John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 11-9-1962 The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 4 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 4" (1962). The Carroll News. 220. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Foundation grant aids future building plans 8~ CARL HEIXTEL the number of collcge-n~::c students number· of single rooms, it will Last week the Cle\·elanJ by 1965. The use of the money i: consist mainly of two-man rooms. Foundation announced th~t completely unrestricted. Some will b1~ relatively large, while those that arc !:maller will be con­ grants totaling $500,000 will Carrolrs share of thc grant will probably be used toward a new nected in sets or two by a sitting be given to Cleveland's five science center. part of th<' futurt> room. In this way four men will major colleges.. John Carroll, building progr-am on campus. shnre the parlor connecting their Baldwin-Wallace. Case Tech, Also included in the program is two room..<;. Fenn. and Wel'tem Reserve the new 400-man dormitory to be Dul"ing the past week, student ct·iticism groups under the direc­ will each receive $100.000 built adjacent to Washington Bou­ levard and the Union Building. tion of Rev. Joseph Schell, S.J.• over a four-year period. Although original plans have been prefe-ct of dormitories, have been This t"Cpr·esents the la~est delayed. there is a po!;Sibility that examining life-size room models ~ingle purpose gift ever awarded the do1·m will be .ready in the fall of the new dorm. Located In lhe by the fuunda lion. ll IS aimed lo of 1964 if constr·uction begins this Gym boiler room, the models have help the colleges prepare for the spring. drawn many comments. all of anticipated 50 per cent increase in Although there ma~ be a limited whrch will be incorporated into final plans. --------------------------------------- With the completion of this dormitory plus the completed re­ novation of Bernet Hall, Carroll The Carroll will provide excellent accommo­ dar•ons for approximately 1,000 students on campus. Ball queen reigns NEWS Frosh choose Representing John Carroll University class officers over Plf:!:f.!..v~~enery 1 University Heights 18, Ohio "Paree.. in all its gaiety and color is being transported in December to John Canoll'~ Gsm in time fot· the Military Ball on Sat­ Vol. XlV, No. 4 Friday, November 9, 1962 Petitions for freshman class urday, No". 19. Decoration preparations are already in offices will be available Mon­ progress under lhc direction of Scabbard and Blade. day, Nov. 26, and primaries Peter Palmer. band. and vocal rctary. When not working in pedi· 'Who's Who' nominates will be conducted on Monday ist.c; will be sheltered beneath a atrics, Mary Ann participates with and Tuesday, Dec. 3 and 4. 25-foot facsimile of the Arc de her precision drill team. Two victorious candidates. will Triumphe. At the opposite end or Cadet 1st Lieutenant James J. then oppo!3e each other in fi- the Gym, a blue-tinted Eiffel Tow- Corrigan has entered Mary Lou record high of 28 seniors er v.11l soar to the ra!tcrs. Uppe.r- Duffy, a history major at Trinity Twenty-eighl elite of the senior class have been hon- nals one week later. clru<s cadets and the1r dat<'s w1ll College. Miss Duffy finds enter· orecl bv selection to ''Who's Who." Each appointee will be Petitions require the signatures relax amidst sidewalk cafe scenes tninment in boating and devotes .1 of 50 fellow frosh to be valid. All in the balconies. much of her attention to the In· honored by a biog-raphical sketch in the 1962-196:3 edition fro~h who have complied with thls Six comely young las~es have lernational Affairs Secretariat of. of "\Vho'::~ Who Among Students in American Universities t-ule ,,,.ill be placed on the ballot. been selected from 15 candidates :-.'FCCS. and Colleges.'' Candidates must also have a two a.s fmali~l~ in the queen conte--t. Pittsburgh's donation to th!! The latest members were nom· point or above average to qualify. Mary Ann ntaze~. escorted by contest is jn the person of engag­ the football team, kicks off this All frosh are eligible to vote in Cttdel 1st Lieutcnunt Rene Van- ing Peggy Knake. Miss Knake has inatecl by the Student Union Exec- list of selections. The Troy :-en· the elections, although an ro card mulem. wm vic for U1e rank of taken her place in the business utivu Council on the basis of ior spent all four years on the is requited for identification. The Honorary Colonel. Miss I3la;tcs is world as an operator for A.T.