Box 49, Park Rapids, Minn. (56470). 435 -2875. 833. (56649). Rainy River State Junior College. Minnesota KEHG Radio Inc. Format: Ed. See page B-3 for explanation of listings Net: NBC. Rep: Walton; McDermott. Spec Wallace A. Simpson, pres; Andrew J. Marlow, progs: C &W 4 hrs wkly. stn mgr; Lawrence T. Bernent, prog dir; WEBC 1924: 560 khz; 5 kw, DA -2 1001 E. 9th E. P. DeLa Hunt Jr., pres & gen mgr; Marshall Richard R. Hill, chief engr. St. (55805). 728 -4484. TWX 910 -561 -0056. C. Nichols, stn mgr. Park Bcstg Inc. (acq 1968). See Park Bcstg Inc. KEHG -FM June 13, 1969: 107.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant Litchfield (612) Meeker county Net: ABC/C. Rep: Katz. Format: Contemp. 110 ft. Dup KEHG 20%. Roy H. Park, pres; Robert Grann, gen mgr; KLFD Jan 2, 1959: 1410 khz; 500 w -D. Box 919. Dave R. Gordon, mus dir; Gary Grams, prog Golden Valley (612) Hennepin county (55355). 693 -3212. Litchfield Bcstg Corp. (acq dir; R. F. Mabrey, chief engr. 3- 1 -64). WGGR(FM) July 1970: 105.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant KQRS May 13, 1948: 1440 khz; 5 kw -D. 500 w- Rep: Walton. 750 ft. 125 W. Superior St. (55802). 727 -7449. N, DA -N. 917 N. Lilac Dr., Minneapolis Herb Gross, pres; Bernie Aaker, gen mgr; Rick Titanic Corp. Stereo. (55422). 545 -5601. Hudson Bcstg Corp. Stuart, prog dir; Ralph Anderson, chief engr. Rep: Meeker; Wayne Evans (Minneapolis). Rep: Meeker. Format: Progressive radio. KLFD -FM Aug 30, 1968: 95.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant Format: Beautiful Music. James A. McKenna, Jr., pres; Dick Poe, gen 105 ft. Dup KLFD 80%. William D. Gregory, pres; John Bartikoski, gen mgr & sls mgr; Richard Nelson, coml mgr mgr; Jack Christensen, prog dir. Allen Stone, prog dir; Wayne Selly, chief engr. Little Falls (6/2) Morrison county WWJC (See Superior, Wis.) KQRS -FM Sept I, 1963: 92.5 mhz; 27 kw horiz; 6.8 kw vert. Ant 210 ft. Dup KQRS 100%. KLTF October 1950: 960 khz; 5 kw -D. 70 East Grand Forks (218) Polk county Stereo. Northeast First Ave. (56345). 632 -5414. Little KUXL Oct 27, 1961: 1570 khz; I kw-D. 5730 Falls Bcstg Co. (acq 12 -52). KRAD Aug 14, 1959: 1590 khz; 1 kw DA -N. Duluth Street, (55422). 544-3196. Universal John H. Lemme, pres & gen mgr; Richard J. Box 560. (56721). 773 -2424. Inc. KRAD Bcstg Co. of Minneapolis-St. Paul Inc. (acq 12- Rudeck, coml mgr; John T. Peck, prog dir; Marlin T. Obie, pres; Jack French, gen mgr; 64). Harriet Turner, prom mgr; Gordon Lommen, John French, prom mgr & news dir; Austin Net: MBS /Black. Rep: Dora -Clayton; UBC news dir & chief engr. Kramer, prog dir & chief engr. Sls. Format: R &B Spec progs: Black 42 hrs; Yiddish or Hebrew 2 hrs, all wkly. Long Prairie (612) Todd county Ely (218) St. Louis county Marvin Burton Kosofsky, pres; Jim Peterson gen & coml mgr; Mike Cunningham, prog dir; KEYL September 1959: 1400 khz; I kw -D, 250 WELY Oct 2, 1954: 1450 khz; I kw -D, 250 w- Jimmy Smith, mus dir; Joel Hodroff, chief engr. N. Box 540. (55731). 