MANUSCRIPTS AND POSTAL HISTORY • ,I , , f: I '! , , "- I r" • ". \I PUBLIC AUCfIONoMAY 30, 1993 RICHARD C. FRAJOLA, INC. l.Ylf\.l.'"lj UO\....lUr 10 f\.l.'"ljV rU~lf\.L "1~1UK)' PUBLIC AUCfION SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1993 1:30 P.M. SALE TO BE HELD AT THE SITE OF THE MANUSCRIPT SOCIETY CONVENTION HILTON OF SANTA FE Aspen Room 100 Sandoval Street Santa Fe, New Mexico EXHIBITION OF LOTS At Our Offices By Appointment Saturday, May 29, 10:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. at our suite at Hilton of Santa Fe Sunday, May 30, 10:00 A.M.-1:30 P.M. at the Aspen Room TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuscripts 1. Free Franks 31. Postmarks By State 33. Independent Mails 43. Adhesives On Cover 49. Postal Stationery 59. Confederate States 61. RICHARD C. FRAJOLA, INC. P.O. Box 608 125 W. Park Avenue Empire, CO 80438 TEL (303) 569-3241 FAX (303) 569-3244 CONDITIONS OF SALE I. LOIS are sold to the highe9: hidder at a slight advance overthe second high bid. All bids will be held confidential. "Buy" bith cannel be IICccpted. In case of lie, the fLrSt bid rect"ived prevails. 2. All bids arc: per lo(s as numbered in the c;llalogue unlcss otherwise announced by (he auctiooa:r at the lime: of sale. 3. Any klI, the: description lIf which is irK:orrect, is returnable. bUI only within five days tlf receipt_ All disputed lot~ mUM be returned intact as received and lots containing five or more items are fIOI returnable at any lime. No lots may be: returned by purchasers who have h..d the oppmlunil)' to cumine them pnm [0 the sale. We do not regard covers as defective that have slightly torn or partiilily missing b~kl1ap. This factor is nO( jUSIlfication for return of a lot or [()(s, 4. Successful bidden>, unless they are known 10 u., <If Supply acceptable rcfeTef1(:es in time 1<) he properly Checked arc: c,I;peclcd 10 make paymem in full before lhe lOIS are delivotred. The faclthitl an item is placed on extenSion (suhmilled 10 an expenising commillC:e for certificalion) docs not rclitve lhe sucr;eSo\ful bidder from Ihis condition of sale. 5. If the purchase prict has 00( been paid within me time limit, fl()r lots taken up wimin seven days from dattofsale they must be resold and IIny loss arising from such sale will be charged to the defuulter. Any account m~ Ihan thirty days in arrc:aOi i~ subjecl 10 il lille p::lyment charge of I 'h% per monlh so long as Ihe acoouOf remain<; in arrc:ars. If the liuctioneer, In his discretion, should inMitute any leg:!1 action 10 secute payment of II lIelinquent account, the l.Iefaul1ing purchaser shall p3y all legal expense incul'Ted by the aUClioneer and such charges will be added to the amount owed. 6. All lOIS are sold as genuine but should any lot be proved oIherwi~e by written opinion oflIny competent, responsible authority acceptable 10 us, immediate refund of the full purchase price will be made, provKlalthat suchclaim is made In writing within 14 day~ from date ohale. Ifclaim is nul made wilhin IhlS period. no loIs are returnable for any reas.on at any lime. So long ali Wi:': are fIOtified wilhin Ihe 14 day period Ihal an opinion is beiJlg MHIgblthe mailer will remain open until such opinion is rendered. We will not be responsible for any charges incurred by lhe buyer fOf e"pertizatjon fees and costs unlcu the opinion states the item is fIOl genume, in whieh L-a.se we will pay actual eosl~ up 10 a ma"imum of S50.00. In lhe evenl an item is proved "nol ali described'· il is retumable for full refund, and lbe huyer will be paid inlerest (at the prevailing Treasury Bill Rate) for tbe time his funds have been on deposit witb us during Ihe e.lIIension period. 7. The right is reserved to group (wn ur more 10l~, also withdrdwllny lot or jOls from the sale, or to acton hehalf of the ~eller. 8 Until paid for in full all lots rell1ain the property uf Richard C. Frajola. Inc on behalf of the seller. 9. A premium equal to 10% of the ~uecessful hill price will be added there It) and is payable by the huyer as part of the tlltal purchase price. The mode of"hipmcnt shall be lit our opfion. All forwanhng charges will be added 10 lhe purcha.~e pnce. 10. Upon wrincn applicalion lois may be senl for euminalion prior 10 ibe auction. condilion upon being mailed back hy registered mail. otdequ:ltely msured, within 24 OOU('i of receipt. The applicant is completel)' responsible for all lots scnt for euminlltion. and for the insurantX.' ofsame against mi.