i-,, I '' 'i I ' , Fresh wave of persecution facesCatholics in Hungary By C. M, STRACHWITZ VIENNl\-'l'he Catholic Chttrch irt Ilungary rvas nrarkctl [0r a nou' orrslarrgltt b.y tltc cotrtttttittist governntcnl, cveu bciolc thc dcnth oli its ottly free archbishop l,ole flour it a rrrajot' dciensc bullitt'k, ttccortlittg to t'epot'ts lcachirrg hclc. .vvrvv =Worlt leauemixed..uvvr2vr.r/ neiohborltood=.uvubaalr\rr aa/t.rt.rt oailil;iil;6t Articlcs irr tltc only two Ilttttgarian periodiclls cvcn = = vol. ti, No. 2 ^"r*r*o(rs,,nro"*n" "Ctttltolic" By ',all billcd trs JAMES M. SHEA rvelconring good ncighbors rvitfiouf pr.iu. i rroiut to tlte ttnleashing of = tlit" ' ' ' = cINCINNA'rI-whon Jilr) antl l)vet1.n lty.n* = i(;II ir e rv opprcssivc-tlte nlcilsttl'es "We ROI 7'ITE IYAT,[, lhink :T'II i ntor,erl into sulur151n Nor.th Avon4llo fotrr yoars lhir ic a nice neiglrborhood,,, said = irurtittst Jctt' ruttlitittittg "li'r 8yrne. convenienl fo many rucrnllurs ol' tltc ltttttgat'iart E ago rour,: of thcir tlietitls laisctl thcir eycltiorvs. lhingr rnd = "llovr y()u hrr ell lhe gervices the cify provides. Ilicrarclty" i conlo rnovcd into a Jervish neiglrbor, And lhe = people wc'Ye come lo know are nice people." i hood?" lhcy askcd, = both next'rloor noigltbols u'clc life in E, Cermany "l = Since last spling, lrowcver', lhe ncxt.tloor . Y.l]tn Jcwish l Finds pcruonrlly e srufite rerlponsi. g{ fatnilies, the I ncig$.ro1s the ltylrc Ialrily on |oth sitlcs 11"uu B1'r'nc Ianrily icnrttc(l a gfgat dcal E bility for overything havc lhey aboul thc Jorvislr fiecn Ncglo farnilios. Now tlre rlucstion llas relil{ion and. custorns, 1\lrs. i donc. lf fhero prlerls lro con. "I)o "I a r:hangcd lx; ln0irn rcally Ilyrne said, think iI rt'as nn excelltn[ oppor. 3 victad, lhen I should bc con- )'ou 1,otr're staying lttnity for our chiltlrcn to lcalrr I'csp(:c[ vicled. I roquerl fhat you Lhtr;c?" Io1 an. E olher gr'trup," slre saitl. = rrreri mr loo rnd iril ms with r'Why to believers not?" ru*tr1'{:(of[5 D)tur'ftyrqc, r tal[,rart' ran*rrrangy young oPPressrve t""nt = my friendr." ,rt.r,'rili'n1""' ! ,,^l,lrtJ:,J,i l#It;,Jl',:i;:,jll";f^J"*:;:::orJ* By ADOLPH SCHALK "lf = i pooph only would rtop to rcrlirc fhaf = ilies ha{ lrgught tIc houses ael,jac,,nt't,, iiie 3 l3yrne honte. THE AR only fi "\\'ln'." tttl' dlivcr ct-rntplitittcd, ''l thouslrl irt loitsl tltt'r'tt ntigltt I'c I frry P1'1rplt' rrlttt rrttttltl gct punicky autl leavc liet'lin, so tltirt Reclucstuse ililililililililililillililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Second of lhree arliclet ilililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt of linglish Iight lor at long last nt1' fartlill' t'ortlrl lttovc inttr a Iill'.{cl' ilIllrtlncnt. lltlt trotlring tloirr;;l l.o,rk at'ottttd* 'l'hr: l\4[ass olticr llylnc chikh'cn, Michacl l)ltr,ick antl lli)l it tllo\ lllil Iatt to be irr the lh0fc's '['honras' Chct'1'l Antr, nttcnd St. paroclrial school. scr.n toL trtilcs." 