Meetings & Conferences of the AMS IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING MEETINGS PROGRAMS: AMS Sectional Meeting programs do not appear in the print version of the Notices. However, comprehensive and continually updated meeting and program information with links to the abstract for each talk can be found on the AMS website. See http://www.ams.org/meetings/. Final programs for Sectional Meetings will be archived on the AMS website accessible from the stated URL and in an electronic issue of the Notices as noted below for each meeting. Minhyong Kim, University College London, Title to be Seoul, South Korea announced. Ki-ahm Lee, Seoul National University, Title to be an- Ewha Womans University nounced. James T. McKernan, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- December 16–20, 2009 nology, Title to be announced. Wednesday – Sunday Frank Morgan, Williams College, Title to be announced. Meeting #1055 Hee Oh, Brown University, Title to be announced. Terence Tao, University of California Los Angeles, Title First Joint International Meeting of the AMS and the Korean to be announced. Mathematical Society. Van Vu, Rutgers University, Title to be announced. Associate secretary: Georgia Benkart Announcement issue of Notices: June 2009 Special Sessions Program first available on AMS website: Not applicable Algebraic Combinatorics, Dongsu Kim, Korea Advanced Program issue of electronic Notices: Not applicable Institute of Science & Technology, Soojin Cho, Ajou Uni- Issue of Abstracts: Not applicable versity, and Bruce Sagan, Michigan State University. Deadlines Algebraic Geometry, Yongnam Lee, Sogang University, For organizers: Expired Ian Morrison, Fordham University, and James McKernan, For consideration of contributed papers in Special Ses- Massachusetts Institute of Technology. sions: Expired Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms, Myung-Hwan Kim, For abstracts: Expired Seoul National University, and Wai Kiu Chan, Wesleyan University. The scientific information listed below may be dated. Combinatorial Matrix Theory, Suk-Geun Hwang, Kyung- For the latest information, see www.ams.org/amsmtgs/ pook National University, and Bryan Shader, University internmtgs.html. of Wyoming. Computational Science and Engineering, Jeehyun Lee, Invited Addresses Yonsei University, and Max Gunzburger, Florida State Young Ju Choi, Pohang University of Science and Tech- University. nology, Title to be announced. Creativity, Giftedness, and Talent Development in Math- Bumsig Kim, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Title ematics, Kyeong-Hwa Lee, Seoul National University, and to be announced. Bharath Sriraman, University of Montana. DECEMBER 2009 NOTICES OF THE AMS 1491 Meetings & Conferences Cryptography, Hyang-Sook Lee, Ewha Womans Univer- Operator Theory in Analytic Function Spaces, Hyung sity, and Alice Silverberg, University of California Irvine. Woon Koo and Boo Rim Choe, Korea University, and Kehe Differential and Integral Geometry, Young Jin Suh, Zhu, SUNY at Albany. Kyungpook National University, Byung Hak Kim, Kyung Representation Theory, Jae-Hoon Kwon, University of Hee University, Yongdo Lim, Kyungpook National Univer- Seoul, and Kyu-Hwan Lee, University of Connecticut. sity, Gaoyong Zhang, Polytechnic University of NYU, and Spectral Geometry and Global Analysis, Jinsung Park, Jiazu Zhou, Southwest University. Korea Institute for Advanced Study, and Maxim Braver- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Keonhee Lee, man, Northeastern University. Chungnam National University, Jeong-Yup Lee, Korea In- Symplectic Geometry and Mirror Symmetry, Jae-Suk stitute for Advanced Study, and Jane Hawkins, University Park, Yonsei University, Cheol-Hyun Cho, Seoul National of North Carolina. University, and Yong-Geun Oh, University of Wisconsin. Financial Mathematics, Hyejin Ku, York University, Hyunggeon Koo, Ajou University, and Kiseop Lee, Uni- versity of Louisville. San Francisco, Geometric Structures and Geometric Group Theory, In Kang Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technol- California ogy, and Seonhee Lim, Cornell University. Geometry of Varieties, Syzygies and Computations, Moscone Center West and the San Fran- Sijong Kwak, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Tech- cisco Marriott nology, Hyungju Park, Pohang University of Science and Technology, and Jerzy Weyman, Northeastern University. January 13–16, 2010 Harmonic Analysis and Its Applications, Sunggeum Wednesday – Saturday Hong, Chosun University, and Andreas Seeger, University of Wisconsin. Meeting #1056 Inverse Problems and Imaging, Hyeonbae Kang, Inha Joint Mathematics Meetings, including the 116th Annual University, and Gunther Uhlmann, University of Wash- Meeting of the AMS, 93rd Annual Meeting of the Math- ington. ematical Association of America (MAA), annual meetings Knot Theory and Related Topics, Jae Choon