2C NATION TEXARKANA GAZETTE ✯ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2020 REAL ESTATE Judge: DHS head lacked authority to suspend DACA By David Porter order of succession as it that President Donald Trump one of the lawsuits that chal- two have been at the forefront The Associated Press was lawfully designated,” failed to follow rule-making lenged Wolf’s authority, called of administration initiatives on NEW YORK — A fed- U.S. District Judge Nicholas procedures when he tried to the ruling “another win for immigration and law enforce- eral judge in New York Garaufis wrote. “Therefore, end the program, but the jus- DACA recipients and those ment. 4158 Farm/Land for Sale ruled Saturday that Acting the actions taken by purported tices kept a window open for who have been waiting years In Garaufis’ ruling Saturday, Department of Homeland Acting Secretaries, who were him to try again. to apply for the program for the judge wrote that DHS didn’t 200 acres Miller County, AR 3/2 house, barn & shop, Security Secretary Chad Wolf not properly in their roles About 650,000 people are the first time.” follow an order of succession fenced pasture land. Joe assumed his position unlaw- according to the lawful order part of DACA, which allows In August, the Government established when then-Sec- Singletary Real Estate 870-904-4809. fully, a determination that of succession, were taken young immigrants who were Accountability Office, a bipar- retary Kirstjen Nielsen invalidated Wolf’s suspension without legal authority.” brought to the country as tisan congressional watch- resigned in April 2019. Kevin of the Deferred Action for Wolf issued a memorandum children to legally work and dog, said Wolf and his acting McAleenan, who succeeded LEGAL NOTICES Childhood Arrivals program, in July effectively suspend- shields them from deporta- deputy, Ken Cuccinelli, were Nielsen until he resigned in which shields young people ing DACA, pending review tion. improperly serving and ineli- October 2019, also didn’t have from deportation. by DHS. A month earlier, the Karen Tumlin, an attorney gible to run the agency under statutory authority to hold the “DHS failed to follow the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled who represented a plaintiff in the Vacancies Reform Act. The position, Garaufis wrote. 4190 Legal Notices Public Notice of final passage of an ordinance of the City Council of Texarkana, Texas. At its regular meeting held on November 9, 2020, the City Council adopted the following ordinance: Ordinance No. 2020-121 – Es- Friendly fire tablishing a school speed zone for the Pleasant Grove Margaret Fischer Davis Elementary School”. Captions and details of this or- A ‘breakthrough finding’ may show dinance are available on the city’s website www.ci.texarkana.tx.us by se- lecting at the bottom of the page “City Meeting Video and Agen- why certain COVID-19 patients die das” and the meeting date. Please refer any questions con- By Liz Szabo cerning this item to the City Secretary at 903-798-3930 or Kaiser Health News email [email protected]. Dr. Megan Ranney has learned a lot REQUEST FOR about COVID-19 since she began treat- QUALIFICATIONS—LEGAL The study might help SERVICES (DISTRICT COURT) ing patients with the disease in the The City of Texarkana, Arkansas, will accept submissions for Re- emergency department in February. explain why men quest for Qualifications for Legal But there’s one question she still Services (District Court) through 2:00 p.m. on Monday, Novem- can’t answer: What makes some are more likely than ber 30, 2020. Send submissions patients so much sicker than others? to: women to become Dr. Kenny Haskin, City Manager Advancing age and underlying med- City of Texarkana, Arkansas By mail: P.O. Box 2711, ical problems explain only part of the critically ill with COVID- Texarkana, Arkansas 75504 phenomenon, said Ranney, who has Hand delivery: 216 Walnut 19 and die, said Sabra Street, Texarkana, Arkansas seen patients of similar age, back- 71854 ground and health status follow wildly The contract will be awarded on Klein, a professor December 21, 2020 and be- different trajectories. come effective January 1, 2021. “Why does one 40-year-old get of molecular The complete Request for Qual- ifications can be accessed at really sick and another one not even microbiology and https://bit.ly/3jZj2U9 ; on the City’s website need to be admitted?” asked Ranney, http://arkansas.txkusa.org/; or by an associate professor of emergency immunology at the emailing [email protected]. medicine at Brown University. Johns Hopkins In some cases, provocative new research shows, some people — men Bloomberg School of NOTICE OF RECORDS in particular — succumb because their DESTRUCTION Public Health. Special education records which immune systems are hit by friendly have been collected by the Tex- arkana Independent School Dis- fire. Researchers hope the finding will “You see significantly trict related to the