RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. COMBINED STATEMENT OF THE HECEIPTS AND DISBUHSEMEXTS (APPARENT' AND ACTUAL) OF THE UNITED STA. TES FOR THE FISCAL TEAR ENDED JUNE 80) 1875. TREK. SURY DEPT. RTMENT, W+SHzNeYom, D. C., Deceviber 1, 1875. S1R: In compliance with instructions received from you, I have prepared for publication in the book of Estimates a Combined Statement of the Receipts and Disbursements of the Government, by appropriations, exclusive of the principal of the public debt, for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1875, exhibiting the various sources of the revenues; the apparent expenses of each branch of the service under the several Departments, and of each Department, on account of «salaries, v «ordinary expenses, " "public works, " "miscellaneous, " and "unusual and extraordinary;" and the actual expenses of the same, and the actual revenues, by deductions from them of those items ivhich appear in both accounts by requirements of actual revenues or true exyenditures, and other items ou account of branches of the service law i but which are not intended to be self-supporting, the expenses and revenues of which must by law enter iuto the accounts of the Treasury. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. T. POWER, Chief of Warrant Division. Hon. B. H. BRrsx'ow, 8ecretary of the Treasury. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. RECEIPTS. 8tstss snd districts. Total by districts. Total by 8u&tcs. Gross receipts. Dcductious. &&'et receipts. Prom Cttsfcr&N- Maine: Aroostook $5, 925 33 Bangor 4, 014 90 Bath 10, 912 17 Belfast . 2, 255 95 Castine 1, 113 00 Frenchman's Bay 4 40 Machias 1, 911 94 Passamaquotidy 35, 591 26 Portland 437 242 58 Waldoborough . 4, 49H 35 Wiscasset 159 54 York 30 28 $502& 959 00 New Hampshire: Portsmouth 9, 774 49 Vermont 583, 681 61 Massachusetts: Barustable 971 62 Boston and Charlestown 14, 628, 363 87 Edgartown 1, 589 30 Fall River 41, 615 29 Gloucester . 6, 030 40 Marblehe ad 9, 310 99 Nantucket 19 87 New Bedford 16) 382 46 Newburyport 77, 099 69 Plymouth 29, 411 24 Salem. 32, 062 85 14, 828, 857 58 Rhode Island: Newport 433 51 Providence 153, 681 01 154, 064 52 Connecticut: Fairfield 27 4'95 15 Middletown 7, 978 72 New Haven. 340, 617 H5 New London 72, 7H4 4H Stonington 245 10 424, 046 30 New York: i Albany 146, 216 55 BufFalo. 459, 588 53 Cape Vincent . 37, 406 88 Champlain 182, 796 87 Dunkirk 80 60 Genesee 47, 76355 New York 108, 590, 256 44 Niagara 318, 477 95 Oswegatchie . 184, 371 5&9 Oswego 076, 184 90 110, 5&43, 093 36 New Jersey: Great Egg Harbor 118 66 Little Egg Harbor 39 5&0 Newark 2, 657 20 Perth Amboy 1, 397 49 4, 212 85 Pennsylvania: Erie . 33, 110 19 Philadelphia 8, 348, 511 80 Pittsburg . 43 135 70 8 424 757 69 Delaware 11, 961 04 Maryland: Baltimore 6, 0121 000 64 Vienna 683 1H 6, 012, 688 H2 District of Columbia: Georgetown . 2, 668 00 Virginia': Alexandria, . 1, 044 36 Norfolk and Portemouth . 18, 526 H7 Petersburg . 3, 05&5 67 Richmond 25, 844 32 48, 471 22 West Virginia: Wheeling 725 84 9 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. RECEIPTS. Deductions. Net receipts. States and districts. Total by districts Total by States. Gross recetpts From Customs —Continued. North Carolina: Albemarle $543 91 Beau fort 48o 35 Pamlico 2, 828 47 i Wilruingtou 51, 160 87 i gj55, 018 60 South Carolina: Beaufort . 39, 855 22 Charleston . 101& 429 16 Georgetown 52 20, 141, 336 58 ' Georgia: Brunswick 11, 545 96 ' St. Mary' s 1, 980 51 Savannah 91, 988 38, 105, 514 85 Florida: Apalachicola 156 34, Feruandina 1, 428 23 Key West 288, 712 08 Pensacola. 35, 234 56 St. Augustine 46 72 I St. Joh™u&e 1, 223 78 i St. Mark's 397 14 I 327, 198 85 Alabama: Mobile . 28, 593 55 Mississippi: Pearl River 5, 964 41 Vicksburg 758 90 6, 723 31 Louisiana: New Orleans 2, 277, 710 40 Tech&i 1,'885 05 2, 279, 595 45 Texas t Brazos de Santiago . 40, 117 71 Corpus Christi 16, 457 30 Paso del Norte 19, 229 63 Saluria. 9, 067 30 Texas 152, 764 36 237, 636 30 I Tennessee: Memphis 33, 535 17 Nashville 4, 102 35 37, 637 52 Kentucky: Louisville 96 740 3& Paducah 747 01 97, 487 33 Ohio: 284, 897 02, Cincinnati ' Cuyahoga 140, 670 57 Miami 33, 349 86 ' Sandusky 1, 279 19 460, 196 64 Michigan: Detroit '. 22, 133 05 Huron 72, 799 77 Michigan. 2, 901 58 Superior 5, 228 56 303, 062 96 Indiana: Evansville 561 22 New Albany 1&854 07 2, 415 29 Illinois: Cairo 23, 230 15 Chicago 1, 451, 490 03 1&474, 720 18, Mtesourt: St. Louis. 1, 345&, 978 79, Minnesota: Duluth 9, 735 48 Minnesota . 