Volume 23 Article 5 Number 5 The Iowa Homemaker vol.23, no.5 1943 For Christmas I'd Like Betty Aldrich Iowa State College Follow this and additional works at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/homemaker Part of the Home Economics Commons Recommended Citation Aldrich, Betty (1943) "For Christmas I'd Like," The Iowa Homemaker: Vol. 23 : No. 5 , Article 5. Available at: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/homemaker/vol23/iss5/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Publications at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oI wa Homemaker by an authorized editor of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Betty Aldrich describe bring holiday sparkle f, ICKY will usher in the holiday sea­ low-heeled comfortable shoes the most V son with a flattering wardrobe in popular. But for dress, the opera pump spite of the curtailment of her wartime is still the hit of the coupon No. 18 era clothes budget. Christmas presents and would be an ideal Christmas pres­ which add to Vicky's wardrobe will be ent. especially welaome this year-particu­ Gone are the days when Vicky bought larly if they are convertible clothes which the first thing that looked pretty, re­ can be the foundation of numerous gardless of quality. A duration sensation smart, though inexpensive outfits. in her wardrobe is a dress of flame cash­ Vicky would be happy to find a dou­ mere wool. Its dash is carried out in such ble-purpose wool suit under the tree details as the buttoned patch pockets and Christmas morning. For an afternoon the handsome leather belt. at the football game, she would wear it Vicky will be making her own new with a jersey blouse, but for dinner with skirts from yards of Harris tweeds, that cadet home on furlough she could hound's tooth check and pin-striped wool surprise him with a sophisticated sequin flannel which were given to her for blouse under the jacket. Christmas by practical friends. She'll be For a dashing date outfit, Vicky would sewing pique blouses, frothed with ruf­ be delighted with a brief-sleeved kelly fles to go with those new gay skirts. velveteen. With a long sleeved white Home is where the heart is and that's jersey blouse, it becomes a "go-any-place" where many college coeds, even Vicky, dress. will be spending their week-end nights Freezing temperatures this winter will this winter. Vicky will spend the eve­ lead Vicky to thoughts of warmth in her ning profitably by knitting some socks or clothes, following the trend of the uni­ mittens to match her popular cable-knit forms of our men in the service. Out of sweater. the cockpit straight to the college cam­ Anticipating a drop in temperature pus comes a new fashion inspired by our Vicky will be ready to face Jack Frost in flying heroes. Sheeplined boots with her new pair of checked wool slacks, with heavy soles that slip over Vicky's shoes to handpicked seams-another practical keep her warm during sub-zero weather Christmas gift. would be a welcome Christmas gift for For cold nights when that bull session many college coeds. is likely to last for hours, Vicky longs Aviators also have inspired the fash­ for boy's flannel pajamas. Their popu­ ionable leather, fingertip jacket with larity comes with the roominess found slash pockets and quilted rayon lining. in the long sleeves, the extra-wide blouse, From the Navy come those sailor pea­ and the soft, smooth quality of flannel. jackets, which are tailored in heavy wool She'll guard her health by wearing a fleece for long-time wear. Another new wrap-around coat over the pajamas. It's all-time fashion is the swashbuckling of­ quilted and interlined with cotton for ficer's coat with its dramatic bravado extra warmth. ei:?phasized in the upswept collar and In spite of the trend toward styles w1de revers. taken from our men in uniform and the Vicky's shoes are designed for daily demand for boy's pajamas and sweaters, wear and conservation. Limited trans­ Vicky would be delighted with other portation facilities have made a pair of fashions to emphasize her femininity. Christmas gifts that will Vicky's winter wardrobe She would like quilted slippers made A soft note in Vicky's list for Santa is a from left-over cotton or wool materials pearl-buttoned bed jacket, pretty and or bedtime booties spun from fleecy cot­ feminine. Of quilted sheer rayon crepe ton chenille to keep her warm on these in bon-bon colors, it's tucked at the fuel-less nights. A starchy white organdie choir-boy neck and waist. dickey with a procession of organdie and Vicky will cherish a package of stylish­ pique bows down its middle would give ness and comfort in the form of soft, a new thrill to her fall suit. Large rhine­ rope-soled shoes. Made of rayon faille stone clips would add dignity to the and covered with seraglio embroidery simple lines of her smart black outfit, they'll turn any dirndl or old pair of while a Peter Pan collar and dainty ruf­ slacks into a clever costume. flings make last year's date dress look With some of th~ Christmas money like new. she'll be getting this year, Vicky is plan­ Vicky has re-styled her hair in com­ ning to splurge on a pure silk shantung pliance with the new hats. She braids, scarf with life-size flowers printed in swirls or rolls her hair neatly so that fiesta colors. They're to be worn on she can wear those tiny head huggers, sophisticated dress occasion and are de­ or the snug helmets that pull down over cidedly dramatic with furs. her ears and hair. Ribbon bandeaus are A two-piece outfit for skaters and popular for short dinner dresses and skiers is just what Vicky needs for her suits and would make original Christmas winter sports togs. It is composed of a gifts. Made of black velvet with flat half­ fiery red underpinning with socks at­ bows at the ears and a tiny lace veil, they tached and topped with a crew-neck. are especially designed for the modern This year Vicky has her heart set on a neat coiffures. white Christmas, carried out in her rain­ Accessories this winter are durable and coat. A white coat has always been a smart. Gloves will stop where the hand swoon-over item and it's practical, com­ stops, at the wrist. They're short, stubby ing in tackle twill with a wool lining for and sturdy, with a soft, glace finish. warmth. For a morale-builder, Vicky would be Vicky isn't expecting to get all her especially happy with a drawstring bag; wishes and wants fulfilled this Christ­ they'll all be without metal frames for mas. So during the holidays she'll have the duration. Bags of broadcloth, felt or fun easing the strain on consumer goods. fur to match her costume will relieve the With Mother's permission, she'll un­ leather shortage. cover an old damask table cloth and dye Alligning itself with the "give some­ it in bright colors for the shimmery, thing useful" policy is the new Victorian wonderful texture; then turn it into a tidbit, and Vicky's hopes are high that dirndl skirt. Out of her old tweed skirt, one of these will be hers for Christmas. she will make a hat and a warm fringed It's a small rotound drawstring reticule scarf to match. Following the govern­ and it actually accommodates enough ment's advice, she'll unravel her old to carry all the necessary impediments of moth-ridden sweater to knit new socks, a college girl. The shape of the bag, mittens and a cap. She'll also be folding which is made of rayon corde, is so another apron into her hope chest-an adaptable that it can double for an eve­ apron made from one of Dad's older ning purse if a jewel is pinned on it. shirts cheered with rickrack. .
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