the day of the meeting but will not have the guarantee of reply. Outside Reports Reports will be received by representatives from the Police, County and District Councillors & outside bodies, if present, on items relating to Yeovil Without Parish and the wider area. 1 Council Meeting Agenda | Virtual Full Council Meeting 20 January 2021 | 7pm Yeovil Without Parish Council 13 Marsh Road, Seaton, Devon. EX12 2LQ. Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected] AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence Council to receive apologies for absence and consider the reasons given. (LGA 1972 s85(1)). 2. Declaration of interest Members to declare any interests, including Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any prior requests from members for Dispensations that accord with Localism Act 2011 s33(b-e) (NB this does not preclude any later declarations) 3. Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 16th December 2020. (LGA 1972 sch 12, para 41(1)) 4. Co Option Members to agree whether to co-opt new Members onto the Council. 5. District Council Members It is formally noted that the participation of those Councillors who are also members of the South Somerset District Council in both the debate and the subsequent vote is on the basis that the views expressed are preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Parish Council. The District Councillors reserve their final views on the application until they are in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against. 6. Planning To agree consultee response to planning application received by South Somerset District Council (SSDC). Applications: 7. Planning Decisions & Appeals To note the planning decisions made by South Somerset District Council in the previous month. It is RECOMMENDED that members note the decisions made by SSDC. 8. Chair’s Report To receive a report from the Chair of the Council and note the content. 9. Parish Clerk’s Report To receive an update from the Clerk with items to note. 10. Finance – Payments, Receipts & Invoices To consider and approve the payments, receipts & invoices. 2 Council Meeting Agenda | Virtual Full Council Meeting 20 January 2021 | 7pm Yeovil Without Parish Council 13 Marsh Road, Seaton, Devon. EX12 2LQ. Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected] It is RECOMMENDED that members: 1. Approve the outstanding payments, receipts & invoices. 2. Approve the Bank Reconciliation up until 30th December 2020. 3. Approve the extra 9 hours worked by the Clerk. 11. Logo Competition To chose a winner of the competition 12. Allotment Committee Terms of Reference To adopt the new terms of reference for the Allotment Committee It is RECOMMENDED that members adopt the terms of reference for the Allotment Committee. 13. Budget To finalise the budget for 2021/22. 14. Dog Bin Request 15. Grit Bin Request 16. Update from meeting with other Local Authorities 17. Questions and items arising after the preparation of this agenda, such matters are for noting or deferral to a future meeting END OF AGENDA Next meeting – Wednesday 17th February 2021 – Government guidance at the time of the meeting will determine where/how the meeting will take place and will be published on the agenda for the meeting. 3 Council Meeting Agenda | Virtual Full Council Meeting 20 January 2021 | 7pm 13 Marsh Road Seaton Devon EX12 2LQ Phone: 01935 479975 E-mail: [email protected] MINUTES for the Meeting of YEOVIL WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL held online on 16th December 2020 at 7.00pm – 10.24pm Present – Cllrs Iris Coton, Sharon Hackett, Simon Hodder, Michael Lock, Jamie Lock, Graham Oakes, Colin Rose, John Snell, Royston Spinner & Rob Stickland. Chair – Cllr Pauline Lock County Councillor – Cllr Tony Lock Clerk – Dan Ledger Welcome by Chair The Chair welcomed all members present as well as the members of the public and county councillor. Public Open Session There were no members of the public present. County Councillor Reports The two updates from Cllr Tony Lock related to highways and COVID. Figures of COVID had been steadily increasing with Somerset now above the South West average. The main message was to avoid unnecessary interactions and help reduce the spread of the virus. St Michael’s Avenue was planned to be resurfaced on 4th January 2021 – 29th January 2021. The speed bumps would be removed, the road resurfaced and then the traffic calming measures then reinstated. District Councillors Reports District Cllr Rob Stickland informed Council that there had been 2 meetings of Council, the first included a presentation from Kiwi power on battery storage helping to aid climate resilience and the 2nd was to approve the Stronger Somerset bid which was resolved. Cllr Graham Oakes delivered further detail on the Stronger Somerset bid meeting. District Cllr Michael Lock stated that he had been further liasing with County Council on drainage at Yeovil Marsh and had written to David Fothergil at Somerset County Council (SCC). The Combe Street Lane roundabout should be proceeding in the near future with the likelihood of Barrett Homes providing the money for SSDC to commission SCC to complete the works. 207/20. Apologies for absence No Apologies were received Not present – Cllrs Alf Hill & Margot Woodward Page 1 of 7 208/20. Declaration of interest Councillor Reason/Item Interest Cllr Graham Oakes South Somerset District Personal Council (SSDC) Cllr Rob Stickland South Somerset District Personal Council (SSDC) Cllr Michael Lock South Somerset District Personal Council (SSDC) Item 12 – Terms of Personal Reference Item 17 – Allotment Disclosable Pecuniary Land Sale Update Interest Cllr Pauline Lock South Somerset District Personal Council (SSDC) Item 12 – Terms of Personal Reference Item 17 – Allotment Disclosable Pecuniary Land Sale Update Interest Cllr Royston Spinner Item 12 – Terms of Personal Reference Item 17 – Allotment Personal & Prejudicial Land Sale Update Cllr Jamie Lock Item 12 – Terms of Personal Reference Item 17 – Allotment Personal & Prejudicial Land Sale Update 209/20. Minutes The minutes of meeting from 18th November 2020 were approved as a true record 210/20 District Council Members It was formally noted that the participation of those Councillors who are also members of the South Somerset District Council in both the debate and the subsequent vote is on the basis that the views expressed are preliminary views taking account of the information presently made available to the Parish Council. The District Councillors reserve their final views on the application until they are in full possession of all the relevant arguments for and against. 211/20. Planning The Council RESOLVED to raise no objection 20/03170/HOU The Council RESOLVED to propose no objection to the planning application 20/03269/HOU. (proposed Cllr Iris Coton; seconded Cllr Colin Rose) Page 2 of 7 212/20. Planning Decisions The Council formally noted the decisions from South Somerset District Council. 213/20 Chair’s Report The Chair gave a verbal report which was noted. The Chair also raised the wish to install benches as thanks to the NHS which quotes will be brought back to a future meeting. 214/20. Parish Clerk’s Report The Clerk updated Members on the status of all items outstanding and those that had arisen from the previous meeting. The Council RESOLVED to have email addresses with the suffix yeovilwithoutparishcouncil.gov.uk. (proposed Cllr Rob Stickland; seconded Cllr Jamie Lock) The Council agreed to note the Clerk’s report. 215/20. Finance – Payments, Receipts & Invoices It was RESOLVED to approve the payments, receipts and invoices, along with the Clerk’s additional hours. (proposed Cllr Rob Stickland; seconded Cllr Graham Oakes) 216/20. Report on Moving Council Meetings to Bi-monthly Discussion took place on: The desire to have less meetings but it was felt that currently and especially in light of COVID this wasn’t possible The need to install more processes in the Council before moving to this arrangement Whether more committees were required by the Council The Council noted the report. 217/20. Meeting with Local Councils on Future Functions and Services The Council RESOLVED to accept the invitation to the meeting and would send the Chair, Vice Chair & Cllr Coton on the Parish’s behalf.
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