&T. scholarship, leadership. and devo- gridiron while majoring in history two highest candidates in the pri· pres£'ntly employed by Strong Miss Knake. escorted by Cadet tion to the University. and maintaining a 2.5 average maries will then force a showdown Memorial Hospital as private sec- 1st Lieutenant Daniel Toole, will Upon receiving the list, L. Mor- Pre--med Charles Bost slid into a in the finals. The victors in this ------------------------. march with the court through gan Lavin remarked I ~at "this slot with qualifications that in-~ contest will be acknowledged a;; • ) t crossed sabers_ :<enior class has more depth than (Tum to Paco 5, Col. 1 ) the frosh officers. D 1gest SUf>p COlCD S Eighth Battalion commander. any he's encountered in his years rl !7~~~;D&aiiiiii.iiiii;;iiiiii;:&iiilliiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii&:ii~a;;;;;;;;;;&;;;; Cadet Capt. James Rivard will at Carroll." The majority of the I cws feature section follow with his private nurse, Jo· nominee's t·eccivcd at least 18 of nnn Kraimcr. Miss Kraimer is a a possible 56 votes casl b~ the Comml'n~·mg with thit> issue. ~enior attending Mercy "Nursing Executi,·e Council - a feat un­ the Can·oll XC'ws is inrluding the College in Detroit. She has been equalled in past years. Collcgiutc Digt•st with th~ rt'p;ulnr (Turn t~ 'Page 8, Col. 2) Peter Attenwt>lll'r, captain (Il l issue of the nl•wspupcr. The sup­ -I plcnwnl wlll be pmvid<'d frC'<> of charg!' lo all OO<'I' a month. Th1s new supplement is pub­ ASN ranks expand;' lished by th<' .\~sociated Collegiate Prc:-s. lucnt<•d in the J•Jurnalism Building of the Uni,en-ity or Min­ nPsOtll. \\'ell knO\\ n for its with• frat chooses seniors rang(' of stori<':-. th" clrgt'st is clis-~ AI h· s· N th J . · h . • . · , h rributl'd throughout tht• country. P a 1gma u, .e esUtt 0':101 ar) ~octet~. as tndud{•d In this Nnwmbl'1 b~ut> announced three new appomtrnents to fill the \'Hcanc1es left arc un intriguing fcaturro un Aus- by lhree graduates. tralinn·.~):(lC hom~omings , a com- The \'ery Re,·. Hugh E deavnrs The s<'nior from Ste•Jbtn• prcht'nsl\1' campus car ca~nc~<'le. Dunn. $.J .. President of John Otr· ville. Ohio, is cun-cntl) caJTying a aud \'tlrlous other tlmC'h lldhlt"· roll Universit v named -:enior,.. 3.2.> ac<'umulalivc u,·crage wlli'e .rncluslon of thi~ ~upplernl'n t Frank C. Grace.' Walter P. Knake. mnjol'ing in history. w1th thc regular pnr)('r 1s o,n~' more Jr.. and Bernard L. Daleske .Tr Fr·ank is nl~o n rcpresental i,·e c.xn:nple of .the newspaper-: pohcy to the esteemed organization this in the Student Union. president of and determrnaunn to pro,·ld(' the the .:'llonogram utmost ruul hcst journ.:tlistir 1'<'1'\'­ Club. and m cm­ icc to nil rcude~. b<>r· of Phi Al­ In ncrordanee with this polic~ . pha Theta. the ~ews invites all readers to In olh~>r as­ submit their f(l\ or able <'I' unfn\·or­ pects of sturlcntl TOOLE GETS TOOLED. Commotion pictured a bove began when ~ihlt> l!ommcub on the new fNt­ partici p a l i o n an unsuspecting Bernet resident put a nicl<el in one of the tm·e. Reaction to this nt•w l'el"'- icl' Grace has been recently installed coffee machines. To the amazement of the will dt.>IC'rmine whrtht•r it will he ven active. He buyer a nd the uncontrolled joy of his comrades, the unruly cuntmued. was a cancli­ contraption fum ed into a flowing geyser of chocolate, hot g in­ date for presi­ ger ale, a nd coffee of all description. Rapidly assuming the dent of the S'tu- Mr. Frunt, J. Dt•\'lln. Mt;lt;t· aura of a Na ge l's gathe ring, the lounge soon resounded to ant d<'nn of tht• ~l·hoo l of Knake d<>nt Union and Gra ce Daleske nlso an intra-I me lodious shouts of " Have a drink, have a drink, have a drink nu,ln••s.,, •Ufft•rl>(l a non·tm ru- on Toole!" Danie l Toole, who holds a lease on all campus drink­ bilc stroke Wednesday eve- wct'k. mur· I handball finalist. ing machines, arrived on the scene to be grt!eted by a riotous nlJUt.
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