Liberty University DigitalCommons@Liberty University 1982 The undF amentalist Journal 11-1982 Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 1, Number 3 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_82 Recommended Citation "Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 1, Number 3" (1982). 1982. Paper 4. http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_82/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The undF amentalist Journal at DigitalCommons@Liberty University. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1982 by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Liberty University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ! gi&rwt fl'\DAI"MNTALIAT:'q iJou CmtmlBaptisisu***r; 2221 &ntcnti$t fnp{; i::'ia6,**r '[:i 2346'i One Dollor & Fiftv Cents bJUPN{L NOVEMBER1982 i::i: ::ia ""i i . .;{" '&, t{, Mustd Fundamentalist Fight? Do Right Thoughthe StarsFall The Primacyof Preaching Interviewwith B. R, Lakin Is War Everin the Will of God? 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And bv the use of the remarkable general index of over 7,000topics and names,you can find information from 100,000references !!!l asquickly and easilyas 1, 2,3. ,b.# Perhaps that's why one pastor wrote, "l feel it is by far the most #^ i'":sali|,k helpful volume of the nineteen hun- ':_trt*trU##[:A1ir..$ii:i#;ffii* dred I now possess." to.,lf B{TF# Available in hardcover and genuine leather 'f;;!fffw"" -' bindings; red letter, standard, and large print ?oa^, ;:rryi*;?i 2@ :*i't editions.At your bookseller,from$22.95. s*ffi::,#,xffiW*M,r,;,{r*,,r B.B. KIRKBRIDE BIBLE r COMPANY, INC. P.O.BOX 606 / INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46206 s,:{#rrplwt'n EDITORS'NOTE STAFF Editor, Jelry Folwe}l Mcncgring Editor, NelsonKeener SeniorEditors, Ed Dobson Ed Hrndson Coordincting Editor, Ruth McClellon Church Editor, Elmer Towns t is always much simpler (and safer) to ignore con- News Editor, troversial matters that need to be examined by church Deboroh HnJf leaders today. But they are too important to be neglected.These are the questionswhich fill our newspapers. Book Editor, They are the crucialquestions people are reallyasking. "To W Dovrd Beck ignore them," writesJohn Stott, in his new book, Berween Editoriol Assislonts' Two Worlds,"we perpetuatethe disastrousseparation of the KotfuynV. Hcrnm sacredfrom the secular(implying that these are distinct Ctrrdy H Guntet spheresand that God is concernedonly for the one and not Duone Wcrd for the other);we divorceChristian faith from Christianlife; Creotive Director' we encouragea pietisticwithdrawal from the real world; we Roberl W Beosley justify Marx's well-knowncriticism that religionis an opiate Grophics/Desigrn, statusquo; and we confirm non-Christiansin their suspicion StephenT AJbochten,Mgl that Christianity is irrelevant"(p.162). Jon W Coopel ln this issueJerry Falwell commentson capital punish- Kerth Robinson ment. PhilosopherDavid Beck analyzessecular humanism Ccrolyn C Stngletory and its threat to Christianity from a philosophicalstand- Down Weekly point. PastorDavid raisesthe controversialques' Jeremiah Photogrrophy, tion: "ls war ever in the will of God?" LesScholer In SoapBox, O'Rear rebuts the issueof Christian Janet Lynn Hortbcrrger Feminism.Professors Farstad, Dobson, and Hindsonexamine RobertSiogle. Jr the King JamesVersion controversyand PastorBob Allen asks,"Must a FundamentalistFight?" Our featuredinterview Typognophers, this month is with B.R. Lakin, the venerableold "warhorse" Sue Driskrll evangelist. Thunder in the Pulpit features Bob Jones Sr., Angelo Stmons deliveringhis sermon"Do Right Though the StarsFail." SherrBoyd Editoriol Boord, Trumon Dol.lor,Choirmon Verle Ackermon Rrymond Bcrber FundcEnentalist Jounol is published monthly, ll issues per yeor, by Old- Dovrd Jeremrcrh Time Gospel Hour Inc. Postage js poid ot Lynch.btug. Virginio, ond oddi- John Rcrwltngs Uonql mqiling offices, Address oil correspondence to Fundcmrentqlist Jorunal, Lynchbug, Vilginio 24514. Jock Wyrlzen Ccmqdicm Office, Box 5O5. Richmond HiL Ontorio uC 4y8. Wendell Zrmmermon Advertising, Sqm Pate Assoclates Inc.. P.O. Box 4315,Lynchburg, Virginio 'Aso2 (8O4) 2i7-29O3. Sulrscription 514,95o yeor in U,S,,Outside U,S.odd S3,OOpostoge prepoid Stcrtementof Purpose U,S.cufiency. Sl.5O per issue, mogqzine is commltted to the historic fundqmentols ol the Chrjs' Chqnge ol Address, \ Ihen ordering o chonge ol oddress, pleose rehnn This tion seporotlon. morol obsolutes, the pdodty ol the locol yolu old moillrlg lobel olong with lhe new qddress. Allow lour weeks lor q lcdth. biblicol church, ond world evongelizotion, Alhough no mqgqzine ot individuol chqnge, con speok lor the overoll Fundomentolist movement, it is our desire to Submissions, Mcnuscripts sr.bmitted to Fundcmrentqlist Jorunql should creqte o lorum to encouroge Christlon leodership ond statesmonship to postoge, be occomponied by sell-oddressed envelopes ond rehrrn slond lor the oldtime religon in these cdticql dcrys.We will exomine mqt' qssurnes Publjsher no responsibility lor retLun 01 unsolicited mcrtedol, ters ol contempordy interest 1o oll Fundomenlolists. providing on open Monuscdpts unoccompqrued by reh-un postoge will not be rehnned to discussion of divergent opinions on relevcrnt jssues,The Fundqmentqlist sender, Journol will olso reoffirm our history ond heritoge, cF well c$ point the All mcrteriol in this issue is su-bject to U,S,ond inlemciionol copyrlght lcrws. woy to our plqce in the future, Permission to reproduce mcry be obtoined by writing to Fundcmentalist Journal. I TUNDAMflNTALI.$T Volumel/Number3 JOUPNIAL,"Novemberl9S2 Editoricls You Soid Itl Lettersto the Editor Jerry Fclwell Comments B Ccrpitol Punishment lor Cqpitol Crimes Perspective R The New F\mdqmentalism BrllDowell. Jr ArEcles T2 Seculor Humanism-The Word ol Mqn Dovrd Beck 1B Is Wqr Ever in the Will of God? DcrvrdJeremioh 24 The Primccy ol hecrching Woodrow M Kroll 28 Muustq Fundomenlolist Fight? RobertAllen ?rl The Voice ol the People in the King Jcmes fiqdition Arthur L Fcustod ?,4, Bob Jones,Sr,-Delender ol the Foith Ruth McClellon 48 You Can Be Happy, Wise,qnd Successful JC, Grooms Feqfirres Looking Bcck 34 The King Jcmes Version Ed Dobson LookingAheod 35 The King Jomes Version Todcry Ed Hrndson o&A 36 An Interview with BR,Lokin /1(\ Thunder in the Pulpit a\,,/ Do Right Though the Ston Foll Sermonby Bob Jones,Sr.
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