2017 HIGHER GUIDE MOMENT MAGAZINE LEARNING A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION AmericAn friends of boarding high school that has ele- environment to explore Jewish texts Hebrew University vated expectations with classroom, and traditions, thought and philos- American Friends of the Hebrew athletic, and residential facilities ophy, Hebrew language and litera- University (AFHU) is a national, that are second to none. Located ture, Holocaust and Israel studies. not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organiza- on 100 scenic lakefront acres in Our students can pursue honors in tion headquartered in New York Greensboro, North Carolina, with their major through faculty-direct- City, with seven regional offices a mission to educate future lead- ed research and study abroad in Is- across the United States. Founded ers and enrich Jewish identity, the rael. Carrying on the legacy of Elie by American philanthropist Felix American Hebrew Academy is a Wiesel at Boston University, we are M. Warburg in 1925, AFHU is the one-of-a-kind school. Offering a committed to the study of the hu- largest member of an international state-of-the-art environment that manities in a Jewish key, a mission network of Friends organizations fosters academic achievement and we bring to the greater Boston area dedicated to raising awareness of, strengthens Jewish knowledge, the through our public lectures and and support for, the Hebrew Uni- Academy is home to the best and programs. versity of Jerusalem, Israel’s pre- the brightest students in grades 9 – For details about our programs, scholar- mier institution of higher learning 12 from 35 countries and 28 states. ships, and financial aid, please visit our and an international hub for discov- Its dual curriculum in Jewish and website or contact Professor Michael ery and innovation. AFHU offers general studies presents a rigorous Zank, Director ([email protected]). stimulating programs, events, and academic environment designed 147 Bay State Road, Boston, MA missions to Israel. The organization for students to reach their full po- 02215 spearheads extensive Hebrew Uni- tential. They also offer a 13th year (617) 353-8096 versity alumni outreach throughout program for students who have [email protected] the United States. completed high school, but wish to bu.edu/jewishstudies, For over 90 years, AFHU has enhance their academic experience facebook.com/EWCJS been Hebrew University’s partner- before beginning their university Twitter: @BUjewishstudies in-progress, helping to ensure that studies. See ad on page 62 the university continues the highest americanhebrewacademy.org, levels of educational excellence and [email protected], scHool of RabbinicAl research achievement. AFHU and (336) 217-7070 stUdies At Hebrew Union its thousands of supporters enable See ad on page 69 colleGe-JewisH institUte the university to recruit and retain of reliGion outstanding new faculty, build state- boston University Discover the unlimited possibilities of-the-art facilities, provide schol- elie wiesel center that the rabbinate offers for you to arships and fellowships to students for JewisH stUdies transform Jewish life while putting at every level of academic study, and The Elie Wiesel Center for Jew- your vision and values into action. advance research and development ish Studies offers undergraduate Guided by our world-class faculty activities in globally vital fields. degrees in Jewish studies and in of scholars and mentors, you will afhu.org Holocaust and Genocide studies. experience an extraordinary five- See ad on page 11 Drawing on Boston University’s year journey as part of a student internationally renowned faculty community driven by innovation, AmericAn Hebrew in fields including archaeology, an- social conscience, spiritual search, AcAdemy, Greensboro, nc thropology, international relations, and intellectual meaning. During The American Hebrew Academy is history, law, public health, and re- your first year of study on our Je- an international Jewish college prep ligion, we provide a rich academic rusalem campus, you will delve into 60 NovembER/DECEmbER 2017 feAtUred interview It’s the 70th anniversary of Trinity Col- raeli emissaries who are working in West Hartford. lege Hillel. How has the college changed These young people from Israel were challenged since you started almost 17 years ago? and they had to find ways of communicating from We find ourselves at a difficult time, politically the heart that were deep and honest and could get and socially in this country. All I would say to how they feel about Israel and what they love in reference to this moment is that it’s really about Israel. There are magic moments. You have important that there are options for students to create the opportunities, not direct too much, on campus where they can be themselves and and let students self-generate the ways they ap- where they can find people who are open to proach whatever is being discussed—and it re- be with them on their path, and that’s equally quires a lot of trust. true for Jews and non-Jews. Of