<ttongrtssinnal __ _,trord SEVENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION SENATE Mr. McNARY Cwhen Mr. METCALF's name was called). The senior Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. METCALF] is FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1936 unavoidably absent. I should like to have this announce­ ment stand for the day. The 3d of January being the day prescribed by the Con­ Mr. BARBOUR (when Mr. MooRE's name was called). I stitution of the United States for the annual meeting of announce that my colleague the junior Senator from New Congress, the second session of the Seventy-fourth Congress Jersey [Mr. ·MooRE] is necessarily absent. I ask that this commenced this day. announcement stand for the day. The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. Mr. RADCLIFFE (when Mr. TYDINGS' name was called). JoHN N. GARNER, of Texas, Vice President of the United My colleague the senior Senator from Maryland [Mr. States, called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock meridian. TYDINGS] is unavoidably detained from the Senate. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., of the - Mr. TOWNSEND. I announce that my colleague the city of Washington, offered the following senior Senator from Delaware [Mr. HASTINGS] is absent in PRAYER attendance upon the funeral of the wife of Representative STEWART, of Delaware. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, before whose gaze Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the Senator from Texas Earth in all her myriad forms aspires to Heaven and with [Mr. CoNNALLY], the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. innumerable voices sings the joy of her deliverance, draw us, REYNOLDS], the Senator from Washington [Mr. BoNE], the Thy children, so near to Thee by our inward need that we Senator from Montana [Mr. WHEELER], the Senator from may press our weakness close to Thy strength and win new New Hampshire [Mr. BROWN], the Senator from Nevada power for the duties that await us in the days that lie ahead. [Mr. McCARRANJ, the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. To Thy merciful care we commend our Nation that, being GERRY], the Senator from Iowa [Mr. MURPHY], and the Sen­ guided by Thy providence, we may dwell secure in Thy peace. ator from South Carolina [Mr. SMITH] are necessarily ab­ Be graciously pleased to bless our President, our Vice Pres­ sent, not having, for sufficient reasons, been able to reach ident, the Members of the Congress, the judiciary, and all the Senate for its opening. others who bear rule in our beloved land. Help them to be The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy-nine Senators have an­ masters of themselves, that they may be the servants of swered to their names. A quorum is present. others; and make them ever mindful of their high calling DEATH OF SENATOR HUEY P. LONG to serve this people in Thy fear, lest the will to justice be overcome by the will to power. Mr. OVERTON. Mr. President, it is my sad duty to Take away all hatred, pride, and prejudice, and whatever announce the death since the Congress last adjourned of else may hinder peace and concord among the nations of the my former colleague Hon. HUEY P. LONG, the senior Senator world, that we may see the dawning of a new day in which from Louisiana. At a later and more appropriate time I shall make some remarks in comnlf~moration of the career achievement shall overtake desire ana aspiration, and the and public services of my late distinguished colleague. I outbreak of the prophetic spirit shall be directed toward the now offer the resolutions which I send to the desk and ask transfiguration as well as the sanctification of life. unanimous consent for their immediate consideration. All of which we ask in the name and for the sake of Jesus The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will read the resolu­ Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. tions. CALL OF THE ROLL The resolutions CS. Res. 205) were read, considered by The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: of the Senate. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profouna sorrow and deep regret the announcement of the death of Hon. HUEY P. