ORLESTONE AND} 405 DIRECTORY.] KENT. ( HAM STREET. - value £240, with residence, in the gift of the Archbishop of chief crops are wheat, barley, beans, oats and turnips. The Canterbury and held by the Rev. - Humphry- Fitzroy area is 544 acres; rateable valne, £2,2Ir; and the popula­ Woolrych, of the University of London, domestic chaplain tion in r88I was 508. to the Earl of Clarendon. The Wesleyans nave a chapel Pari~h Clerk, Edward Moore. kere, built in r877, with a Sunday school. Here are oyster beds, t.he property of a company. There is a ferry Letters received through Faversham. WALL Box cleared over the Swale to Harty. Gerard Lipyeat GQsselin esq. of 7 p.m. No sunday delivery. The nearest money order Bath, who is lord of the manor, George Gosselin esq. and & telegraph office is at Faversham. William Hall esq. are the principal landowners. The soil The children now attend the Board schools recently erected and subsoil are various. In this parish are gravel pits,from at Davington, for the combined parishes of Davington, one of which a line of railway extends to the Creek. The Preston & Oare (See also Iiaversham). Carey Simpson, Three iJ-Ial'inel's Redman Isaac, oyster merchant Woolrych Rev.Humphry Fitzroy[vicar] Harford Thomas, grocer Richardson John Samuel, beer retailer Amos John, farmer LarkinBros.blacksmiths & wheelwrights Saddleton Stephen, farm bailiff to the Back George, baker & shopkeeper Manser George, pork butcher exors.ofH.Woolrightesq.Pheasantf'rm OFFHAM is a village and parish, in the Mid division of William Frederick Chambers Sugden Fraser S.C.L. of St. the county, lathe of Aylesford, Larkfield hundred, Maid- Mary Hall, Oxford. On the Green stands an ancient stone county court district, Mailing union, rural deanery of .. quintain," which it is said the lord of the manor is bound North Mailing, archdeaconry of Maidstone and diocese of to preserve. Lord Hothfield is lord of the manor and the Canterbury, half a mile south of the Maidstone road, 7 miles principal landowner, but there are a few smaller owners. north-west ftrom Maidstone, 2 west from West Mailing The soil is rich loam; subsoil, stone and gravel. The chief station. The church of St. Michael, situated in a church- crops are the usual cereals and hops and fruit. There are yard entirely shaded by large trees and at a distance from upwards of 200 acres occupied as hop grounds in this parish. any houses, is a building in the Early English and later The area is 7II acres; rateable value, £I,97I ; and the popu­ styles, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch and lation in 188I ~as 358. a. plain tower on the north side containing 3 bells: on Parish ClerK, Albert Baldwin. the south side of the nave is a. trefoiled piscilla niche of Letters by foot post from West Mailing. Perpendicular date, and there is a similar one in the chancel; the south porch is also of this period; the church was com- PILLAR Box cleared at 10.3~ a.~. & 5.30 p.1U. on week pletely restored in 1873, when some Norman windows were da~s ~ IO.3~a.m. on .sundass. The nearest money order distovered. The register of baptisms and marriages dates office IS at " est Mallmg from the year I538; burials from r539. The living is a A School Board of five members was formed in r874; H. rectory, net yearly valne £372, with residence, in the gift Norton, West Mailing, clerk of the Lord Chancellor and held since 1874 by the Rev. School (mixed), Thomas Evans, master Farrow Charles Hinton, Offh!l.m place Ellnals John, surveyor to Mailing high- Hubble William, wheelwright Rivers Rev. Henry Frederick M.A. way district, inspector of nuisances Morphew Noah, blacksmith [curate in charge], & chaplain of to Malling Union Rural Sanitary Parris James, beer retailer& fruit grower Mailing Union; Rectory Authority, & school attendance officer, Samson Mattw. beer seller & hop growl' COMMERCIAL. Quinton ho Stickings William, Red Lion Baldwin James, beer retailer Goodhew Stephen, beer retailer . Sutton Stephen, shopkeeper Bean Elizabeth {Mrs.), shopkeeper Hayes William, shopkeeper -Wiles In. farm bailiff to W. W. Blest esq Durrell Timothy James, ho}) grower, Hodges William & Edward, farmers & Manor house hop growers ORLESTON.E and HAM STREET. ORLESTQNE, a parish in the weald, extending into Romney I tioned in Domesday. There are extensive woods on the Marsh level, 73 miles from London, 6 south from Ashford, nplands and brick and tile kilns near the station. Messrs. 