GRAPHIC 1 Los Angeles, California, Wednesday, March 30, 1938 NUMBER VOLUME 1 George Pepperdine College, E. H. Ijams Coming Here To Speak at First Graduation Marilyn Holds Open To Seattle Mrs. Tiner Heads To Lipscomb Dean Tiner To Speak House Saturday New ‘Faculty Wives' At David Lipscomb Wives of Faculty Mem- Dormitory To Be Lipscomb President, form- Women’s bers Organize To Aid Open for Inspection In er Southern California School Social Activities Speak Afternoon and Evening Resident, To Here June Exercises The wives of the Faculty of At 10 Open house Marilyn wo- at Hall, George Pepperdine College and the men’s be held Sat- dormitory, will wives of the Trustees of the col- urday in afternoon from 2:30 An exchange arrangement the lege have formed an organization 5:30 and in evening from until the to be known as “Faculty Wives.” vhereby Dr. E. H. Ijams, pres- until 10:30 Miss Mid- 7:30 o’clock, At a meeting in the home of Mrs. of David Lipscomb Col- dlebrooks announces. ident William P. Reedy last Wednesday iege, will deliver the first com- The afternoon reception is plan- a constitution was adopted and ned for the and at George mainly faculty the following officers elected: Mrs. mencement address friends of the school. The night Hugh Tiner, president; Mrs. Russell Pepperdine College and Dean session see the set, will younger Squire, vice-president; and Mrs. Ed- Hugh M. Tiner will go to including students, both dormitory ward C. Petty, secretary. their Nashville to speak at the Lips- and day, and friends, inspect- The aim of the group is to be- ing the building. comb graduation was announ- come better acquainted with one by Miss Middlebrooks emphasizes another and to be better able to ced yesterday to Graphic that she will be pleased to have perform any social service for the Dr. Baxter. any friends call, either in the after- school that they might be called The Lipscomb exercise at which noon or night. “Everyone who is upon to perform. The ladies have the Dean Tiner will speak is on interested in George Pepperdine taken the task of beautifying the DR. BATSELL BAXTER DEAN HUGH M. TINER morning of June 2. The G.P.C. College is invited,’’ she says. circle in front of the Administra- of our four seniors will Day students and their friends tion building as their first project. graduation be June 10. This enables both a special Thursday morning they were out have invitation. speakers to be present at their Boarding men are asked to dress TO ACT planting flowers in the area. PACIFIC CHOIR N.A.C. own school’s exercises. for Saturday night dinner. A spe- Mrs. Batsell Baxter and Mrs. Tin- probably travel cial seating arrangement be a er entertained the ladies at their Dean Tiner will will ON G.P.C. BID SINGS SUNDAY train and will re- feature of this meal. Freshmen first meeting January 28. On Feb- to Nashville by Dr. Ijams to the G.P.C. will wait tables. ruary 16 Mrs. Petty and Mrs. Pep- turn with graduation. leaves Angeles perdine entertained at Mrs. Petty’s The a capelia choir of the Col- Dr. Baxter Los will re- Friday morning to attend the meet- home. Mrs. Reedy held the meet- lege of the Pacific of Stockton, Southern Californians Welch in Charge of March 16. member President Ijams as the ing of the accrediting commission ing will appear in concert Sunday af- Chapels Now has audi- former minister of the Central Student of the Northwest Association of The group chosen the third ternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the in Los Angeles Colleges in Seattle April 4. Wednesday of each month as the torium of the Southwest Church of Church of Christ Students chapels for the spring regular meeting date. Mrs. A. J. Christ. until he went to Lipscomb in 1934. He will appear before the com- U.S.C. quarter began yesterday with Alon- Dumm will be hostess at the April The concert is under the auspices He did his graduate work at mission Monday afternoon to pre- as- zo Welch in charge. Louis Stivers, meeting. of George Pepperdine College and here. He and Dr. Baxter were Lip Crothers, and Bobby King had sent George Pepperdine College’s sociated in the work at Lipscomb formal application for admission Southwest, and the general public parts on the program. Welch is to attend. The for several years. to the association, the standard is invited concert to conduct the chapel throughout could not be at Two of the four seniors gradu- accrediting group for the Pacific given the college the quarter. because of the limited seating ca- ating here this year—Paul Tucker Coast. He will return home Mon- pacity of