10, 013 85 i 19, 749-33 Iowa: Burlington 310 72 Wisconsin: Milwaukee 72, 605 81 Montana and Idaho 3&734 53 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. RECEIPTS. States aud districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions. ct receipts. From Customs —Continued. Nebraska: Omaha $1, 282 09 Alaska 405 89 Oregon: Oregon $12, 188 55 Willamette. 941, 975 99 253 464 54 Washington: Puget Sound 11& 367 42 California: San Diego . 4, 654 34 San Francisco 8) 345, 069 16 8, 349, 723 50 f)157& 167, 792 3o Less amount refunded for excess of deposits for unascertained duties, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Repayment of excess of deposits for unas- certained dutiee". .. .$1, 863, %7 85 Amount refunded for duties collected from importers on articles sub- sequently exported, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Debentures and drawbacks" . 1, 626, 562 17 Amount returned to pay debentures and other charges arising from duties, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Debentures and. other charges" . 2, 984 57 Amount refuuded to private partie8 for duties paid on articles entitled to be admitted free, or at less rates, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Refunding duties" . 9, 810 93 Amount refunded to claimants from sale of unclaimed merchandise, chatged as an expenditure under the head of "Unclaimed merchan- dt8e 4, 650 14 Amount of drawback of duties paid on materials imported into the district of Chicago, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Drawback ou certain articles imported into the district of Chicago" 481 28 $3, 507, 446 94 $153, 660, 275 41 From fines, penalties, and forfeitures, (customs service). 928, 870 93 L888 amount charged as an expenditure under the head of "Collect- ing the revenue from customs" 928, 412 54 Le88 amount paid to informers and others as their share of penalties imposed by the Government, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Distributive shares of fine, penalties, and forfeitures in Alaska" . 997 69 Le88 repayment of moneys accruiug from fiues, penalties, aud for- felture8& or other sources, erroneously received aud covered into the Treasury before the payment of the proper informers' moieties, or other legal charges against the same, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Refunding moneys erroneously received aud covered into the Treasury" 230 00 228, 870 93 From labor, drayage, and storage, (customs service) . 83, 165 85 From weighing fees, (customs service) 58, 7H5 20 From services of United States otficere) (customs service). 291, 770 70 From emolument fees, (customs service) 345 571 7:3 From customs otficers' fees, (customs service). 332, 045 95 From mileage of examiners, (customs service) . 1, 161 10 1, 112, 500 53 Le88 amount expended on these accounts, charged under the head of " Expenses of collecting revenue from customs" 1) 119, 500 53 States and diet&icts. T01'o l by dtetr1cfe. Total by States. J&rom 1nterna/ ftet)enue- Maine: 1st district $45, 352 77 2d district . 20, 138 33 gd district . 16, 4:34 89 4th district . 12 528 44 5th district 14, 071 67 I $108, 596 10 New Hampshire: 1st district. 213) 98:3 HH 9d district . 68, 076 68, 3d district . 20 641 69 I 302, 009 25 Vermont: 9d district 90, 772 46 3d district 48, 644 52 69, 416 98 Massachusetts: 1st district. 52, 734 HH I 9d district . 10, 223 08 3d district. 1, 175, 572 32 i RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. RECEIPT8. Deductions. Net receipts. States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Gross receipts. From I&sterna/ Revenue —Continued. Massachusetts: 4th district $230, 735 24 5th district . 454, 249 08 6th district 378, 301 96 7th district. 76, 823 12 9th district. 12, 526 79 10th district 336 511 20 $2, 727, 677 67 Connecticut: 1st district 386, 973 37 2d district 239& 128 35 626, 101 72 Rhode Island 231, 977 91 New York: 1st district 3, 722, 678 15 2d district. 1, 707, 741 34 3d district. 2, 034, 570 54 4th district 1, 292, 629 36 6th district 767 00 8th district. 5, 060 00 '0th district 273, 113 98 11th district. 134, 401 79 12th cistrict 189, 252 89 13th district. 86, 881 74 14th district 528, 252 43 15th district. 200, 225 56 16th district. 20, 945 49 17th district. 23, 984 08 18th district 65, 519 99 19th district 23, 136 57 20th district 45, 094 04 21st district 324, 625 34 22d district 36, 6:38 39 23d district. 258, 863 15 24th district. 428, 355 61 25th district 48, 487 07 26th district. 202, '730 79 27th district 158, 302 80 28th district 452, 559 36 29th district 54, 833 54 30th district 1, 231, 833 91 32d district 1, 673, 371 83 15, 224, 856 74 New Jersey: 1st district 114, 681 80 Qd district.
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