May 9, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E739 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SONS OF THE REVOLUTION OF silk flags reviewed by George Washington, IN HONOR OF GEN. VANG PAO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA early U.S. Navy boarding swords and leather fire buckets from Adm. David G. Farragut's HON. GEORGE P. RADANOVICH HON. CARLOS J. MOORHEAD flagship, U.S.S. Hartford, just to name a few. OF CALIFORNIA OF CALIFORNIA Not only does the library serve as a valu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES able research tool, it also serves as a meeting place for the Daughters of the American Revo- Wednesday, May 8, 1996 Wednesday, May 8, 1996 lution, the California Society of the War of Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I would Mr. MOORHEAD. Mr. Speaker, it is an 1812, the Aztec Club of 1847, the Military like to recognize a special leader from the honor for me to bring to the attention of my Order of the Loyal Legion of the United 19th Congressional District, Gen. Vang Pao. colleagues in the U.S. House of Representa- States, the Military Order of Foreign Wars of He is deserving of the highest commendations tives the 103d birthday of the Sons of the the United States, the Army and Navy Union for his many contributions to the development Revolution in the State of California, founded of the United States, U.S. Submarine Veter- of the Hmong and Laotian communities in in my home State in May 1893. ans, Society of Colonial Wars in the State of central California. The Sons of the Revolution was first orga- California. In his native country, Gen. Vang Pao served nized in New York on December 18, 1875, pri- Mr. Speaker, I am pleased and honored to in the military to promote democracy and free- marily by members of the Society of Cin- recognize and pay tribute to the Sons of the dom for the Laotian people. He was a young cinnati, the oldest and most revered Revolu- Revolution in the State of California on their military leader in the Royal Lao Army in asso- tionary War group. 103d birthday. We only have to travel a short ciation with the French Government during The Sons of the Revolution in the State of way from our borders to realize how richly World War II and the chief military commander California was formed on the 8th day of May blessed we are as a people and a nation. We of the 2d Military Division in the Northern 1893 and incorporated in the county of Los have liberties and opportunities few in history Provinces of Laos, 1960±75, in partnership Angeles 4 days later by members of the New have enjoyed. For this untold bounty, we owe with the United States during the Vietnam war. York Society then living in California. much to the Sons of the Revolution and their During the war, Gen. Vang Pao's troops The membership of the Sons of the Revolu- families. helped block the supply line running from tion is composed solely of the posterity of North Vietnam through Laos to South Viet- those individuals who served in the Revolu- f nam, and he and his troops helped to save tionary War in a number of vital capacities. In thousands of American lives and rescue hun- order to be eligible for membership in the his- HONORING THE LANCASTER dreds of American pilots who had been shot tory-making Sons of the Revolution, an individ- VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT down near the Vietnam/Loas border. ual must have had a family member who par- In 1977, Gen. Vang Pao founded the Lao ticipated in the Revolutionary Army, Marines, HON. BART GORDON Family Community and established branches or Navy; served the Continental Congress or throughout the United States to provide em- OF TENNESSEE the Congresses of any of the Thirteen Colo- ployment services, vocational training, coun- nies that supported the Revolutionary War ef- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seling, cultural orientation, health education, fort. Wednesday, May 8, 1996 English classes, and resettlement services for As one might expect, Mr. Speaker, the Southeast Asian refugees. In 1982, he found- Mr. GORDON. Mr. Speaker, I am taking this membership rolls of the Sons of the Revolu- ed the Hmong National Council to preserve opportunity to applaud the invaluable services tion make for fascinating and famous reading. Hmong culture and to help the Hmong people provided by the Lancaster Volunteer Fire De- Through their various patriotic, historical, in the United States in areas of social adjust- partment. These brave, civic-minded people and educational activities, this storied organi- ment, family services, and integration into the gave freely of their time so that we may all zation has and continues to encourage and in- American mainstream. Gen. Vang Pao found- feel safer at night. spire the people of California and the United ed the Lao Movement for Democracy to seek States. It continues to honor the memory of Few realize the depth of training and hard and promote peace, democracy, and human those brave individuals who pledged their work that goes into being a volunteer fire- rights for the Southeast Asian nations. lives, fortunes, and sacred honor so that all fighter. To quote one of my local volunteers, The contributions that Gen. Vang Pao has Americans could enjoy the freedoms and lib- ``These firemen must have an overwhelming made to the Hmong and Laotian people of erties established more than 200 years ago desire to do for others while expecting nothing California have been invaluable. He was made under our Constitution and enjoyed by all in return.'' a lasting impression on those individuals with today. Preparation includes twice monthly training whom he has been associated. I am pleased To a considerable extent, Mr. Speaker, this programs in which they have live drills, study to have him as a constituent in California's inspiration and education has been accom- the latest videos featuring the latest in fire- Central Valley. plished through the Sons of the Revolution Li- fighting tactics, as well as attend seminars f brary, which has operated in my hometown of where they can obtain the knowledge they Glendale for the past 103 years. The library need to save lives. Within a year of becoming HONORING RICHY RAYMOND has received no financial support from any a volunteer firefighter, most attend the Ten- governmental agencies. It has been kept nessee Fire Training School in Murfreesboro HON. ELIZABETH FURSE open, free-of-charge, to the public in keeping where they undergo further, intensified train- OF OREGON ing. with the purposes of the society to perpetuate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the memory of the brave men who fought in When the residents of my district go to bed the Revolutionary War. at night, they know that should disaster strike Wednesday, May 8, 1996 The library with a collection of more than and their home catches fire, well-trained and Ms. FURSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to 35,000 volumes, is well-known as one of the qualified volunteer fire departments are ready recognize a very special fourth grader from largest genealogical and historical collections and willing to give so graciously and gener- Carlton Elementary School of Yamhill County, of its type in California. ously of themselves. This peace of mind OR. This exceptional young man took it upon The library is not only blessed with a mag- should not be taken for granted. himself to help the victims of the February nificent collection of books and manuscripts, By selflessly giving of themselves, they en- floods which devastated communities through- but also houses some exceptionally rare arti- sure a safer future for us all. We owe these out our region. facts. These include George Washington's volunteer fire departments a debt of gratitude Richy Raymond believed that he and his leopard skin saddle pad, one of two remaining for their services and sacrifice. classmates could lend a hand and raise · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor..
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