BO[KO MIJATOVI] Duvan i srpska dr`ava u XIX veku Tobacco and the Serbian State in the 19th Century BO[KO MIJATOVI] Duvan i srpska dr`ava u XIX veku Tobacco and the Serbian State in the 19th Century BO[KO MIJATOVI] Duvan i srpska dr`ava u XIX veku Tobacco and the Serbian State in the 19th Century BO[KO MIJATOVI] CENTAR ZA LIBERALNO-DEMOKRATSKE STUDIJE CENTER FOR LIBERAL-DEMOCRATIC STUDIES Bo{ko Mijatovi} Boško Mijatovi} DUVAN I SRPSKA DR@AVA TOBACCO AND THE SERBIAN STATE U XIX VEKU IN THE 19TH CENTURY Izdava~ Publisher Centar za liberalno-demokratske studije Center for Liberal-Democratic Studies Za izdava~a For the publisher Zoran Vaci} Zoran Vaci} Grafi~ko oblikovawe Design by Slavko Milenkovi} Slavko Milenkovi} Olivera Stojadinovi} Olivera Stojadinovi} Autorske fotografije Original photographs by Neboj{a Babi} Neboj{a Babi} Slavko Milenkovi} Slavko Milenkovi} Prevod Translator Marija Rosi} Marija Rosi} Lektura prevoda Language Editor Anastasia Primbas Jelasity Anastasia Primbas Jelasity [tampa Printed by Cicero Cicero Tira` Print run 1100 1100 ISBN 86-7415-082-09 ISBN 86-7415-082-09 2006. 2006 Sadr`aj Contents Predgovor 7 Preface 7 O PU[EWU U SRBIJI TOKOM XIX VEKA 9 ON SMOKING IN SERBIA IN THE 19TH CENTURY 9 UZGAJAWE I PRERADA DUVANA DO POJAVE MONOPOLA 25 GROWING AND PROCESSING OF TOBACCO BEFORE MONOPOLY 25 OPOREZIVAWE DUVANA 37 TAXATION OF TOBACCO 37 Regalna taksa 37 Regal Fee 37 Trgovinski ugovor sa Austrougarskom 39 Trade Agreement with Austria-Hungary 39 Tro{arina na duvan 42 Tobacco Excise Duty 42 TRGOVA^KI MONOPOL IZ 1884 47 THE 1884 TRADE MONOPOLY 47 POTPUNI MONOPOL IZ 1885 59 THE 1885 FULL MONOPOLY 59 Ratni zajam na osnovu duvana 59 War Loan on the Basis of Tobacco 59 Zakon o monopolu i ugovor o zakupu 62 Law on Monopoly and Lease Agreement 62 Otkup dela akcija monopola duvana 69 Buying Part of Tobacco Monopoly Shares 69 Fabrika duvana 73 Tobacco Factory 73 Fabrika {ibica 79 Match Factory 79 Krijum~arewe 81 Smuggling 82 Optu`ba protiv Vuka{ina Petrovi}a 88 Accusations against Vukašin Petrovi} 89 NACIONALIZACIJA MONOPOLA 93 NATIONALIZATION OF THE MONOPOLY 93 Sporazum sa zakupcem 93 Agreement with the Lessee 93 Mijatovi} i Vuji} 100 Mijatovi} and Vuji} 101 Zajam za isplatu monopola duvana 106 Loan for the Tobacco Monopoly Payoff 106 Dr`avna eksploatacija monopola 110 Government Exploitation of the Monopoly 110 Afera Mite Raki}a 114 The Mita Raki} Affair 114 Radikali na vladi 118 Radicals in Power 118 Seqaci i monopol 123 Farmers and the Monopoly 121 LIBERALI ZA UKIDAWE MONOPOLA 127 LIBERALS IN FAVOR OF MONOPOLY LIFTING 127 Diskusija o ukidawu monopola 127 Discussion on the Lifting of the Monopoly 127 Novi zakon o monopolu duvana 131 New Law on Tobacco Monopoly 132 Novi monopolski zakon na delu 145 New Monopoly Law at Work 146 Poskupqewe iz 1892. 150 The 1892 Price Increase 152 Posledwi poku{aj liberala 155 The Last Attempt by the Liberals 157 STABILIZACIJA MONOPOLA 161 STABILIZATION OF THE MONOPOLY 161 Kraqev dr`avni udar 161 King’s Coups d’État 161 Proizvodwa i potro{wa 1893. 166 Production and Consumption in 1893 166 Monopolska slava 168 Monopoly Patron Saint’s Day 169 Neutralne vlade 170 Neutral Governments 171 Karlsbadski aran`man 174 Carlsbad Arrangement 175 NOVI MONOPOLSKI RE@IM 181 NEW MONOPOLY REGIME 181 Ure|ewe Samostalne monopolske uprave 181 Structure of the Autonomous Monopoly Directorate 181 Pravilnik o pozajmicama proizvo|a~ima 187 Rules on Loans to Producers 188 Krijum~arewe 189 Smuggling 190 Ambiciozniji pristup u 1896. i 1897. 191 More Ambitious Approach in 1896 and 1897 192 Velikoprodaja duvana 196 Tobacco Wholesale 197 Poseta kwaza Nikole 199 Prince Nikola’s Visit 199 VLADA VLADANA \OR\EVI]A 203 VLADAN ÐOR\EVI]’S GOVERNMENT 203 Nabavke turskih duvana i proizvodwa 1898. godine 203 Procurement of Turkish Tobaccos and Production in 1898 203 Afere iz 1898. godine 207 Scandals in 1898 207 Prodajne cene duvana 209 Selling Prices of Tobacco 209 KVALITET DUVANA 217 TOBACCO QUALITY 207 VI[KOVI, MAWKOVI I SPOQNA TRGOVINA 223 SURPLUSES, DEFICITS AND FOREIGN TRADE 223 DR@AVNI PRIHODI OD MONOPOLA 233 PUBLIC REVENUE FROM THE MONOPOLY 233 Napomene 239 Endnotes 239 Ova kwiga ostvarena je zahvaquju}i finansijskoj pomo}i kompanije Philip Morris d.o.o. Beograd. This book has been realized thanks to the financial support of Philip Morris d.o.o. Beograd. Predgovor Preface eriod kojim se bavi ova kwiga – XIX vek – zani- he period dealt with in this book – the 19th century – Pmqiv je i va`an za duvansku industriju Srbije, Tis interesting and important for Serbia's tobacco po{to je u potpunosti promewen ambijent u kome se industry, since the environment in which tobacco busi- odvijaju poslovi sa duvanom. Umesto slobodnog predu- ness was conducted underwent a profound change. Free zetni{tva iz