Olive Oil Award 2016 List of all participating extra virgin olive oils ID Kfz Award Spezial Fruitiness Company Last Name Name Street Zip / Town Country Telephone Fax E-Mail Homepage Prize (SOP) 1 IT light Di Bennardo AG Di Bennardo Giovanni Morgartenstrasse 5 8004 Zurich Switzerland +41 (0)44 451 04 05 +41 (0)44 451 04 [email protected] www.dibennardo.ch 66 2 ES medium Olivetum Colina S.L. Schläpfer Roger Calle San Fernando 97 14600 Montoro Spain '+34 (0)66 503 98 42 info@olivetum- www.olivetum- colina.es colina.es 3 ES medium Ratpenat Castellote José Aebistrasse 10 3012 Bern Switzerland +41 (0)78 747 49 80 [email protected] www.ratpenat.ch 5 GR medium Trésors de Grèce Thomadakis Vangelis Thessalonikis Street 121 14342 Nea Filadelfia Greece '+30 (0)21 025 15 16 2 0030 210 251 sales@tresorsdegrece. www.tresorsdegrece.g 7707 gr r 6 ES medium Oleicola San Francisco S.L. Luis Serrano Barrie Calle Pedro Perez s/n 23520 Begijar Spain '+34 (0)63 488 09 17 comercial@oleicolasan www.oleicolasanfranci francisco.com sco.com 7 IT light - pro-olivum Bitonti Bitonti Maria Schwamendingerstrasse 120 8051 Zurich Switzerland +41 (0)76 522 74 12 [email protected] www.pro-olivum.ch medium 9 IT medium pro-olivum Bitonti Bitonti Maria Schwamendingerstrasse 120 8051 Zurich Switzerland +41 (0)76 522 74 12 [email protected] www.pro-olivum.ch 10 GR medium Greek Fine Food GmbH Efstathiou Alexandra Tränkebachstrasse 45 8712 Stäfa Switzerland +41 (0)78 888 62 08 [email protected] www.greekfinefood.ch 11 ES Silver medium - Molino Virgen de Fatima S.L. Francisco Siles Avenida Castro del Rio s/n 14858 Llano del Spain '+34 (0)67 317 98 49 0034 957 770 molino@molinovirgen www.molinovirgendef intense Espinar 0094 defatima.com atima.com 12 IT medium Wein u. Geschenkideen Augustini Augustini Roland Hauptstrasse 9 6280 Hochdorf Switzerland +41 (0)41 910 22 20 info@weinundgeschen www.weinundgeschen kideen.ch kideen.ch 13 IT medium Wein u. Geschenkideen Augustini Augustini Roland Hauptstrasse 9 6280 Hochdorf Switzerland +41 (0)41 910 22 20 info@weinundgeschen www.weinundgeschen kideen.ch kideen.ch 14 IT medium ViMa Import GmbH Centonze Vito Maiackerweg 32 8964 Rudolfstetten Switzerland +41 (0)79 721 84 00 [email protected] www.licarretto.ch 15 ES medium IMEX Delikatessen AG Bossart Jacques St. Gallerstrasse 86 8853 Lachen Switzerland +41 (0)55 442 53 53 +41 (0)55 442 63 [email protected] www.imex.ch 13 53 16 ES Bronze medium - IMEX Delikatessen AG Bossart Jacques St. Gallerstrasse 86 8853 Lachen Switzerland +41 (0)55 442 53 53 +41 (0)55 442 63 [email protected] www.imex.ch intense 13 53 17 IT Gold medium - IMEX Delikatessen AG Bossart Jacques St. Gallerstrasse 86 8853 Lachen Switzerland +41 (0)55 442 53 53 +41 (0)55 442 63 [email protected] www.imex.ch intense 13 53 18 IT Silver medium - IMEX Delikatessen AG Bossart Jacques St. Gallerstrasse 86 8853 Lachen Switzerland +41 (0)55 442 53 53 +41 (0)55 442 63 [email protected] www.imex.ch intense 13 53 19 IT Gold medium - IMEX Delikatessen AG Bossart Jacques St. Gallerstrasse 86 8853 Lachen Switzerland +41 (0)55 442 53 53 +41 (0)55 442 63 [email protected] www.imex.ch intense 13 53 20 IT Gold medium - IMEX Delikatessen AG Bossart Jacques St. Gallerstrasse 86 8853 Lachen Switzerland +41 (0)55 442 53 53 +41 (0)55 442 63 [email protected] www.imex.ch intense 13 53 21 IT medium DeMarundia Decurtins Meinrad Feldeggweg 6 8810 Horgen Switzerland +41 (0)79 346 01 02 [email