Advertising Agencies more, pres; Phil DeCabia, VP /sls dir, Peter J. Moran, sr The Softness Group Inc. 381 Park Ave. S., New York, St. Ann, MO 63074: 500 Northwest Plaza, Suite 304. VP Cable Networks Inc. (CNI). NY 10016. (212) 696 -2444. FAX: (212) 696 -2466. Carol (314) 291 -4540. George Welling, rep. Blades, pres. Cleveland, OH 44113: 1660 W. 2nd St., Suite 670. LW. Ramsey Advertising Agency. 111 E. 3rd St., Dav- Video teleconferencing, satellite media tours, video (216) 736 -7171. Jim Goldston, VP /rep. enport, IA 52801. (319) 326-3333. FAX: (319) 326-0159. news releases & training videos. Miami, FL 33134: 2801 Ponce de Leon B vd., Suite David A. Pautsch, pres; Gordon S. Fowler, chmn of bd. 450. (305) 445 -5559. Christina Martinez, cor-act. Radio -TV media dept: Brenda Spencer, admin media; Steen Advertising Corp. 100 Merrick Rd., Rockville Minneapolis, MN 55416: 1600S. Hwy. 100. Suite 512. Steve Plath, sis mgr. Centre, NY 11570. (516) 763 -2900. FAX: (516) 763- (612) 545-4733. Brian Dressel, rep. 9200. Norman Steen, pres. East Brunswick, NJ 08816: 3A Auer Ct. 1908) 390- Rapp 488 Madison Ave., New York, Collins Worldwide. 9322. Edmund Sale, rep. (Newark office.) NY 10022. (212) 371 -9100. FAX: (212) 371 -9270. David Steppin' Out & See America. 3655A Old Court Rd., Sacramento, CA 95814: 600 N. 10th St. 916) 449- Scholes, pres/CEO New York. Suite 3, Pikesville, MD 21208. (410) 653 -2616. FAX: (410) 653 -2687. Bob Colton, CEO /pres. 6149. Betsy Shannon, rep. Russ Reld Co. 2 N. Lake Ave., Suite 600, Pasadena, CA San Diego, CA 92108: Mission Valley Financial Ctr., & 1633 Broadway, New York, 91101. (818) 449 -6100. FAX: (818) 449 -6190. Russ Sudler Hennessey Inc. 591 Camino de la Reina, Suite 1026. (619) 294 -7750. NY 10019. 969 FAX: (212) 969 -5991. Wil- Reid, chmn /CEO; Keith Jespersen, pres; Ann Dailey, VP (212) -5800. Susan Fulginiti, rep. liam B. Gibson, chmn/pres/CEO. Philadelphia, PA RadnorCorpora'e Ctr., 100 media & data base mktg; Janet Petty; Tina Samudio, bcst 19087:2 media. Radio -TV media dept: Barbara Morano, sr VP media. Matsonford Rd., Suite 111. (215) 995-0616. AithonyAc- New York, NY 10036: lntramed Educational Group. Radio -TV media dept: Ann Dailey, VP media & data- curso, rep. 1633 mgng base mktg; Janet Petty, bcst media mgr. Broadway. Louisa Holland, dir. Fairport, NY 14450: 890 Cross Keys Office Park. (716) Full -svc adv agency specializing in non -profit organi- Worldwide healthcare communications. 223-0870. Gary Theut, account mgr. (Rochester office.) Tulsa, OK 74133: 7666 E. 61st St., Suite 130. (918) zations. 100 5th Ave., New York, NY Sunbow Entertainment. 250 -1884. Kyle McQuaid, account mgr. 10011. (212) 886 -4900. FAX: (212) 366 -4242. C.J. Ket- Rends Broadcasting Corp. (Renda Radio Inc.) Renda Full -svc adv agency. tles pres. Broadcasting Broadcast Plaza, Crane Ave., Pitts- Corp., Glendale, CA 91201: 1725 Victory Blvd. (818) 241- burgh, PA 15220. (412)531-9500. FAX: (412) 531 -4068. 