Famine: Lessons Learned Stephen Devereux, Lewis Sida and Tina Nelis August 2017 Famine: Lessons Learned Stephen Deveruex, Lewis Sida and Tina Nelis © Institute of Development Studies 2017 This publication is copyright, but may be reproduced by any method without fee for teaching or nonprofit purposes, but not for resale. Formal permission is required for all such uses, but normally will be granted immediately. For copying in any other circumstances, or for re-use in other publications, or for translation or adaptation, prior written permission must be ob- tained from the publisher and a fee may be payable. Available from: Famine: Lessons Learned Communications and Engagement Unit, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK Stephen Deveruex, Lewis Sida and Tina Nelis Tel: +44 (0) 1273 915637 © Institute of Development StudiesE-mail: 2017 [email protected] Web: www.ids.ac.uk/publications This publication is copyright, but may be reproduced by any method without fee for teaching or nonprofit purposes, but not for resale. IDS is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England Formal permission is required for Charityall such Registration uses, but normally Number will 306371 be granted immediately. For copying in any other circumstances, or for re-use in otherCharitable publications, Company or for Number translation 877338Famine: or adaptation, priorLessons written permission Learned must be ob- tained from the publisher and a fee may be payable. Stephen Devereux, Lewis Sida and Tina Nelis Available from: August 2017 Communications and EngagementThe Unit, Humanitarian Institute of Development Learning Centre Studies, (HLC) Brighton BN1 9RE, UK The Humanitarian Learning Centre (HLC) is a joint initiative of the Institute of Development Studies, the International Res- Tel: +44 (0) 1273 915637 cue Committee and Crown Agents. In partnership with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy, the Humanitarian Learning E-mail: [email protected] Centre is a transformative centre that brings together accessible, operational learning with academic insights to enable Web: www.ids.ac.uk/publications more effective humanitarian response. Famine: Lessons Learned IDS is a charitable company limitedCrown by guarantee Agents and registered in England Humanitarian Learning Centre Stephen Deveruex, Lewis Sida and Tina Nelis Crown Agents is a high impact social enterprise. We improve public services and drive economic growth in countries Charity Registration Number 306371around the world. Our expertise is finding new solutions toThe intractable Humanitarian problems for clientsLearning in the areas Centre of health, (HLC) govern -is a joint initiative of the Institute of © Institute of Development StudiesCharitable 2017 Company Number 877338ance, economic growth, humanitarian action and supply chain services. We work with leaders at local, national and inter- national level to achieve change, drawing on our insight andDevelopment experience. We reinvest Studies, our profits the intoInternational further transforma Rescue- Committee and Crown Agents. In This publication is copyright, but may be reproduced by any methodtion. without To do fee this for we teaching have to or be nonprofit extraordinarily purposes, responsive but topartnership the needs of our with clients the and partnersHumanitarian and meet the Leadership demands Academy, the Humanitarian Learning not for resale. and risks of a changing market with commercial agility. The Humanitarian Learning Centre (HLC) Centre is a transformative centre that brings together accessible, operational Formal permission is required for allThe such Humanitarian uses, but normally Learning will Centre beThe granted (HLC) Humanitarian isimmediately. a joint initiative Leadership For copyingof the AcademyInstitute in any otherof Development learningStudies, the withInternational academic Res- insights to enable more effective humanitarian response. circumstances, or for re-use in othercue publications, Committee andor for Crown translation Agents. orThe Inadaptation, Humanitarianpartnership prior with Leadership written the Humanitarian permission Academy must Leadership is a beglobal ob- Academy,learning initiative the Humanitarian facilitating partnershipsLearning and collaborative opportuni- tained from the publisher and a feeCentre may be is apayable. transformative centre tiesthat tobrings enable together people accessible, to prepare operationalfor and respond learning to crises with academic in their own insights countries. to enable Our network of centres around the world more effective humanitarian response.creates and disseminates free humanitarian learning on a digital learning platform called Kaya and through other learning Available from: methods ensuring that the information is relevant for