i From San Franctsco: 4 ' Tcnyo Mam. July 27. For &an Francisco; . Matsoala. Jul 2?. 3:30 Front Vancouver: "illY it f ' Nifcftara, August 12. For Vancouver: .. Marama, August 11. 5wl Edition Evening Bulletin. 1882. No. 1915. Eft 20 -H- LY 1 0 Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII. No. 954. PAGES ONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, KATTRDAY, JI lr, PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS PALMER 1700DS NATIONAL GUARD President Approves MAUIVANTSTHE Prince Alexander SEWS REELY IS NOT The $1,500,000 Bond Mast Show Ability IN, BUT IW IS PLAYING Issue For Territory LAIil WHARF in Handling Crisis SATISFACTORY AND PLANS Tin Associated Press by Federal Wireless. IT M WILL WOT QUIT ? A BIG WAR GAME WASHINGTON, July 25. Presi- ANUilWS FOR IM-- COfllEiED formally approved to- dent Wilson 5." ' day the $1,500,000 Territory of Ha- waii bond issue. Secretary of Conflicting Reports Are Neither First Regiment Encamped at Treasury McAdoo has given his Believes Adequate Docking Willingness to Punish Assassins of Archduke Ferdinand and Affirmed Nor Denied by Red Hill For Five Days of consent that the usual concessions, Facilities; Would be Panace- Wife Not Sufficient Jor Austria, and Minister and Lega- in the form of an agreement to tion Staff Recalled From Belgrade Governor Pinkham Field Maneuvers accept these bonds in lieu of fed- a-for Present Ills Servian King and eral securities, on the same basis Court Moves to Arsenal Town Where Army Is Ordered GET-TOGETH- MAY GET LANLVJOB IF MILITIA CAMMS MORE rt existed in the previous territor- ER DINNER IS '' f I Mobolized Russia Ready fo Take Hand and Back Up HE RUNS FOR DELEGATE AMBITIOUS THAN EVER ial bond issue, be allowed. It Is VERY SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR understood that only $750,000 of Stand of Servia Market Badly Affected ' - . the $1,509,000 of the issue will be r"' V ' 1 Rumored Plan for Counter- Approximately 580 Officers floated at this time. D. L. Conk- - Tourist Crop Promises Rich Associated Tress service by Federal Wireless. VIENNA, blow to "Pauahi Street and Men in Field to Work ting, territorial treasurer, having Harvest If Properly Han- Austria, July 25. Servia replied to the ultimatum of Austria- -' , Hungary secured the consent of the presi dled shortly before the expiration of the time limit, stating that sh :Bunch" With 2d Infantry Regulars dent and treasurer, will leave here Is General Opinion is willing to punish those responsible for the assassinations of Archduke' New Ferdinand his wife, for York to negotiate for the I - "''V and but that it was impossible to reply to the other 4 4 To the music of a lively Quickstep sa!e of the bonds. Maui wants the Lahaina v harf. demands upon such short notice. -- ; '' v seemefl . '.. - .. 4 played by the Hawaiian Band, the 1st This to be the result of the opinion Austria answered that the reply is anrf rritartrrw her 4 "Everything ia unsettled, and regiment' of the National 'Guard of consolidation of at the splen and legation staff from BefgYade. V. - Hawaii, materially strengthened by did "get-togethe- r" dinner given under 4 uncertain yet" Governor, Pink- 4 The Servian king and court has moved C? Krayuyevatz. where an 4 ham." - .(.- - the addition of the Hilo and Lahaina the auspices of the Maui Chamber of 4 arsenal is located and at which point the n mob '".''- , Commerce Maui Hotel on trrn nsTrrf1 4 I believe Palmer Woods will 4 companies and numbering approxi at the Thurs olized. rias 4 run for Delegate to Congress." 4 mately ixo officers and men. marched day evening' last. 4 Joshua Tucker. 4 cut of Honolulu at 8:30 o'clock this Maui wants tots of things. Maui in PAPERS DEMAND MOBILIZATION respect Id: every They can neither force nor 4 morning cn route to Red Hill for en that like other place campment MAY cn earth, but wants were If ST. PETERSBURG, Russia. July 25. The Bourse Gazette In its issue 4 persuade me to run for Dele- - 4 and field maneuvers cover BE FIRST after all the Ing a period com simmered down It appeared the of today declares that "Russia cannot for a moment tolerate any attack 4 gate" Palmer Woods. of five days. Each that upon t pany bad been mustered considerably business men of the Maui chamber be- Servian independence." " 4 above strength required for such an lieved that in opening up and facilitat Many Russian papers are demanding the immediate mobilization of the 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 outing, and air officers reported little THROUGH CANAL ing travel and better communication, army. Two conflicting: 'reporta or no trouble in getting the men out the construction of a wharf at Lahaina EXTENSION OF TIME IS REFUSED today, both Red Hill was reached shortly before that will alloV the business man, the , of them making 25.