Issued V/ciMy, ffntMed «* t'econd-Cioao Hotter at tbo Po»t- VOLUME LII,NO.37r , ofllee at Bad Bunk, U. J., uatltc. tbs Act o( March u, l«». RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1930. S1.50 PER YEAR PAGES i ,/fO Mr. Hall as having shown sympathy SCHOOL IIK1SSS CONVENTION. and assistance. Among other things NEW PEACE OF WORSHIP. SCHOOL FIRE A MYSTERY, FOR- POOL these young women used their auto- Bed Bank StudentB to Attend Meet- TO SEL $50,000 IN BONDS WAR ON fAGRANT mobiles to take the blind men to ings at Columbia. University. AN AEO&WE 'OS tlin NEWMAN LEONARDO PBOPBIM'Jr BOUGHT places for rehearsals and shows. The HOUSE IS BEING CONVERTED A CURIOUS INCIDENT AT CRAW- ISSUE AUTHORIZED U\ RED George Wolcott, Ruth Straus, WARNING SERVED ON AW, MKl» / SPRINGS RO/UO, FOB THIS P young women have also acted as INTO A FOKD'S COBNEK LAST WEEK. BANK YACHT CLUB. ushers at tho shows. Kathryn Coulon, Fred Zwelfel and BANK DOG OWNKEliB. Xlm Blind Mcn'n Club of New Set- Mr. Hall said that he could not too Tho Christian Scientists of Red Tho I'lto Did Not Do Much Damage, Roberta Scott, members of tho Rod Uoatjact f«r New «ci! Bnnk Buy- Bank high school Round Table The Club Will Sell UOfiw Worth of |IR Town Official*) Annniinon Thrir ing AVUl bo Awartlcd this Week m-y Awards « Contract to Louis strongly express his gratitude to the Bank Will Hold Services In tho But It Occurred Under Conditions .staff, and Miiis Adeline Reed, Bonds Immediately, $25,000 of Lions cluba of this pat t of Monmouth House on Broad Street, Formerly Which Indicate That a Firebug Is Intention of Enforcing (fa \tm or- mill tte> Work Wit! lie Started Next I.mler to, Ilulld Bummer Vacation faculty advisor, -will attend the Which Will I'»y for the Property dinance Which Itciiulrra All Joists Week—To Coat §40,000. Quarters for $13,000. county for what they had done. Hu Owned by Louis J. Slellng. nt large. sixth annual convention of the Co- Recontly Bought by tho Club. Six contractors of Red Bank end said they had contributed financially to b« Registered. ' Tho Blind Men's club of New Jer- and In other ways. Mr. Hall's play The Louis J. Hiding house on A mysterious fire which has baffled lumbia scholastic press association At a meeting of the Red Banlt vicinity .will submit bides this wcok sey, a^ Btato organlzatlbn with 75 Broad street almost directly opposite _he attempts of everyone who haa Friday and Saturday of this week Warfare has boon declared by tha for a building for bowling allcyB and of "Blind Life" has not been pro- 'acht club last week a bond issue of mayor and council of Hod lian'li mj members, has bought from tho Louis duced at Hod Bank, but if piano go Waverly place, which waa bought a sought to solve U occurred laat weeK at Columbia university. One of the $50,000 was authorized. Letters have pool playing at the eouthwest .corner Hollup cstato a lot, 60x200 feet, on short time ego by tho First Church at tho Crawford's Corner Bchoolhouao features of Friday's program will be vtigrant unregistered ilogu. Aeeoid* of Newman Springs road ond Laurel through as arranged it will be given been mailed to members offering Ing to Htatomentn niutln by the tnwm Bcilcvuo avenue- at Leonardo. The In connection with the Liona etata of Christ Scientist In Red Bonk, Is n Holmdel township. Early In the a vlislt to the New York Tribune them an opportunity to participate In street, on tho Oriole Paris develop- property fronts on Baritan bay.** On being remodeled for use aa a place of morning o£ tiic day when the flro oc- plant. On Saturday there will be a he purchase of this issue. if lolald a drive against nil f,uch <1<W i ment. It ia expected that/lbo work convention which is tu be held here. worship for Christian Scientists. The curred the janitor of the schoolhouso convention dinner and a presentation vlll be started In a few dnya and It will be started next week. thlu property the club will build a Of, the $50,000 but .