- All forms 01 1963 VAUXHALL Insurance VICTORS On Display ST. JOHN'S NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1.1, 1963' Water St. Nova Ltd. , Elizabeth Ave. 9·4171 Motors VOL. 70. NO. 35 16 PAGES' SEVEN CENTS ' .. ; , ::" . ! ! t' teak On Arms Policy, , 'i I· , ear Anti-Americanism 'I onAWA (CPi-Trade Minister Hees and fence minister succeeding Douglas Harkness. Defence Minister Sevigny resigned from Gordon Chaplin oJ Galt, Ont., an industral­ Dielenbaker cabinet Saturday dissatisfied ist and MP for Waterloo South, and Marcel government nuclear arms policy and Lambert, speaker of,the Commons in the 25th a biller anti-American election cam- parliament and MP for Edmonton West, seemed 1.39 likely to go to the portfolios v~cated Saturday Minister Diefenbaker continued an by Trade Minister Hees and Associate Defence round of meetings at his residence Minister Sevigny. Faced wirth the resignations of the two key I. to cement together his government, I, . by three resignations in a week, and to ministers / Saturday, Mr. Diefe'nbaker held an April 8 general election platform. lengthy conferences with his chief strategy An informed source said Veterans Minister lieutenants and prepared for a major public ED is almost certain to be appointed de- address in Toronto today. :'1: ',::,,' ,,: :·r •. ~II"tit~n· pari)" ,hooslcr with leadership mcr conscl"I'ative cabinct min·! The 1'(':150ns given in ~lr. ~ ;',j )t: ~r\ :~II\, ,;ud ,polenllal. said ,he would not istcl' and' thought of as Quebcc: MI'. !Ires' letter of resignation: 1 , . :,: ": 'lpl','I! \11 lilt"[· , ~crk I:e' cieclion in Torrmto Icmlcrship matcrial. t'cvealcd in I' wcrc. ilriefly, Canada's dcfcnce, OTT 1\ W /l 0 t p. TvI" t J I D'r 1. •• 'I f ' d T" l' 1 C " ,\I'" '. ..... r,1i \II':II\"I~' and Bro:lIl1'lc w.' 01\ .~pril R. • resigning thai therc now are policy, and Canmlu's relations' .,' •. n '-:- nme II1IS er .0 1,n I en )~"el ,I e t I an I (lC C ~m ol1ll1l?~ce l\'\tntS~Cl ~e?rge ~':'~ _. )1:. ~r\l~ny _~lr.:..~cvl~ny. ~ii. so~_ of 1\ for.'th,rce main schisms ~JCtwccn ~tr.'lwilh the l:nitcd,Statcs. ,Hees sltglu~nl.Y durll!g it par~y caucus I'l'bl'u,~r,v 6th, Late february alh, oPPosItIOn partIes ,lomed .."'0 (iI",I' . _ ,1Iul .. -. Dlcfenbakcl' and hiS rchelling. ,.... I consillci' the present I forces to defeat the Conservative government III a HOllse of Commons vole. (UPI Telep!1oto) 'r.'~ t.~II~/:;~'d;~1;'~ Ready For :.~i::~!~li~iO~~r~!~eat~fl;:;\~~~\\I:I~~\i:l~t:?~j~1;~:~)~\~~I~;~t~~~:~~~1~~ I--·-r-·---aq-" l·----R······--e---b--el·s B-a-' tt-··--l· e R--··-.. e·--d---·- s . rllt 1till' . American elechon c.llupmgn 110' S!ales, T Ik 1 ~ ~:~::'" "'11',, rr"~l1r!l ~ ing sel'~re dama~e to CaIw~la. ~lr, S?I'igny laiJelle(! .thc gov· , ".. ~,:; '" thr "mwn. a s ~ir. Sevigny wrote to ~Ir. DIC!' emment s defence 1)051110n "am· I.".,; ~.;;- ""rcr to ~r' i By PETER ,JOII:'IISO;ll enbaker Ihal he could not nc· biguous."' lie had helieved he B~' WEBB McKINLEY . ; hlood and with his moutb open, :;:;,; '\\";h~ad' imnw.! ,MOSCOIV (~eulcrs)- ~he So. cept "y~nr opi~ions c.oncer,ning "could givc to our Ca!Hldian BEIIlUT. Lcbanon 1/11'1 -I' on the TV scrcen," '~d ~,t:\rri;\\' hr \lolild i ,'Iet ~0':lmumst party sald S~n· our semor serVice ofhcer~:' peol)le a soun~ explanah.on of Truops of JmCf's national rel'o· WIT;IIESSED 'OVERTHROW ;.~-"~i if Tl\IlrC rrsi~.' day It IS ready for a meetmg "They are able. experwnccd our dcfcncc pollcy," but It had lulionary council arc mopping Foley and \\lorton. who wit- I with the Chinese "at any level" men \I'ho are dedicated to the bccome cleat' that would up armcd Communists to clinch nesscd Kassem's overthrow Fri· '.-:~:.;'r'j , "Ihi~ .! :,~ ... :: ~pl'nt ~o min. as. a .first ~,tep t~ward solving c~use of peace through Ihe me· be. impo~sible under the present their ~ver·all control, Iravellers doY, said he held out alone in . the !itll~t,on late thell' Ideological dispute, dlUm of a strong dcfence, and attttude. said Sunday, Bodies of ueau his bomb,scaned defence min· : \1 ith (1m'cr. they deserve our rcspect and still dot Baghdad strects, isiry (or . 