3100. Geraldine Clark, VP West Coast production. Tierney & Partners. (A Foote, Cone & Belding Commu- FM. Fort Myers, EJZ (FM) Stns:2 AM, 9 WWGR(FM) W Dev, production, co- production international distribu- nications Co.) 200 S. Broad St., Philadelphia. PA 19102. & WFKS(FM) Palatka, all FL; WWRR (FM) Jacksonville tion TV & home video. (215) 790 -4100. FAX: (215) 790 -4373. Brian P. Tierney, Brunswick, GA; KHTT(FM) Muskogee, KMGL(FM) pres/CEO; William Mel nick, sr VP /media dir. Oklahoma City & KBEZ(FM) Tulsa, all OK; WJAS(AM)- TBWA Chief/Day Inc. 340 Main St., Venice, CA 90291. Full -svc adv agency, including PR & design svcs. WSHH(FM) Pittsburgh & WECZ(AM)-WPXZ -FM Punx- (310) 314 -5000. FAX: (310) 396 -1273. Lee Clow, sutawney, both PA. chmn /CCO North America; Bob Kupernan, CEO /pres True North Communications Inc. 101 E. Erie St., Chi- Ownership: Anthony F. Renda, 100%. TBWAChiat/Day West. cago, IL 60611 -2897. (312) 751 -7000. FAX: (312) 751- New York, NY 10038:180 Maiden Ln. (212) 804 -1000. 3501. Bruce Mason, chmn/CEO; Greg Blaine, exec Rives Carlberg. Transco Tower, 2800 Post Oak Blvd., Jay Chiat, chmn. Suite 3400, Houston, TX 77056. (713) 965-0764. FAX: VP /dir global operating systems; Terry Ashwill, exec (713) 965 -0135. E -mail: ccarlberg.comname.lastname. Talkline Communications Advertising Agency. Box VP /CFO; Fred Wray, pres TN Media Inc. Chuck Carlberg, pres /CEO; Alice Michalec, exec 20108, Parkwest Station, New York, NY 10025-1510. Radio -TV media dept: Joe Burke, sr VP worldwide VP /gen mgr, Jerry Daman, VP /dir business dew; Sherri (212) 769 -1925; (800) 628 -TALK. FAX: (212) 799 -4195. media rsch; Timothy Zagin, sr VP international me- Oldham, VP /creative dir; Darlene Ashely, Howard Zev J. Brenner, pres. dia. Blevens, Lynda Boydstun -Nielsen, Donna Sanders, Ma- Chicago, IL 60611-2897: FCB Chicago. 10' E. Erie St. & 420 N. Wabash, 201, ria Hale, Ray Redding, Ken Deutsch, VPs/group mgmt Target Response Inc. Suite (312)751 -7000. Mitchell Engel, exec VP/mgng dir Scot -0500. FAX: supers; Mark Rice, VP finance & admin. Chicago, IL60610. (312) 321 (312) 321- Butler, sr VP /media dir. Radio -TV media dept: Ken Deutsch, VP media. 0051. Laurence Levis, pres/gen mgr; Gary Kretch- Chicago, IL 60611 -2897: FCB Direct. 101 E. Erie St. mer, VP. Adv, promotions, PR, Hispanic mktg, media planning (312) 751 -7000. Jim Cerasani, interim pres. Radio -TV media dept John Walsh Jason Webb, me- & buying, new media, direct response. Chicago, IL 60611 -2897: IMPACT. 101 E. Erie St. (312) dia svcs rep; Nicole Honesty, off mgr. 751 -3500; (312) 751 -7000. FAX: (312) 440-8170. Robetta Corp. One Henson Pl., Champaign, IL 61820. Direct response radio adv svc specializing in nati lead Joseph Flanagan, pres/CEO. (217) 359-0641. FAX: (217) 352-6380. Robert F. Grubb, generation advertisers. Stn /network compensation Chicago, IL60611 -2897: Wahlstrom Chicago. 101 E. pres; John A. Grubb, sr consultant. based solely on leads (not sis). Ede St. (312) 943 -0200. FAX: (312) 943 -4303. Roy Trade show displays. Beatty, dir. Tatham Euro RSCG. 980 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL VP/mgng 60611 -4592. (312) 337 -4400. FAX: (312) 337 -5930. New York, NY 10153: FCB Database Marketing The Alan Rothman Co. Inc. 18 Corporate Hill Dr., Suite Group. 767 5th Ave. (212) 705-1000. Gary Beck, sr 101, Little Rock, AR 72205. (501) 224-4808. FAX: (501) Ralph Rydholm, CEO. Radio -TV media dept: Phillip Gerber, sr ptnr/media VP /gen mgr. 224 -7418. Alan Rothman, pres; Scotty Scholl, sr VP. New York, NY 10153: FCB Direct. 