course, the stu- dents have changed. Hillel can’t be static. Pro- What is your hope for the future of Trin- grams are less formal. There’s more informal ity Hillel? I hope that we continue to grow education. organically according to the needs and interest of students, that we maintain a sense of open- What is an example of how you integrate ness and appreciation for the breadth of Jewish Hillel into the college culture of a small experience throughout the world and that we university? At Trinity, Hillel runs like a depart- can share that culture and history in such a way ment or a program within the office of spiritual and that students will continue to engage with it lisA religious life. My colleagues are the other chaplains deeply and find their own path. I remain in- on campus, as well as the women’s centers and spired and connected to basic Jewish values Pleskow academic departments that co-sponsor programs. that Hillel was based on. These go way back; Kassow Last year Israeli photographer Udi Goren led a they were so smart then. I don’t think we can Director, Trinity program about photographing the Israel Trail. improve upon them. These include: Do not College Hillel That was interesting to professors and students in separate yourself from the community. If not environmental science. Another example of inte- now, when? We’re not obligated to complete and Senior gration is we shared Shabbat with House of Peace, our work, but we can’t desist from it. These are Associate which is the culture club for students from Arab guiding principles and so however the world, Chaplain for countries who want to learn about the Middle East. our crazy world, develops and situations play Jewish Life There were about 80 students and they had an op- themselves out, we have to stay connected and portunity to engage with a couple of pre-army, Is- true to those guiding principles. • Warm, welcoming, inclusive community • Shabbat and holidays on campus • Kosher Eatery in main dining facility • Major and minor in Jewish studies • Exciting international alternative breaks • Annual Birthright trip and approved study abroad in Israel • The Zachs Hillel House—an inviting home away from home • Trinity College—one of the nation’s top liberal arts colleges TRINITY COLLEGE HILLEL www.trincoll.edu Rabbi Cantor Scholar Educator Nonprofit Executive 62 mARCh/APRIL 2017 EWCJS_MOMENT_FA17_02.pdf 1 10/12/17 9:03 AM Jewish text and Israel studies while intensifying your ties to the Jewish people worldwide. For the next four years at our stateside campuses, you will be challenged by academic rigor and openness to questions in Bible, midrash, Talmud, rabbinics, liturgy, theology, history, and more. A broad array of student pulpits, internships, clinical pastoral educa- tion, and entrepreneurship projects will expand your professional devel- opment. Spiritual guidance and tra- ditional as well as innovative wor- ship will strengthen your ability to guide others. And you can augment your Master’s in Hebrew Letters/ Literature and rabbinical ordina- tion with Master’s degrees in Jew- ish Education/Religious Education, Jewish Nonprofit Management, Cantorial Ordination, and the Ph.D. You will enjoy boundless pro- fessional opportunities to lead and invigorate the largest global Jewish movement and diverse communi- ties throughout North America, Israel, and around the world. Your Rabbi future as a rabbi will be anything but ordinary. Cantor National Office of Admissions and Recruitment Scholar (800) 899-0944 [email protected] Educator huc.edu/rabbi See ad on page 62 Nonprofit Executive debbie friedmAn scHool of Sacred mUsic At Hebrew Union colleGe-JewisH institUte of reliGion Explore how your unique voice can transform people’s lives while fos- tering your own creativity. Your musical talents can flourish as a cantor through an unprecedented breadth of opportunities to lead worship, compose and perform myriad styles of traditional and contemporary music, inspire learn- ing, and offer pastoral care. Your first year in Israel will immerse you in the Hebrew language, Israeli cul- NOVEmbER/DECEmbER 2017 / mOmENT 63 *5$'8$7(678'(176 81'(5*5$'8$7(678'(176 EDUCATING THE NEXT THE PLACE FOR JEWISH STUDIES GENERATION OF SCHOLARS UP TO Master’s Degree in Jewish Studies $40,000 S CHOLARSHIPS FOR INCOMING JEWISH STUDIES MAJORS 'XDO0$LQ-HZLVK 6WXGLHV +LVWRU\ :RUOG5HQRZQHG)DFXOW\ 'RFWRUDO0LQRU<LGGLVK0LQRU $FWLYH-HZLVK6WXGLHV 6WXGHQW$VVRFLDWLRQ ([FHSWLRQDO0HQWRULQJDQG 3HHU6XSSRUW 0RUHWKDQ&RXUVHV(DFK<HDU ([WHQVLYH)HOORZVKLSV -HZLVK6DFUHG0XVLF&XUULFXOXP -HZLVK6WXGLHV.HOOH\%XVLQHVV Review of Graduate Fellowship Applications Begins: APPLY Scholarship Deadline NOW Wednesday, January 17, 2018 Jan. 17, 2018 For more information visit www.indiana.edu/~jsp ture, and the rich and complex vari- Recruitment program, beginning in Jerusalem eties of Jewish music, worship, ritu- (800) 899-0944 and followed by two years in Los al, and spirituality that have evolved [email protected] Angeles or New York, will be filled across the centuries and continents.
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