communitiesInstitute affected byof emergencies. Development Studies (IDS) Communications and EngagementCrown Unit, Institute Agents of Development Studies, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK Crown Agents is a high impact socialThe enterprise.Institute of We Development improve public Studies services (IDS) and drive economicThe growthInstitute in countries of Development Studies (IDS) is a leading global institution for The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) is a leading global institution for development research, teaching and learning, Tel: +44 (0) 1273 915637 around the world. OurIDS_Mas expertiseter Logo is finding new solutions to intractable problems for clients indevelopment the areas of health, research, govern- teaching and learning, and impact and communications, E-mail: [email protected] ance, economic growth, humanitarianand impactaction and supplycommunications, chain services. based We at workthe University with leaders of Sussex. at local, Our national vision and is of inter- equal and sustainable societies, lo- Web: www.ids.ac.uk/publications national level to achieve change, callydrawing and on globally, our insight where and everyone experience. can liveWe secure,reinvest fulfi ourlling profitsbased lives into free furtherat from the povertytransforma University and- injustice. of WeSussex. believe passionately Our vision is of equal and sustainable tion. To do this we have to be extraordinarilythat cutting-edge responsive research, to the knowledge needs of ourand clients evidence and are partners crucial and in shaping meet the the demands changes needed for our broader vision to IDS is a charitable company limitedand by risks guarantee of a changing and registered market inwith beEngland commercialrealised, and agility to support. people, societies and institutionssocieties, to navigate thelocally challenges and ahead. globally, where everyone can live secure, fulfilling lives free from poverty and injustice. We believe passionately that cutting-edge research, Charity Registration Number 306371The Humanitarian Leadership AcademyThe International Rescue Committee Charitable Company Number 877338The Humanitarian Leadership AcademyThe International is a global Rescuelearning Committee initiative facilitating responds partnerships to the world’sknowledge and worst collaborative humanitarian and opportuni- crises,evidence helping are to restore crucial health, in safety, shaping the changes needed for our ties to enable people to prepare foreducation, and respond economic to crises wellbeing, in their andown powercountries. to people Our network devastated of centres by conflict around and the disaster world . Founded in 1933 at the call of Albert Einstein, the IRC is at work in over 40 countries andbroader 28 offices acrossvision the to U.S. be helping realised, people toand survive, to reclaimsupport people, societies and institutions to creates and disseminates free humanitarian learningCover on a digitalphoto: learning platform called Kaya and through other learning methods ensuring that the informationcontrol is ofrelevant their future, for communities andstrengthen affected their bycommunities. emergencies. Learn more at www.rescue-uk.org and follow the IRC on Twitter and Facebook. navigate the challenges ahead. The Humanitarian Learning Centre (HLC) The Humanitarian Learning CentreThe (HLC) Institute is a joint of Developmentinitiative of the StudiesInstitute (IDS)of Development Studies, the International Res- © Sanjit/Panos cue Committee and CrownIDS_Master Logo Agents.The In partnershipInstitute of Developmentwith the Humanitarian Studies (IDS) Leadership is a leading Academy, global the institution Humanitarian for development Learning research, teaching and learning, Centre is a transformative centre thatand bringsimpact together and communications, accessible, operational based at thelearning University with academic of Sussex. insights Our vision to enable is of equal andInternational sustainable societies, lo-Rescue Committee more effective humanitarian response.cally and globally, where everyone can live secure, fulfilling lives free from poverty and injustice. We believe passionately that cutting-edge research, knowledge and evidence are crucial in shaping the changes neededThe for International our broader vision Rescue to Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst Crown Agents be realised, and to support people, societies and institutions to navigate the challenges ahead.humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic Crown Agents is a high impact social enterprise. We improve public services and drive economic growth in countries around the world. Our expertise isThe finding International new solutions Rescue to intractable
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