fJr,J1vr1·~SITY OF H~.,.·1·· 1•,,,·.·,i'J Ll·,··-,-tJ liJ\1\ ';. arianas %riet.r;;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ews Den e is on Saipm1 Variety News Staff The Department confirmed the Dengue fever is a viral illness evening hours. sustaining a large outbreak simi­ A PATIENT who just got back case of the patient as dengue fever caused by the dengue virus. Hu­ Aedes aegypti, is a kind of mos­ lar to those currently sweeping from traveling in Micronesia has based on the report they received mans are the only- known reser­ quito that most effectively trans­ through the Pacific. been diagnosed with a severe form from the patient's serum they had voir of this virus. mits dengue fever. Fortunately, Aedes mosquitos breed and of dengue hemmorrhagic fever, tested in Hawaii. The virus is transmitted only this type of insects are absent on multiply around human dwellings the CNMI Department of Public But the patient has since recov­ through the bite of certain species Saipan, DPH said. (houses, apartments, barracks). Health found out from a labora­ ered from the illness, the Depart­ of female mosquitos· and is not But another type of mosquito, The Department of Public tory report. ment assures in a public advisory. transmitted from person to per­ the aedes albopictus can be found Health is currently dealing with son directly. Most female mos­ here though they transmit virus this by intiating an investigation quitos (of the aedes type) bite much less effectively. for secondary cases, conducting during the daytime and the early This species are less capable of Continued on page 45 Judiciary cuts budget by $3.8M By i=erdie de la Torre for $6,015,443. The Judiciary's reexamined their original bud­ Variety News Staff original budget submission was get submission to meet the bud­ THE JUDICIARY yesterday $9,843,914. get ceiling established by the trimmed its Fiscal Year 1999 "Ttie Judiciary looks forward Office of Management and Bud­ budget by $3.8 million by elimi­ to your untiring support and as­ get. nating some positions and other sistance so that access to our "In so doing, we have elimi­ items that will allegedly affect Courts will never be jeopardized nated positions and other bud­ its ability to operate the Judicial or compromised," said the request getary items which wi!I unques­ Complex. signed by acting Chief Justice tionably affect the court's abil­ Madame Anne Yui F. Lien, wife of the vice president of the Republic of The courts resubmitted to Edward Manibusan and Presid­ ity to operate and maintain the China (ROG) was the keynote speaker at the opening of the 15th Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio and the ing Judge Alexandro Castro. judicial complex," the judges Federation of Asian Women's Association convention going on at the Legislature a budget requesting The two judges said they have Continued on page 45 Guam Hilton Hotel. Photo by Eduardo c. Siguenza ·au~~'s decolonization}i Palau 1nay settle K-B Bridge suit Variety News Staff Palau has four months or until law may need revision~ REPRESENTATIVES of Palau August 21 to consider the defen­ By Jan Furukawa Decolonization Commission H government met with the defen­ dants' offer. · Variety News Staff has four months to prepare a : : dants in the K-B Bridge case this Given the complexity of the HAGATNA Guam-A plebi­ position paper, Commission :·: week in an effort to mediate a litigation and the timing of this scite on the status of this ten-i­ director Leland Bettis said yes- : : resolution to the litigation. settlement offer, the president's tory is being mulled and plans terday. t · The defendants have offered office will now begin a thorough are to have it conducted simul­ The law directs the commis­ $17.8 million to settle the matter assessment of the various options taneously with the upcoming sion to conduct "an extensive out of court, a news release from available for consideration to re­ primary elections in Septem­ public education program" the Office of the President said. solve this matter. ber. prior to the plebiscite. President Nakamura has di­ President Nakamura empha­ Voters are to choose from Commission members• rected Minister of Justice Elias C. sizes, however, that he and his agreed to announce task force , Chin, Minister of Resources and staff still examining the offer and among three options. indepen­ Kuniwo Nakamura dence, free association or state­ members at their next meeting, Development Marcelino Melairei that they will not make a decision hood. scheduled for May 14. and President's Legal Counsel law firm in San Francisco, to par­ until a full briefing on the matter The law that created the Continued on page 46 · Scott Campbell, along with law­ ticipate on behalf of the govern­ is completed and after consulta­ yers from Thelen, MmTin,Johnson ment