protected] www.demarundia.ch 23 PT Bronze medium Gallo Worldwide Marchante Mavilde Rossio ao sul do Tejo 2206-909 Abrantes Portugal +35 (0)13 300 31 mavilde.marchante@g www.gallooliveoil.com alloww.com 24 PT medium Gallo Worldwide Marchante Malvilde Rossio ao sul do Tejo 2206-909 Abrantes Portugal +35 (0)13 300 31 mavilde.marchante@g www.gallooliveoil.com alloww.com 25 PT Bronze medium Gallo Worldwide Marchante Malvilde Rossio ao sul do Tejo 2206-909 Abrantes Portugal +35 (0)13 300 31 mavilde.marchante@g www.gallooliveoil.com alloww.com 26 IT medium Mezzecrete Societa Agricola Zinelli Patrick Viale Giotto 2/C 00153 Rom Italy '+39 (0)65 730 14 48 0039 0657284436 [email protected] www.olionece.it 27 ES medium La Amarilla De Ronda S.L. Mugurio Santiago Calle Velazquez 53-5 28001 Madrid Spain '+34 (0)91 436 44 69 oder 0034 91 577 63 50 [email protected], www.laorganic.es '+34 (0)91 436 44 75 [email protected] 28 ES Gold Spain medium - Explotaciones Jame, S.L. Garcia Mariola Carretera De Jaén, Km 0.950 23630 Villargordo Spain '+34 (0)95 337 71 90 0034 953 377 190 [email protected] www.aceiteshaciendae intense lpalo.com 29 TR medium Ab-u Hayat Ileri Atilay Glärnischstrasse 120 8805 Richterswil Switzerland +41 (0)79 820 59 30 [email protected] 30 TR medium Epheser Switzerland Bettio Ursula und Guido Glärnischstrasse 116 8805 Richterswil Switzerland +41 (0)78 781 30 30 oder [email protected]/gbe '+41 (0)79 616 57 32 [email protected] 1/25 Olive Oil Award 2016 List of all participating extra virgin olive oils ID Kfz Award Spezial Fruitiness Company Last Name Name Street Zip / Town Country Telephone Fax E-Mail Homepage Prize (SOP) 31 TR medium Epheser Switzerland Bettio Ursula und Guido Glärnischstrasse 116 8805 Richterswil Switzerland +41 (0)78 781 30 30 oder [email protected]/gbe '+41 (0)79 616 57 32 [email protected] 32 IT medium Mario Muro Enterprise Mura Mario Via Osoppo 5 40139 Bologna Italy '+39 (0)34 962 62 61 9 mariomuraenterprise www.olioextravergine @gmail.com dessi.com 33 PT Bronze medium CARM - Casa Agricola Roboredo Madeira SA Madeira Filipe Rua de Calabria s/n 5150-021 Almendra Portugal '+35 (0)12 797 18 01 0 0035 12 79 71 80 [email protected] www.carm.pt 10 34 ES Bronze medium - Rafael Alonso Agolera SL/Oro del Desierzo Alonso Rafael Carretera N-340 A, Km 474 04200 Tabernas Spain '+34 (0)95 061 17 07 0034 950 61 18 32 [email protected] www.orodeldesierto.c intense m om 35 GR medium AGRO.VI.M.S.A. Christopoulos Vlasis National Highway Kalamata Messini km 6 24100 Calamata Greece '+30 (0)21 064 23 61 4 0030 21 06 42 33 [email protected] www.agrovim.gr 49 36 GR medium AGRO.VI.M.S.A. Christopoulos Vlasis National Highway Kalamata Messini km 6 24100 Calamata Greece '+30 (0)21 064 23 61 4 0030 21 06 42 33 [email protected] www.agrovim.gr 49 37 GR medium AGRO.VI.M.S.A. Christopoulos Vlasis National Highway Kalamata Messini km 6 24100 Calamata Greece '+30 (0)21 064 23 61 4 0030 21 06 42 33 [email protected] www.agrovim.gr 49 38 IT Silver medium - Azienda agricola Terre di Shemir Lara Creuso Strada Quartana 3 91100 Trapani Italy '+39 (0)92 386 53 23 [email protected] www.terredishemir.co intense m m 39 HR medium Terra Rossa Bellani Bellani Daniel Reservoirstrasse 12 8304 Wallisellen Switzerland +41 (0)79 403 22 29 [email protected] www.terra-rossa.hr 40 ES Bronze medium Casas de Hualdo S.L. Aizpun Christa Camino de la Barca s/n 45533 El Carpio de Spain '+34 (0)63 904 09 74 