

•«r- T * 4 ^ MWM -.*....- ! ^" a Jr-iw^FW-iT v ')*' - f '•* •' ^#%Ah SK3^jy*J Smlt-ai •mn\>*l»,'t%*i*"K-*ti'* «W-^lf ^• •"JJ" • -".•*"•«*#- - ^^ -jfc- .- v - —- -n— RifiPS^F'" ttfff^f^TfTT'*i I'^^^fi^ft ytfWp®*hS:tV •"*•; r i&fl^fe''*' '^.^r^'>" iiiiwmiin fjW ' "laig'''1 i' I'.IT ii.', iiji.ii niiir, ..A fo^SsSn* Pla^lfi French -Jbtf Members hi the French Qlvda of i$pkw^„.$Lm Sacred Heart will be hostesses to the French piubs of St. a ins ,Agne& High- School, Our. Lafly of Mercy High School and Naaareth Academy on Sunday fit" MVthot^nphU %|rfe» afternoon, March fr - ' FeroilV Rosary Highlight of the afternoon will be a two-act play, "Sainte Geni camping season.- With a total evieve," presented by the Acad- ena^.of .th^.SacEcd, H^art French Wo Specialize In 'eiubV;"' "•:" -•--^•-w Saturday, March 5 — Bert -vMtes Patricia DispeiKa; facifttl, ••(:• |WML ciftnp #**$• Bayer, Our Mother of Sorrows; advisor, has announced the fol­ |or, tpyi!^4ri}vfiN$-fte parents Sunday, March .6 — Edward lowing cast: Beverley DeLucia, :^pt.%ja^^-Mj0«M^ttiy fait regj* R. Vallot, Immaculate Concep­ tion, accompanied by the Knifhts Sandra Bellanca, Julie McGraw, of St. Peter Claver and Ladies Marion Murray, Marion Grauertt I Auxiliary* Andrea Iuppa, Katherlne F4nt Monday, March 7 — Philip L. gan, Rosalie Coojc;,, ; • #P^MIiS^feaj«bte' tot «he Qabello, St Andrews; Also Michael Ann Mullen, Ron- Tuesday, March 8 — Leonard nie McJilton, JPeggy^ Seun>r|k L. Kamien, fct Theresa's; Felice Petry.i^lladge Drysdalf, Wednesday, March 9 -A- Nich­ M&Williiittt WtM weather Paula Ferrari, Mary MacNamarl, ^Jjctelflg the toeettoj^ Wisp: olas Bozzelli, Most Precious |§|g^«y dfe«p>9ln^| Rlpod;- bean Maloney, Susan Hayes, fmpir SfcFarlaJui sa|fl. t . ' |C.; ;, Thursday, March 10 — John E. Jackie Lomenzo and Judy Red-* ^e^t^oi the' .popi^fijr of O'Brien, SS. Peter & Paul, ac- dingtoii. I uiiT)|i i ijiTXP" ^"'JU J'^U'tUJ'^'li'M1 '-"iPd ompanied by Laymen's Retreat League; SEIIVING AS hostesses at a _ Jents are/ f&;> t&yfm*N$ ft ,1»j: Friday, March 11 — Edward tea to be given immediately" fol­ already fllled. To dispeHi any jru- L Bourne, St. Anne. lowing the performance will be: MpTp, the camp office announced Sandra Sestltio, Rosemary Statt ||$95? tlmt there ana.places for Edna Elser, Mamie Imburgia, ;toth--boys~and girlsjjiat.warned, iarents'not to delay"in register­ Joyee-La4osa;-Maiy-Patrfcia- 's*- Adam, Sally Maloney, Silvia PI- Anyone planning to send a te .'ont. Jpani^^Si»uita.^nf|:-Ma^ W g!rl*fd^ Tan^'W^'WonWfl^ff Juie Scott. !*E$ further Information, Js asked to Activities of the afternoon wttT call PA)ter-7400r Ask foe" Camp conclude with Benediction of the ASE jSteUa Maris, The ca1flip~Tseci;etary Blessed Sacrament in the Con­ WW* ivBrbe-glaeVto^ onswfer-ctuestlons, vent Chapel. or^, writer Camp Stella Marls, 50 -FOfV: W^WWD fa Vallek Pwrlft Mo., Slater M. MaKdatenm Chestnut St, Rochester 4, N, Y. the'fonner^aiherlhetJrlachep. of Rochester, U remembered by Officers of the French Club her many charges in Pusan, Koniy where she Is shown above are: Andrea luppa, president; with two of them. PALACE Dean Malaney, secretary^ and. The Racers - " B Rosalie Cook, treasurer. LITTLE M.