VOU69 NOi 20 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, GLENWOOD|HILLS,*ERIE, PA .116546 April 18,1996 16th Annual Laker Live-In Above I Photo by Gagan Suri Left: Comedienne Renee Hicks entertaining everybody at the Student Union, Right: Ric and Brian Butler, musicians, play for students in the Student Union on Apr. 11. r By Gagan Suri Merciad News Editor ferent high schools in the coun- try. Most of the students who at- coffee night where Ric and Brian breakfast with a class schedule presentation by Matt Whelan, di- Last week was very hectic for, tended the Live -in have already Butler, musicians entertained ev- which began at 9:40 a.m. and rector of admissions, and finally the Admissions staff, who were been accepted to the college) The erybody. ended at 2:05 p.m.?Bruno said, the visit ended with the picnic in involved in organizing the 'Six- students arrived on April 11 with "The event gives the visiting 'The faculty were truly helpful. the student Union. teenth Annual Laker Live-In,' their sleepingbags. They all had a students the opportunity to get a Some agreed to hold classroom Bruno said, T h e college com- held on April. 11 and 12. The welcome and introduction at the realistic taste of the Hurst. In or- sessions, while others allowed munity really pulled together to admissions staff has been doing a- cafeteria and they were hosted by der to accomplish*this goal our students to visit their classes that make this event a success. The special visit for all the incoming volunteer freshmen of this year office planned activities that our were in progress." S visiting students were content freshman class each year to intro- living in Baldwin Hall and current students at the college One of the visiting students when they left the campus, and I diice them to the college and help McAuley Hall.J Later in the might take advantage of as well," told the admissions staff that the believe we will see many of them all the students make an informed evening MSG/SAC organized a said Grace Bruno from the ad- faculty was really cool, and being roaming the Hill this fall. The light entertainment programVfor missions office. % on a first name b a s is with some of admissions office would like to decision about joining the college's guests. Renee Hicks, Mercy h u r s t . *. After bunking with the current them was very exciting for him. thank everyone who helped with a comedian performed for the freshmen* students for the night, After the classes, students were the Sixteenth Annual Laker Li v e - The attendance this year was crowd followed by a late night more than 100 students from dif- the visiting students were met at invited to club activities fair, a I"-" i MSG News By Dan Hilfiker tion of the budget because only a Editor-in-Chief traction of this year's allotment Comedians Spread Laughter At the April 15 meeting of ha s been spent Mercy hurst Student Government, "If you want to bring in better it was revealed that the housing speakers to educate this campus By Gagan Suri situation for the town houses next on cultural issues, then you are Merciad News Editor year has been changed. Under the going to have to spend more money new plan, seven of the Baldwin than we have this year," said Vice Friday, April 12, the college (old) townhouses will be for males, President Tim Duble. A vote will organized a special show for the with the Resident Assistant be taken next week to finalize the budget for next year's Student students at no cost with the help townhouse being a female of Mercy h u r s t Student Govern- townhouse. The • Warde Government. m\ ment.' A comedy and improvisa- townhouses w i l l remain all female. In SAC news, letters of intent tion troupe called thev'Chicago This decision was made by Dr. for cha ir positions will be a ccepted City Limits' entertained the stu- Gary Brown after a proposal was until Friday, April 19, and letters dent body at the D'Angelo Per- presented before him by members of intent for SAC executive board forming Arts Center. The event of MSG. ! ) positions willlbe accepted until was well attended by the stude nts "MSG has becn|figbting for April 26. Also, scholarships for on campus. The show began with equal housing in the townhouses the SAC executive board iposi- a satire on the college and the city for the past seven years. With tions have been increased. The of Erie. Then the group involved change comes progression. It may president will now receive a schol- the audience for the rest of the not be totally fair, but w e will have arship of $4,000, up from $3,500. show by receiving their ideas and to accept the administration's de- The Student Activities Com- suggestions to put together a se- cision," Jessica CufTia, MSG Presi- mittee President announced that quence of s m a l l skits with a subtle Photo by Gagan Suri , dent said.? the game show Let's Make a element of humor. Question also was raised sur- Deal will be held on campus on • One student said that the group Above: Chicago City Limits troupe m rounding the final year-end revi- Saturday, April 20, in the Taylor was definitely hysterical and un- J. Baker, Larry Bell, Sean M. Conroy sion of the M SG budget for next Little Theater. Many cash prizes pred ictable as promised. Most stu- Eddie Pepitone, and Cecilia Schaefer. year. The money that w a s spent on will be awarded. £ 9 dents seemed to enjoy the show, cultural awareness was slated to At next week's meeting of but some complained that the Scott Vance, a junior said, "I and kept me from getting drunk be cut from $5,000 to $3,000. MSG, Dean Joseph Gower will group was dragging on some of thought that-they were good. It as usual on Fridays." Many of the representatives did be present to expla in some of the the acts for too long, thus losing was a unique type of comedy be- The group has been perform- not think this was a good idea. The intricacies of the new core cur- the attention of the audience. cause they involved the audience, ing for the past 15 years. i decision was made to cut this sec- riculum. April 18,1996 Just So jYou Know 20t h D'Angelo Competition Attention Seniors, and those Walking in By Nina Napoleone GraduationCeremonies 1 Merciad Contributing Writer There will be exit interviews for borrowers of the federal Stafford loan program on the following dates. Attendance is required by Sunday at 2:30 p.m. marked the federal law. start of a week long celebration of the 20 tn annual D'Angelo Young DATE: April 30 2:30 -3:00 p.m. Sullivan 2 Artists Competition held in the 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. Sullivan 2 brand new Mary D'Angelo Per- DATE: May 1 9:00 -9:30 a.m. Main 311 forming Arts Center. 10:30 -11:00 a.m. Main 311 Former first p l a c e winners have DATE: May 2 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Zurn 114 come to show their talents and celebrate the D'Angelo competi- You must a t t e n d one of t h e s e meetings or m a k e special arrange- tion on Sunday, and again at the nients with the Financial Aid office at ext 2288. ^ semi-finals on Friday the 19th. Above: From left to right; (All students) Michele Gotta, Kristin Every year the competition alter- Schmidtfrerick, Michele McNifT, Gregory Hlsehuck, Karen Weston nates between different forms of Summer Employment at Mercyhurst- with professor Brenda Moore and her husband Tom Moore. music. Last year the focus was Applications are now being distributed to students who want to Her Highness attends Hurst piano-this year it is a vocal com- apply for summer j o b s at Mercy hurst College this year. Most of the petition. available jobs are in maintenance, housing, dining hall, and various By Gagan Suri p roasted chicken, spare ribs, pota- This year's young vocal talents * administrative offices and pay $4.25-$4.50/hr. Students who work Merciad News Editor toes, dessert, and beverages. All will compete forest;place - *for tfie college 30 hours a week on campus for at least six weeks of This past weekend, April 13- guests had to eat everything with $10,000,2nd place - $5,000, and the summer receive a 50% reduction in their summer apartment 14, the Hospitality Management their fingers; t h e r e was no silver- ware. The tournament consists of 3rd place at $3,000, donated by rate. A green application form may be picked up in Main 101 from Association (HMA) went to 1 Dr. and Mrs. George D'Angelo Marion Nies. Placements will be notified by mail in early May. Toronto, Canada, to experience six different knights who contend and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maintenance/Custodial assignments will start in late-May and the Medieval Times Dinner and to be the king's champion. Each Gottschalk. administrative office jobs will begin when summer term starts Tournament The trip started off * knight represents a color, and the around June 17. Deadline for applications is April 26,1996. with a four hour van ride to audience is thus divided into six The judges for the finals Sat- Toronto, then the group had a few different colored sections.
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