sales@casasdehualdo. www.casasdehualdo.c Tajo com om 41 ES Silver medium Sca. Olivarera la Purisima Juan Carlos Caadas Garcia Carretera Priego a Luque, Km 1.6 14800 Priego de Spain '+34 (0)95 754 03 41 0034 95 75 40 341 purisima@coopurisima www.coopurisimmapri Cordoba priego.com ego.com 42 IT medium Piraino Ds Calcio-Gandino Calcio-Gandino André Uettligenstrasse 77 3033 Wohlen Switzerland +41 (0)79 364 20 35 oder andregandino@hotmai piraino.ch '+41 (0)31 822 08 59 l.com 43 ES Bronze medium Muela-Olives S.L. Muela Rodriguez Rafael Carretera A-339, Km 24.5 14800 Priego de Spain '+34 (0)95 754 70 17 0034 957 543 485 [email protected] www.mueloliva.es Cordoba 44 ES Gold medium - Muela-Olives S.L. Mueala Rodriguez Rafael Carretera A-339, Km 24.5 14800 Priego de Spain '+34 (0)95 754 70 17 0034 957 543 485 [email protected] www.mueloliva.es intense Cordoba 45 ES medium Aceites Olivar del Valle S.L. Mattia Annovi Calle Jardineros 4 13260 Bolanos de Spain '+34 (0)92 687 16 11 [email protected] www.olivardelvalle.es Calatrava 46 ES Silver intense Almazaras de la Subbética José Antonio Lopez Carretera A-339, Km 17.800 14810 Carcabueg Spain '+34 (0)95 754 70 28 pguerrero@almazaras www.almazarasdelasu delasubbetica.com bbetica.com 47 ES Gold Organic medium - Almazaras de la Subbética José Antonio Lopez Carretera A-339, Km 17.800 14810 Carcabueg Spain '+34 (0)95 754 70 28 pguerrero@almazaras www.almazarasdelasu intense delasubbetica.com bbetica.com 48 ES Silver medium - Aceites Finca La Torre SLU Perez Serrano Victor Camino Finca La Reja s/n 29540 Bobadilla Spain +34 (0)95 211 16 91 [email protected] www.fincalatorre.com intense 50 IT medium Monini SpA Bassitto Raffaella S.S. Flaminia Km 129 06049 Spoleto Italy '+39 (0)74 323 26 1 0039 0743 23 26 [email protected] www.monini.ch 89 51 IT medium Monini SpA Bassitto Raffaella S.S. Flaminia Km 129 06049 Spoleto Italy '+39 (0)74 323 26 1 0039 0743 23 26 [email protected] www.monini.ch 89 52 ES medium Iberpasion GmbH Sanchez Augustin Höhenweg 9 5626 Hermetschwil- Switzerland +41 (0)56 631 31 21 +41 (0)56 631 63 augustin.sanchez@iber www.iberpassion.ch Staffeln 47 pasion.ch 53 ES medium Iberpasion GmbH Sanchez Augustin Höhenweg 9 5626 Hermetschwil- Switzerland +41 (0)56 631 31 21 +41 (0)56 631 63 augustin.sanchez@iber www.iberpassion.ch Staffeln 47 pasion.ch 54 ES medium Iberpasion GmbH Sanchez Augustin Höhenweg 9 5626 Hermetschwil- Switzerland +41 (0)56 631 31 21 +41 (0)56 631 63 augustin.sanchez@iber www.iberpassion.ch Staffeln 47 pasion.ch 55 ES medium Iberpasion GmbH Sanchez Augustin Höhenweg 9 5626 Hermetschwil- Switzerland +41 (0)56 631 31 21 +41 (0)56 631 63 augustin.sanchez@iber www.iberpassion.ch Staffeln 47 pasion.ch 2/25 Olive Oil Award 2016 List of all participating extra virgin olive oils ID Kfz Award Spezial Fruitiness Company Last Name Name Street Zip / Town Country Telephone Fax E-Mail Homepage Prize (SOP) 56 ES medium Bio-Olivenoele.ch Zuppiger Patrick Schachenstrasse 2B 8633 Wolfhausen Switzerland +41 (0)79 571 37 36 [email protected] www.bio-olivenoele.ch 57 ES medium Bio-Olivenoele.ch Zuppiger Patrick Schachenstrasse 2B 8633 Wolfhausen Switzerland +41 (0)79 571 37 36 [email protected] www.bio-olivenoele.ch 58 ES medium Bio-Olivenoele.ch Zuppiger Patrick Schachenstrasse 2B 8633 Wolfhausen Switzerland +41 (0)79 571 37 36 [email protected] www.bio-olivenoele.ch 59 PT medium Risca Grande Lda.
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