'l'lrlcc othel chikllctt, ll'clcncc Krvin, l);rvi<l Alan, LATER l TOOK n stt'oll tlotrn nntl (llcgoly t'aul, ale loo yorrng fot'school. tht' Ktrt fttetslt'tttl;tttttlt. \\'csL llct" "If Irrr's'l'trtcs Sr'lttat'c-;rr:littcl lvillt illt'. nntl ]lt's, l11'r'nt' .ioincd thc Not'flt Avontlalc ryc rrolcd oul of htt,c jtrst lrr,r,irrrsr 'ttr.l Ncgrocs r)rlhl clui)s ttt'ott atlt e t tising, Ncrllltlrorltrlotl r\ssotialton rcccrttly ,.lrorv 'I'he bccattstt tltcy ntovcrl irt lcxt rloor.," .slitl hor' hrrsl.ranrl. tlrcltct's, tluttcc hitlls, t'cs- ptlU)r)scs nppro\'(t ils chittf of runintnining tlrc could \\:c eyof cxplain sotnetlrintl lil,c llrat to orrl taul'ants rlt't'c ltll Iitlt'tl. i\ short "stal-rlc, lroil is a irrtcgrntcd lrcighbor.hr.rod" and chikh'cn?" tlisl arrec lrtItltrr, .itrst pasl lhe Ilrrsh lltr-lirr lllll()ll, lllotlsiln(ls of liellinrls 11'1'11'1't'outlittg thc roll- 01. ('(itsl,i.'r ttr. tlrr_'lirn lrorrso at an - Jultli('lllt'lll paIk.,\rrrl t'lscrvltt're 0CT'0llliR I;i 16 ! lu ('rrgs u'ct'c etl t'ndittg a poodle slrrtu' rrt so.rl-. c;ihiltit, 't'hc 'llltt ils ttlcntoritttdtttrt l\.lrt'n I tlictl [o lind W.\LL soriet.y irt 'I\t* rcpcittcd t'itlls o[ tlte that lll llte nouspapcls arttl recalltrtl the palticipation o[ I il sts lt:r\'(' ltt't'lt sct'ct ttt ilt g abtlttt, Clurr.ch fol nctive North Vernonparish litttt'ilj', It sltg' I had to tukt' a stllrrt'itl' irtrtl lrt'o tlrc lait-v in tlte is vit'tttitlly iltt' stf(.cteins. ttlttrs{et't'ittg Irvice. tjcstorl thlt this BOTH JOURNALS ptrblislrcrl possihlc litttt'gy. .\rrtl tlret.c aLc ntt llts rrr. stt'trct- rvitlt an all'l,lttitt long cotnurcntlLirrs orr thc tlial "\Yc tller'tfot'c," il 'l'lrer lrl littt's tltt't'ttll ttr tlrt' lllautltn- hutrtbl.t, ltsk, alttl ils irnplicltions. (ilrrrlclr, "tltal, nolrttitl litttrgical l)urI tl;rto at illl. L'nlcss yott sairl. tltc tlte.1' 11,.,,1ur.,,1.is eollcctivcly lr:. (rl' lirrt(rrlgc of Iltt: liotttan llitc itr to 0bserve itt tt t ttt titxi, centennial rltrrt lltIr'r' l1)ll sl)onsiblc fol thtr uristakes of its tllt bc lt)nglish, cxccpt 'l'hc.y llil\.e lo lrodl rl li)f lhc.til0iltcf at lllitain Inithful. saitl lhlt llrost-. i\Olil'll \/liltNON, Ind,-. 0iscnnran, Sl, ll ary's pastor sinr:rl locitl ot'tlinarl' consitl' 'l'he o[ a ttttlc' u'heltl tlttt rortvicterl rvtlc inspilt'<l by nrarr.** of St. ll)3,1, u,ill cc'lcbr.tte tlrc Solcnur l)ittl. l00tlr illlli\'orsilt'y 'l'lranksgiving. cr'.s \Yelsh tttot'tt sttitable." i\lass ;lt'icsts antl elt.n plelatt's, antl i\laly's plllisll herc tvill llt: of Assistirrg accttscd thc higlrcr nut[ lorvt'r as rleacon and srrllrlcacon u,ill bc THE SOCt ETY sai<l that reli' oltservtttl,stttttlav ancl ['lott- clclgy of hating plottcd l'itlr pco. {olnrcr assistanl plstols, l,'atlrcr nlrtn it nralics a turn ln(l ontcfs .