PAGE FOUR THE AMERICUS TIMLS-RECURDER, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31 1917. ¦ * * pa Local News Items - n ge announcement of STYLEPLUS ’WEEK jv . X-y appears in this week’s Saturday Evening Post. See our line Bracelet Watches and!! McKinley Memorial Gold Dollars for F X Sterling Silver aVnities. S. A. Daniels. ¦ sale. Titos. L. Bell, Jeweler. |{ a \ s ee our display B. S. Kassells is spending today at J. E. Ranew, of Leslie, is in the city Fort Valley. today. Good? You bet! Orange Crush, sc, Plant now. Onion sets, turnips, l This is Styleplas Week a Bottles. lettuce, beets, mustard and English j peas. Phone 502, PLANTERS SEED “Polly of the Circus,” is coming to COMPANY. 28-ts. the Opera House next Tuesday. It’s \ . the Nation over / big Goldwyn Douglas m WOW the ones put uot by See wonderful Fairbanks 1 one of and featuring Mae Marsh. 31-lt “Wild and Wooly” at the Alcazar to- morrow. Open 10 a. m. Admission 10c Dr. and Mrs. W. B. McWhorter left and 15c. 31-11 this afternoon for Atlanta and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jefferson, who ave been residing in Brooklyn Heights Drink Orange Crush, 5c in bottles. •<n McGarrah street, are moving today to Columbus. It is understood that Mr. Bulbs' Bulbs! Bulbs! Paper white J efferson, who is a conductor on the may take a change narcisi, Chinese sacred lilies, tulips, Central of Georgia, As local distributors we are trying to contribute a crocus and hyacinths. No advance in in his run out of Columbus, thus th/ prices. Phone 502, PLANTERS SEED change of residence. little more than our bit to this National COMPANY. 28-ts. demonstration. Like Oranges Try Orange Crush, A. C. Wellons, of Plains, was a visi-! ¦ c, in bottlej. We welcome to our store the man who comes to lookto see ' tor in the city Tuesday. Don’t fail to see the Four Grahams whether the maker’s claim, greatest possible value at the price,” Vaudeville adn pictures at the at the Opera House tomorrow. The JL ' * athletes, . Opera House the balance of the week, "world’s greatest juvenile is true. -N beginning tomorrow (Thursday). 31-lt vaudeville and pictures, sc, 10c and 15c. 31-lt s| •' ” zl Rife See wonderful Douglas Fairbanks in Wooly” Alcazar to- Christine MiLei s proof that the Ed- “Wild and at the ’ morrow. Open 10 a. m. Admission 10c ison machine perfectly re-creat'-s her O©th@@. and 15c. 31-lt voice is obsolutely no proof that simi- Sty!®plms lar named p. ..arations to Drew T’s coughs, colds, croup, / Prof. J. E. Mathis has returned home Salve for sore- ;hr oat, bronchitis, tonsilitis and from Macon where he has been in at- pneumonia merit. We, Jl7 of 121 tendance on the Grand Lodge of Ma- are similar will who sons your druggits, want everybody really needs a good and reliable, hon- “Etxch srade the sexme price the nation over” Orange Crush bits the spot, sc, in est and efficient remedy to try Drew’s fettles. Salve, just one time, on our guaran- tee. We do not hesitate t guarantee FOR SALE—New Chandler automo- it. because we know it will make good, bile just received from factory; never adv. In spite of conditions, guaranteed all-wool fabrics at W B been run out of warehouse; model 18; delivered price $1671. Will sell at dis- Treasury CertHiclate Offerings. or a moderate price—KNOWN price. © count to make quick sale. Write WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 31.—The A 1 s»yleplu§ Clothes phone Dean & Moore, Eufaula, Ala. total of the treasury department’s lat- 24-6 t est offering of certificates of indebt- edness increased today to $585,000. In spite of conditions, good tailoring, good linings, Standing room will be at a premium This is the highest yet received and at the Opera House tomorrow when establishes a new record. Subscrip- real style—at a moderate price—a known price. the Four Grahams will appear. Vaude- tions from banks and other aggregat- ville’s most unique novelty. 