the auditorium. and Carmen Landrum—are former- day night. FOOL! There are APRIL students of Lipscomb. Eighty-two Courses we a good “We feel that have 19 other former Lipscomb students chance of the Offered This Quarter getting recognition That’s the name of the big jam- Rates on Spring Vacation in school here. first year,” he said yesterday. The boree that Cap ’n’ Bells is sponsor- Lipscomb graduation is an Eighty-two separate 20 College has been very careful to Excursions Are Quoted The courses, ing for the student body Friday outdoor morning exercise under of which are new courses, are of- conform to every requirement of night from 7:00 until 10:00 o’clock. great trees that a deep shade. fered here this quarter in the 12 the association. shed Tickets at 15 cents are now avail- Miss Middlebrooks has been Dr. Baxter said yesterday that the departments. A total of 222 hours Two inspectors from the associ- able on the campus from Annie working on the trips being con- G.P.C. graduation will also be held of credit work is offered. ation who were here February 25, Pearl Perry, Willabeth Schmidt, sidered for the spring holidays. She outdoors. although expressing surprise that Sylvia Andersen, Ethelrose Orloff. reported yesterday that the round George Pepperdine would apply the Leave your weighty matters with trip to Catalina will be three dollars S.W. Merchants very first year instead of wait'ng the ticket sellers and meet your per student if enough make the another year, said they were “very foolish friends in the Administra- trip. She can charter a bus, she Business Students Meet at G. P. C. pleased.” “This college looks like tion auditorium at seven. From said, to take students beyond Bak- it has been running several years,” there you will go to some mighty ersfield to the desert at a cost of they agreed. exciting places—so don’t be late! $1.25 per person. Are Forming Club Approximately 150 merchants of the Vermont-Manchester Business About Our Faculty—Vlll Students in the business admin- Association held their meeting in istration department and students the G.P.C. auditorium Monday eve- ning. Professor Kelley Is Another One of George Pepperdine with jobs off the campus met re- cently to form a club which will The Southwest civic organization bring outstanding business men to heard a program on by College's Native Texans Come to Southern California put talent the college to deliver addresses in in this section, including three song (This is number in Burroughs Junior School li- the field of business administra- by the Pepperdine male quartet. eight a series.) High tion. The Graphic business manager, out By LOUISE BABB brary. He came directly from his “The G.P.C. Chamber of Com- yesterday drumming up Prof. Otis Kelley may be an ex- Burbank work to George Pepper- business, merce” was the name suggested reports that at least ample of Dean Tiner’s statement, dine College last September. three Vermont by the club. It named five merchants told him “The reason the boys from Texas Mr. Kelley’s college activities and commit- the G.P.C. quar- teemen—Albert Lovelady, Richard tet furnished the best entertain- grow so tall is that they stay gr.een associations were and are many; Gibson, Leland Derrick, Lip Croth- ment on the program. so long.” But don’t get us wrong. it is hard to see how he squeezed ers, and Jimmy Edwards—to dis- We are not venturing the assertion in his studies, but we know him cuss the type of organization the that Mr. Kelley was a green youth, as a man who is thorough in any- group will follow. but we do know that he is an- thing he sets out to do. His ac- Under the sponsorship of Mr. DoYou other of our native Texans and complishments show us that he did Pet- KnowThese ty, the club meet this that his six find time, for will after- height is just about however, superior noon 208 work in room to perfect or- feet three. in both academic and extra- ganization. New Students Yet? He was born in Newport, Texas, curricular activities. September 27, 1908, where he lived At U.S.C. he was a member of Eleven new students from four until 1918. In the latter year he the freshman debating team and ing, reading for pleasure, and mu- states were among the 151 students moved to Eastern New Mexico, gra- debated at Pasadena J.C., Compton sic, both listening and playing in who had been registered with Mr. duating from Clovis High school J.C., Long Beach J.C., and Glendale bands and orchestras. The only Campbell by noon yesterday. They in that state in 1927.
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