\ll :rkrrtg tltr. boltlel in l,)ast giuus ot'rluLs shotrltl bc nlrlc ttl rla5', Octoltct' 15 and ,1.6. Sl plc rvlmsr nttitrrdes loryalrls Ihc Alber'1. Ajauri0 iln(l I,'athcl' lJ0r. Ihc [it'ntarrt t rlss('. r\ntl surl- llorltrt. r'r.sirlerrts \\'(,1'(l lirlcibly continue to tlso l,atin if thtrl' dc- Statc alc hnrnrlul antl subvcrsivr:. nrtt'd Schnri(2. I'atlrcl Ilobcr.t tlcrtly'l'llE \\"\1,1,, l'l;rst licllrn. {'\'ilcualt(, itt ljultl)oint llonr their sili'. anrl tltitt ltisltolts sltottltl har'* A lcccptronlot' pat'isltionet'santl "['r'u- Willhclnr, pastol of St, Anno's tho \fopos lVolkspolirei, ol' lrtrrrrcs. rr'lrilc thoir' ltclouginl.ls thc porvcr to t't:rlttit'tt tltc ttsc o{ gucsts rvill bc hcltl in tlte palish plc's ('r'(r palish, .lcnnings Coun(y, $'ill I'olice"), rtnd tlrt' ltr.'altlontl- \\ [)ut rrrlo u lritinil varrs. At l,atitt ott ccl'tnin occaslorls. sr'fvc its rttits{cl oI rng sccnc of tltorrsanrls of \\'ost ano{hcl' ('r)llllttultist u'orkttt.s ilililltililililililililililililillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ceLcnronics. I)(}int 'l'lro licr'liners stl'aining to pirt'li oVrr' ttscrl lrtrlkloz.t'r's to strraslr t{}$s of nrt-nroLantlttttt thctt siti<l: "l\l;rss Photoon Pagc I l,.ls(r,lrl loI l irandlul 0f llt'itislt llrr. rvitll, {o catt:lt:r rilrnrIse of srnall rvoorlt'n tln'ollirrg.s, all unrlt'r' rvoultl llc said in t)nglislt. "l)oacc stlrliols ilt lllc Iit'itn(lolll)tlt'il Gittc tlrcir lolori oll(.s. Al'c lhelt'llctort' lltc Ir'11q51 oI lllcsclving .rrrrl t r t'tt It'rvct' Atnr'ticans at thc \'()ln'\elJ elt's, in all tircir'1;r'inr atl(l rluict" of Ila:;l lirllincls [r'orn "(listut'l)attt.t's" arrtlitotiurtr flont 2 lo ir p.nt. Sttn- l,'ricrllit:lr St fasst: ct'tissitrg, ilttt l'r'il l lt ]'. lllrr oI Wttst lJcllin "t'rrtvrlit's" rla1,. 13crtctlictiort $'ill [ollotv. .ritht oI rnrlrtar'1 irt \\'t'st [Jt't'lin is nrrtl ttot\,splrrltogta' ils tat('it\ llritl (1l':r p0lict'ttultt ott lrht'r's. Irr lr.llilr', tl'rc rnoasut cs Alclrbislrop Sclrultc tt'ill llc pt'ts- ('lli('irto s r)r)tr)ri')usl) poot'11'-1;t'o- iil)p(,uf l() llr: talit'rr lo (:r'oiltc a cnt l()l' tltrr cle'rgy' ollsttt'r'ancc at "t)o l('etr.{l St)ulh Slrlt', uliul s l:rntl" lo tttakc cst:ir1le t t 0tttat' 0reu ln0l'c rliflrcull. -'::ll: -rl'lllltl:'::ill'r-Y ll is rro l)r'ol)lcl)l i{l illl to tilkc lrlr il Ion\ ('!'-\aliotl rt itlt \1't'-st lrt't'- lirior-s. l:rrrrrrl lirl thcir lt'it'ntlli- rrIss lrrttl rltttck tcpitLt0e, Accot'tling Irt {igut't,s t t'lolst'rl ' Of currlsc,'' onr nritlttlc.-a.(cd bl thc \\'cst Br'rlin ett]' go\'oru- FATHER EISENMAN "$,c ilriln t()l(i Ill(' itl li ltit,s sttrp, nrent. \\'t,st llcllirrcls ale cnti. THE GROUP askr'tl ilrat all tkrn L go llttltttttl \rilh gloolttl' gluting to \\'cst Gclrnarrl tt ir s(t\ cn saclilntcttts llc adtnitt- rrnulllc lo stultilize tlte pat'islt gtrorl lacts.
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