-rT- he pretensions to authen- noon, and following a hasty luncheon women and the children to land in VIENNA, Austria, July Russian charge d'affaireson behalf ticity, but neither one confirmed nor of Servia, has asked for a 48-hou- r of In ultima- the guardsmen, with the assistance of American-Hawaiia- n extension the time set the denied by !! Austria-Hungary-vt- o Governor Pinkham, have the enlisted men of the 2nd Infantry, Vessel !,If"! tum issued by Servia. ; aroused a fire of interest or apprehen can happen. According to unofficial information the reply was made that It would Ion, as may U. S. A., immediately got down to Sails From Hilo For Balboa that r'IIS f the case be. In the work to set up and prepare the camp This is especially true at the present be impossible to grant the extension requested. camps of the Republicans Demo- on instructions to Captain and which Is to be their home for the next money . time, as the for the wharf has MENACING TONE OF RUSSIAN crats. t . PAPERS five days. Upon completion a t ; t a a j a. the of FUr-BulMl- D I een aumonaea unaer xne The first is that at the meeting of tSprcuU drwapondencel lernionai LONDON, England, July 25-N- ews dispatches report the Servian this task the guardsmen and officers HA appropriation and furthermore several leading Democrats with Got. uii r,.t. ?iAf( hnim' - lloan troops evacuating Belgrade owing to the belief of the government will commence in earnest the working -- general awakening on the that rinkharn yesterday morning It was de .t hi. t' woitin ntn nr. there is a the country is untenable. cut of the problem which is the main Acln-Hawliia- cided to pet Woods in as land com objective of year's encampment. d-e- n .tean, easy The Russian newspapers are assuming a menacing tone In regard to this ; making the "way of the tourist mifsicner August 1, his appointment ship Pennsyivanlan, Capt Joseph the attitude of Austria-Hungar- y in her demanda upon Servia for the sup Strength of Guard in Field. - through comfortable and good to be transit Pan-Servia- n made.cn tho condition that he The following show the Nichols, was instructed yesterday- af pression of the movement and for the punishment of the assas run for. delegate to congress on statistics proceed once to Balboa, accommodations. the strength of the guard as it now Is In ternoon to at Dinner a Great Success. sins of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife. Democratic - semi-offici- al t'eket the field: Panama. It Is believed the Pennsyl- The Novoe Vreyma, a organ says: "The Russian gov The second -- is; this: That Joshua , go through the emment clearly recognizes Austria's Is ' Company A, Captain H. P. 0Sulll-van- vanian is'to second get-togeth- affair, was also that ultimatum not reflected ' Tucker, land commissioner, has with-- If so may Lthe against alone. 39 men; Company B, . Captain canal and the be the first program Servia ' drawn his verbal resignation In cMc Convention and Paul Super, 45 men; Company C Cap- vessel to make that passage from the a running start, proved a great suc "Unless this ultimatum.. withdrawn Russia will not remain a silent.'' formed the-- governor he will not spectator length' yOf that tain J. M. Camara, 60 men; Company Pacific to the Atlantic side an. his In every way. one and far any great time." resign, laving been by hie cess Between " advised D, Captain. Walter V. Kolb, 38 menj Uoric honor, two hundred, business, and profession attorney he has right to con- Crown . of LONDON EXCHANGE DEMORALIZED v-- V that the Comnanv E. Cantata' C M. Coster.-E- 6 If the news of the big ditch's onen Prince Alexander tinue In office until the expiration al men of the Island assembled about Servia to Rumors Is r of men- - romnanv P. 1st M. - RJ ine. Riven out unofficially at Washing well arranged in the cool who, succeeded the that Russia mobilizing her army of one million had a most his commission,' his appointment hav- lieut I the tables throne when, his father, King upon Houghtailing, 45 men; Company G,ton,is bssed on fact the Pennsylvania an(J attra(jyTe dining ' room of the demoralizing effect the stock exchange today. - Throughout ing been confirmed by I Peter, 24. the senate. Captain B. F. Kane, 56 men; Company .undoubtedly will go through and In all ? Manager Field, who had abdicated cn June tne entire trading session the market was most panicky with a decidedly It is learned cn good authority. that jfxit hotel. downward a - H, Captain Laurence Redington, 7iHJKeunooa win oe uie ursi vessel roui cnarge of h,fc of the session, had trend.
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