ve}eg dela veka, krajem veka postojao je entrepreneurship pursued for the most of the 19th centu- potpun i ve} stabilizovan dr`avni duvanski monopol, a ry was replaced toward its end by a full and already stabi- umesto priproste poluzanatske obrade duvana indu- lized government tobacco monopoly, while primitive strijska prerada i proizvodwa cigareta automatskim semi-artisanal methods of processing tobacco were sup- ma{inama. U su{tini, ova kwiga prati radikalnu pro- planted by industrial processing and production of ciga- menu uslova u kojima se odvija duvanska delatnost u rettes by means of automated machines. Essentially, this Srbiji i wenu ekonomsku stranu. Centralna tema ove book is looking at the radical change of conditions in kwige, zna~i, nisu ni etnolo{ki, ni tehnolo{ki, ni which the tobacco activity was performed in Serbia and istorijski aspekt, ve} ekonomsko-finansijski, ali uz its economic side. Therefore, the pivotal topic of this book etnolo{ke, tehnolo{ke i istorijske komponente, is neither an ethnological, nor a technological, nor a his- onoliko koliko je to bilo potrebno i mogu}e. torical aspect, but the economic and financial one, though Posebnu te{ko}u u radu predstavqala je ~iweni- with ethnological, technological and historical compo- ca da je arhivska gra|a vrlo skromna, po{to su arhi- nents, to the extent which was necessary and possible. vi i Uprave monopola i Fabrke duvana uni{teni u I A special difficulty in working on this book was related svetskom ratu, kao i mnogi drugi fondovi Ministar- to the fact that archival materials are very scarce, since the stva finansija i srpske vlade uop{te. Tek se poneki archives of both the Monopoly Directorate and the Tobacco dokument o duvanu i monopolu mo`e prona}i u preo- Factory were destroyed in World War I, as well as many stalim fondovima Arhiva Srbije. Ni arhiv Narodne other holdings of the Ministry of Finance and the Serbian banke iz tog doba nije dostupan, odnosno u potpunosti government in general. Just an occasional document on je nesre|en. Ne postoje ni zasebna, a ozbiqnija ve}a tobacco and the monopoly can be found in the remaining ili mawa istoriografska dela o pu{ewu ili proiz- holdings of the Archives of Serbia. Not even the National vodwi duvana u Srbiji, osim kwiga Sevdelina Andre- Bank's archives from that period are accessible, that is, jevi}a za ni{ko podru~je s kraja XIX i tokom XX they are completely unorganized. There are no separate, veka. Par napomena o razvoju duvanske industrije u more serious historiographic studies either, in-depth or kwigama koje se bave razvojem industrije u XIX veku not, on smoking or tobacco production in Serbia, with the (Nikola Vu~o, Milorad \unisijevi}) svakako ne exception of the books by Sevdelin Andrejevi} for the 7 popuwavaju prazninu. A i monopolska uprava izbega- region of Niš from the late 19th century and in the course vala je svaki publicitet i bila gotovo neprimetna u of the 20th century. A couple of remarks on the develop- javnosti, posebno od 1895. godine, verovatno zato {to ment of the tobacco industry in the books dealing with the dr`avnom monopolu nije potrebna reklama. Stoga je 19th century industrial development (Nikola Vu~o, Milo- autor morao da se, vi{e nego {to bi voleo, osloni na rad Ðunisijevi}) certainly cannot fill the gap. Furthermore, onda{wu {tampu, stenografske bele{ke skup{tine the Monopoly Directorate tried to avoid any publicity and Srbije i se}awa javnih aktera iz toga doba kao was almost invisible in the public, particularly after 1895, osnovne izvore gra|e. probably because a government monopoly needs no adver- Zahvaqujem se kustosu Vesni Du{kovi} na sve- tising. Therefore, the author had to rely, more heavily than srdnoj pomo}i, posebno kod fotografija. Zahvaqujem it was to his liking, on the then press, stenographic notes of se i Etnografskom muzeju u Beogradu, Istorijskom ar- the Serbian Assembly and reminiscences of public figures hivu Beograda, Istorijskom muzeju Srbije i Muzeju from that period, as the primary sources of material. grada Beograda, koji su mi stavili na raspolagawe I am grateful to Curator Vesna Duškovic for her ve}inu fotografskog materijala kori{}enog u kwizi. unfailing help, particularly with respect to photographs. I Svi datumi u tekstu dati po starom, julijanskom would also like to express my gratitude to the Ethno- kalendaru, koji se koristio u Srbiji XIX veka i koji graphic Museum in Belgrade, the Belgrade Historical zaostaje za gregorijanskim kalendarom 12 dana od 18. Archive, the Historical Museum of Serbia and the Bel- februara 1800. do 17. februara 1900. godine. grade City Museum, which put at my disposal most of the photographs used in the book. 15. februar 2006.
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