THE LATE MR GEOFFREY FORMBY. Mr. Geoffrey O. Formby, a member of the well- Irnown Lancashire family of that name, who died in Liverpool last Sunday at the early aze of thirty- four, win jo me yearn ago the hsro of an exploit! .Which is worthy of bein^ called to remambrance. > In October, 1383, a tidal wave flooded tun flat land round about the Severn Tunnel, poured down one of the shafts, and imprisoned some fifty men who were working helo*. The water rosa rapidly in the workings, and one man had ilreadr been drowned, while it appeared that the rest roast inevitably share fhe same fate, when Mr. Formby, at that time the youngest of tha several engineers employed at the tunnel, volunteered to BTORAQE descend as soon as the tide turned. Inspired by his example, half a dozen navvies fallowed his lead, lowered a stnall boat fioai the mouth of thfl shaft, and »ent down 100 feet hy a perpendicular ladder into pitch darkness, with the water still pouring in upon them, and with no knowledge of what lay before; thenr. The water in the shaft was 16 feet deep when the first boatload <v»8 rescued, with the utmost danger and difficulty, aad it was only after eight hours of continuous exertion that Mr. Formby followed the last of tha men up the laddei into divlk'ht and safety, tha water then having rieun soni»h that it had become neoesaary to lie fiat in the bolt and propel it with thn hands against the rnof of the working. Mr. Jjormby, after some nine years' manV^ement of the Earl of Gainsborough's estates in Kntland and Gloucestershire, was recently appointed to tha azency of the I owtfaer estates in IV'estmoreiand ; but the seeds of a fatal disease were sown in ths prolonged exposure and exhaustion following his gallant action at the Severn Tunnel, and he never recovered bis former robust health. He leaves a young widow and four little children- PARISH CHURCH OF GRAPPENHALL. From a drawing on a porcelain plate, made by Flight and Earr, of Worcester, between the years 1813 40, now in possession of Miss Garvenj of Warrington. TRANSACTIONS HISTORIC SOCIETY OF atttt SESSION 1880-81. VOLUME XXXIII. LIVERPOOL: ADAM HOLDEN, 48, CHURCH STREET. 1881. LIVERPOOL: T. BRAKELL, PRINTER, 58, DALE STREET. This Volume has been edited by the Honorary Secretary, under the direction of the Council. The authors of papers alone are responsible for the facts and opinions expressed in their respective communications. VOLUMES OF THE SOCIETY'S TRANSACTIONS MAY BE PURCHASED AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES : Volumes I., VII, IX., X., XII. ..................... 55. each. II., IV., V., VI., VIII., XI................ 73. 6d. III. (out of Print). XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., XVIL, XVIII., XXII., XXIII. ........................ 53. XIX., XX., XXI., XXIV. ............... 73. 6d. XXVI. ....................................... Ss. XXV.,XXVII., XXVIII., XXIX., XXX., XXXI., XXXII. ..................... 73. 6d. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS FOR 1880-81. presi&ent. THOMAS GLAZEBROOK RYLANDS, F.S.A. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, K.G. JOHN RUSKIN, LL.D. JOSEPH MAYER, F.S.A. FRANCIS JAMES BAILEY, L.R.C.P. ' flOembew of Council. W. A. ABRAM. H. H. HOWORTH, F.S.A. J. E. BAILEY, F.S.A. REV. R. R. MOORE. B. L. BENAS. C. POTTER. JAMES BROMLEY. R. D. RADCLIFFE. J. P. EARWAKER, F.S.A. W. O. ROPER. LIEUT.-COL. FISHWICK, F.S.A. J. P. RYLANDS, F.S.A. E. W. M. HANCE, LL.B. REV. R. SALTHOUSE, Gvcasuvei'. JOHN G. JACOB. TBoii. Secretary. CHARLES T. GATTY, F.S.A. Ilssistant Secvetai's. T, N. MORTON. CONTENTS. Papers marked thus (*) an illustrated. PAGE. Some Old Country Sports. From the Crosby Records. By the Rev. T. E. Gibson ......................................................... i Lancashire in the time of Charles II. By Lieut.-Col. Fishwick, F.S.A. ........................................................................ 23 Sunday in Lancashire and Cheshire. By William E. A. Axon, M.R.S.L. .......................... .......................................... 43 * The Architectural Antiquities of the Parish Church of St. Wilfrid, Grappenhall, Co. Chester. By Thomas Barns, B.A. Oxon, Hon. Secretary Oxford Arch, and Hist. Society..................... 85 The Liverpool Potteries. By Charles T. Gatty, F.S.A., Honorary Secretary ..................................................................... 123 Extracts from the Registers of the Nonconformist Chapel, Dukin- field, kept by the Rev. Samuel Angier, 1677 to 1713. By J. P. Earwaker, M.A., F.S.A. .......................................... 169 * The Roman Roads of Lancashire, Part I. By W. Thompson Watkin ........................................................................ 195 The Mock Corporation of Sephton. By the Rev. Engelbert Horley, M.A. ........................................................................... 