11 hours. Then his I"anirr Prcviously. the Russians had t" uS· 'd "1'h h b 'ft '1' t , , anll told re- suppor , ."r. eVlgny sal. Sl t ey ave een gomg a er ammUIlI IOn ran ou . " that the turncd down. a Chinese plea TWO SAID ON VERGE a e pocket; 'of resislance," said A united Nations olricial, who .' \'m~dr~' would made two months agD for an Reports circulati.n~ in ottawa Edward Foley, an enginer asked that his name be with· , din 21 hO\lr~. early conference of Communist said Transport Minister Balcer',Depa.rtment from White Plains, N.Y., and i hcld, told reporters in Tehran ~'imd howc\'~r that parties on the issue of the right and Senator Wallace McCutch. Rome, who rea c h e d Beirut· he had heard a rcport 1,000 . , , 'wa< rr!;Ic1a~1 road to world communism. eon; minister without portfolio Bid from Baghdad. "They say persons werc killed in all and Ii! annoll~~pll1ent ~nd A slatement in the party who joined. the cabinet last fall Ung e there. arc half a million Com· that. on the rebel side alone. l!! m:ni;tm ,lI'lII'n inl0 newspapcr Pravda Sunday. BC' to' !>Ulster Its sup~ort from the . munists resisting, but I do nol 2,000 men were wounded. 1111 Scndl),. Th~ swcar. cepted the idea of both "bilat· busm~ss com~umty and to, WASHINGTON. D.C'. (AP) - I know ahout Ihat, There is still Liftil:g of a han on onl·going , llcrmwion [lrr1Th'nl' mal' r,ot lake el'al and broader meetings" 81 ~trengthen its economic pi all· Senater Hugh scott, Pennsyl· some . shooting, but. not lao I planes was one indication thaI etil ~Ie;da;' on Ihe a preliminary to such a confer· nlng, were also on the verge of vania Rcpublican .and. former much," the new '~egime - \luder the ! ' ','\lnl"il to build I· .• mallt and ~"':ii!\(r'; t,:I;lrn from ence. resigning. c!lainrian of. the Repub!ican na· The die·hard Communist,s are I presidency o( ex· Col. Abdul I' I ':!:t he In a speech al the East G'er· S t Met I d' d llOnal committee, said m an AI· centred in thc heart o( the I' Salam )1ohammed Mef-con· ~Itual('d in ;t'rak~ ~Ion. ! . ~ I r.1mbint'd l:inrheon lIlan Communist Congress last Ih ena or t IC tll cTlehon. d emc· bany, N,Y,. spcech Saturday capital. whcre a pictm'c of thc siders it has the situation wen I tf(' Bllihlin~ to . •. d m 0 n l h, Premier Khrushchev e repor as UtS ay. In that Ihe statc departmcnt buu· ilody o[ PI'emiel' i\bdel Karl'm I I'n han(l r.J(.c, I l h,f' c~Il .. u~:m an 581°d •• ~ con f erence ?,f ·fraterna1 "on'1 t rca I'" 1\1 r. Ba Icer sal.'d II no g!ed by ••Issumg a llubhc., CI'llt· . KasscllJ, thc executed dictator" A ' round·thc·clock• curfcw was b \i;',t 10 (101rrnmrnt palhes held now would not commen~ to every quesllon on Clsm, . I was hi' 0 ad cas t to television: cased to pCl'mit II'aI'el helwcclI ~r Ditfenhakr\' ',\'orkcd lead to calm and to ~ common Ihe subject Sunda~', but added I "The uproar unscatcd Prime I viewers Saturday night. 16 a,m. and ;; p,m, Trains a\'l~ !i!!t on the .perch and 1 scnse s~ttlement of, dtfferences, he m~y rct~r~ to Ottaw? today. 'M!nister Diefcnbaker's Conser,,' I ."lie looked as if he died' {!oing back in t 0 operation., ~~. H~ m~ri, no com. hut their exacerballon and to Ju~tJce . MlnIs~er Flemmg and alll'e governmcnt. And for the smiling." said Peler ~Iorton an Schools were ordrred reopened ~ rtf\'rtm a1.01lt lhe res. I the ~ange~ of a split . let ImmigratIOn Mmister Ben both next two months we can expect I architect from B 0 s ton and today. 10 ~"Y they ~IS ~lve }tme a chance til do told rep~rters. Saturda~ .thcy t?, sec a. co~tcst .among thc po~, R.ome,. "He looked' exactly as he ,~Iessages of d!plomatic recoil' I mepten-or about Its \lork, had no mtenlton of reslgnmg. hhcal p~rlles. In Canada t? did when he was alive," mtlon poured III fl'om other ~etnm the cOl'crn. W 'F d prove Whlch 15 the most anlt· A thousand miles to the east, Arab nations. Radio Baghdad it; ~rmert fOi"~S ad. Amcrican." a woman alighled from a plane I listed the l:nited Arab Repub· 10 in Se\'ig. I-Ison' avore NOT AN ENEMY. 1at Tehran, Iran, with the re- lic, '·emcn. Algeria, Kuwait. ~tr I 1 Senator G~orge AIken, Vcr· mark: "I almost Cainted \Vh.en I ~lorocco, Syria, Saudi Arabia mont RcpublIcan and probably I saw Kassem's head, wet With and Jordan, I : b, mt! \Ir. rhurch· I the most diligent student of Ca· ll. Gratt;.n O'Leary nadian affairs in the U,S.
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