365 -3285. Northern Lakes w -N. 139 Central Ave. (56347). 732 -2164. Dairyland Bcstrs Inc. (acq 2- 1 -67). Spec progs: Corp. (acq 9- 1 -68). Grand Rapids (218) Itasca county Net: ABC /1; Keystone. Rep: Hurley. Format: C&W 40 hrs wkly. MOR. Ken Eidenschink, pres & gen mgr; Bob Miller, KOZY January 1948: 1490 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w- V. T. Hallett, pres & gen mgr; Everett Louns- coml mgr; Al Eggan, news dir; Norm Wettstein, N. 2131 N. First Ave., W. (55744). 326 -3446. chief engr. berry, chief engr. Itasca Bcstg.Co. Net: MBS. Luverne Eveleth (218)51. Louis county Robert D. Kennedy, pres & gen mgr; B. J. (507) Rock county Germ, prog & news dir; Ross Fesenmeyer, chief WEVE Dec 1948: 1340 khz; I kw -D, 250 w -N. KQAD March I, 1971: 800 khz; 500 w DA -D. engr. Box H (56156). 283-4444. Siouxland Bcstg Inc. Box 650. (55734). 741 -5922. Mesabi Comm NEW FM Not on air, target date unknown 96.7 Systems Inc. (4 -72). Net: ABC /I; Keystone. Rep: Walton. Com- mhz; 3 kw. Ant 125 ft. Same licensee as KOZY. Net: MBS. munications Sls. Format: MOR. Format: Contemp, C &W Spec progs: C &W 30 Paul C. Hedberg, pres; Harold L. Norman, mgr hrs wkly. Hastings (612) Dakota county & chief engr; Tony Coloff, pro dir. Carl Bloomquist, pres; Ray Kent, gen mgr; Joe KQAD -FM 1971: 100.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 240 ft. I 18001 Cerar, prog dir & chief engr; Joe Russ, mus dir; KDWA Oct 24, 1963: 1460 khz; kw -D. Same licensee as KQAD. Robert Aro, news dir. Vermillion St. (55033). 437 -3182. Hastings Bcstg Co. Mankato (507) Blue Earth county Rep: Bolles. Fairmont (507) Martin county David L. Baudoin, pres, gen mgr & chief engr; KEYC -FM Apil 1, 1968: 99.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Lyle Trowbridge, coml mgr; John Trog, prog KSUM Jan I, 1949: 1370 khz; I kw, DA -2. Box 860 ft. Stereo. Box 1210. (56001). 387 -7905. Lee 491. (56031). 235 -5595. Woodward Bcstg Inc. dir; Dick Lee, news dir. Enterprises Inc. (acq 11-15-62). Rep: H -R. Rep: Webb. Hibbing (218) St. Louis county Merritt Milligan, VP; Donald G. Harrer, gen Charles V. Woodward, pres & gen mgr; Dick mgr; Paul Tarrant, trans supvr; Dave Hooge, Mahar, news dir; Clint Knapp, chief engr. WMFG 1935: 1240 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. Box studio supvr; Robert Fruehe, natl sls mgr. 99, 807 W. 37th St. (55746). 263 -7531. Hibbing KEYC -TV affil. Bcstg Co. (acq 3- 14 -60). *KMSU(FM) 90.5 mhz; IO w. Faribault (507) Martin county Mankato State Net: ABC. Rep: Bolles; Hurley. Format: MOR. College. (56001). 389 -2921. Mankato State Frank P. Befera, pres; Lester Rutstein, gen & College. KDHL Jan 10, 1948: 920 khz; 5 kw, DA -2. 