Neil Young: Rockin' for the October 2000 Vol. 14, No. 10 $4.00 Free World "I rnust have liberty. "- William Shakespeare o At last. A scholarly journal dedicated to the study of Ayn Rand's thought and influence. The Journal ofAyn Rand Studies is the first scholarly publication to examine Ayn Rand: her life, her work, her times. Welcoming essays from every discipline, JARS is not aligned with any advocacy group, institute, or person. It welcomes scholarly writing from different traditions and different perspectives, facilitating re­ Special spectful exchange ofideas on the legacy ofone of offer! the world smost enduring and controversial Ayn Rand: philosophers. The Russian JARS is edited by R. W. Bradford, libertarian Radical, by writer and publisher of Liberty; Stephen Cox, au­ Chris thor ofmany books and articles on Ayn Rand, Matthew Isabel Paterson, and libertarianism; and Chris Matthew Sciabarra, characterized by The Sciabarra. Chronicle ofHigher Education as "RandS most Subscribe for 3 vocal champion in academe." years at our regu­ Our first year was a milestone for Rand lar rate of$65 scholarship, and our second year promises to and receive a free be even more exciting! hard bound copy Our Fall 2000 issue is our largest ever. Among its features: (reg. $55) with a "What Art Is" Michelle Kamhi and Louis Torres explore the critical neglect ofRand's bookplate inscribed aesthetic theory. by the author. That's D. Barton Johnson examines the strange parallels between Ayn Rand and Vladimir Nabokov. like getting 3 years of George Walsh challenges the Objectivist view ofImmanuel Kant. ' JARS for just $10f Provocative book reviews: Lester Hunt on Tara Smith's Viable Values; Mimi Gladstein on Douglas Den Annual subscription: $25 individuals, $40 institutions r------------------ -- ---------------, Two year Subscription: $45 individuals, $75 institutions yt .. h T I .I'A R d '" $65' d"d I $100' .. l , P,le,ase enter my subSCrIption to t e Journa oJ. ryn · an Three year sub,sCrIption:, In IVI ua, Instltutlon- 'e: (' ".. • I sU y 1, sTh e F.ountaln'head: An Am"erIcan Nove; Ian d .J. Studtes. I enclose my check In fu I payment. Plus explosive discussions on anarchism, "crow" epistemol- D One Year: individuals $25, institutions $40 ogy, and "Third Wave" aesthetics, featuring Roger Bissell, D Two Years: individuals $45, institutions $70 Robert Ca~pbell, Marsha Enright, ~urray Franck, Gregory [J Special: Three Years individuals $65, with free autographed hardbound copy Johnson, Richard Shedenhelm, DanIel Ust, and Barry Vacker. ofAyn Rand: The Russian Radical by Chris Matthew Sciabarra Annual subscription: $25 individuals, $40 institutions - b . .' , b .. h V lIN 1 .. $45' d"d I $75' '. DI want a Charter Su sCrIptIOn. Start my su sCrIptIon Wit 0 ., o. Two year Su bSCrIption: In IVI ua s, InStitutIOns Three year subscription: $65 individual, $100 institutions name Send to: Journal ofAyn Rand Studies Charter subscriptions are still available! address 1018 Water Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 CIty state ZIp ~ ~_L ---~~ October 2000 Liberty Inside Liberty Volume 14, Number 10 R.W. Bradford editor & publisher 4 Letters Comments from the peanut gallery. Stephen Cox 7 Reflections Liberty's editors have breakfast with Albert J. Nock, John Hospers sing a paean to intellectual piracy, party with the East German bikini Jane S. Shaw senior editors team, espy an eminento extolling the symbol of fascism, and track the polls on America's irrelevant politicians. Brien Bartels David Boaz Alan Bock Douglas Casey Features Eric D. Dixon Brian Doherty 21 The FBI's Pet Carnivore Bart Kosko exposes the FBI's newest David Friedman tool for invading your privacy. J. arlin Grabbe Bettina Bien Greaves 29 Rockin' for the Free World Sarah J. McCarthy celebrates the Leon T. Hadar liberating art of Neil Young. Gene Healy Robert Higgs 33 Logical Synapses, Sins of Omission In last month's Bill Kauffman Liberty, Bart Kosko argued that Jesus Christ was a family-hating David Kopel communist. Stephen Cox has a different view. Bart Kosko Richard Kostelanetz Loren E. Lomasky 35 Guns and the Movies William R. Tonso looks at how Sarah J. McCarthy Hollywood's portrayal of firearms has changed with prevailing Wendy McElroy political sentiments. Robert H. Nelson Randal O'Toole 39 American Justice, Up Close and Personal Logan Ross Overbeek Brandt tells what happened when he tried to renew his driver's license. Durk Pearson Dyanne Petersen 46 Heroes of Freedom Jim Powell explores the lives and times of Ralph Raico history's greatest defenders of freedom. Bruce Ramsey Scott J. Reid Sheldon Richman Reviews Sandy Shaw Tim Slagle Fred L. Smith, Jr. 51 American Socialism Bruce Ramsey wonders why socialism has Martin Solomon been tremendously influential in every Western country but one. Clark Stooksbury Thomas S. Szasz 53 A Life of Hard Knocks Gene Healy looks at the skull-cracking Leland B. Yeager story of America's most fearsome boxer. contributing editors Kathleen Bradford 56 Taking Property Seriously