10 north-east from Rye and II west from Hythe: it is E. W. and R. Oliver are lords of the manor and principal land­ intersected by the Ashford and Romney turnpike road and owners. Subsoil clay. The principal crops are wheat, oats, by the Royal Military Canal and contains the Ham Street beans and hops. Area is I,825 acres; rateable value, station on the Ashford and Hastings Railway. The parish £2,8r6. Population in 1881 was 4I2. is pr!ncipally in ~~e.lathe of,Shepway , hundred o~ Ham and i HAM STREET, a 'village lying 80\lth of the railway station, Parhamentary dIVISIOn of East Kent, but partly I~ the lathe is chiefly in Orlestone, but partly in Warehorlle; it contains o~ . ~cray, h.undred o~ .Hla;ckborne and Pa~han;tentaryI a Wesleyan chapel, also a village hall, erected 1865 by a dIVISIOn of MId Ke~t: ~t IS. In Eas~ Ashford UnIon. 111 Ash- I joint stock company, registered, with limited liability, and ford county court dIstrICt, l~ the dIOcese and archdeaconry I used for school purposes and for lectures and concerts. A of Cante~bu~y a;nd ~ur.al dean~ry. o~ ~orth Lym~ne.. The: cattle and extensive sheep fair is held annually on the upland dlstnct IS wlthm the Ju.rls~ICtlOn.of the JustIces of I last Thursday in August. the cOlmty: the marsh lands wlthm the hberty of Rumney. Marsh. The manuI', being held in capite by knight Pansh Cle.rk, Alfred RIChardson. ser,:ice, rendered .ward to Do,:"er castle, and not being POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savings Bank, sU?Ject to gavelkmd ten~re! IS oJ.le of the 23 lord- Ham Street.-Joseph Potter, receiver. Letters from ships charged by prescnptlOn With the government Ashford arrive at 7.10 a.m. &: I.IO p.m.; dispatched at of Romney . Marsh. The church of St. Mary the 5.50 p.m Virgin, situated on the hill, about half-a-mile north of .. the raIlway station, is a small building in the Decorated :he dJstn.ct of the Orlestone -rrmted Scl~ool Board c0J.Ilprlse~ style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a small ~he panshes of <?rlestone, "arehor!leand K~IlDardllJgton, 18 wooden belfry containing 3 bells dated 159I , I631 and I635, It "';as f~rmed III 73 3;ud COJ~SIStS of five membe~s. south of the chancel is a recess under a plain pointed arch A school IS now (r88?) bemgerectedatOrlestone,opposlte and a similar recess in the north wall of the nave. The regis- I the Ham Street statIon. ters commence in r554. The living is a rectory, yearly I Clerk to the Sc~ool Board,. Ho~ace HamIlton, of Ashford value £165 with 58 acres of glebe ana a house, in the gift I Board School, ~homas W~rmlllgton, m~ster . of E. W. and R. Oliver esqrs. and held by the Rev. George ' Ham Street Railway StatIon, Edward W Illes, statIOn master Sarson M.A. of St. Catharine's College,Cambridge. The manor I CARRums:- . house, adjoining the church, contains timber work of the James :Moody, from New Romney, daily fourteenth century; and the old parsonage, about two miles William Lonkhurst, to Rye, friday; to Ashford, tuesday, from the church, in Warehorne parish, is of the same period. thursuay & saturday Capel manor was perhaps the site of a. second church men- Turk, from Lydd to Ashford, tuesday, thursday & saturday Orlestone. ' Palmer Joseph, farmer, Capel Bates John, fllrmer, Mountains OliveI' Edmund Ward, Burnt oak I Spain Thomas, brick maker, Orlestone Brooks Edward, blacksmith Oliver Mrs. l~urnt oak brick & tile ~'ard 13uss Sarah Aun (Mrs.), Duke's Head Oliver Roderick, Burnt oak Weller Albert, reeve, Burnt oak Butler John & Thos. Wm. butchers Sarson Rev. George M.A. Rectory Ham Street Catt Robert Martin, poulterer Harden Thomas, farmer·. • I Cobb David, fruiterer Cheesman 'Villiam, farmer, Orlestone Wlglesworth Henry M.B Garner Clarence Edward, shopkeeper Court lodge COMMERCIAl.. Harden J. & T. farmers Fuggle George, farmer I Bampton William, poulterer. I Lorden George, farmer, Cc>tton hill.
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