February 14, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1571 nothing to influence our strategy or We have three options to follow. The have the collective will to send one of our direction in the global war with first is to stay the course. I don’t know our own. radical jihadists. of anyone, including the President, The bipartisan resolution before us Secondly, it ill defines the enemy. It who is suggesting we take that route. asks the Members one straightforward does not recognize that we are in a The second is to increase the troops question to be answered. Do you ap- global war with radical jihadists who level, which the supporters of House prove of the President’s proposal to de- have attacked us around the world. Concurrent Resolution 63 are saying no ploy more than 20,000 additional troops Third, it omits recognizing key U.S. to. The only other option is to reduce in Iraq, or do you not? Thus, this reso- personnel that are serving, and serving troops. lution is a clarifying moment for the ably, in this global war with radical I would ask you who will support Members to say precisely where they jihadists. Why does it not recognize our House Concurrent Resolution 63, read stand on the President’s plan. intelligence professionals? Why does it the Baker-Hamilton report, a bipar- There is little doubt that our Iraq not recognize our Armed Forces and in- tisan report, that talks about the ef- policy is not succeeding. Our Com- telligence professionals serving in Af- fects that will occur if we do withdraw mander in Chief, President Bush, ac- ghanistan, throughout the Middle East, from Iraq. There will be widespread vi- knowledged on this floor last month Africa and parts of Asia? olence there, more than we are seeing during his State of the Union address Finally, most ironic, the bottom line today. And they warn us that a with- that, and I quote, ‘‘Whatever you voted of this resolution tells the President to drawal may require the U.S. to engage, for, you did not vote for failure.’’ stay the course. That is not good once again, in Iraq to stabilize that I voted for the authorization, and I enough. This is a tough enemy. We area. did not vote for failure. But the poli- need to develop and evolve our strategy So for those of you who would sup- cies being pursued by this administra- to be successful. port House Concurrent Resolution 63, I tion have not led to success. After nearly 4 years at war, after f again ask, what is your plan? ‘‘No’’ is not a plan. more than 3,100 of our finest sons and TIME TO SEND THE BUSH ADMIN- f daughters have given the ultimate ISTRATION A MESSAGE THAT A measure of sacrifice in Iraq, after more CHANGE IN DIRECTION IS NEED- IRAQ WAR RESOLUTION than 25,000 have been wounded, after ED IN IRAQ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the expenditure of more than $400 bil- (Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia asked and ant to section 3 of House Resolution lion on this war effort by the American was given permission to address the 157, proceedings will now resume on the taxpayer, our success seems as remote House for 1 minute.) concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 63) as ever. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- disapproving of the decision of the Not surprisingly, two-thirds of the er, it is time to send a message to the President announced on January 10, American people oppose the President’s Bush administration that change is 2007, to deploy more than 20,000 addi- escalation plan. So do many current needed in Iraq. Mr. Speaker, the resolu- tional United States combat troops to and former senior military officials, tion we are debating this week here on Iraq. and Prime Minister Maliki has ex- the House floor is the first step in this The Clerk read the title of the con- pressed his disapproval as well. new Congress’ efforts to take Iraq in a current resolution. I oppose the President’s plan for sev- new direction. The SPEAKER pro tempore. When eral reasons. First, we simply cannot Last November the American people proceedings were postponed on Tues- ignore the many miscalculations made were clear that they wanted a dramatic day, February 13, 2007, time for debate by the administration about this war, change in Iraq. The President’s troop on the concurrent resolution on that from sending too few troops, to grossly escalation plan is not what they were day had expired. underestimating the cost, to failing to asking for. This week this House will Pursuant to the resolution, it is now properly plan for the postwar period. emphatically voice its opposition to in order for a further period of debate The President repeatedly said that the President’s plan. We hope that this on the concurrent resolution to extend his policies were working. He was trag- serves as a wake-up call and sends the not beyond midnight. ically wrong, just as he is wrong today, ‘‘Decider’’ a message that he can no The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. in my view, about this escalation. longer walk over Congress. We are not HOYER) and the gentleman from Michi- Secondly, this troop escalation does going to rubber-stamp his plans any gan (Mr. HOEKSTRA) each will control 5 not represent a new strategy. In fact, more. hours. we have tried at least four escalations This week’s debate is only the begin- The Chair recognizes the gentleman in the past, none of which has suc- ning, Mr. Speaker. House and Senate from Maryland. ceeded in quelling violence. committees have already conducted 52 Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I ask The time for more troops was 4 years hearings on Iraq. That is what the Con- unanimous consent to yield my time ago, 3 years ago, perhaps even 2 years gress is supposed to do, provide real for controlling the time to Mr. AN- ago, but not today. oversight on the administration. Un- DREWS or his designee. The fact is our commitment of forces fortunately for the first 3 years of this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- has never, has never been commensu- war, congressional Republicans rubber- tleman from New Jersey is recognized rate with the risk the President says stamped the Decider’s Iraq plan. as the designee of the gentleman from exists. Never has the President, the Those days are over. Mr. Speaker, we Maryland. Commander in Chief, suggested the re- have an obligation to find a new course Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield sources necessary to succeed. This is in Iraq, and a military solution is now 1 minute to the distinguished majority too little, tragically, too late. Third, we cannot disregard the deep out of the question. And that is why leader, Mr. HOYER of Maryland. (Mr. HOYER asked and was given skepticism and warnings of our mili- this troop escalation plan should be de- permission to revise and extend his re- tary leaders. General Abizaid, not just feated. marks.) another soldier, but the former chief of f Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, 3 months the Central Command in charge of our b 1030 ago, the American people sent a re- effort in Iraq, has stated that, and I sounding message, a message for quote, ‘‘More American forces prevent WHAT IS YOUR PLAN? change. They voted for a new direction the Iraqis from doing more, from tak- (Mr. SALI asked and was given per- in our Nation, including a new direc- ing more responsibility for their own mission to address the House for 1 tion for the war in Iraq, which will future.’’ That is the consequence Gen- minute.) enter its fifth year next month. eral Abizaid believes of the President’s Mr. SALI. Mr. Speaker, for those who This week on this House floor the policy. would support House Concurrent Reso- Members of this great body can dem- Former Secretary of State Powell, lution 63, I ask, what is your plan? onstrate that we not only have heard one of the military leaders so success- ‘‘No’’ is not a plan. the voters’ message, but also that we ful in Iraq I, stated, and I quote again, VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:39 Feb 15, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14FE7.007 H14FEPT1 ccoleman on PRODPC75 with HOUSE H1572 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 14, 2007 ‘‘I am not persuaded that another surge who is absolutely committed to pre- So I am speaking today in memory of of troops into Baghdad for the purposes vailing in the war on terror, to protect Paulie and his mother and his father of suppressing the communitarian vio- our people, to protect our country and, and his brother and those who are still lence, this civil war, will work.’’ That yes, to protect my three daughters, my fighting there for us and listening to is General Powell. three grandchildren, and my great what we have to say. And even Senator MCCAIN, who sup- grandchild, I am absolutely committed I will not speak by calling into ques- ports the President’s escalation none- to policies that will protect us from tion anyone’s patriotism or motives. theless, said just last week, ‘‘I don’t terror and defeat those terrorists who All of us, Republicans and Democrats think it enhances our chances for suc- threaten us. Continuing to support alike, recognize that much is at stake ceeding in Iraq.’’ failed strategy, however, weakens our in Iraq and, undoubtedly, we all feel It is obvious that there is not a mili- efforts in the war on terror.
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