213 coml mgr; Keith Knox, prog dir; Dick Nord - Stephen C. Wolf, dir of radio & chief engr; Central Ave. (55021). 334 -4345. KDHL Bcstg vold, news dir; Conrad Gabrielson, chief engr. Robert E. Johnson, prog dir. Co. WMFG-FM 1971: 106.3 mhz; 600 w. Ant 270 KTOE 1950: 1420 khz; 5 kw, DA -N. Box 1420. Net: MBS. Rep: Grant Webb. Spec progs: ft. Same licensee as WM FG. (56001). 345 -4537. Minnesota Valley Bcstg Co. C&W 73 hrs wkly. Net: ABC. Rep: Savalli /Gates. J. E. Hyde, pres, & gen mgr; Palmer Dragsten, Don Linden, pres; Willard Smith, gen mgr; Bob coml mgr; James Lundquist, sports dir; Dean Hutchinson (612) McLeod county Gagne, prog dir; Tom Lehtinen, prom mgr; Rik Curtis, farm dir; G. Boyum prog dir; Bruce KDUZ Sept 16, 1953: 1260 khz; I kw-D. Box Jordan, news dir; Harley Engel, chief engr. Hagauik, news dir. 32. (55350). 896 -1555. North American Bcstg KYSM July 25, 1938: 1230 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w- KDHL -FM May 15, 1968: 95.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant Co. N. Box 1240, 101 N. Second St. (56001) 345- 280 ft. Prog sep from KDHL. Stereo. Rep: Hopewell. Format: Variety. 4673. F. B. Clements & Co. Albert S. Tedesco, pres; Heinz R. Fruck, gen Net: NBC. Rep: Walton. Format: General Fergus Falls (218) Otter Tail county mgr & news dir; Terry Schirmers, coml mgr & interest. prog dir; Darrell Gander, chief engr. Larry Dick Painter, gen mgr; Cy Roemer, coml mgr: KBRF Oct 20, 1926: 1250 khz; I kw, DA -N. Graf, prom mgr. Dan Bendickson, prog dir; Jim Tessien, news 494. (56537). 736 Box -7596. Empire Bcstg Sta- KDUZ -FM June 6, 1968: 107.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant dir; Archie Erickson, chief engr. tions. (acq 8- I -67). 195 ft. Dup KDUZ 100%. KYSM -FM April 1948: 103.5 mhz; 81 kw. Ant Net: MBS. Rep: Savalli /Gates; Hurley. Spec 530 ft. Dup KYSM 100%. progs: C&W 40 hrs wkly. International Falls (218) Koochiching Otto A. Korp, pres & gen mgr; Don H. Fritzell, county Maplewood (612) Washington coml mgr; Larry B. Nornes, prog dir; John A. county Brush, news dir; Harry Hammond, chief engr. KGHS Sept I, 1959: 1230 khz; 250 w. Box 591. WJSW Sept 7, 1967: 101 khz; 250 w -D, DA. KBRF-FM Jan 19, 1968: 103.3 mhz; 28.5 kw. (56649). 283 -3481. KGHS Inc. (acq 11-1-60). 1845 Stinson Blvd, Minneapolis (55418) 781- Ant 270 ft. Prog sep from KBRF. Stereo. Net: ABC; Minn Star Net. Rep: Devney. 3165. Voyageux Bcstg Co (acq 10-69). Format: MOR. Format: Polka, old time, C &W, Fun radio. Fosston (218) Polk county Daniel D. Ganter, pres & gen mgr; Jack D. Spec progs: Sp I hr. wkly. Herman, news dir; Otis Bergvall, chief engr. Diane Frerichs, pres; Jack Moore, gen mgr & KEHG December 12, 1966: 1480 khz; 5 kw -D. KICC(FM) March 1970: 91.5 mhz: 10 w. Box coml mgr; John Ptak, prog dir; Dick Roisland, 1973 Broadcasting Yearbook B-106 .
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