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sena­ LoNG late a Senator from the State of Louisiana. tors answered to their names: Re;olved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the Adams Coolidge Johnson Pittman Ashurst Copeland Keyes Pope family of the deceased. Bachman Costigan King Radcll1fe Bailey Couzens La Follette Robinson DEATH OF SENATOR THOMAS D. SCHALL Bankhead Davis Lewis Russell Mr. SHIPSTEAD. Mr. President, it is my duty to an­ Barbour Dickinson Logan Schwellenbach Barkley Dieterich Lonergan Sheppard nounce the death of my former colleague, Senator THoMAs Bilbo Donahey McAdoo Shipstead D. ScHALL, of Minnesota. This being not the appropriate Black Duffy McGUI Steiwer time to discuss his life and public record, that will be done Borah Fletcher McKellar Thomas, Okla. Bulkley Frazier McNary Thomas, Utah at some future time, and I shall ask the Senate to do so. I Bulow George Maloney Townsend present the resolutions which I send to the desk, and ask Burke Gibson Minton Trammell Byrd Glass Murray Truman unanimous consent for their immediate consideration. Byrnes Gore Neely Vandenberg The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will read the resolu­ Capper Guffey Norbeck VanNuys tions. Caraway Harrison Norris Wagner Carey Hatch Nye Walsh The resolutions <S. Res. 206) were read, considered by Chavez Hayden O'Mahoney White unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: Clark Holt Overton Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and Mr. GmSON (when Mr. AusTIN's name was called). I deep regret the announcement of the death of Hon. THoMAS D. desire to announce that my colleague the ·senior Senator ScHALL late a Senator f;::om the State of Minnesota. Resoived, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to from Vermont [Mr. AusTIN] is necessarily detained from the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the the Senate for the day. family of the deceased. 3 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 3 SENATOR FROM MINNESOTA I Tennessee.-Kenneth McKellar and Nathan L. Bachman. Mr. SHIPSTEAD. Mr. President, I send to the desk the Texas.-Morris Sheppard and Tom Connally. certificate of appointment of Hon. ELMER A. BENSON to fill Utah.-William H. King and Elbert D. Thomas. the vacancy now existing in the Senate of the United States Vermont.-Warren R. Austin and Ernest W. Gibson. from the State of Minnesota. Virginia.-Carter Glass and Harry Flood Byrd. The VICE PRESIDENT. The credentials will be read. Washington.-Homer T. Bone and Lewis B. Schwellenbach. The Chief Clerk read as follows: West Virginia.-M. M. Neely and Rush D. Holt. STATE OF MINNESOTA, Wisconsin.-Robert M. La Follette, Jr., and F. Ryan Duffy, ExECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Wyoming.-Robert D. Carey and Joseph C. O'Mahoney. St. Paul. To the PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES: NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT This is to certify that pursuant to the power vested in me by Mr. ROBINSON submitted the following resolution <S. Res. the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the State of 207), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and Minnesota, I, Floyd B. Olson, the Governor of said State, do agreed to: hereby appoint E .LMER A. BENSON a Senator from said State to represent said State in the Senate of the United States until the .Resolved, That a committee consisting of two Senators be ap­ vacancy therein, caused by the death of Hon. Thomas D. Schall, pointed to join such committee as may be appointed by the House 1s filled by election, as provided by law. of Representatives to wait upon the President of the United States Witness His Excellency our Governor, Floyd B. Olson, and our and inform him that a quorum of each House is assembled and seal hereto affixed at St. Paul, Minn., this 27th day of December, that the Congress is ready to receive any communication he may be A. D. 1935. pleased to make. FLoYD B. OLSON, Governor. By the Governor: The VICE PRESIDENT appointed Mr. RoBINSON and Mr. [SEAL] MIKE HoLM, Secretary of State. McNARY the committee on the part of the Senate. The VICE PRESIDENT. The credentials will be placed NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE on file. Mr. McNARY submitted the following resolution (S. Res. Mr. SHIPSTEAD. Mr. President, the Senator-designate 208) , which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and is· present in the Chamber and ready to take the oath of agreed to: office. Resolved, That the Secretary inform the House of Representa­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator-designate will pre­ tives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled a.nd that the sent himself at the Vice President's desk and the oath of Senate is ready to proceed to business. office will be administered to him. HOUR OF DAILY MEETING Mr. BENSON, escorted by Mr. SHIPSTEAD, advanced to the Mr. ROBINSON submitted the following resolution <S. Res. Vice President's desk, and, the oath of office having been 209) , which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and administered to him, he took his seat in the Senate. agreed to: LIST OF SENATORS, BY STATES Resolved, That the hour of ·daily meeting of the Senate be 12 m., Alabama.-Hugo L. Black and John H. Bankhead. unless otherwise ordered. Arizona.-Henry F. Ashurst and Carl Hayden. JOINT MEETING OF THE TWO HOUSES Arkansas.-Joseph T. Robinson and Mrs. Hattie W. Cara- Mr. ROBINSON submitted the following concurrent resolu~ way.
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