Bettina Bien Greaves tells why managing editor private property is the bedrock of civilization. John Bergstrom S.H. Chambers 59 Politicized Science 101 Douglas Puchowski explores the RexF. May weird world of science under the influence of politics. cartoonists!illustrators Jon Kalb Jim Switz computer consultants Andrew Chamberlain John Haywood 57 Notes on Contributors We round up the usual suspects. Ivan Santana editorial assistants 62 Terra Incognita jYo quiero realidad! Caroline Evanger assistant publisher [~============================L How to e=======tt=======er=======s============================:J Subscribe Mistaken Identity not immediately recognize the words David Boaz (Reflections, September) Boddie spoke as Bob Dylan's? He must has added a Libertarian column to have spent too much time at NBI lec­ to David Horowitz's chart of the political tures and not enough time listening to spectrum. To my continuing dismay, the radio. once again Jesse Ventura, my governor, "The Times They Are A-Changin'" II LihetlYJI is listed as a libertarian. Please, just is a fantastic song, only one of the hun­ because he once claimed to be libertar­ dreds of wonderful songs which have ian doesn't mean it is so. Since Jesse has helped make Dylan's reputation as been governor, he has been a ceaseless arguably the best popular songwriter Liberty takes individual of the second half of the 20th century. freedom seriously ... and champion of government education, light rail and"smart growth" govern­ Dylan is also the author of some of the the status quo with more ment land-use planning and control. In most devastating anti-war songs ever written, including "Masters of War" than one grain of salt! addition he favors state programs to and "With God on Our Side." promote economic·development, job Kevin O'Reilly training and tourism. Every issue of Liberty brings Chicago, Ill. Jim Rongstad you news you can't miss, Bradford responds: O'Reilly's assiduous opinions you won't find Woodbury, Minn. research has undone my carefully con­ anywhere else, and the best libertarian writing in the world. Same Old Song trived cover story, so I may as well con­ In his otherwise amusing take on fess. Yes indeed, I spent the'60s as a Richard Boddie's nomination speech cloistered inmate in an Objectivist mon­ You won't want to for Don Gorman at the LP convention astery and am thus unable to recognize miss a single issue! ("In the Shadow of Disneyland," the lyrics of pop songs, even September), R.W. Bradford made my immensely popular ones, from that Act Today! eyes pop when he cited the following decade. Before Mr. O'Reilly's diligent lines as Boddie's"original verse": investigation embarrasses me further, I Liberty offers you the best in Friends and fellow libertarians, may as well confess that I spent the '70s indiv:idualist thinking and writ­ come gather round people wherever you in an ashram in India, the '80s as an ing. So don't hesitate. You have roam inmate of Werner Erhart's "EST;"the nothing to lose, and the fruits and admit that the waters around you '90s, as monk in the Trappist monas­ of Liberty to gain! have grown tery in Gethsemene, Kentucky. Use the coupon below or call: and expect that soon you will be This Little Piggy Went to drenched to the bone; Washington ... 1-800-854-6991 ifyour time to you is worth saving I regard Liberty as a rare opportu­ you'd better start swimming nity to read things written by people , or you'll sink like a stone who actually think. In fact, my only r­ ------­Please enter my subscription for the times they are a'changing. to Liberty immediately! quibble with you and your fine contrib­ I I While the first line is undoubtedly utors was in your June issue, when I·112 issues (One Full Year) $29.50 Boddie's own (and not much to his Paul Rako characterized our drug war­ I I 124 issues (Two Full Years) $56.00 I credit), the rest is taken almost word­ rior in chief as a pig ("McCaffrey's I Add $5 per year for foreign subscriptions. for-word from the opening verse of Bob Brain on Drugs"). I must protest, since I Dylan's classic '60s anthem, "The this is a gross and unwarranted slur Times They Are A-Changin.'" upon a family of magnificent creatures. name I I Now, perhaps Bradford was chid­ In fact, Mr. Rako's (surely innocent) ing Boddie's shameless appropriation mistake prompted me to suggest that I address I of classic songlyrics without proper the Libertarian Party adopt the wild attribution, but I don't think so. I won­ boar as its logo. If you examine the city state zip I I der: What kind of timewarp was traits of the wild boar you'll probably II I I enclose my check (payable to Liberty) I Bradford in during the '60s that he did be surprised by how much they have in Charge my VISA [J MasterCard III I...·' Liberty (ISSN 0894-1408) is a libertarian and classical liberal review of thought, culture, and politics, pub­ I lished monthly by the Liberty Foundation, 1018 Water Street, Suite 201, Port Townsend, WA 98368.
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