$40,000 will be llnd men's home 'for summer uae.' alterations will be completed about noticed that tho hot water heater in of the Columbia varsity show. 3old at the present time, $25,000 of viu bo continued until all uni'egl.w James AaerrtL'oI Red Bank and An- Tho contract has been awarded to April 1st. the building was overheated. Every ivhlch Is) for the payment of the '•red ,logo aro captured. Thftf.thci thony Mazzuceo of Long Branch Louis Lodcr of Highlands for $15,000. Two rooms on the Drst floor have draft was turned off. yet there was a Kennedy property on Eaat Front •fliclals mean buBlneim and are nots bought tho cornel•^property a few The work waa started thls-week, and AEO BANQUET. been converted into ono largo room raging fire. The janitor shook all of street, which waa bought recently by nercly making a threat is Indicator! weeks ngo from tho Bod Bank dc- the house will bo completed by June which will bo used as an auditorium. the live coals out of the furnace and DEBATE AT HAMlOffflE the club. The remaining $15,000 will by the fact that copies of a dog ordl. volopmcnt company for $2,500. They 15lli. Mr. Loder will do the carpen- TO HE HELD AT THOMAS'S INN At one end of the auditorium will be started a new lire. It was a mystery bo used in redecorating and furnish' ico passed in 1025 have been dt< will liavo tho building constructed ter work. Ho IIOB sub-lot tho mason a platform for the readers. Another to him how the furnace got so hot HIGH SCHOOL TEAM TO GO TO ing tho house and converting it into Hvcrod nt all Red Bonk homen by and» they •will conduct the bowling contract to D. A. Caruso of Atlantic NEXT WEDNESDAY. room adjoining the auditorium when everything was turned off. a modern clubhouse with card roomu lullccmcn during tho past week, alleys and pool room. Tho plans pro- Highlands; will be, a salesroom where tho works Late in the afternoon, after school SOUTH JERSEY. IOOI room and ball room, grill, guest rohn Drummond, the town do# Itnlph H. Uptsoii, Designer of All of Mary Baiter Eddy, the discoverer :atclicr, will bo assisted by the, pa. vldo for a building, 50x135 feet, with A house wae formerly on the prop- ' Metal Dirigible, Will bo the I'rln- was dismissed, the janitor returned rooms, etc. lice force In capturing tha dogu, a whlto brick front and with en- erty bought by tho Blind Men's club. and founder of Christian Science, to the building and lie found an Red Bank Will be Represented by a A bulkhead will be built on the clpnl Speaker—Club to Take in 100 Green Sqund, but Intcnslvo Ke- Numerous complaints have hcnri closures of hollow tilo and Btucco on This houso and two houses on ad- Associate Members. may. be purchased. Another room on alarming condition of affairs. The river front and a dock 200 feet long tho other throb Bides. There will be joining properties were destroyed by tho first floor will be a reading room school room was filled with amoko seareh Work and Practice Will will be erected. At the end of tho received of late about damage nnd eight Brunswiok-Balko alleys, and flro a year or BO ago. Tho work of Ralph H. Upson of Broad street, nnd will bo open to the public and the floor was so hot that the jan- Probably Offset Inexperience. dock will be the floating clubhouse annoyance being cauood by dogtt four pool tables. clearing away the debris of tho Hail- one of tho designers of tho all metal Wednesday and Saturday afternoons itor was unable to placo his hands on :oajnlng at large, Tho growing die- The affirmative team of the Red which has been anchored In the river satisfaction over this conditions • Mr. Accrra and Mr, Mazzucco state up houso was finished last week, dlrlglblo ZNC-2 of the United StateB from half-past two to half-past four it more than a few moments. Going Bank high school debating society <>ver thirty years. lc w The prlco of thi property was $2,800. navy and winner of tho Wright o'clock. Later this room may be nto the basement, the janitor found caused the town ofllelais to take ac< thaj " y '" specialize in tho uso .if has about ended its prepara- Thomas S. Flold, Jr., vice commo- tlon. Tho ordinance which waa tholr alloys for women bowlers and This Is regarded aa a bargain figure brothers' medal for a technical paper opened dally. the furnace red hot, despite the fact tion for the debato with Hammon- dore, presided at last week's meet- in renting tho alleys to -teams. They by persons familiar with real estate on wings, will bo the principal speak- There will be three rooms upstairs. that all the dampers and other ton high school of South Jersey on ing in the absenco of Commodore >assed in 1925 provides that all dogs Btato that tho building and equip- values at Leonardo. The owners of er at the third annual dinner of the One will bo a Sunday-school room, an- checks wore turned off.
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