223 COMMUNICATIONS. * On the Arms existing in the Churches of Prescot, Wigan, and Liverpool, in the year 1590; with some Notices of the Acres or Ackers Family. By J. Paul Rylands, F.S.A. .................. 247 Ince Blundell Charters. Transcribed and Translated by T. N. Morton 267 Correspondence .................................................................. 268 PROCEEDINGS of Session xxxiii. ............................................. 269 Report on Session xxxii. ................................................ 269 New Members Elected ......................................................... 275 Balance Sheet ..................................................................... 276 Donations to the Library ...................................................... 277 Index........... ..................................................................... 279 Prices of Volumes ............................................................... iii. Council and Officers, Session xxxii. .......................................... iv. List of Members .................................................................. vii. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The Parish Church of Grappenhall, from a. drawing on a porcelain plate, made by Flight and Barr, of Worcester, between the years 1813-40 ............................................................Frontispiece. The Parish Church of Grappenhall.......................................to face p. 85 WOODCUTS. Figure of a female saint, from a window of Grappenhall Church...on page 100 Seal of William de Boydell ................................................ ,, 103 Roman Vase, found at Lancaster .......................................... ,, 220 Roman Fibula, found at Manchester.................. .................... 221 Bronze Boss, found at Ribchester .......................................... ,, 222 Shield of Arms Gerard of Ince .......................................... ,, 250 Leyland ................................................... 253 Earl of Derby ..........................'................ 255 N. B. It is reqitested that notice be given to the Secretary of any errors, change of address, or death. LIST OF MEMBERS. SESSION XXXIII, 1880-81. The names of Life Members are printed in SMALL CAPITALS, and those of Resident Members have an asterisk attached. Date of Election. 1872. Dec. 12 Abram, W. A. 42 Adelaide terrace, Preston New Road, Blackburn. 1877. Feb. 22 Adshead, George Haward. Fern Villas, 94 Bolton Road, Pendleton, Manchester. 1848. Nov. 23 AINSLIE, MONTAGUE. Grizedale Hall, Hawkshead, Windermere. 1871. Jan. 12 Andrew, Frank. Apsley Place, Ashton-under-Lyne. 1856. Dec. 4 Ansdell, John. Cowley House, St. Helens. 1848. Nov. 23 Ansdell, Richard, R.A. Lytham House, St. Alban's road, Kensington, London. W. ATKINSON, WILLIAM. Claremont, Promenade, Southport. 1877. Dec. 13 *Atherton, Webster. 33 The Temple, Dale street, Liverpool. 1877. Dec. 13 Axon, W. E. A. Fern Bank, Bowker street, Higher Broughton, Manchester. 1865. Nov. 2 * Bailey, Francis James, L.R.C.P. 51, Grove street, Liverpool. 1876. Dec. 14 Bailey, John Eglington, F.S.A. Rgerton villa, Stretford, Manchester. 1876. April 20 Bartle, Rev. George, D.D. The College, Freshfield, Southport. 1879. Feb. 20 Barton, Richard. West Leigh Lodge, Leigh, Man­ chester. via List of Members. Date of Election. 1862. Mar. 6 BAZLEY, SIR THOMAS, Bart., M P. Eyford Park, Stow-on-the- Wold, Gloucestershire. 1849. Dec. 6 Beamont, William. Orford Hall, Warrington. 1848. Nov. 23 ;:Bell, Henry. Greenfield, West Kirby, Cheshire, 1875. Feb. 4 *Bellew, Thomas Acheson. 23 Canning street, Liverpool. 1864. Dec. i 1:Benas, B. L. Imperial Buildings, 5 Dale street, Liverpool. 1880. Jan. 8 ;sBendall, Herbert. The College, Shaw street, Liverpool. 1848. Nov. 23 "Bennett, William. Heysham Tower, Lancaster. 1848. Nov. 23 f Blundell, Thomas Weld. Ince Blundeil Hall, Great Crosby. 1853. Dec. 15 ;:Bossi, Arthur. Care of Melly Brothers, Rumford street, Liverpool. 1877. Dec. 13 Boulton, I. W. Stamford House, Ashton-under-Lyne. Bourne, Robert W. WicKs lane, Formby. 1858. April 15 :Bower, Anthony. Staforth, Liverpool. 1855. Dec. 6 Bowes, John. Warrington. 1871. Mar. 23 ^Brakell, Thomas Forster. 58 Dale street, Liverpool. 1848. Bramley-Moore, John. Gerard's Cross, Buck­ inghamshire. 1854. Mar. 9. 'Bright, Henry Arthur, M.A. Ashfield, Knotty Ash, Liverpool. 1881. Dec. 15 Broadbent, Charles. The Hollies, Latchford, War­ rington. 1876. April 20 Bromley, James. The Homestead, Latfioip, Onns- kirk. 1849. May 3 Brooke, Henry. Ashbrook Hall, Church Minshull, Middlewich. 1851. Mar. 6 BROOKE, SIR RICHARD, Bart. Norton Priory, Rnncorn. 1868. Feb. 6 BROOKS, WILLIAM CUNLIFFE, M.P., F.S.A. Barlow Hall, Manchester. 1872. April 4 BROUGHTON, FREDERICK. Hamilton, Canada. 1875. Mar. 4 ' Brown, Alexander, M.P.
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