identification, help them develop targeted therapies evaluation, educational place- more men dying in ment, or the provision of special for these patients. education in the district, must be In an international study in Science, their 30s, not just in maintained under state and fed- 10% of nearly 1,000 COVID-19 patients “ eral laws for a period of seven years after special education who developed life-threatening pneu- their 80s.” services have ended for the student. Special education ser- monia had antibodies that disable key vices end when the student no Megan Ranney/Kaiser Health News/TNS longer is eligible for services, immune system proteins called inter- graduates, completes his/her ferons. These antibodies — known as ■ Dr. Megan Ranney, an associate professor of emergency medicine at Brown educational program at age 22, or moves from the district. autoantibodies because they attack the flu in the past, and we’re looking to see University, says that even after months of treating emergency room patients with This notification is to inform body itself — were not found at all in if the autoantibodies could have had COVID-19 she doesn’t know what makes certain patients so much sicker than others. parents/guardians and former students of the Texarkana In- 663 people with mild or asymptom- an effect on flu.” dependent School District’s in- atic COVID-19 infections. Only four they are much more likely to smoke of the disease.” tent to destroy the special edu- Scientists have long known that cation records of students who of 1,227 healthy individuals had the viruses and the immune system com- than Chinese women. Bastard said he hopes his findings received special education ser- Researchers quickly noticed that will lead to new therapies that save vices ending during the autoantibodies. The study, published pete in a sort of arms race, with virus- 2012-2013 school year or be- on Oct. 23, was led by the COVID es evolving ways to evade the immune men in Spain were also more likely lives. He notes that the body manu- fore. These records will be de- stroyed after December 1, 2020 Human Genetic Effort, which includes system and even suppress its response, to die of COVID-19, however, even factures many types of interferons. in accordance with state law 200 research centers in 40 countries. said Sabra Klein, a professor of molec- though men and women there smoke Giving these patients a different type unless the parent/guardian or eligible (adult) student notifies “This is one of the most import- ular microbiology and immunology at at about the same rate, Klein said. of interferon — one not disabled by the school district otherwise. ant things we’ve learned about the Experts have hypothesized that men their genes or autoantibodies — might After seven years, the records the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School are no longer useful to the dis- immune system since the start of the of Public Health. might be put at higher risk by being help them fight off the virus. trict, but may be useful to the less likely to wear masks in public than In fact, a pilot study of 98 patients parent/guardian or former stu- pandemic,” said Dr. Eric Topol, exec- Antibodies are usually the heroes dent in applying for social secu- utive vice president for research at of the immune system, defending the women and more likely to delay seek- published Thursday in the Lancet rity benefits, rehabilitation ser- vices, college entrance, etc. The Scripps Research in San Diego, who body against viruses and other threats. ing medical care, Klein said. Respiratory Medicine journal found parent/guardian or eligible (adult) was not involved in the new study. But sometimes, in a phenomenon But behavioral differences between benefits from an inhaled form of inter- student may request a copy of the records in writing or in per- “This is a breakthrough finding.” known as autoimmune disease, the men and women provide only part feron. In the industry-funded British son at the following address: In a second Science study by the immune system appears confused and of the answer. Scientists say it’s pos- study, hospitalized COVID-19 patients Texarkana ISD, 4241 Summer- hill Rd., Texarkana, Texas same team, authors found that an creates autoantibodies. This occurs in sible that the hormone estrogen may randomly assigned to receive inter- 75503, Phone: 903.794.3651 somehow protect women, while tes- feron beta-1a were more than twice as ext. 1030. additional 3.5% of critically ill patients diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, had mutations in genes that control when antibodies attack the joints, and tosterone may put men at greater risk. likely as others to recover enough to Invitation for Bid The City of Texarkana, Texas, the interferons involved in fighting Type 1 diabetes, in which the immune Interestingly, recent studies have found resume their regular activities.
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