—TMt. Day Supper, The Seventh Veil * B City MaryknoJIer Spends REGENT Dance SI< The Country Girl A-2 LOEWS Violent Men A-2 Nearly 20 years of werkingr with the Chinese and PARAMOUNT ji Isti f * ». ,. Dreans, has'brought Maryhnoll's Sister M. Magdalena of Far Country A-l m *ghesteir to many parts of China and Korea. WhUe^h China, wagiiplaced under house - 7T -~XBnmnmtets i entef ion in i9zrr"She *^v ..'- - i in. attended Our Lady of Perpetual Movies <: t Alter her expulsion from China Help school and Nazareth*Acad­ On TV ;|illt;JWIBO|telIlli(i|ll Sister Magdalena went to Pusan, emy, Rochester, She received her WHEC-TV For Your Naxt Korea where she did medical nursing degree from Providence Saturday, March I — Stranfc* Mr, Or«r Hospital School of Nursing, Se •rr, A-2: Sunday, Mnrcb S — Vankca ftpircoi work] at the Maryknoll Slaters Special Eyanl .»*.*, .wifa.i.>>r,feiavrt - - • Tfa«rd«y, "Mafcfi" y."— Tofgm •ST- Cllnki.- Stoter; Is at presentTta? ^ttle. W»h^l933.H^^m^^%Ta&r^t^T^ t>«al«r n- tioned at OurLady of Maryknoll John and Gedrge Urlacher are -Para'dl •••u Exprcu- , A-l, Slr«lf*rJ l«. «t l«pir« llvrf. • Ph«na Cu 4«0X Novitiate iiMtelley Park, Mo*= - residents of -Rochester.' • --••-' WVCT-TV', _ Sunday, March 6 — Kllror Wu H«ret Eleven other Maryknoll Sisters, A-l: Out •< tha Bin, Bi Monday, March SISTER Vti MAGDALENA, the 7 4*Wrt StfcMl Hew, A-2i TMidWr. T *\ fornli^r Catherine Urlacher of 6ur at present in many parts'i?! the M»«h S-nThwa tittU SUtari, A-l; W«d- ZJke -Jrnci mission world, claim Rochester as ntkday. March »—Vallay at uia Zomhlei. of Perpetual Help Parish, A-S: Tbaraday, March 10 — A Bportlni '°nf •Vtv their home diocese. Chanca, A-2. of your/Wedding t<\ .ttJ It' :tol - d- In prof«i»ionally» St. Patrick's Group mad* pHologrdph*. J Joil' phont—we'll be glad Catholic Theatre To Represent to explain our complete wedding service. Lists Entertainment Church Drama At Alfred Festival 1 The^ Sodality oi St Patrick's •"Appointmena > _. ~4 \ ! '7-t Ai"t? High'Noon"^1* «-!«..- ~M, part_.. s o_»f Jth«__«e Statt-i_e wilt*li bt_e_ presehtl t THOMAS CASEY Church,-Rochester, will present a one .act ,i»Wy. has bee^hosen^tthft^ree^day Festival, March ; its annuaf Silver Tea and an hour by the Catholic Theatre of Roch- 4' throug"h 6. PHOT06RAPI«lt^-,~ i|#-- .J : and alhalf long show on Sunday, THKATRE WORK at many A «« "••* !phi»Mai, . Spejii^port Rouay es^er tip be presented «jt the Al­ 62 EAST AVE. HAmflton 7237 etynre; jtfrtfc'jGeorpj Mo March! 13, in the church hall, fred University Dranu%"'FestIval, levels including Community, col moT«Un*m " ,e e lli 1 _1 ' ' ji*iiL» a^5£^K„ - f AffreaTTCT.; oifSanirday, THiScttt 2 '" | 5: 8*001, •graimnar «id jiue Bumin, co-cnidrmiui. The!show Will consist of a re- WndergaVfen will be represented. IBIIX COOKE; INd Sapper.und dince will Jie^heia ligious-moviei^'HfllHNumberOne,^ The play Is written, produced --The-eathoBc Theatre of iRoch* . In Ogden Grmnte Ball. a cartoon, "Battle Royal," and ad- ester will be the only group- rep­ 1 •-.