Cha, Po- of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and hang University of Science and Technology, and Kent Orr, the National Association of Mathematicians (NAM), and the Indiana University. winter meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), Lie Symmetries and Solitons, Woo-Pyo Hong, Catholic with sessions contributed by the Society of Industrial and University of Daegu, Anjan Biswas, Delaware State Uni- Applied Mathematics (SIAM). versity, and Chaudry M. Khalique, North-West University. Associate secretary: Matthew Miller Mathematical Analysis in Fluid, Gas Dynamics, and Announcement issue of Notices: October 2009 Related Equations, Minkyu Kwak, Chonnam National Program first available on AMS website: November 1, 2009 University, Hyeong-Ohk Bae, Ajou University, Seung-Yeal Program issue of electronic Notices: January 2010 Ha, Seoul National University, and Simon Seok Hwang, Issue of Abstracts: Volume 31, Issue 1 LaGrange College. Mathematical Biology, Eunok Jung, Konkuk University, Deadlines and Jae-Hun Jung, SUNY at Buffalo. For organizers: Expired Mathematical Logic and Foundation, Byunghan Kim, For consideration of contributed papers in Special Ses- Yonsei University, and Ivo Herzog, Ohio State University. sions: Expired Modular Forms and Related Topics, Youn-Seo Choi, For abstracts: Expired Korea Institute for Advanced Study, YoungJu Choie, Po- hang University of Science and Technology, and Wen-ching AMS-MAA Program Updates Winnie Li, Pennsylvania State University. Hard Problems, Approximate Solutions: Finding Balance Noncommutative Ring Theory, Yang Lee, Pusan Na- between Math and Family Demands, Thursday, 1:00 tional University, Nam Kyun Kim, Hanbat National Uni- p.m.–2:30 p.m., organized by Kathleen M. O’Hara, Math- versity, and Pace P. Nielsen, Brigham Young University. ematical Sciences Research Institute. Virginia Wolf said it Nonlinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Jaey- all in “A Room of One’s Own.” How do we find time for our oung Byeon, Pohang University of Science and Technol- own mathematical work amidst intergenerational family ogy, and Zhi-Qiang Wang, Utah State University. demands? The challenges of balancing family life (such Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Viscosity So- as raising children, caring for elderly parents, providing lutions, Ki-ahm Lee, Seoul National University, and Inwon child care for grandchildren, or supporting a partner) with Kim, University of California Los Angeles. a professional life are myriad. Operator Theory and Operator Algebras, Il Bong Jung, This panel, the first in a series of panels on this issue, Kyungpook National University, Ja A. Jeong, Seoul Na- will focus on two approaches to a solution: successful tional University, George Exner, Bucknell University, and institutional models that allow time for family respon- Ken Dykema, Texas A&M University. sibilities and personal frameworks that allow time for 1492 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 56, NUMBER 11 Meetings & Conferences career goals. Panelists presenting the larger issues of fam- learning of mathematics; Michael J. Dorff, Brigham Young ily and work within academia include Mary Ann Mason University, What we are doing at BYU to increase the num- and Marc Goulden, University of California, Berkeley, ber of students taking mathematics courses and becoming co-authors of the paper “Do Babies Matter? The Effect of math majors; and Allan Rossman, California Polytechnic Family Formation on the Lifelong Careers of Academic Men State University San Luis Obispo, Ask good questions. and Women”; and Carol Hollenshead, former director of the University of Michigan’s Center for the Education of Activities of Other Organizations Women and co-author of Developing and Implementing National Association of Mathematicians Work Family Policies for Faculty. Maura B. Mast, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and Judy L. Walker, University The Claytor-Woodward Lecture will be given by Abdul- of Nebraska, will provide perspectives on institutional and Aziz Yakubu, Howard University, on The impact of pe- personal approaches to surviving the family-work crunch. riodic proportional harvesting policies on TAC-regulated Sponsored by the AMS-ASA-AWM-IMS-MAA-NCTM-SIAM fishery systems, at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Joint Committee on Women in the Mathematical Sciences. Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics AMS Program Updates The Invited Address to be given by Brenda Dietrich on Conversation on Nonacademic Employment, Friday, 9:30 Thursday morning is titled Optimization Inside: The use of a.m. to 11:00 a.m., organized by Samuel M. Rankin III, mathematical methods in business processes. AMS. This session will concentrate on how to find non- An additional minisymposium will be on Frontiers
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