767 5th Ave. (212) opns dir. Radio -TV media dept: Debbie Dollar, VP /media dir. 705 -1900; (212) 705 -1000. FAX: (212) 705 -1919. Tina Full -svc adv agency. J. WalterThompson Co.466 Lexington Ave., NewYork, Cohoe, pres. 10017. (212) FAX: (212) 210 -7066. Burton New York, NY 10153: FCB/LKP. 767 5th Ave. (212) Ross Roy Communications Inc. 100 Bloomfield Hills NY 210 -7000. 705 FAX: (212) 705 -1770. Charles Tar ey, pres; J. Pkwy., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. (810) 433 -6000. FAX: J. Manning, chmn/CEO. -1000. Radio -TV media dept: Jean Pool, exec VP /dir North Brendan Ryan, ores/CEO (FCB East office.) . (810) 433 -6421. Tim Copacia, chmri/pres/CEO. America media bcst svcs; David Marans, sr New York, NY 10017: VICOM/FCB Consumer. 304 E. Radio-TV media dept: Patricia Cuda, sr VP /group dir buying ptnr /US dir media rsch. 45th St., 15th Fl. (212) 983 -1560. FAX: (212? 983 -1618. media & bcstg; Dennis J. Donlin, sr VP /media dir; Roy Atlanta, GA 30326: One Atlanta Plaza, 950 E. Paces John Corcoran, exec VP eastern rgn. W. Edmands, sr VP /dir bcstg & video. Ferry Rd., Suite 3000. (404) 365 -7300. Jeff White, exec New York, NY 10178.0065: FCB NBU. 10- Park Ave. Rubin Ehrenthal & Associates. 100 6th Ave., New VP /gen mgr. Fred Wray, pres TN Media Inc.; Alison Danzberger, sr York, NY 10013. (212) 966 -5550. FAX: (212) 966 -7755. Chicago, IL 60611: 900 N. Michigan Ave., Fls. 22 -27. VP /dir natl bcstg. Mel Rubin, vice -chmn; Herb Ehrenthal, pres. (312) 951 -4000. John Clinton, exec VP/gen mgr. New York, NY 10178: FCB LBU. 101 Park Ave. Fred Radio -TV media dept: Terri Hogue, VP/media dir. Detroit, MI 48226 -3428: One Detroit Ctr, 500 Wood- Wray, pres TN Media Inc.; Howard Nass, sr VP /dir bcst ward Ave. (313) 964 -3800. Steve Brown, exec VP /gen dray. SSD &W. 350 Main Rd., Montville, NJ 07045. (201) 299- mgr. New York, NY 10016: Siboney Advertising. 2 Park 8000. FAX: (201) 299 -7937. Andrew F. Scelba, chmn of Los Angeles, CA 90048: 6500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite Ave., Suite 1420. (212) 213-6640. Jose Manuel Cubas, bd; Louis De Trite Jr., pres/COO; David F. Scelba, CEO; 2100. (213) 955-2000. Steve Darland, exec VP /gen mgr pres/CEO; Scott Hollingsworth, exec VP /ger mgr. Eugene Cooper, media dir. (San Francisco office.) . New York, NY 10178 -0065: TN Media Inc. 101 Park San Francisco, CA 94111: 4 Embarcadero Ctr., Suite Ave. Fred Wray, pres TN Media Inc. Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising. 375 Hudson St., New 900. (415) 955 -2000. Steve Darland, exec VP /gen mgr. New York, NY 10153: FCB International. 767 5th Ave., York, NY 10014 -3620. (212) 463 -2000. FAX: (212) 463- New York, NY 10017: 466 Lexington Ave. (212) 210- 16th Fl. (212) 705 -1000. FAX: (212) 705 -1777. Craig 9855. Stanley Becker, chief creative off; Michael 7000. Ron Bums, group pres/CEO North America. Wiggins, churn. Keeshan, pres/COO; Edward L. Wax, chmn /CEO Sa- Washington, DC 20005: 115615th St. N.W. (202) 331- Philadelphia, PA 19102: FCBflierney.
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