\hap, from Ihe lime ofreceipt until they are actually Ta."C.ived back, and is 10 pay all expenses of poslage anJ IIlsurance. No lOIS can be <;cnt for inspecrion wilhin len days uf lhe date of sale. PhtJIocopies oflots are available at 25ft percopy, ma,;imum IOcopies, and sramped self addressed rerum envelope required. I I. Agents are responsible for all purchases made in behalfnf their dienls unles~ other arrangements are made prior 10 the sale. 12. Telephone bids are entered when received bUI must be followed up by written confirmation of tile bidder. 13. Unlo-s otherwise nrlled Catalog numbers refer In current SWll U.S. SpeclllliLed Catalug. and other references work as indicaled. 14. The placing of a bid shall com;tiluh: acceptance of Ihe f~gCling cooditions of sale. Rkhard C. Frajola, Inc. RICHARD C. FRAJOLA, INC. P.O. Box 608, Empire, CO 80438 TEL (303) 569-3241 FAX (303) 569·3244 May 30, 1993 I BID SHEET Ph:a.se buy tht following lots for me at priCI:lI not excttding those: ~own. These bKis are made $ubjecl: 10 the u::nm of sale, and it 1$ understood lhat you will buy forme~muchbelow lh~ toppricesasmmp:tition permits. I have read and agree IOthe "Conditions of SaJc:" as $I:( furth in your eatlIJog. Name ---:-::----:-::----:-::- Tclcphone _ ' ....- po ....~ ""'" Address ::-.._------------------- ------------,---- ,S"""I I~I"' • Signed ",'p. _ Philau::lic reference _ BIDDING INCRLASF.S INCREMUITS "'" INCIlEMENT'S 81DS INCREMENTS Upto$30.00 $100 11SO.OO-$29000 110,00 12,00Q,OO-S3,UOO 00 110000 S32,OO-I~.OO $2.00 1300.00-ln~,oo 12500 S3,250000and~p 12,j.O,00 1~_OO_llt5,OO $.~,OO 17~.OO-S2,OOQ.OO I~,OO TlU; AMOUNT OF YOUR BID OOF'.5 NOT INCLUDE THE 1"' PREMIUM TO BE ADDEO TO T){E HAMMER PRICE. LOT BID LOT BID LOT BID LOT BID LOT BID Please see Conditions of Sale U_S_ DOLLARS. THE AMOUNT OF YOUR BID DOES NOT INCLUDE mE lK PREMIUM TO BE ADDED TO THE HAMMER PRICE. LOT BID LOT BID U¥f BID LOT BID LOT BID PRIVATE TREATY REGISTER In addition to (JUr U.S. Postal History auction, we maintain a stock ofpre-1900 U.S. covers and folded letters. Afterleamingof your ~pecifjc areas of interest we will forward xeroxs ofavailable items Cor your preliminary consideration. In the event that we cannot be of a.'i!»islance immediately, we will chock S10ck monthly, and will communicate with you a'i items become available. If we can be of assistance directly, please fill out the form below. DllIe -c--,-c-:--,--,-:---,---,-==-. Area(s) of !»pecial interest in pre-l9<X> U.S. postal history and any special requirements as to condition or price range. N:mle -,--,--,--,--,- Telerhon~e _ ' ....... pnat "" ~ptJ Address -:- :-:::::- _ lS.....o\ 1"P'-1 ,C.'i';) (LIp) Signed _ Philatehc reference KEY TO CATALOG Abbreviations ad advertising d. date stamp ADS autograph document signed Iu handstamp ALS autograph letter signed LS letter signed ANS aUlograph nOle signed manuscript bkn backstamp ""nd nol daled corner card np place of origin not given '"cd. circular date stamp ny year nOI given OS document signed pmk postmark post card private mailing card postal card U.S. GOYL issued card Condition Condition grades mentioned in the description refer 10 overall appr.uance of the item. On covers bearing adhesives, expect normal average centering or margins for the particular issue, only when adhesive condition is above the nonna! will it be specifically described. File folds on folded letten that do not detract from appearance are not mentioned, nor are missing back flap on covers if no postal markings are affected. extremely fine~the best possible condition very fine-pleasing appearantt with all markings well struck fine-averages appearance for period. markings readable about fine-somewhat below average, markings partially readable Estimates Following each lot is an estimate of what, in the auctioneers opinion, the 101 should realize. This is provided as a guide to bidders. Lots may actually realize more or less than our estimates, which are under no circumslances to be considered reserved but merely a guide to bidding. Cat. when noted refers to 1993 Scott Specialized catalog value. Telephone BIds Will only be able 10 accommodate phone bidders (wishing to bid after Thursday, May 271~) on Saturday. May 2lJlb. We may be reached during regular business hours at the Hilton of Sallla Fe by calling (505) 988-2811 and a~king for the Frajola suite. No phone service will be available on the day of the sale. FAX Rids We now have a FAX machine that can be used to transmit bids. The FAX number is (303) 569--3244.
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