<:ww / S/fvf^jferSi l and directed by members of the resenting Church Theatre. venture, 'Chips Jamboree," and ,v>' •**-j- Rosary Society of St John the a comedy, "Gooflro'wn News." company. Ronald Pedrone is chairman of "Evalifceltst "Church, ^Spencerport, Firsf showing-wffl be-at3.:p.nv ^Prama^j£oups_J!rom jrarlous the Rochester delegates. BILL COOKE NEEDS will hold its annual supper and taU.1 —«J-jA with a second at 6 p.m. Refresh­ rr dance on St. Patrick's Day at the ments including coffee, tea, cook; Ogden Grange Hall. A buffet ies and cake vfili be served. PLYMOUTHS FOR THOSE VWTDEMANP THE HNEST supper will be served from 5 to Legion of Decency Listings Entire program is being sched­ 8 p.m. and Eddie MarK'S Top , CLASS A-l — CnobJe«tioo»W« for General Patronmg» Hatters wiii play for round-and uled by the Rev. Robert Meng, " CHEVROLETS assistant pastor, Ann Toscano, Abbot and Coatetfo Itaal GIKM Slinpsr, Tha RooKta'a Bump square dancing starting at 9 p.m. Iha Kayitona Copa High and Dry Smoke Signal •vV Committee rftembers are Mes-prefect, Fran Cardone. vice pre­ African Advantnra High Society Show Creature X fect, Joanne LauriceJlo, secretary, Ancors Awclgh Hunter, of tha Deep They Rode W«t dames George McKinney, chair­ Animal Farm Inyaderi From Mara Thia Is Cinerama, Ar>y Way You man; John Bauman, cochairman; Mary Mastrella, treasurer, Josie Athena It Camo brom Beuaath Three Ring Clrcua Toscano, Louise Ross, and Marge Atomic Kid. Tha The Sea Timber jnck Harry Brown, Ftaymond Sieg- Battla Taxi Littlest Outlaw, Tha Tobor, The Great Mastrella. Loni Gray Line. Tha Treasure of the Ruby Hill* :ehen:, Herbert Speares, Bowery B071 Uatt tha Homtara Maiteraon of Kanua Trouble in the Glea Donald Eowler, Tickets; Oonara 1 1 1 double In Stora tgrtooii" " - "—• IfiOKatit -KamiN—publicity.;—Edsajard—Djfc. -SpealauXaJQitflniigtej, Cannibal Attack 20,000 League! Under Opttla Quaen of Montana Bois, Erwin Walter, Ralph La- - •^nm-«Vn---a-S<)aM3t»^vL-^ha^S«fl____ Stanley Zaidel, Aaulnas Insti­ Dat«ctiV«, Tha Bembrandt Unconquered Borie and Miss Marlon Coffey, tute head football coach address­ Davil'a Harbor Ricochet Romance Wc«t of Zanilbar dining room; Mr. and Mrs. Cur- Drum Beat Bomao and Juliet White ChrUtmaa •eamnuSanilil A PREMIUM GRAPE WINE tin Duggan. dance; Mrs. Richard ed the Rochester Optimist Club Par Country, Tha Wyoming Renegades Burke and Miss Katherine^Rjmn, at the< Moose Club, 441 East Ave. CLASS A-2 — Unobjectionable for Adults Gives You the Best Car- Best Style decorations. oiTMoifitlay. '' ~~ -• - - -Att« -fGraantEr»._._ 8»j*ort of Hell Bad Day at Black Roch Heartbreak Ridge ~» a^Irrea-oH'htreTa . IN Bamboo Priaon Heart ot .tha MattaT._Tha|1—:> Return to Treaiura blaasl s-And Beathcoinbar.Tha" "Intruderj The - . ..„.» L^aiajui TOWN A FULL LINE OF Black 11 Juplter'i Daughter ' \l Securlty~Hlsk the Children's Balletlffelasses Bread, Love and Dreama Last Time I Saw Parts ii Shanghai Story, Tha ^EST Bride*, at Toko-Ri, Tha Law Ti Billy tha Kid. Ttl, Slam of the Pagsm •^'^ktia,rrcgrjias & Captain Llghtfood Life in the' Balance, A Silver Chalice Lew Bank Rates «S esStW.

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