Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 10-15-1971 The aB tes Student - volume 98 number 05 - October 15, 1971 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 98 number 05 - October 15, 1971" (1971). The Bates Student. 1627. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1627 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Student Gov't Debate Consensus: Creates Nominating No Ill-Repute Committees At Universities By Jonathan Smith By Jonathan Smith Monday night marked the be- Last Saturday's debate, the Sev- ginning of a new course for stu- enty-fifth Debate Gala, had mo- dent government at Bates. Thirty- ments of everything that debate two members out of forty-six elect- should be and actually results in. ed attended this first meeting and By a considerable margin, the audi- showed a bullish though some- ence was persuaded that American times perplexed attitude concern- Universities are indeed not havens ing the future course of the as- of ill-repute. Most of the credit for sembly. this result must be given to the The Constitution under which the second speaker for that side, Phil members operate is so unlimited, Ingerman '73. His cogent arguments that members will have to decide and polished style won the heaviest what procedures to follow during \t Satrs jlhtdettt applause of the evening. Phil ar- sessions, what constitutes a quorum, gued that the university provides a and the process of setting agendas *7W^ ?« Scxvice *7* *7&c @ommu*Uty" shelter not for ill-repute, but rath- before it will be able to tackle the er the development of ideas and deeper problems on campus. XCVIII OCT. 15, 1971 NO. 5 their expression. Not only did Phil Under the leadership of John draw audience approval but Oxford Stimmel (OFF) the assembly ap- debater Dennis Carter publicly pointed members of nominating praised his effort. committees for various student-fac- There were many other high- ulty committees. Serving on the Art Major at Bates lights to the evening's debate. Jeff nominating committee for Extra- Day, speaking for the affirmative, curricular, Admissions, and Study used a very effective theatrical de- Abroad Committees will be Paul vice in his well-received presenta- Brinkerhoff-^WA, Betsy Slocum— New Home and Courses tion. With the assistance of or- CHE, Tina Psalidas—PAR, and Herb ganist Robert Marion '73, Jeff illu- The academic year of 1971-72 at only those courses which are abso- Canaway—WA. On the Student minated several little-known bibli- Bates College has seen the emer- lutely essential to an understand- Couduct, Concert-Lecture, and cal passages concerning ill-repute. gence of the art department, from ing of the artistic world; a larger Freshman Orientation nominating Jane Pendexter '72, always at her a practical state of mere existence faculty would be better able to committee will be Bob Keyes—JB, Continued on Page 5, Col. 3 Charlie Brisk—JB, Rich Bayer—SM, to one of representation as an in- more effectively service both its Steve Lamson—FH, and Karen Har- tegral facet of the college communi- own interests and, most important- ris—PAR. Involved with the Educa- ty. This is in fact the first year in ly, those of the individual student. tional Policy, Commencement, and which work in the artistic field by Among those specialists which are Faculty Meeting Curriculum nominations are Karen an individual will be recognized most needed, according to Professor Blomquist—HA, Ken Sassorossi— through the awarding of an art ma- Lent, are a sculptor and an art his- The only notable action that oc- PAG, Chris Riser—OFF, Wayne Les- jor. torian. Such additions to the staff curred at last Friday's faculty meet- ter—WA, Jack McLean—CH, and Pe- In a discussion with Professor would make the department more ing was the approval of a propos- ter Sass—PAG. Finally, on Residen- Donald Lent, Chairman of the Art efficient and therefore more effec- al presented by President Reynolds. tial Life, Scholarship, and Library Department, some of the varied dif- tual; however, as in all similar in- It stated that students would be nominating committee will be Burt ficulties encountered in those ef- stances, it is a request which must permitted on faculty committees as Howe—PAG, Norman Olsen—HE, forts of establishing art as a major be either granted or rejected by the observers in the numbers as previ- Beth Palmer—MIT, Mel Bowler— at Bates and a few of the assorted administration, and so its eventual ously proposed by the College Gov- OFF, Sue Bates—HE, Charlie Rose educational concepts of the depart- fate is now uncertain. ernance Committee. On committees —RB, and Russ Sullivan—SM. ment itself were discussed. Among The courses of the art depart- where students are already mem- These committees were asked to the very greatest obstacles to suc- ment cover a wide range of sub- bers with voting privileges, these report their nominations within two cess in becoming a major field was jects, all concerned with either the voting rights would remain. How- weeks. All nomination sign up the limited size of the staff within actual formation of artistic skills ever, any additional members add- sheets will be up until Monday. the artistic area of study; this be- within the studio or in the percep- ed to these committees as proposed In other business, the Assembly comes especially important when tual study of art history, a view- by the Governance Committee would voted Professor Turlish as a tem- one considers that the accomplish- ing of the great artistic triumphs not have voting rights. porary advisor, voted a temporary ments of any department must ne- which have been produced by man- Again, this proposal was passed. agenda committee, and voted John cessarily be limited and dictated by kind through the course of history. It was noted that this is only an Stimmel as continuing temporary the number of accomplished people The theory behind such instruction interim action. Furthermore, the chairman. working within the bounds of that is very practical in its relative faculty segment of the College Gov- The next meeting was held Thurs- field of concentration. A small staff simplicity, holding as true the ernance Committee was reactivated day night. in the art department can offer concept that a humanistic dis- to study the question of student- cipline must provide a thorough faculty committees and, hopefully, comprehension of many of those produce some recommendations for New Bookstore Opens Continued on Page 5, Col. 1 the November faculty meeting. Worth Waiting For by Stephanie Buidwood country, and more clothing. Event- One of the first visible results ually more of the "new approach" of the renovation of Chase Hall is in greeting cards, and perhaps even the new Bates College Bookstore, blacklight posters will be offered. located across from the Post Office. So far Mr. Remy has run across The Bookstore finally opened Octo- only minor operational problems. ber 4, although it was to have been He does plan, however, to strictly officially completed this past July. enforce the new rule that books are Numerous strikes affecting steel de- to be left out in the bookdrop; and livery, painters, and carpenters de- there is to be no smoking since layed opening for nearly three the nylon carpeting makes smok- months. ing hazardous. At the present time, the Bookstore Finally, the hours of the new has been expanded to three times bookstore will be slightly different the size of the former Bookstore from the old. At present, the book- and, according to George Remy, the store is open from 8:30-5, although new general manager, it plans to it is closed from 12-1. Ultimately it hold three times the amount of will not close from 12-1, but will stock as the former bookstore. Fu- be closed on Saturdays, except dur- ture plans call for L. P. Albums, ing special affair weekends. to meet student's demands. Let's inconveniences worthwhile. a wider selection of paperbacks in So far the new bookstore has hope that the rest of the recon- newer editions, hardbound editions been a vast improvement over last struction can offer comparative When will the coatroom be fin- of the top ten best sellers in the year's facilities, and has been able services, and makes all our present ished? TWO BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, OCTOBER 15, 1971 opinion of the Outing Club? By the On Friday evening, Oct. 15th, the way, that would be a good term pa- Film Board will present "Days of All those students (tooth on per topic for some one who is tak- Wine & Roses'* at 8 P.M. in the Lit- and off campus) wanting to ing persuasion second semester. tle Theatre. The film, starring Jack serve on faculty-student commit- Speaking of the Club's image, Lemmon and Lee Remick, is a real- tees, please sign up on the poster however, there is a movement un- istic portrayal of the nightmarish hanging up by the Common's derfoot to give the Outing Club an existence of the alcoholic. It was dinner line. Sign-ups will be over image in the shape of a cartoon- nominated for five Academy this Monday, Oct. 18. type character who would represent Awards, including best actor and MORE INFO LINE P.
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