31-lt ing $105,000,000 were received at the department today. Our assortment is the fabric big—all popular Styleplus are the only clothes in I WINDSOR BARBER SHOP TO of season. America made on a known CHANGE MANAGEMENT TODAY patterns the Young men’s models, and price others conservative men. ba ls * rac^e 15 THE STANDARD It is announced that Mr. C. 11. Year- plenty of for All sizes, j f wood who during several years has ardofstyle and quality at its price. managed the Hotel Windsor barber SURE fit. Let US show you. shop, MERCERIZED will be succeeded tomorrow by Wc Messrs. Kenmore and Faust, well- TABLE DAMASK 39c. known local tonsorial artists, who will Highly mercerized Table Damask thereafter be in charge of the estab- 64 inches wide in five pretty patterns, lishment. Both Messrs. Kenmore and the regular 50c grade at yard 39c. Faust are well known and liked among Rylander Company & $1.09. Shoe R. G. CORSETS AT a large circle of friends, who wish GTVi' Is probably the last lot we will . Th>s them much success. be able to offer at SI.OO, as we have ofli er. is commonly ment. If officer as ’did not him. The slaughter of in been notified that all prices on R. & js'oned He call- an looks if he was save Castro .Mexico. I ’’ ed “sergeant-majoi about the camp, | tired of raising h’s arm, we don’t pedestrians, old men and women, lit- MEXICO CITY, Oct. 31.—1 t i 8 <5 will be advanced on Nov. Ist. These I PASSIONATE LOVE SCENES ARE re- BRITISH TEACHING although his correct title, which sug- | bother him. We don’t go around thei tle children, goes on day after day ported here that Cipriano Castro, of coutil and batiste medium, hi?h and BARRED IN ATLANTA PICTURES gests the navy rather than the array salute-hunting.’’ and week after week, while the police former of Venezuela has low bust, very special at SI.OO. is i streets dictator ‘master signalling electrician." apparently are powerless to stop t. bought a sugar plantation in the state WARD WIDE LINENE AT 15c. ATLANTA. Ga„ Oct. 31.—“Prolnog- AMERICAN SOLDIERS I into of Vera Cruz and shortly will come The wholesale price on this grade ¦ !ed, passionate love scenes" are placed When the United States came in charge of to Mexico to live. is now about 17c. We willfill all or- : under the ban by Atlanta’s board of the war. tills officer was LONDON, Oct. 31. —Several detach- a group of men on construction work ders for reasonable quantities, at motion picture censors, who have just 700,000 I men WOMEN per yard ments of American soldiers in train- ’n the nited States. The under IMI 15c. I issued a new set of rulings in which ing for aviation work are now located [’him have been chiefly fro.a YARD WIDE TAFFETA AT SI.OO. they attempt to define Tie indefinable, recruited IM UTE TO GLASSIFY GET IT AT white, black and at aerodromes within the confines ot automobile factor? . with a sprinkl- Yard wide Taffeta in i explain the unexplainable and serut- ' guaranteed all silk, at yard Greater London, and are seen during j ing of young collegians. The squad MUNITION PLANTS New Arrivals: Prunes, Cranberries, i colors; • ; iniz® the inscrutable—to use the well WiNDStIH PHARMACY ,their leisure hours sightseeing about jis at present devoting its time to Pickled Pigs’ Feet, Sour Pickles, Boil- 11.00. , known language of the negro preach- the city, or doing their shopping along learn’ng the construction of an aero- ed Peanuts. Buchanan Gro. Co. 31-ts CHILDREN’S SWEATERS I LONDON, Oct. 31.—There are now Regent street, Bond street, or in the plane. The men are at times a little AT 65c and 75c. “One of the reforms established by 700,000 women employed ¦ shops Oxford impatient about on LOR SALE and vOf fine ribbed cotton in gray, red around circus. ¦ about the deliberate meta- —Pair good heavy 7 , sound •he board has been the curtailment' munitions work in this country as and blue; just the thing for cool I To the British eye, the notable dif- ; ods of the English instructors, an 1 mules; good proposition for parties in- cf those prolonged love scenes which against 140,000 in 1915. The number mornings, each 65c and 75c. ference between the Americans in I would rather have a little less thv- terested.’ See Glover Gro. Co., or Records 'are ardent benyond the strict require- of men employed shows an increase CHILDREN’S WOOLEN training and the British squads along- j ory and a little more practice. But Chappell Machinery Co. 31-2 t ; meats of the dramatic situation,” during the same period of 66.6 per 10c. side them, is a somewhat more demo- jthey know that the practice is only a With a Vic- GLOVES AT Isays discussing i cent. the board in this sub-1 rankj. matter of a few weeks now. LOST—Small dark bay Mule; drops They were carried over from last cratic flavor in the American I The calling trola in your jject. "The board recognizes the dis- war office is for about *- year, but even at. old prices they sold ,111 one American camp, the spirit of ; In the matter of discipline, the left ear. if taken up notify Henry TK you ference between expressions of af- ' 12,000 women a month for service at home slightly soiled; I • self-government is carried so far that Carr, Leslie, Ga.
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