at the mediation in San Fran­ tion with the collective leader- & Bridges LLP, the Republic's cisco, California. Contmuea on page 45 Tomokane to legislators: .. ~,- 'Do not politicize MVB' ._4ua 1:.:&l "politicizing" the tourism i1gency, and to be "more profes­ sional" when issuing statements about it. "If they want torevarnpMVB;· they just have to do it; they don't have to dig up something just to find reasons for the re­ vamp," said Anicia Tomokane, managing director of MVB. · Tomokane was reacting to a letter sent by Rep. Oscar Babauta to MVB Board Chair­ man Antonio Guerrero, in which Anicia Tomokane he lamented MVB 's alleged la:ck By Mar-Vic C. Munar of interest in the '99 Visit the Variety News Staff Marianas campaign, a prograrri A TOP official the Marianas initiated by private sectorto re- · Visitors Bureau yesterclay ap­ vitalize the CNMI's tourism pealed to the Legislature to stop Continued on page 45 To spin or not.to spi~. A student from Garap{:ln Elementary School tries her luck at a game during the 2nd Annual Recyc/mg Falf yesterday. Photo by Laila c. Younis - ----- ---------- -- __________________________________________FRIDAY,....:____::__--'-'--=---"=----=---'-'---'--'-:..:..___:__:.:...;;__....:.~-----___::__-=--....:.....:. APRIL 24, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND____ VIEWS-3_ ~MARiANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- APRIL 24, 1998 Arab League eyes I lauds Tinian casino By Rick Alberto He said the industry would like ers from various sectors includ­ tainmcnt, the casino will have Variety News Stall to sec the $200-million project ing the business community have 80 gaming tables and some 400 THE PRESIDENT of the Hotel succeed as its success "is the suc­ been invited to grace the opening slot machines with "a progres­ anti-terror pact Association of the Nonhern cess of the entire industry." rites. sive jackpot linking worth more Mariana Is\all(Js said yesterday The opening of the casino would Initially I 00 guest rooms will than $1 00.000 .. , By MAE GHALWASH ,\rab League building for the battkd Islamic fundamentalist ,.,l the soft opening of the five-swr enhance the attraction of the open, with others to follow "as It will also have a horse race CAIRO, Egypt (AP)-Guar,kd meeting. which began with the movements for years, had lob­ Tinian Dynasty Hotel am! Casino CNMl as a tourist destination. each floor is ready," the manage­ betting on a computerized me­ b) hunJrc:ds of police against pos­ r·ecitation of Koranic verses. bied for a pan-Arab anti-te1rnrist tomorrow is a positive dcvelop­ Sablan also s:1id. ment said. chanical race track equipped with sible 1e1Torist attacks. ministers Policemen surrounded the agreement for the past 1wo years. mt;nt in this time of tourism slump. The Tinian Dynasty will open The facility is owned by Hong sound and visual effects. of Arnb countries gathen:d bu i \ding and blocked small streets While guen·i\la massacres in "The opening (of the hotel and its doors to the public at 11 a.m. Kong Entertainment (Overseas) Four restaurants and lounges, W<.'dnesday !O put the final touches nearby. Security men perched on to A\geriaar~wellknown~ .theworld casino) will be a big boost the tomorrow, but the ribbon-cutting Investments, Ltd. two of them in the casino area, to a pact on 1·ighting terrorism. the roof. Everyone inside. includ­ was reminded of Egypt's plight industry," said Ro~iald Sablan, ceremony will take place at 3 p.111. According to an earlier re­ will initially operate to cater to The agreement sponsored by ingjournalists and delegates. was when suspected Islamic gueITil­ owner of the Pacific Gardenia C,ovemment officials and lead- lease from Hong Kong Enter- guests. the 22-member Arab League wi II escorted by plainclothesmen. las gunned down 58 foreigners I, Hotel. Ronald Sablan help the Arab worill '"direct its The strict security was a re­ and two Egyptians on Nov. 17 ·­r, energies" toward economic de­ minder that the threat of te1rnrism outside the tourist townofLuxor. ,-. $150M bond proposed to help velopment. an official statement remains as real in Egypt as in The anti-te1Toris111 pact, which ( issued before the meeting said. some other Arab countries, such had been in the works since 1987, Fireworks for '98 Interior and justice ministers as Algeria. calls on Arab countries to deny fund Tinian infrastructure plans t"ikd into a confl'rence h:ill of the Both countries. which have Corrtinuedon page 4·7 Lib-Day unlikely By Rick Alberto The $150-million bond is being Variety News Staff proposed after the recently floated By Jojo Dass "(S,1b\an) instructed his i"inan­ I\ S 150-MILLION bond tu fu11rJ $54.6-rnilliun bond of the Com­ Rwanda to execute 33 for genocide Variety News Staff cial mlviserto !'ind money.
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